0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS Msv IS. 1032. h so hVcr ~t.r.r rhc pr hhV 'll cecvv 4' to w 4 pa 4 4 cir 4 ee tc'4 cccyi ~iccost o 4 .'~~ . 'ot 4 acbite 4t *h Fs 4, r'rpdwcitherc cw'!rc 4 ce'4%4 '". r .c.sir".-c-rrt. .re ~ t c. rc t'cr lv rvh'troche%tc Y v VrrrhVrrrc:Vtvrrr ~ ' rchv r rrrrr ~vrh rrrevrcrrrrr4'4'rr rwrc 'r rc rr~rrrr rrrr . rwvr Vrrr trrr r v GARDENS and GARDENING By NINA G. BUTT, Landscape Architect Cndcei lo horns wne U. st C Ass~ Schon cl Lc dsc pc Atchltcctw Cudwdoc. use ha N ttcoct L d c pc S tnc . In our articles on perennials we mentioned that for those int- erested in gardening and who are renting the home in which they live it would probably be best to plant annuals rather than perennials. Annuals are quickly and easily grown and are com- paratively inexpensive. Their range of size and color makes it possible to secure somewhat the same effects as with perennials and shrubs. The results obtained sre, of course, only temporary, as the first frost usually kills many of the annuals leaving no- thing but blackened foliage, but where one is likely to move on short notice serious considera- tion should be given to the use of annuals. The all-growing plants such as castor oil beans, sunflowers and sorghums are very useful for massing against buildings or fences or for screening objec- tionable views. Moderate grow- ing broadleaved plants such as the dwarf castor oil bean are suitable for hedges, and along walks or drives. Such lower growing plants when massed a- gainst a background of taller growing ones are much more pleasing and effective than when they are used in beds in the hiay 24th -- Children's Day. Send your donations to one of prize committee or IVest Van News. VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SRARI 8 Phoae West 9 Fertilizers, Wood, Coal Buflders'upplies When annuals are used for cut flower purposes it is best to plant them in a space set aside in the flower or vegetable gar- den. It is also best to plant them in rows with ample space be- tween the rows and between the plants in the rows. If they are too crowded the blooms will be small. The soil should be fairly rich and kept moist and well cultivated. hire. R. Bh IVest Bay, wishes to know when she should take up her tulip bulbs for storing. If the tulips have only been in their present location one sea- son and have been satisfactory and the location is satisfactory for another year or two, the bulbs need not be lifted. In the event it is necessary to move them they should not be lifted until the foliage has died down Dig the bulbs up carefully, place in a dry location until the foli- age is completely withered, then cut it and the roots off and store the bulbs in a dry cool place until the next planting period. KOTZ--Tbs wltcc Sl swum lt ~ plcesc tc u» ~ c tlc swee sloe th cM a la this csin o. Thc C stt~ hc ld be dd ~ sd to the vttcc I c ~ cl the Setter. Thc c ~ sr cal pp lo ly hou er lt ~ p rsomd reply ls d I wl ~ stuototL Nt dd ~ d lcp shccld b cclcswL NORTH SHORE TAX RATE IS 65 hHLLS A revised tax rate by-law, pro- viding for a rate of 65 mille with 35 per cent. of improvements taxable, was given three read- ings at a special meeting of Dis- trict of North Vancouver Coun- cil on hfonday night. The original tax rate by-law for this year provided for a mill- age of 65 with 25 per cent, of improvements taxable. This fail- ed to satisfy the bank snd the new levy was devised. It will provide the municipality with funds sufFicient to last until July 31st. Yojj Can Save One Donar If you pay your te l e phon e bi 1 l by the 18th of the month B. C. TELEPHONE COMIBANY NiORTB SHOIIE TEACHERS'SSOCIATIOiN General Public Meeting of Public Bodies Kt. P. Ball, North Vancouver, (4th Streel W.) FRIDAY, ihlAY 20th, at 8 p.m. Speaker:--DR. W. A. CARROTHERS, Professor of Economics University of British Colunibia. Subject ~oEDUCATION IN THF. PRESENT CRISIS." Questions and discussion to follow, The public are cordially inviled to attend. COUNCII. NOTES Nr. Nightingale came before the council in regard to the building on Dundarave Pier. He explained fully the difficulty in keeping this building in fit con- dition for the use of the IVest Vancouver Swimming Club. It was decidetl thol. the chair- man of the parks. Mr. Nightin- gale, and the engineer confer with a view to findin a solution and report to the council. 'C. T. Kendrick, chairman of the school booard, and W. N. Mc- Donald appeared before the council to explain that certain minor improvements were still required to complete the work at the high school grounds, and that they had not suificient funds to finish it. If the council could see its way to assume the cost of the installation of cul- verts, they would undertake to do the little grading necessary in the vicinity of the flagpole. The council agreed to absorb an amount not exceeding 370 in connection with the installation of culverts at the high school. Miss A. D. Collie wrote the council regarding a light at Park Lane and the bad condition of the road. She was informed: 1. The application for the light would be placed on the light file. 2. As regards the condition of the road no funds were available at present to do the work re- quired. S('BOOIJS RANI) I'I,AY TO I AR(cE Al'BIEN('F There wss a large attendance st the concert put, on last Frklsy evening by the West Vancouver Schools Band in the Inglewood Auditorium, and an enthusiastic reception was accorded every one of their numbers. In the year during which the band hss been in being very considerable progress has been made, and one would have hardly recognized the organization ss the same band who put on a concert about twelve months sgo. Considering the fact that not one of the members has receivLKI any indi- vidual instruction in his or her instrument, and that some of the bass instruments are almost too heavy for such young artists, the band made a wonderful showing. A number of improve- ments were noticeable, especial- ly as regards the kettle tirums, which s year sgo were too weak to be elrective. Adolph Bergklint with his piano accordisn made a tremen- dous hit, having to give several numbers each time he appeared on the platform. Tom Turner, who gave two vocal solos, was also compelled to give encore numbers. Brief addresses were made by Chairman C. T. Kendrick of the school board, J. E. Condon, and Mr. Mulholland of the Conn ihIusic House, who have supplied the instruments. A pleasing feature of the evening was the presentation by Rupert Harrison on behalf of the band, of a baton to the conduc- tor, Arthur Jordan, who has been responsible for the train- ing. The latter in thanking the band for their kindly recognition of his efForts, referred to the loyal support he had always got from its members and also to the great assistance he had re- ceived from J. E. Condon who had charge of sll matters refer- ring to organization. J. E. Durbin was responsible for the excellent lighting effects on the platform, which were of material assistance to the band in their playing. Hollyburn THEATRE Friday swl Salstday IVII.I.IASI HAIN FJI In Get Rich Quick Wallingford Rhulsarb I'ls I pint rhubarb 2 tablespoons flour I cup sugar lite teaspoon salt Wash rhubarb cut into IQ inch pieces. Mix with other ingredi- ents. Line deep pie pan with pie crust. Fill with mixture, being careful not to heap up. Measure pan before mixing ingredients, so that no more Idy v be prepar- ed than pan will d. May be covered with an u r crust or barred with narrow strips of crust only, and meringue added. In this case I or 2 beaten egg yolks are usually mixed with rhubarb. "Marble is not less hard or less cold for being polished." K.W. SavoryThe engineer reported to thecouncil on: 1. R. Currie's application wat- er ditch and water service box Lot 17, Block 24, D.L. 555. That the cost of preparing the water ditch would be approxi- mately 327. This work was approved. 2. E. Kent'0 complaint re dangerous trees, D.L. 582, Block 8, Lot 6, That this was a case where exceptional skill was required to effect safe removal of the trees. The clerk was directed to send a copy of the engineer's report to the complainant. 3. Water line for Miss Rippen at Kew Beach. That the cost of this instal- lation would be 384.20. The work was approved at s cost not to exceed 384.20 pro- vided that a letter was obtained from the applicants in which they agree to pay the yearly rate of 325 in advance each year. 4. New connections for Caul- feild (3113.75). Pipe line at 26th Street (3100) Both the above matters were laid over for two months. 5. Colonel Tristram's applica- tion. Rock, corner Roseberry and Wellington Avenues, Whyte- cliff. Referred to chairman of board of works and engineer with pow- er to act. The secretary of the Lynn- mour . Marathon Committee asked permission of the council to run the marathon through West Vancouver. The council replied that they would be pleased to give the per- mission asked for and, if re- quired, would be glad to grant the services of motor cycle pol- ice to facilitate the event. J. Condon came bei'ore the council in regard to accommoda- tion for the senior and junior baseball teams on the Ambleslde Park grounds. He was assured that the work on the grounds would be attend- ed to, and the matter of dressing room accommodation would be considered in connection with the Msy Day developments. In regard to the applications for the position of steam roller operator the matter wss refer- red by the council to the eng- ineer with power to act. 1443 Marine Drive Ambleslde Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Real Estate Finance and Insurance Obadiah oI think Peggy will make an ideal wife. Every time I go to her home I find her darn- ing her father's socks" Joshua: "That caught me too --untd I noticed it wss always the same sock." lqlz ~ MJIOO Hcnse Power 1922 ~ l57,5OO Horse Power 1932 ~ 279IIOO Horse Power Tid THB THIRTY PIVB YBARS of dn Btissh A Colombia Blccwn Rsilwey Compsafs ndsccacc he electric pawn wpply of Vcocoavec, Vlcswis an4 isitins lcs Stows Ifool ~ sltta 2,000 hollo pallet w cooly 2000DD bone power yfm dn Icssl hnot In this phwomesst dn elopmcol bsc bees ibe ioasucd ace ofelcctdad eoctsy htoosht ~boot by the tcpested tedoaioas io rates, wltlcb give vsscwver the cbespesc domestic cotresc oa tbe psciSC cout. Today the B. C. Blentic hu aloe hydtoctiecaic plasm ~od foe c susm yiuss, iantcosacaed is duce systnm. Theta's SD 000 bone powet aow seedy esd snllsble for Isduwics u low tsiu sad 900 000 bane power la yonodei decclopasesl whee ibe tjemwd stile BRITISH COLUMBIA ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMPANY LIMITS D swsu Now S.C. ELECTslC IS AIDIND CANADA'9 DECOVSsy ~ ~ r i I.'