0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS A dr cyd r r I WS «o,- ~Kw l "C A W AP I'py AperPywrit'C P V A+~ I dp d"I',~d I VV I V ~. w'rc pi, V'CISCr'rrrs: P,",' W.~VI~,ryr v'sr rpr rv' ~ 'r yr V rwc rr . whirr svWCvprserr c cr CSSC Cry 'rwrwrrr v'yc rr.-. r mr CSSW rv~r vrrswvrrCCcrcr S'nited Church Permanent Waves Minister, E. A. Henry, D.D, Sundn!, 5iay 15th, )932. S. S. in its departments at 10 a.m, 11:15 a,m.--Morning Worship Dr. Henry will preach, topic: "The God iVe Need." 7:15 p.m.--Evening Worship. Dr. Henry will preach, topic: "The Rubbish Heap.", The coming of summer closes up most of the evening meetings of the various Societies. The Young People's Society is meeting outside and invites others to the Tennis Id&wn. The C.G.I.T. also hss arrang- ed for various periods of coming together in the open air. The Trail Rangers are on the baseball field. The meeting for prayer will not be on Wednesday on account of the meeting of Conference in New 1Vestminster. The regular monthly meeting of the W. M. S. will be on Tues- day at 2:16 p.m. Mrs. J. S. Gor- don of Vancouver will give 8 picture Blustrsted talk on The Burns Lake Hospital which is one of the network of hospitals in Canada under the oversight of the General Board of the 1V. 5LS. of the United Church in Canada. Now $5.00 Oov pormohchi waves sio sb. coiotciy gosvohiocd sot io In- uvo the hair in any woy. Your ~ir actually bho more gloss ~itcr your wove than bcfoyo osd wo do oot turn ooi frixxch. Call osd hck about our me&bod ood ooo for yourself. Cfue)gdolyn Bedyfdty Shoppe 1840 Marish Drive Phone West 117 HOLLYBURN HALL 14th and Duchess SUNDAY, 1IAY 15th. 7&30 p.m., address by 1IR. JNO. %1LSON A Series of Four Prophetic Lectures each TUESDAY Evening at 8 p.m. by MR. JOHV WALLACE of Vancouver Tuesday, INay 17th- Subjecti "THE CO1HNG CRISIS" .11ay 31st Subject& "THE CURE FOR DEPRESSION" June '1th--Subject: "SHAI.L 1VE HAVE A Uil)VERSAL THEO- CRACYI" June 14th--Subject: "WHAT IS THE ETERNAL STATET" Mr. 1Uallace is a diligent student and apt expositor of the Scriptures; these lectures will be found both helpful and instructive. A hearty welcome,is ex- tended to all. Saturday afternoon men and women interested in Lawn Bowl- ing are invited to our green. A schedule will be made out later for weekly games and contests. The Young People's Societies of Vancouver are holding a Pageant in Kitsilano High School (10th and Larch) on Fri- day and Saturday, May 20'nd 21, It will include solos, folk dancing, negro spirituelles, tab- leaux of famous paintings, voic- es from English itersture snd 8 general review of world culture. The object of the pageant is t)te promotion of 1Vorld Peace, the demoralizating effects of war on the race and on the civilized arts an* cultures of today. Notices will be in the press. The regular meeting of the 1V.M.S. of the United Church will be held next Tuesday the 17th instant at 2115 p.m. in the church hall. Mrs, J. S. Gordon of Vancouver, who so graciously stepped aside last month to en- able us to hear '.iirs. Kipp, a vis- tior from Toronto, will speak to us on Burns Lake Hospital. The talk will be illustrated by models Every woman interested in this subject is cordially invited to be present. GORDON ROBSON Barrister & Solicitor 1VEST VANCOUVER- Oificc No. 1441, biorihc Drive Phone West 40$. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 81st 810 Hastings St. W. I Phone, Boys&tour 4100. Eoicbiiobcd os Novih Shove zs Years. (Lsdy Axcixisnt) HARROiV BROS. 8& WILLIAMSON ! funeral Qrrrrtars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 6)ay 24th -- Children's Day. Send your donations to one of prize committee or 1Vest Van News. Presbyterian Mission Orange Hall Minister: Rev. J. W. Cuddeford. Phone N 1107. Services: Sunday, 2 p.m.-- All depart- ments of the Sabbath School. Also the Adult Bible Class.':15 p.m.--Church worship. Sermon subject: "God's Pil- gr,'ms." The first of 8 profitable series of studies in the Epistle to the Hebrews, Thursday, 8 p.m. -- Prayer meeting. I"riday, 8, p.mohair prac- tice at the home of Mrs. Martyn. Come and bring your sons snd daughters io the services. "IVhen one horse will not a hundred are thrown into fusion." go, con- s THB West Van Nem Psbiicscd Every Fvidoy Publisher F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 3$a Booiocoo osd Editor(si Oifico iyib osd Marish Drive (Next io Hopybors P. O.) Phone 1Vest 353 Mail Addycooi P.O. Boz 01, HoUyboys, IL 814M ~ year by carrier: $$.00 o by mail Baked Bsnunas Wipe banana and loosen one section of skin, then replace. Place in shallow psn, cover snd bake until skin is dark, when C. banana should be soft. Remove from skin, sprinkle with pow- yosr dered sugar or serve with lemon en&ice. wycymo. the Apo Moo" Bhd.b nowod &hc Worl~ io 00 Mio -I-8 wEsT YANGQUYER ~ Sl Sicpbcn'h Church ',ii* i y ii 'c isi ChnSt)an SC)enCe ~ Rev. F. A. Ramsey, L.S.'F. D EN T I ST I Society Houyci 0 ~ . m &o 0 p sh .Iluy 16th. 1Vhltsunday. Soioydoyci 10 ~, io. &o I p. m. CRUI&CH EDIFICE zeib osd Bseoimoii. Bopybovo a.m,--H y Commun o, Evenings ood Soioidor Atter. 10 a.m.--Main Sunday School hoohc by oppoisimcot only. 11:Ifii a.m. -- B ginnerb an Royoi Bink Bopdisii kioscocbuooiio and Sermon. Sohdoy Sorvicoo i i&8O o.m. osd 7:15 p.m.--Evensong and Ser- 7&$0 p.m. mon. Sunday, May 15th, DR G D H &lErlLE t I 1Vhitsunday is the birthday of DENTIST Subject: the Christian Church--the third ~ fj "MORTAI 8 'reat festival of the year. and 1111IORTAI 8" a eh iya O e y . ofscoHoof piosp Evosiogo by oppoisimooi. The IV.A. will make their sep- arate communion at 8 a m. i "' ll Tohtiioooy Meeting Wodsomioy at 8:18 p.m. A "Tin Can" Donation Tea will QuptISt QhUrCI he "ekl at St. Agnes Church, NURSING HOME uP U Ch North Vancouver on Monday P88tor: filsv 15th, for the quad y Schooi (Mm. M. P- I.ochooco, RN.) Rev. H. P. Humphreys. Mission Van viork under the Residence: 1343 Haywood Ave. direction of NissWise. Dona- tiond may be left st the Rectory'ccidcoco I'hose& Norih 1$SSR Sunday, Mny 15(h klonday morning. 10 a.m.--Sunday School and Adult class. The Camp Artaban Rally ser- HOLLYBL&RN 11 a.m.--Morning worship. vices is to bq held in Holy Trin- Barber ShOP Pastor will preach, topic: "Our ity Church on Thursday at 8 1(ib 8,'Mii iso Accountability to God." p.m. Anthem Short talk to the children. St, Francis, Csulfeild: Service 7:30 p.m.--Evening worship. 3 p.m. Sunday. Topic: "The Perfection of the Provisionir There will be a meeting of C.E.BeatOny La.)j.. C.ft.)I Short song service. teachers of all departments of A cordial invitation to sll. the Sunday School on Tuesday Wednesday, 8 p.m, -- Prayer st 8 p.m. "late of Vancouver Block" meeting. I specialize in the cure of IVe will di'scuse the Sunday SCHOOL BOARD NOTES Constipation, Indigestion, School lesson. Thursday, 8 p.m.--Choir prac- A letter was read from Dr. H. tice. E. Young in connection with aP- Co„suitations free Friday -- Canadian Girls iu pointment of school nurse. Re- Training's entertainment. ceived and filed. 2110 Argyle Ave A letter was read from Van- West 270 West Vancouver Savage--Bryan couver Holdings Ltd., in connec- St. Stephen's Anglican Church tion with casualty'nsurance St. AnthOny'S Church wss an animated scene on Thurs- which this concern had been p t R F da'y morning, the occasion being taking uP with the Parent- Res. 2658 Marine Dr. astor: Rev. at er arsy the wedding of Miss Octavia E. Teachers'ssociation. It was Bryan, youngest daughter of decided that this letter be laid FRIDAY 7.30 Mr. andd&)lrs. Gep. L', @ryan of on the table. "The 4$1(t&ge," Innisfail, A)bhr- A fetter was read from L. D 8:00 p.m., Confessions. ts when she became the bride C Brooks in connection with SATURDAY--7 30 C of Mr. A, Douglas Savage, only May Day Celebration, asking ~ p.m., on son of 51r. and Mrs. C. Savage of that the Board make a donation SUNDAY 8 4688 Ashtree House, Andover, Hamp- in connection with this. It was SU A 8: 8 i 0 y ss shire, England. Punctually st nine o'lock the be made. bride, on the arm of her father A letter was read from Mrs. WEEK DAYS 7 "16' H I who gave her away, entered the W. Reid in regard to typewrit- church attended by Mrs. 51, H, ers. iMrs. Fteid stated that if Allwork ss matron of honor. The four new tyPewriters were pur- groom was supported by Mr. chased, she would prefer to have he c ss was sving its wee- Msicolm McKenzie-Grieve. The two Royals an&i two Underwoods ly talk on Painting, sn teac er service, which wss choral, was It was decided that this ques- solemnized by the Rector, the tion be laid over until tenders able, with 8 single stroke of his R . F. A. Ramse . had been received from the brush, to change a smiling face into 8 frowning one The bride was avisionoflove- Remington and Underwood liness inia tailored costume of TFPe 'writer'Com anies. little Jimmy, "my maw csn do at'8 not ngt mu ere cream rajah silk with imported A letter was read from the turban and accessories to corre British Columbia Safety League that. spond and carried a superb bou- enclosing supply of circulars I of Pink ophelis rasas. The which they ~~k~d might be di matron of honor was garbed in tributed to the various schools y, enry, you on'ean old rose venetian cloth and her in the district. Trustee 51 bouquet was a mass of yellow Jackson volunteered to pie~~ oug er an t e i c en inoe- opheha roses these circulars in the hands of The bride is particularly well allPrinciPals. The Sm:retary w88 A 11 'r t'nownin West Vancouver, hav- directed to acknowledge this let- „„~ ) r, ing been agent of ihe B. C. Tie- ter, giving the Sstety Le~gus, po 1 or o an res- phone Co. here for the past five the information asked for as to '. en: " r--wou i serious y years and consequently much o oobx interest was taken in the wed- A letter was read from Dr. A. j ding and a large gathering as- C. Nash accepting new arrange- sem eembled to wish the newly weds ments in regard to his employ- 'God'Speed.'fter the ceremony ment, to take effect September I I an informal reception wss held 1st, 1932. It was resolved that tti Id iti btd'it III I I d dttld. LUUSUSLE ) sister, iMrs. Allwork, at which 8 A letter was read from the large number of guests were I O DUE., thanking the Board for NPW PI.AY&NO present. The happy couple left'se of the Auditorium. Received on the noon steamer for Victoria and flied. A iud&Itin Odmddy pprslsM Company of'. They fering to carry out an appraisal Choyioiio uyooowood ~ sre taking up their temporary of school buildings for the sum F&uyo csu'roov residence at 1848 Argyle until 'f $400. Iiesolved that this let- A spi ~ Fmmfy such time ss the alterations to ter be filed for reference. their permanent abode on Belle- A letter was read from Princi- l v'si. o w J vue snd 17th are completed. pal Davidson reporting that an- ti II yidti yl 1VEST VAN. UNITED in the Hollyburn School and that FOOTBAI.I. Ci-I'B sn electric hester, sn electric hot plate and 8 woollen rug had been The members of the West stolen snd some damage had spgciAL MAYINgg Vancouver Football team are re- been done to the school property. WED. Ay 8:40 quested to attend the Whist It was resolved that 8 letter be Drive on Saturday night, Nay written to the Police Commis- 'riin Thor., I'yiw Sci. 14, at 8 o'lock in the Legion sioner directing his attention to Hall. A cordial invitation is ex- the several robberies that have tended to all friends and sup- taken place snd nsking what is porters of the club, an&I a good being done with 8 view to pre- venting their recurrence,