0001 1- o r «k.vr r*rr' ««&AD .&«A vr &«vyr w~r~ r )! ~c'v'" \m «+&r« ~ & & c-r& )Lfcrrp'r Vcl C &rv iy ' \«r'c; «-'e«&n&' Hrc«M)f:-r' «'c! Ny«rr &c &r"r 'vs -~- * ~ \' &yy r ~ r~'rv vrr r'ryrrr «rrryryrryrrry«rv~yrr vdry&O'r,rv'rv ' rrrr\~rrmrrrrrrrrrrv«-rrrrrr~ r. rrr ry THE WEST VAN NEWS May 6, 1932 Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Why Pay More? SPECIALDnndarave,",-„',""„'„"'Ambleside»»"'~ M„,u." 10c. SALE Fri. and sat„May 6th IF 7th AYLhIER TO')IATOES, (is WINDSOR SALT, 24 os. pkts. ties lec 2 for lec CAhlPBKLL'S CHICKEN SOUP STFFI. WO(H„Supremo uith Rico. poc tiu .......--.-- Ioc packets.............. 2 lov lec SLICED PINEAPPLE, 2s. tiu lec I'INK SAL!RON, tsn ties .. Iec CUSTARD POWDER, Bird's CHLORH)K OF LIME, Bear.. Iec Puck&i .....: -- ------- -- -- c Sl.l( ED BACON, H Rs pkl. Iec hlAYONNAISE, Best Foods CORN STARCH, Canada, pkg lec SV) os isv .... "--- --- -- LAUNDRY STARCH, BABY SKETS, Nabob. Canada Glass ..................... Iec COCOANUT, Csylou. Ft Ik... Iec...... Iec TohlATO REYCHUP, Columbic SARDINES. Bvuusuick.n ties lec tiu loc RAISIN RUNS . 6 fov 1st IAP RICB....., 2 lbs. 1st KELLOGG'S RICE KRISPIES BROWN SUGAR ....... zlbs. Iec pov packet ---" --------. I'INK SAlihloN, &j)s 2 tins Iecac. PEAS, C~umbim s&svs 6 " ) tiu ......................., Iec Rcd 41 White TID-BITS PINEAPPLE, - FLOOR WAX For Salads, 0 os. til........ Fully Guaranteed . I lb. tiu zyc VEGETABLE SOUP, Rcd I(m (OURTNF)'OTATOES PREPA '(m GRAPE FRUIT .............. 6 for 29cLibb 's 26 ibm 26c BANANAL Golden Fruit LK)IONS. California 2 lbs. 26c i I.svgc ...................... 10 for 19c LUhlBER, SASH a DOORS For ~ 4-Room Cottage LINED INSIDB Price Delivered $ 2 00.OO o ~ ~ GET OUR PRICES ON FENCING Septic Tanks Cupboard Doors and Drnwers Everything for the Building AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. 16th sud Marine Drive Phone West 199. After 6 p.m. ssk foc Gsvvy Dent Phoae West 241R. Roberts'etter Meats FOR QUALITY AND SERVICE ae The Store with the Neon Sign Phone %Vest 190 All Government Inspected-No&1 Grade Meat For Cash or C.O.D. Only 100 Local Fresh Killed Fowl, 4 lb average "",'„","„',",.'P~...., ............ 16c lb No. 1 Alberta Creamery Butter - 3 pounds 60c. Cottage Rolls, no bone, no waste - 13c a lb. Fresh Spring Salmon '„",„'„"'„," Red 15c lb. White llc All Alive 2 tons No. 1 Highland Potatoes (grown from Ashcroft seed) 100 1bs. 70c Sliced Bacon, 'h".;I'~™'d»„m gc, 2 for 17c EGGS, Extras, 2 doz. 35c From Davis'oultry Rsucb. Saturday Ou)y Local No. 1 Steer Beef Spring Lamb BGILING BEEF' plb. hjs LL y c Moihers Day No Bones, lb... C i 6c "'F/offjer shop lb ...... ................ ......... IVING RIB ROAST ) Sclb. islb... ........ ofFers a fine selection oF POT PLANTS and CUT FLOWERS also Bedding Plants snd Geraniums. Call snd see aur display oF Palms, Ferns, Cslcevlsriss Fuschiss, etc., etc. CAhIBRIDGE SAUSAGES.........,..3 lbs. 25c PORK SAUSAGES 2 lbs ........................... COTTAGE CHEESEib......„, ...............Sile BOILED HAhi 4Plb. wEINE~. 2plb. ........ Boi.OGNA 2Plb. Grain-Fed PORK LEGS (Fores) 91 '2 BUTIS Ib..... LOINS 16C FRESH HAM i 3Clb. Bouquets of Tulips and Narcissus from 50c up CarnatIOns Rsd a White Roberts'etter Meats Delivery to all West VancouverPhone West 190 JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only LAMB, BEEF, PORK, VEAL. ETc. COOKED MEATS OF ALL KINDS, DELICATESSEN (Two Stores for your service) HOLLYBURN STORE AhIBLESIDE STORE West 3 West 303 West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and Marina LIMITED Phone Wast 116 YV. J. Turnbun, hianager, Residence Phone: West 368L SERVICE LU SEE SASH DOORS ROOFING BUILDING PAPER Lamatco -- Gyproc Beaver Board -- Plaster Buard -- Shingles W EST VANCOUVER IIIGH SCHOOL Class Leaders, Easter Exam- inations: Grade XII 1. Eva Berkenmaier...,......74.9% 2. Jack Watt.............66.5/o 3. Isn Hamilton ...............66.2% Grade XI. 1. Josephine Leyland .......77.7%%uo 2. Jack Mercer ..............75.9% 3. Peter Caddy ................72.6% Grade X. 1. John Kendrick ..............83.5/o 2. Walter McLintock ........76.4% 3. Margaret Allison ...... 72.%%uo Grade IX A 1. Dick Laster ..................81. % 2. Betty Elliott ................76. % 3. John Busty ...............72. % Grade IX B ~ 1. Charles Miles ................69.8% 2. Dorothy Dickinson.,......69.2%%uo 8. Sues Furnkaws ............66.6% Grade IX Commercial 1. Batchelor, Morva ........71.5% 2. Schuberg, Jack ............69.4% 3. Gourlsy, Joan ..............,.68.9'%%rade IX Com'I Speciale 1. Davidson, Patricia........60. % 2. Raid, George ..............-697% 3. Corbett, Florrie ............57.1/c Grade XI ommercisl I. May Cripps ..'....A..........78.1% 2. Hazel Brealey ..............71.9% 3. Agnes King ...................65.4% Grade X Commercial 1. Helen Ritz ................. 68.4v%%d 2. Jean Currie ............... 62.5% 3. Lucy Smith ..................62 Special Commercial ]A i BASEBALL West Vancouver to enter Sen- ior and Junior teams in North Shore League. Although deciding to stay out of senior ball for at least an- other year, Mr. Condon has fin- ally been persuaded to enter a team in the senior division of the North Shore League. This will make a four team circuit which will give more play than the former three team loop. The other teams entered are Lynn Valley, Native Sons and Squsm- ish Indians, with the possibility of a fifth team, sponsored by the Elks. The local team will be built around last year's juniors with the addition of a few more ex- perienced player. Practices are held Tuesdays snd Thursdays snd anyone wishing to try out should be on hand. The senior team will sponsor 0 junior team. As sn present equipment will be required for the juniors con- siderable funds will be required to equip 0 new senior team and everyone interested in baseball are asked to get behind the club snd show the North Shore that West Vancouver csn support a real ball team. Anyone wishing to help the club should get in touch with Mr. Condon. To start the fund 0 dance will be given in the newly decorated Hollyburn Pavilion next Friday, Msy 13, at 9 p.m. Buy a ticket snd give the boys a good start. LAWN BOIVLING CLUB TO RE-OPEN SATURDAY The recently re-organized West Vancouver Lawn Bowling Club will get under wsy for the season on Saturday (tomorrow) when the customary President's vs. Vice-President's match will be played. The present club which sprang from the ranks of the Men's Club of the United Church will again have the use of the Church green. It is ex- ted that Reeve and Mrs. Ley- and will be present and oificiate at the opening ceremony which has been set for 3 o'lock in- stead of 2:30 as previously an- nounced. Much work has been done on the greens dunng the winter snd the committee in charge be- lieve that they will be found greatly improved from last year. The club has entered the Low- er Mainland Bowling Association and will compete in its schedule of games during the season. Several new members have been secured but there is still room for 0 few more and any bowlers or novices will be welcome at the opening. 1. Betty Edwards ............74.%%u&sfmh 2. Robert Raid ................73. %~ 3. Jessie Hoyle ................62.5% COUNCIL NOTES Mr. Franklin appeared before the council regarding permission given to himself and the late W. Rodgers for the cutting of wood on the road allowance between 29th and 30th treats. He re- quested that the permission be now granted to himself alone F His request was granted sub- ject to the approval of the eng- ineer. The secretary of the West Vancouver Branch, Canadis~ Legion, wrote the council enclos-2&up lng a resolution re pensioned re- turned soldiers, Tranquille Sana- torium. The council went on record as endorsing the resolution In ques- tion and that a copy of the coun- cil'0 resolution and the one to which It has reference were be- ing forwarded to the provincial secretary. 6 K. Sogoif made an offer re Tax Sale Lot 39, Black 81, D. L 430. The council stated that they could not vary the conditions laid down and which refer to all tax sale lots