0001 &ck I Ih izch zlichh5 Orcgzr. Ib& h !ipz cI ca 42$ I oiih 3rd or iI ry lllll hfay 13, 1932. THE WEST VAN NEWS OI.D TIMERS REGLSTER As a result of the request from the May Day Committee contained in our last issue the following have sent in their names ss having been resident in West Vancouver previous to 6th April, 1912: Darker, Mrs. Barker, Allan J. Barrow, Cloud Cripps, Robt. Cripps, Mrs. Robt. Cripps, John Cripps, Mrs. J. Cripps, Jesse Cripps, A. Colpitts, F. P. Colpitts, Mrs. F. P. Colpitts, Helen Colpitts, Frank I. Davis, F.. J. Davis 'Nrs. E. J Davis, Eunlce Donovan, Nrs. J. D. Dixon, Mrs. H. Grant, John Grady, Nrs. Beatrice N. Gourlay, Geo. Gourlay, Waiter Grout, Mrs. Barbara Guinan, Frank Guinan, Mrs. Rose Guinan, George Harte, Mrs. John Hay, George Hay, Chas. Husband, Robert Hutchison, J. Hutchison, Mrs. J. Hill, Nrs. Harman, hIre. Herman, Nettie Jeiferies, James Johnson, Capt. P. H. Johnson, Mrs. P. H. Kettle, Capt. Kettle, Mrs. Lefeaux, Frank Lefeaux, Mrs. Frank Lunn, Capt. D. O. Lunn, hirs. D. O. I.unn, Edward Lawson, John Lawson, Mrs. John Lawson, Gertrude I. NcNa!r, John NcCulloch, T. ihfcCulloch, Mrs. T, Masterman, Nrs. & Mr. P. T. Millard, Mrs. hIillard, Ethel Nathers, J. B. Merriman, W. Merriman, Mrs. Newman, Nrs. K. N. Newnian, G. J: Newman, W. Newman, Mrs. W.'atterson, J. H. Patterson, Mrs. J. H. Pride, Mrs. L. N. Provincial, ihirs. „„ Ross, Magnus Ross, Nrs. M. Sinclair, John Sinclair, Miss R. Stewart, John Stevenson, Jessie Stevenson, Nellie Sentence, J. Sentence, Mrs. J. Thompson, W. C. Thompson, Harry Thompson, 51rs. Harry Thompson, James Thompson, W. McN. Thompson, R. A. Thomson, James Trussell, iNrs. Tears, J. G. Teare, Nrs. J. G. Turner, Colin Troughton, F. Wintle, Nrs. Yates, J. S. Ystes, Mrs. J. S. Yaies, Kathleen Yates, Leslie Yates, Edith. Any others who have not vet sent in their names are request- ed to do so immediately. They ms ybe given to either George Hay, John Lawson, or David Morgan. Announcing New LOW Tube Prices CLASSIFIED ADS U X 112A . $2.10 CARBON U X 17IA . 1.35 C 182K ........ UX SOIA. 1.15 C ISS UY 224, 1.90 486 UX 220..... . 1.20 280 U Y CISI U Y 227 $.10 ..... ISO ROGERB UY 227A... ..... I JIO T 20 ..... U X 24 5 . 1.65 T80..... UY 247... .....2.35 TSS..... UX 280, ISO T46..... THE ACREMETER Ic thc only vicoci tube tester ibct wiii show hcw your tubes are Concticoiog in your radio. We hove Installed this czpcocivc equip- ment for your convcoicocc, cod there is oc charge for ibis ROCKEBY cod ALPINE PLANTS for sale, fccm large ccBcctico. G G. Barrow, corner 24th ood Ncboos Phone West 98LS. $8.50 $30 2.80 ISO %VANTED FOR PLUMBING REPAIRS -- Rws kicocc Phone West 2411k CALI. RD BLACK Ccc PocoRocc sod Baggage Transfer Dcdy to sod from city. Phone West 88 HOUSE POR RENT--Pcciiy Cocoich- cd, modern, nice Iccctioo, garage. Phcoc West 8201 $250 2.00 Lis 1.65 WANTED Io Yiod Owocr cf Sequoia tree in West Vancouver. Kindly ccmmooiccic with J. Y. BROWN, Seymour !434, FOR SALE--$4200,04 High Ciccc SIC rccm booze. Large 1st, czccpcicooi. Iy gccd view. John Iowcoo. West 65 service J. W. KELLY PIANO CO., LTD. TO RENT--Fora!shed House, fourmodern, WctcrCrcot. Phone Miss Sicvcocco, West 234L YOR BALK -- Steel Range, $22AO. Good condition. phone West 162. CA.'uP AT Eagle Hcchw--For Sale or Rent, woold consider czchongc Ccr closer io. Scen at week cod. Phone Gicoboro 322RI. G. GEMMILL, Agent Cor. 14th and Marine West 37West 37 YOR SALE--Amccwco Rmboicc Aoz dmry «cicr Heater, am!obis for home occ. Phone West 151BI. THE BURNING BUSH By Subadar Two items oppeared in the press this week which do not inspire one with any marked de- gree of jollity. One is that the Russians are not interested in purchasing wheat for delivery in Vied ivostock later than June, the other that yet another army division has been sent by Japan, to Manchuria. Straws pointing in the same direction from dif- ferent angles often indicate the brewing of a storm. I am getting tired of being buttonholed by every friend and casual acquaintance to tell them what exactly is my recipe for straightening up the world' difficulties. The worst of it is they don't seem to believe me when I inform them I haven' an idea of any kind on the sub- ject. If I had, I'd certainly keep quiet, becaase they would only call me a fool or worse for my pains, and I am not fond of be- ing called names without hitting back. That would only mean more ructions. Everybody says the other fellow is all wet, which whe(jler true or not, is bound to result in the long run in all hands falling into "the ditch." I do know I don't know, which is one better than the case of many who think they know and don'. At present my chief worry is that I'l be dragged into "the ditch" with the rest of the crowd sooner or later, and I never did like drinking water. However, there is some consola- tion in the fact that I won't be 'the only pickle in the soup. GIRLS PLAN RE-LINION All former C.G.I.T. girls. are looking forward to the Graduate Tea to be held Saturday, May 21st, from 3:30 Io 5:30 p.m., and 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. in Canadian hIemorial Gymnasium, 1811 W.16th Avenue, Vancouver, B. C. )4 Mother and Daughter Banquets are over, and have been pro- nounced a success by guests and girls alike. Now the "grads" are to have their turn. It is sn opportunity to meet those girls from your group who are now living in other districts, and to renew camp and council friend- ships. Bring your friends to the tea at Canadian hiemorial Gym- nasium, Saturday, Nay 21st. "The more we are together, the happier we'l be." WAN'TED --Wicker hchy ccrcicgc, $3 Phone West 380X2. ROOM AND BOARD Ccc twc adults io lovely waterfront home. Phoae West 322. HAVE YOU SEEN Ib Ncw Snot for Pipe Smokers, if oci, ccc Moc ~I ibc Ambiccidc Tco Rooms. TO RP-'iT--Yccoicbcd bcdccmo for one or iwc gentlemen; one hicck Waterfront near ferry. Phone West 378L. WELDINIG -- Wccbiog Mcchiocc, Lawn mcwccc, anything in me!sic. Furnace mpoirs, tar ood gravel roofing. Borcccd Sheet Motet Wcc4 Phone North 845.YOR RENT--Fccoichcd cod oofcro- ichcd modern suites. Cheap rentals- phone IVcct 56YI. POUNDATION CEMENT WOBK- Landscaping snd Lowoc Ickk Sock walls. drains, septic tanks, fcocmg ond land idccrizg, chimocyc ood fomoccc cbcumd ood repaired. Phono T. Bcrooii, vccbicncc phoae West SOOIL Nc. I 1.'iSIDE FIR, $5.50 ycr cord, also good slabs ood mill roo. Phone Bio!co, West 298. FOR SALE--Rcw hcc!, SIIL Phone West I.IORK LAWN SIOWERS SHARPENRD- Ezpcrwomd wuh oil lookcc WILL CUT LIKE NEW." West Vcocco- vcr Machine Shop, 1449 Morioc. FOR SALE--By Owner, $250 ecch, Lci 90, Ilo, Bik. IO, D. L 1039, Kcitb Rood, Clear TIUc. Bm 1345„ Lcdocr. YOR SALE--One pair Iwcm1 new Wading Pants, size 11M; $7.00. Phone \Vcci '!4L2. PALVTLVG, KALSOMINCNG, PA- PERING. C. I Kcoiogc, West 394K FOR RPVT--House oo Wciccfcoai. Apply, Lcyicod, West 8SRI. Turkish Pilaf SCRAPS cod Boiled Pcciiogc will feed c fcw hcavy ccckcccic for rcccicrc. 4, 8, 10 weeks, Redo or Racks FOR SALE--ILO.P. Oui!vie m cock- cccic. Rcd or Rocks, 4, 8, 10 wcciic N. Rcugcrc, 2391 Mcrioc. I cup washed rice I lb. lean beef or lamb I teaspoon salt 2 cups boiling water 1 small onion 2 cups tomatoes 2 tablespoons fat Fry onion out in small pieces in the fat until slightly brmvn; add rice, seasonings, water, to- matoes, meat and cook in a cov- ered dish until the rice is soft. The meat may be omitted, the rice cooked in the tomatoes and water, and the whole covered with grated cheese and baked until cheese is melted: SHINGLING cod Reef Lcwo mcwccc gcoomk N. IL KDbs Phono West 184R. TO RFWT~ rccm Good garden. Number cf gccd recut trees. Ccovcowot Iocctma, $20.00. Apply John Lowcco. West 56. iVEW ELECTRICAL Self Trccimcoi for Neuritic, Rheumatism, Catarrh, IoAucma, Asthma, Blood Prescore, Prostate Tccobic, Debility, ctc. Given special rcccgoitico hy Leaguc cf Nations Ccoocii, Geneva 19SO. Money back guarantee. Write for tree bock!et. Ovcrbcck Rcprcccoic. tive, 1613 Ponos, Hciiyhoco. SIARCELLE SHOP -- MccccRcc 50 cents: reset, 364; Anger wave, 75c. Phoae Mcs King. Beet 304. BOARD AND RESIDENCE -- 15th cod Bellevue, near ferry. Roice at. tractive. Phone West 468L WE HAVE TEN OF THE CHEAP- EST LOTS in West Vcoccmvcc- Smoc close in. Sore money-mckmc io near foiurc. Jobe Lcwcco, West 66. OAR TOPS ycmiicrc UPuotSTERING Cccz N. R. ELLIS Res. Phone: tVest 184R 1427 Marine Drive FOR SALE or EXCHANGE -- io the City, cccy 6 room boogcicw Icoiuc $2400) commcc booze garage, fruit Irccc. Fall plumbing. 2 !cia Nice Iccctico. Phone West 66. Mainland Cigar Store WALKING hIARATHON Lynnmour to Hollyburn and Re- turn on June 1st. John F. Towers, Greater Van- couver's walkmg champion, walked over this course last Sat- urday and he reports it highly satisfactory. His report reads as follows: "The course that is chosen for the Lynnmour to Hollyburn and return walking marathon is an ex'cellent one and I can highly recommend it. "The distance of fifteen miles is not too fsr by any means and can be walked in two and one half hours easily" Signed, JOHN F. TOWERS. For further information phone G. Vance, West 279L. He'You haven't said a word for 20 minutes." She! "Well, I didn't have any- thing to say." He: "Don't you ever say any- thing when you have nothing to y 'I She: "No." He: SVCII. then, will you be my wifer'ake Cccocgic'c advice cod Boy Acreage in z ploce with o future. Acrcogc in good Iocoiiooc from $50 up. Apply Jehu Lcwcon, West 66. e 310 Carrell Street Look for the Smoke Sign SPECIAL THIS WEEK Old Style BUCKliVGHAM aud ORINOCO For Pipe and Cigarette 55 CentS sfa Half I'ound Check Your I'arcels Free NORTH VANCOUVER REDUCES STAFFS Staff reductions and demo- tions «6th a view Ito cutting down municipal expenditures, were undertaken by North Van- couver City Council hIonday night. Outside staifs of all de- partments which numbered more than forty have been cut down to twentymix employees. and the lire and light commit- tee will consider Are department staff adjustments and report to the council hionday night. Superintendent of IVorks John I&ICCready was demoted io fore- man. as was Superintendent of IVater«orks Archie McLagan. As their contribution to the econonty program vrhich the council has found it necessary to undertake, all niembers of the City Hall staif will be required to put in extra hours in getting out 1932 iax notice!L The twentywix members of the outside staff remaining will be cui down in working time to t'Ivo weeks 8 niootb. City Boarder: "I suppose you hatch all these chickens your- self I" Farmer: "No. IVO keep hens for that purpose." ~EST +AN MOXORS BillGrout 1451 Marine Drive Phone, West 268 SIIELL 3-ENERGY 2 New Kinds of Gas fk sHELL ETHYL Repairs -- Greasing -- Tires nnd Batteries Now is the time for that Valve Grind, Motor Over- hauli Brake Reline ur Tune-up.and General Inspection I et uo put your car in shape for the season. ((We specialize in pleasing the customer) Geo. Hay Leslie had ahvays been very much afraid of dogs. One day, after a struggle to get him to pass 8 large dog, his mother scolded him for his un- necessary fear. "Well, 'as his reply, "you' be afraid of dogq it'ou were as low down as I am," NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AND IiNSURAiVCE 1405 Mccioc Drive phoae VI cct Si or Scymccc 1280 Evcoiogc West 204X Tbc rcic ccc cIccciscd Advcvuccmcoic bc 2 ccotc scr wcnL mioimom 25 ccam. Rzccoi Io ibc cccc cf tbccc hcc!og rcgcicc ccccoocc, cB dews. Acdll ccc ocychic ciclciiy Ia lolvcocci Rcmcmbcc Clam!Acdc io Cbc Wcci Vca News gci Immediate coco!Co,