0001 Nay I.'I, 1932. FOR SUPERIOR TAILORING AT MODERATE PRICFq See %WILLIAMS, the Tailor ~ 1668 Marine Drive Exclusive Agent for REGENT and HYCRAFT Made-to- Measure Clothes, 624.00 and up. Dry Cleaning and Pressing Phone: West 20 Residence Phone: West 286L W. L. OGDE hIEN'S AND BOYS'UR Spring Shirts, FOR MEN West 146 NISHINGS EXCI USIVELY Sweaters, Etc. AND BOYS eh" Ici 10$, i' Iver, r jrch 'chgt )peck. fchcher div4) oihii 03rdu Ilisclc. ahPIIP sflcsdf I iifiykcs I I B. C. MUSICAL FESTIVAI, RESULTS Norman Sewell, 0 pupil of Mrs. F. X. Hodgson, won the bass solo competition. hiiss Joan Durbin wss jmcond in the ladies'ocal championship at the B. C. Musical FesUval, be- ing only I mark below the win- ner. Miss Dorothy Greenwood was in the finalq or the low voice under 15 yc see with a total of 83 marks, Kenneth McNair oh-+ taining 81 marks in the boys'oloclass, the highest in this competition of any West Van- couver contestants. Both are pupils of Mrs. Colin MacLean. Miss Madge Farmer secured 83 marks in the contralto class, while Miss Marjorie O'Donnell was swarded the same number of marks in the girls'igh vocal class under 16, These two are pupils of Mrs. F. X. Hodgson. 51ay 24th -- Children's Day Send your donations to one of prize committee or West Van News. Broken Glass Replaced in- Bookcases, Cabinets, Picicrcc, French Doors, Windows, Auto- mcbilcc, Tcackc, cic., ctc. JIM HOLT Business Telephone: West 141 Residence Phone: West 140R 1744 Ms)ice Drive BURRARD FUNERAL CHAI'EL B. D. WHITE, Mgc. Distinctive Funeral Sec)ice Lady Assistant 320 - 3rd SI. E Phone North 025 DUNDARAVE CASH GROCERY Ho)IE - MADE CANDY Icc Cream csd Soft Dciskc 25th cnd Phone 7Bellevue West C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER 14th and l)1arine Expert Work Phone West 135 Major and Nrs. Lunn last week entertained the West Van- couver Sketch Club st their home in Altamont. ~ c ~ The West Van. Pharmacy hss installed 0 Kelvinator in their store, in which are kept all their different kinds of soft drinks. Mrs. G. Muirhead of White- horse, Yukon Territory, spent Tuesday with Mrs. George Bell, 2397 Jefferson Avenue.\ Miss Stella Bruce, daughter of Nr. and Mrs. A. Cromar Bruce, 2131 Marine Drive, was one of the six who were chosen for the finals in the girls'locu- tion class under 16 years at the B. C. Musical Festival. She is a pupil of her mother. LIBERALS TO 1)IEET The West Vancouver Liberal Association are holding a meet- ing at Dundarave Hall tonight (Friday, at 8:15 o'lock. An ad- dress will be given by Herbert S. Coulter on "Representative Government." Everybody wel- come. DIL CARROTHERS TO SPEAK AT GENERAL MEETING OF PUBLIC BODIES Dr. W. A. Carrothers, profes- sor of economics at the Univer- sity of B.C., will speak at a gen- eral meeting of public bodies, which is being held next Friday, 20th May, at 8 p.m. in the K.P. Hall, North Vancouver, under the auspices of the North Shore Teachers'ssociation. He will take as his subject "Education in the Present Crisis." There will be a period for questions and for discussion following the lecture. The pubblic is cordially invited to be present. Announcement Chas. Chapman who hss been in the employ of Begg Motor Co. for the past five years, where he has had extensive experience with Nash, Chrysler and other makes of cars, wishes to solicit your patronage at the Marine Motors, where he is now in charge. Satisfaction guaranteed "A gem is not polished with- out rubbing, nor a man perfected without trials." Iy y y Skc !. 4 COSTUME DAYS! Colors Bright and Gay--Happy, Laughing Little Faces! Let us help you hold these May Day Memories with a PHOTOGRAPH taken in the NATURAL SETTING OF YOUR OWN HOME C. J. BRODERICK 1436 Marine Drive. Las sss MCQARTNEQ Corner 29th andMarine Drive WEEK-END CASH SPECIALS ORANGE I'EKOE TEA, IL C. SUGAR ............... 5 ibc. 23c Our Ovs Riced ............ Ib. 3$4 BACON, M IL pki...., each Ioc BREAKFAST TEA, KEI,I.OGG'S CORN FLAKBS licM Value, ib '........... -- 2$4 p"c'pc'ckct .............................. 0 NEW DATES, CI~ csd Scend ORANGES, Large csd Icicy BREAD, 10 oc. Loaves Ic I'RUNE, ~ gccd dessert, 3 ibc. Ipc LEIIONS, Ssskicl, icrgc. 4 fcr isc Potatoes, Highland...... 25lb for 25c ifm4lcscc Pkcsc Weel 5$XI Dciicccy upon ccescci THE WEST VAN NE%VS h Local and Personal ALL Miss Betty Iiumphrey of Portland, Oregon, is the guest of Mr. snd Mrs. A. J. Ridley of Caulfeild. c c Nrs. Mensgh of North Van- couver, has rented one of the- Evans cottages, 24th and Wat- erfront. \ c I William Gunn is buiqding 0 house at 23rd and Haywood Ave. c \ ~ Norman Rodgers, 24th and I)ferine Drive, is a patient in the Shaughnessy Military Hospital. c ~ George Tite who has been a- way for some years in 1Vinnipeg has now returned to IVest Van- couver. Nrs. R. McLernan returned to Victoria on Sunday after spend- ing an enjoyable week with her brother, John Nyland of Alta- mont. She was delighted with the progress made here. ~ ~ Bert Ridley came up from Portland, Oregon, and spent the week end with his parentc, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Rldley of Caul- feild. ~ ~ The Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E., requests that, grown- ups and children refrain from going on the grounds in front and in the back of the Memorial Arch, which have been levelled oif and seeded down with lawn seed. It is hoped that the grass will be up by the 24th Nay, but this will be ifnpossible if it is disturbed and trampled down by the public. ~ ~ G. S. Robertson of 2530 Mathers Ave., has been trans- ferred to Vernon where he is now bi charge of the olfice of the Canadian Public Service Corpor- ation Limited, which is the hold- ing company of the West Can- adian Hydro Electric, the Oka- nagan Telephone Co. and the In- land Ice and Cold Storage. His family expect to join him later in the fall, after school com- mences'. The six individual cups snd the Russell challenge cup for the Caulfeild relay race between the three schools on 24th hfay are now on display in one of the win- dows of the 1Vest Van. Jewel- lers, 15th and Marine Drive.\ ~ c Mr. and Mrs. A. Harvey Smith and family, 24th and Marine Drive, have moved into their new house at 15th and Marine Drive. ~ ~ ~ L.O.L. No. 2990 will hold its regular meeting at 8 p.m. next Tuesday, 17th instant, in the Orange Hall. c ~ ~ Madam Ruenge of Vancouver, moved on Tuesday into the Wright house at 25th and Belle- vue Ave. ~ c c Mr. and Nrs. J. Sheasgreen of Vancouver, moved back on Wed- nesday into their summer home at 23rd and Bellevue Ave. A mule deer was recently ob- served on the upper level lands above Dundarave.c c Nr. Creighton has had exten- sive alterations made to his home at 29th and Ottawa Ave. ~ ~ Mrs. Amy snd the Misses Ham of Brantford, who have been visiting Mrs. L. NcDougall, 17th and Marine Drive. have re- turned to their home in Ontario. ~ ~ ~ Mrs. Gordon Robson snd Nrs. I. IVells Crawford entertained at the tea hour last Wednesday at the home of Nrs. Hobson, 2924 hiarine Drive, in honor of Mrs. Robert Ogilvie of 1Vest Bay who Is leaving here on the 21st instant for a visit to England. The Horticultural Asm)cist)on is making sn appeal for flowers, also for the loan of plants or shrubs to be used In the decor- atins of the Nay Queen's stand. The Association is taking charge of the decorations. Anyone will- ing to loan plants or give flow- ers will they kindly phone the secretary, Nrs, E. A. Ford, West 266L. c ~ The West Vancouver Football Club is giving a whist drive to- morrow (Saturday) evening in the Legion Memorial Hali Cards will start st 8 p.m. and tickets can be obtained from any mem- bers of the team.\ ~ G. E. Bryan recently arrived here from Innisfall, Alberta, and is the guest of his daughter, Mrs. N. H. Allwork, 19th and Bellevue Ave. c An unusually heavy sea was raised late on hiondsy evening as 0 result of a gale which sud- denly blew in from the west. The waves almost overran the beach at Ambieside, but, so fsr ss learnt, no damage was done b) the houses there. ~ ~ \ The West Vancouver teachers ciefeated grade 9 of the high school last Friday afternoon at baseball by a score of 16 to 14. The game was played on the Hollyburn School grounds. Considerable interest is being taken by the pupils of the three schools in the road race from Csulfeild)on the 24th May, and they are going into hard train- ing for the event. The Russell-Lang Library of Winnipeg has installed a branch in the Lesage Drug Store at Ainblecide. \ c A, daughter was born on Sun- day to hir. and Mrs. IV. H. Thorpe of Whytecliff in the North Vancouver General Hos- pitai c Nr. and Mrs. J. G. Teare, 13th and Inglewood Ave., and hfrs. Chinnery left yesterday for a month's holiday at Buccaneer Bay. Mr. and Nrs. Aiken of Van- couver, have moved into the Goumaine house st 11th and Mathers Ave. c c c Harry Wilson, 1337 Esquimalt Ave., is a patient in Shaugh- nessy 51ilitary Hospital.\ c c John Walface of Vancouver, is giving a series of four pro- phetic lectures in Hollyburn Hall at 8 p.m. on the following dates, each of which is a Tuesday: Nay 17th, kiay 31st, June 7th, June 14th. ~ c Mrs. C. hkIcIntyre and Mrs. Alan Mclntyre and daughter, 20th and Gordon Ave., left on Sunday to spend a holiday in Victoria. DRINKS Sold in this store are kept in 0 Kelvinator. Just taste the difference when dnnks sre properly kept. WEST VAli PIIARPIACY Tkc Stere cf Scccach 1402 Mccisc Deice West $7 Eccccgcscy Phoae Wcci 321 (Aficc 0 p.m.) The BURRARD LAUNDRY For People Who Are Particuhu THIRD ST ccd ST DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North IS10 'IVmit Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone West 410L Ambleside SheetMetalVVorks IAURIE SPECK 1446 Nar)ne Dnve Phone West 78 FURNACES and SHEET 5IETAL INSTALLED and REPAIRED JOBBLVG Straiten'5- BAKERY BREAD -- CAKES All Kinds of Tea Bread, Ammrted Pastries Almond Varieties Banbury or Ecckm Cakes, %anety of Butter Icmg Cakes Christening. Birthday and Wedding Cakes made at 1468 5IARINE DRIVE Phone West 27 and Delivery will calL MARINE MOTORS 22nd and kianne Dr. Re-Opens for Bnsiness Under the management of C P CHUCK CHAP'IIAV Late of Begg Motor Co. FIRST CLASS SERVICE and REPAIIL) It is the beautiful bird which gefs caged." WEST VANCOUVER BASE BALL CLUB DANCE in dm Hofiybucn Pavihon Friday, May 13th Ccmmcscisg at 0 p.m TICKETS SOC. NEW SHIPMENT oF - Vmcoohvm Maid " PRINT AND VOILE DRESSES Brooks'ry Goods and Men's Wear 141k csd Inc)inc Drive. Passe West 144 Curtain Rods, Ccciicciii Silk Hose snd Vsivccccl Swcctccc also Nccciticc Toys, School Supplies, Hemstitching rm 4 h 0h cm -v gh~ v hmm mv ~ ~ '* ~ ' ~ r v r c I r 'rv rr ~ ' K"v