0001 TC. IRN I )RR 0. lie leeL PER .74,9% .88.5% .88.2% 77.7% .75.9% .72.5% .88,5% .78.4% 72 % .81. % 75. % 72 % .89.8% .892% .ee.e% ..71.5% 89.4% ..88.9% ..88. % . 59.7% ...5'l.1% iel ...78.1% .. 71.9% isl ...ee.(% ..58.5% ,.58. % IS% ....525% d be(see zsdesee e )ete W. ei %eel! betveee ieeies he close cled eeb. the esf he Weel size™ the cevil'e eee 'Innhaiti ,e6 „ie!,D" Mt ihef )ifl~ pz ie e8 i « Circulati ag i yt 61.00 per year. thg District of West Vancouver-Ambleside, Hollyburyt, Wcstott, DundaraYJg CyprgSJ Park, Cattlfetld, WhyteCliff, &C. 6c per copy at newsstand HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B C, FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1932&Vol. VI SIX PAGES No. 51 SIAY DAY COSIMITTEE I )-- MAY DAY CELEBRATION The following donst!one have been received by the May Day Fund Committee during the week ending May 14th, 1939k The Committee are desirous that sll who are willing to assist them in any wsy should see that their contributions are in the hands of some member of the Committee as soon as possible, as it is hoped to allocate the prizes to the various competa- tive events in a few days. West Van. School Board..620.00 British Pacifi(c Properties Limited ..e,;--................... 25.00 g) Duncan Lawson Chapter, I. O. D. E............... 10.00 F. Buscombe ..................... 10.00 Naomi Chapter, No, 26, O. E. Si.............,............ 5.00 WEST VANCOUVER CHORAl. SOCIETY The Annual SIeeting of the Society and election of officers for the ensuing season wi)I take place on Monday next st the rest. Dundarave Hall. Car- The President will take the chair promptly at 8:15 and it is hoped that every member will attend this very important an- reet. nual meeting and be prepared to rect. oifer suggestions for bringing been the organization into still great- uacy er favor in the community. PROGRASI OF Sl'ORTS FOR THE MAY DAY CEI.EBRATIOV A large number of delegates from the various organizations taking part attended the meet- ing of the May Day Committee last hionday evening in the council chamber. A consider- able number of matters connect- ed with the celebration were settled, and practically sll ar- rangements will have been com- pleted in a week from now. George Hsy, who with John Lawson and David hiorgan was present at the meeting, reported on behalf of the committee of the old timers. It appears that there sre resident in the muni- cipality a larger number who lived here in 1912 than was at first supposed. A list of those who have so far sent in their names will be found in another part of this issue Dr. F. Stainsby, who last year voluntarily took charge of the first aid station, kindly consent- ed to act again on the 24th inst- ant in a similar capacity. It was decided that a compe- tition with a prize be staged for the best six snap photos of the celebration taken by any ama- teur photographer resident in the municipahty. No photos will be returned, and B. M. Clerk will have charge of the coinpetition. Ex-Reeve V. V. Vinson and C2. Broderick have kindly consenteil to sct as judges. The nfatter of the use of loud speakers on the grounds at Ambleside Park was laid over until the next meeting after con- siderable discussion. The Legion W. A. will have charge of the refreshments at the cdebration at Ambleside Park, and will serve ice cream. soft drinks, cake, etc., from 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. They will also serve afternoon tea from 3 p.nz to 6 p.m. Arrangements have been made for the parade to enter Amble- side Park at the 12th Street ent- rance. proceeding round the grounds and massing in front of the hjay Queen's stand. The floats wifl not enter the grounds lining up instead between 12th and 13th Streets on the gravel stretch on the south side of Marine Drive, as was done some years ago on the occasion of the Canadian Diamond Jubilee cele- bration. The next meeting of the com- mittee will take place tomorrow (Saturday) evening at 7 p.m. in the council cluunber. FORENOON Relay Road Race--Caulfeild to 14th Street. 440 yd Race (Men's Open) --17th to 14th St Bicycle Race (Delivery Boys snd Newspaper riers) --25th to 14th Street. Men's Open Mile Road Race--23rd to 14th St Boys'oller Skating Race--21st to 14th Stree Girls'oller Skating Race--20th to 14th St 220 yd. Race (bien's Open) --15th to 14th St The 440 yd. and the 220 yd. races have placee! on the road on account of the inadeq of the track facilities on the ground. At least four entries are required to make s race in any of the above events "Open" means "Open to &Vest Vancouver resi- dents," no age limit. AMBLESIDE PARK Sunday School Relay Race (Shuttle Relay) --Boys 17 years age limit. Sunday School Relay Race--Girls, 17 years age limit. Iisdies'pen--50 yd Dash. Men's Open--100 yd. Dash Boys, 16, 17 and 18 years--100 yd. Dash. Girls, 16, 17 and 18 years--100 yd. Dash Ladies'pen--100 yd. Dash. Boys', 14 and 15 years--Broad Jump. Girls, 14 and 15 years--Hop-Step-&-Jump. AFTE ItiVCON Ambleside Park 25 yd. --Boys 5 years and under Girls, 5 years and under 25 yard, Boys 6 years 25 yd. Girls, 6 years. "ii yd Boys, 6 an'ears E«snd Si'+ 25 yd. Girls 6 and 7 years--Egg and Spoon 50 yd. Boys 8, 9 and 10 years--Three-legged 50 yd. Girls 8, 9 and 10 years--Skipping. 60 yd. Boys, 7 years. 50 yd. Girls, 7 years 75 yd. Boys, 8 and 9 years 76 yd. Girls, 8 and 9 years. 75 yd. Girls, 11, 12 and 13 years--Thread & Needle 75 yd. Boys, 11, 12 and 13 years--Three-legged. 75 ydi Girls, 10, 11 and 12 years. «75 yd. Boys, 10, 11 snd 12 years 75 yd. (each) --Mothers & Daughters 100 yd. (each)--Fathers & Sons 100 yd. Girls, 13, 14 and 15 years. Ladies'ail-driving Contest 100 yd. Boys, 13, 14 and 16 years. 100 yd. Men over 35 years.--Novelty Race. Soft-ball Game. 9:10 I 9:10 2 9:16 3 9:20 9:25 5 9:26 6 9:40 7 BASEBALL CLUB DAiVCE TOiVIGHT The West Vancouver Baseball Club are giidng a dance tonight (Fnday) m the Hollyburn Pav- ilion, which has been recently renovated and enlarged. Danc- ing will start st 9 p.m. Proceeds will go to the purchase of equip- ment for the team, which will play this year in the senior div- ision of the North Shore League. Tickets 50 cents. 10:00 8 Canadian Legion ................ 5.00 Vancouver Province ...... S.OO Mr. Granger .................. 5.00 K. A. Ray ....'.................. 3.00 Roberts'etter Meats ...... 2.50 Dr. McCubbin .................. 2.50 No. I Troop, Girl Guides (W. V.) ........,................ 2.00 Ambleside Machine Metal Works .......................... 2.00 West Van. Cleaners ........ 2.00 West Van. Lumber Co..... 2.00 Miss J. Castell.................... 2.00 Mrs. Louis Ajello ............ 2.00 Children's Friend ............ 2.00 I. T. ihielaughlin .............. 1.50 Brownie Pack (W.'V.) .... 1.00 Mrs. J..R. Mitchell ......,.„1.00 J. Jel. Stratton,... 1.00 Sally ............................... 1.00 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 MAY DAY COMSIITTEE TO hIEET TOMORROW The hiay Day Committee will hold their next meeting tomor- row (Saturday) evening at 7 p.m. in the council chamber. It is speciaUy requesteee that ael ueieaaies make a poise of being presenk It is hoped to make the meeting a short one, so as not to interfere with the social en- gagements of any attending. 3:00 1 2 8 4 ~ 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 6:30 Miss F. Herrin .................. 1.00 Miss K. Wenmoth .............75 Miss McFadyen .................60 W. T......................50 E. M.................50 Children's Friend ...............25 J. M. Dent & Co.--Books C. J. Broderick--Camera City Electric Company Ltd.-- Flashlight Mrs. Allison--Box Chocolates B. C. Electric--Prize (value 66) W. Sager--I cup. Gisby & Fiddes--4 prizes Warner's Confectionery Co.-- prizes Mrs. A. E. Baker--2 prizes J. Tite -- 2 prizes Mrs. W. Green--prize Lesage Drug Store--prize . Blair's Wood and Coal--prize. Tearoe & Son--prize. W. L. Ogden -- prize The Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe --prize Mrs. Marling--prize Greenwood Grocery -- prize D. Davidson -- pnze Miss M. Macfie--prize Miss B. Currie--prize E. I. Lane--prize.- West Van News Fund Boyd, J. F....................... 62.00 Legion Notes The next general meeting will be held in Legion Hall, Wednes- day, hIay 18th, at 8 p.m. Nominations for flection of oÃicers for ensuing six months , will be opened and closed same evening. All members are re- quested to attend. The invitation from St. Step- hen's Church to attend Empire Day Service on Sunday evenmg, May 22, at 7:IS p.m«was ac- cepted. Legion members will fall in at Legion Hall at 6:50 p.m., sharp. The School Band will lead the parade to and from the Church. hIAY DAY SUPPER AT CI.IFF HOUSE Tickets at 75c for the «20th Anniversary Supper" may be procured from Mr. W, Howard Leggatt, West 696RI, chairman of Ticket Committee, also at Le- sage Drug Store, Gemmill's Drug Store and Dundarave Phar'macy. CAULFFH.D ROAD RACE Arrangements have been made for the annual five-mile relay race'etween teams from the three schools on 24th May for the challenge cup presented by Trustee T. E. W. Russell. Indiv- idual cups will also be presented to the winning team. The race will, subject to adjustment, start at 9 a.m. from Caulfeild, and the high school team will be penal- ized 30 seconds as last year. Particulars of the names of the ogicials will be published later. LEGION W. A. The W. A. to the Canadian Legion is holding a whist drive for the benevolent fund of the branch, at Mrs, Barnett's home, 13th and Marine Drive, on Sat- urday, 14th instant. All those attending will have the oppor- tunity of having their hor'oscope read free. Any member desirous of taking the trip to Nanaimo on June 24th, should notify Mrs. Wicking as soon as possible. SIAY DAY BUTTONS RETI'ER BABY CONTEST The Gal Guides this year are sponsonng the Better Bab) Contest" ss part of the May Day program Thue contest wdl take place on Saturday morning. hiay 21st, at Inglewood High Soho'ol Time 10 o'lock. hire. L Wells Crawford. West 636R, hire. H. Glacd, )Vest 677Y and hire. C. J. Marshall, West 414RI, are in charge and sny informa- tion required will be gladly given by teiephoninz them. Applica- tion forms will be available at Gemmill's Drug Store, Lesage Drug Store. Dundarave Pharm- acy or by applying to Commit- tee members on and after Mon- day, May 16th. Entry forms must be returned by 6 o dock oa Friday, hiay 20th, to committee. CLASSES--1st. Babies to 6 months old; 2nd, Babies 6 mos. to 1 year; 3rd. Babies I year to 2 years; 4th, Babies 2 years to 3 years. The hiay Day Committee will place on sale next week special Msy Day Buttons at a minimum charge of ten cents each. These buttons will be the badge of citizenship for every loyal resi- dent of )Vest Vancouver. Vol- unteer High School students will be distributing them in s few days. Show your pride in your municipality! Secure a button early. and ivear it! No coat with- out a button l BASEBALL West Vancouver senior base- ballers will play their first game on Monday night at Ambleside Park, when the local team will meet the Lynn Valley boys. This. will be the iirst taste of senior ball for most of the West Vancouver boys but Mr. Condon figures the younger players will give a good account of them- selves against the more experi- enced Valley boys. At the open- ing game at Mahon Park last night the grand stand was fille and about 200 people were lined up around the park. We would like to see as many out to give the local team the same support and show the North Shore Leetgue West Vancouver csn sup)iort its own home games. Be sure to attend the baseball dance tonight in the Hollyburn Pavilion. PARFiNT-TEACHER ASSOCIATIOiV The regular meeting of theP.- T. A. was held in Pauline John- son on Tuesday night. G. W. Brandreth gave a very interest- ing address on Physical Educa- tion, explaining that the aim of modern teaching in this subject is to enable the child to flnd his place in the world as a social unit with a healthy moral and physical outlook, rather than to turn out well trained machines. Everybody enjoyed Mr, Bran- dreth's racy style, and the whole audience, to its oivn amusement. took part in some of the physi- cal exercises for the correction of flat feet, The usual half hour was spent in th» tearoom. Ihil'ORTANT GHIL GUIDE NOTES All West Vancouver Girl Guiiles are asked to turn out in full uniform on Tuesday next, as important matters must be discussed and it is hoped to pre- sent service stars and some badges at the meeting. The week beginning ihiay 22nd is "Good- will" week and the following is the Guide program: h'lay 24--May Dsy Parade. Msy 28-- Rally st Brockton Point. May 29--Church Parade to Christ Church Cathedral. Canada is the world's biggest producer of smelts, and in the calendar year 1931 the total Can- adian landings of these small but very tasty fish amountednear'o 7,009,000 pounds. The chief producer among the prov- inms is New Brunswick. Slay 24th -- Children's Day. Send your donations to one of prizo committee or West Van News. '..'.~e'/I'-:S" VÃ!L.h( .& -:II((S A Weekly Newspaper qc