0001 nbbin ! 1 I r nttw "' May 6, 1932. FOR SUPERIOR TAILORING AT MODERATE PRICES See %VILLIAMS, the Tailor 1568 Marine'rive Exclusive Agent for REGENT and HYCRAFT Made-to- hieasure Clothes, 52400 and up. Dry Clean(ng and Pressing Phone: West 20 Residence Phone: West 286L ~. L. OGDEN CO. west745 MEN'S AND BOYS'URNISHINGS EXCLUSIVEI.Y Young Men's Tweed Trousers tt235 with cults, aploudld caiuoa I Intn,z )OP leg Odcto, ) en'2 iht Io ono oi. i'1st Vu CONCERT AND I'I,AY NEXT IVEDNESDAY Next Wednesday, 11th inst., at 8 p.m. the members of the United Church Young People' Society will give a concert and play in the Orange Hall under the auspices of West Vancouver L.O.L. No. 2990. The proceeds trill go to the Loyal Protestant Home for Children. The charge is only 35 cents, which will in- clude admission to a dance fol- lowing the play. The following is the program: Part I. Song......................A: J. Addy Recitation (Humorous) --Mr. E. H. Holly. Banjo Solo ....... Mr. S. C. Evans Song ..............Mrs. J. Howieson Song........Jock Melvilih (CKMO) Character Dance......Miss Holley Song..............Mrs. S. C. Evans Part II. Sketch -- Stickem's Theatrical Employment Agency. Play--"Oh What a Family." God Save the King Dancing after the play. with tbt . nkui I balf inch of lmiic rise. Cnt I bnkein mdgo h I of mh: "A man can not become per- fect in a hundred years; he may become corrupt in less than a day.o Bcohcu Glass Replaced iu- Boohcaaco, Cahiucto. Plctucca, Preach Doors. Wiad'ova, Auto- mohilca, Tcacha, ctc., ctc. JIM HOLT Bualneaa Telephone: West 141 Roaidcuca . Phoae: West 140R 1744 Marine Drive 7 "Ctpiain, c imo Imi1 fotgottcn 'ntwl", fll know 1 crewtt 4 ,the win. BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL 8, D, WHITE, Mgr. Diatiactica Puuecal Service Lady Aaaiataut 220- ncd St. EL Phone North 620 I ntiollow-I" tt 1tw ot anfigelt tf)- '74: atntttotw roconsll' lo 0( nt, be dcftng no w two')t ccp the.'.. DUNDARAVE CASH GROCERY HonlE . MADE CANDY Icq Cream aud Soft Dclalm 26th aud Phone Bellevue West 7 C. J. Overiugtou PIONEER BARBER 14th and Marine Expert Work Phone West 135 I.L.P. NB)VS The meeting of the Independ- ent Labor Party (Socialist), held in the Orange Hall Wednesday, April 27th, was well attended. Comrade Mrs. Clead gave s brief history of the I.L.P. and a speci- al appeal lo the women to join. After which Dr. Lyle Telford spoke at some length on "If I Were Dictator," explaining very clearly, ss is hiz method, with a large chart. Many questions were asked, which the Doctor answered very clearly. On Friday, April 29th, an- other I.L.P. whist drive was held In the Orange Halb This was to have been the last of the sea- son, but so many attending re- quested that they be carried qn for some time yet. A. M. Stephen spoke for ten minutes upon the necessity of joining the organization. The following were the prize winners at the whist drive: Ladies 1st, Mrs. I. Hamilton; Ladies 2nd, Mrs. Hughes; Ladies Sealed Number, Mrs. J. Tite; Gentlemen's 1st, A. Bossom- berry; Gentlemen's 2nd, J. Thomson; Gentlemen's Sealed Number,'R. Yeo. Draw prize, S. Payton. The next I.L.P Whist Drive will be held in the Orange Hall, Friday, May 13th, usual prizes and price. 1VEST VANCOUVER "Y" The annual business meeting of the West Vancouver "Y" was held on the evening of May 3rd, at the home of Mrs. Hamilton, 17th and Esquimalt. The meeting opened with a brief devotional period in charge of Miss Dora Taylor followed by the business session, Members volunteered ta help sell tickets for Nellie McClung's "Second Chance" to be put on by the W.C.T.U., May 10th. Reports covering the year' work were read and adopted. The following officers for the coming year were then elected: President--Miss Eileen Hib- berd; Vice Pres.--Mrs. N. Hamilton - Secretary -- Miss Beatrice Short; Treasurer--Miss Maud Smith Corresponding Sec. -- Miss Hazel Green. Devotional Supt. -- Miss Dora Taylor. "In digging up a tree you must begin with the root." IIAV aacot 7506 vtata a~ty t~tt ElOCutiOn Nelly McClung's COntgSt "Second Chance" Under direction of hire. Alice Wilmot Dennis UNITED CHURCH HALL, at 8 p.m. TUESDAY, May 10th Good Musical Program Tickets, 26c. Children 16c. THE BUNGALOW Corner 29th und Marine Drive Next Week with a full Stock of GROCERIES, TOBACCO, CIGARETTES, SOFT DRINKS and ICE CREAM. He also would thank the public for their patronage in the past, and asks for their support in his new venture. THE WEST VAN NEWS Local and Thomas Hadwin, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hadwin, has re- turned from Pittsburgh to his home at 1470 Heywood Ave. ~ ~ ~ The many friends of F. X. Hodgson, who has been very seriously ill at his home at 2310 Bellevue Ave., will be glad to hear that he is now out of dan- ger. ~ ~ ~ The West Vancouver Tennis Club have now opened their season, and the members are playing every day. New mem- bers will be welcome at the courts. ~ ~ ~ W. G. Draper, 25th and Mar- ine Drive, has retired after twenty years'ervice with the Robin Hood Mills. Mrs. Rathie of Vancouver, has moved into s house at 1248 Keith Road. ~ ~ Miss Lilies Davie, 863 - 16th Street, left here yesterday to visit her sister, birn. J. Mitchell, at Long Bay, Gambier Island. o ~ Mrs. C. Mcintyre and family, 20th and Gordon Ave., have moved into their'ouse at 2047 Gordon Ave.\ o ~ bir and Mrs. F. W. Hadwin and family have moved from 1046 Mathers Ave., in to their new home at 1470 Heywood Ave. c Mrs. J. Kierman of Vancou- ver, has taken Mrs. Mowatt's house on King's Ave., near 26th Street, and will move in shortly.\ Mrs. Dunlap and Mrs. Gale have taken one of the Massie cottages at 24th and Waterfront. ~ o bir. Norris has moved from 14th snd Gordon Ave. into the Thompson house at 20th and Argyk Ave. The L.O.L. of North and West Vancouver are putting on jointly a concert next Friday evening, 13th instant, at the Protestant Orphanage in New Westminster. ~ ~ o It is hoped that as many chil- dren as possible taking part in the biay Day parade will appear in costume. o Beginning next Sunday, 8th instant, the'Dundarave as well as the Hollyburn stores of Smith's Grocery will not be open on Sundays and they will not be open on week days after 6 p.m. except Saturdays. ~ o ~ The IVest Vancouver United Football Club is holding a whist drive in the Legion Memorial Hall on Saturday, 14th May, at 8 p.m. Good prizes and refresh- mentss. c o o In the warble contest put on by the IVest Van. Pharmacy the first prize was won by Gordon Gibson, Dick Brine securing the second and Harold Johnson the third prize. The prize for the most marbles went by reversion to Stanley James, and that for the most purchases by reversion to Albert Seeds. ~ ~ ~ David Goodfellow, 2391 Mar- ine Drive, had the misfortune yesterday to cut his wrist badly with an axe. He was taken to the North Vanaouver General Hospital. TELEI'HONE BRIDGE FOR MEMORIAI. ARCII There is still time to have that Bridge and help the Dun- can Lawson Chapter in im- proving the grounds around the kiemorial Arch. The prizes to be drawn for on Monday. Phone hirs. Jackson, IVest 361R or Mrs. Stainsby, IVest 82, for par- ticularth Personal We Deliver Palm Ice Cream Bricks Palm Ice Cream Bulk also Special Creations Cakes, Puddings, etc. WEST YAH PH|lNACY The Store of Service. ltsz niariao Drivo West 27 Bmoc geacy Phaoa West 221 (After 0 P.m.l The BURRARD LAUNDRY For People Who Are Parttcalar THIRD ST. aatl ST. DA VIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1810. West Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone West 4101. Amblesigle SheetMetal Works IAURIE SPECK, Proprietor 1446 Marine Drive Phone West 78 FURNACES and SHEET METAL LVSTALLED and REPAIRED JOBBING Stratton'S BAKERY All Kinds of Tea Breads ASSORTED PASTRIES Almond Varieties BU1TER ICING CAKES Banbury or Ecdes Cakes Chrislenmg BirtMay Wedding Cakes made at 1468 MARINE DRIVE Phone West 27 or tte will call TO SEEia FRANCHIhE FOR FERRY SERVICE NEAR SECOND NARROIVS North Vancouver District Council approved Tuesday night, CouncBIor Joseph Goldsworthy'a resolution "that the solicitor and engineer prepare and submit to the government an application for a franchise to operate a ferry service between a deter mined point near Second Nar- rows and a point in the City of Vancouver. Charitabk Wife (at desk): I'e been asked for a reference for our last maid. I'e said she's buy, unpunctual and impertinent. Now can I sdd anything in her favorg Husband: You might say that she's got a good appetite and sleeps well. Mta Burt has rented the Jack- son house at 20th and Jefferson Ave., and hss taken possession. ~ ~ ~ Mr. Brendrath, dbector of physical instruction in the Van- couver schools, will speak on physical instruction in connec- tion with athletics and organ- ized games at the meeting of the West Vancouver PrT. A. next Tuesday evening in Paul- ine Johnson School. ~ o ~ A son was born last Saturday to Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Moore, 22nd and Jeii'erson. ~ o Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Peter and family, who have been resid- ing at 23rd and Fulton Ave., have returned to Edmonton. ~ ~ o Mr. and Mrth Levison and family of Vancouver have mov- ed into the Dewar house at 25th and Bellevue Ave. o The North Shore Teachers'ssociation are hold a public meeting on 20th May in the K.P. Hall, North Vancouver, to which councils, school boards, and other public bodies will be in- vi ted. There will also be a special speaker. ~ ~ ~ Howard Dunfieid, nephew of Miss Crewson and Mrs. G. Bell of 2397 Jefferson Ave., left at the beginning of the week far his home in Manitoba. SCBOOL BAND IN CONCERT TONIGHT The West Vancouver Schools band is giving a concert tonight at 8 o'lock in the Inglewood auditorium. An interesting pro- gram has been prepared and Adolph Bergklint, who wss so papular at their concert Inst year, will give solos on his piano accordian. Come and help the band by your presence tonight. Admission for adults, 35 cents, children 26 cents. LOCAL VOCALISTS SUCCESSFUL IN VICTORIA Singing at the Victoria biusi- cal Festival last week end Miss 5Iadge Farmer of Dundarave won the gold medal in the can- tralto class, while bfiss Joan Durbin and W. Knight secured the gold medals in the soprano and tenor duet. Miss Farmer is a pupil of Mrs. F. X. Hodgson and it is worthy of note that this is the third year in succes- sion in which a pupil of Mrs. Hodgson has won a gold medal in Victoria. DEATH OF IVILLIA51 CRA%1.EY William Crawley passed away last Saturday at his home, 30th and Marine Drive. The deceased who was in his 68th year, was born in Ireland, but had no relatives in this country. Funer- al services vtere held at 8 p.m. on Tuesday in the North Van- couver chapel of Harron Bros. and Williamson, Rev. J. W. Cud- deford officiating, and interment was made in Capilano View cem- eterv. oDo you approve of clubs for women 7" "Yes--but only after every other way of quieting them has failed." WEST VANCOUVER BASE BALL CLUB DANCE m the Hollybum Pavigaa Friday, May 13th Commencing at 0 p.m. TICKETS Soc. ' 4'c 6 r3fl M:vc ~,u "c'* r m . 'A aalu hU