0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS April 29, 1932. R «.vPL«r vrp r L «PV N «'«P ~ ~ «S«vL ~!IP ~ "wI"PS«4«s:« «rr« ~ is P S PLW«pu sppr Wrc'r S'P '.u rr&: .r'r % IO'Ire'rrv «wrr ver« " Ivrrerrr « '«'Vv« ~"rrr v rrrrrrr rr«vrrvrrrrr v'r rv'p « «vs.r pvr rrrrrr v vr r Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Dundarave,",'";.,"'"„'„',.", Ambleside„m .„'"„',„," OUR GREAT SPRING SALE SPECIAL Spring Sale From Friday, April 29th to Tuesday, May 3rd FREE!! One Package Rcd a tvhiie COLCJIBIA PCS--'Tender lsuu July powder with every pousd Flavor, Sieve 6"........2 ties 25c Rcd 41 White TEA, pev lb.. Ssc Limit 6 Tins Empire Dried Fruits -- New Svs- RED S(K'KETE SAL(ION, son's Crop iusi svvivisg Now. Rvd S White, Ms's, tiu ........ !lc Al!STRALIAN RAISINS, IIN lzc EDINBURGH ROI.I.S--Smoked 2 lbs. 25c 4 to 5 Ibs, Ccnowvsppcd, lb. 15c SOUTH Al'RICA APRICOTS QUAKER CHINAWAI!E OATS lb................................. 19c lusvgc P&L .................. 25c FREE!! Ouc Tis Rvd Jt iyhite COCOA, Rcd n iVhite Spice with every pound of Lit Its tiu .............................. Ipc Rod S 1Vhite COFFEE lb 29c LE51ONS ............ 19 fur 19c SUGAR--IL C. Fine Granulated SULNKIST ORANGES-- 4 lbs. Ipc ylcdium Siss, Novels,.... dos. Szc Limit 8 lbs. 2 doves 65c BILTTER- Large Siss, Novels. pcv dos. 42c BUTI'ERCLIP ...... 2 Ibu, 45c RFD CHERRIES, «Pitied," SERVUS Brand or Nsbob, 2's ................ (iu 15c . B. C, CREAklERV.... 2 lbs. 52c TOMATO JC!CE, Rcd a White SERVUS CHEESE, MR Its pkg. Iyc 5 tins 25c SHREDDED WHEAT. pscksge pc ('I.OBE CORNED BEEF Limit 2 Packets 2 tins 25c A('STRALIAN PASTRY FLOUlt A Jsw S«ms --Fo I~Issisd«P ssv 19 DL sack ........................... 29c Wisdsu &ills Why Pay More? Deal with ~ Bvsuch of THE LARGEST RETAI!. LUMBER ORGANIZATION IN BRITISH COLUMBIA s ~ ~ SPECIAL LUhlBER, SASH 41 DOORS, . For s 4-Room Cottage LINED INSIDE Price Delivered $ 200.00 ~ o ~ Get ouv Prices on Feuctug. AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. 16th sud Msvlse Dnvs I'hose West 199. After 6 p.m. Rsk for Gevvy Dent Phoae West 241!L Phone %Test 190 All Government Inspected NO.1 Grade Meat For Cash or C.O.D. Only No. 1 Alberta Creamery Butter - 3 pounds 65c. Cottage Rolls, no bone, no waste ~ 13c a lb. FreSh Spring SalmOn ~„'",I,," Red 15c lb. White llc ONLY All Alive Grain Fed PORK Delicatessen ROILED HAM 1OC BAKED HAMlb.--------------------- 1VEIN ERS No. 1 Steer Beef BLADE RIB ROAST I, lb. 12c 16c 13c, BOLOGNA VEAL LOAF LARGE DILLS RoUND BONE RoAST 1 5Clb ...... PRISIE RIB ROAST lb. 1VLR(G RIB ROAST 1 8C lb. RU&IP Ro 1 SClb. lb...... LOINS FRESH HA51 Ib. ................... . Fruit and Vegetables 25 Lbs. NETTED GE51 POTATQEs ..... 25Clocal Milk.Fed V 25 Lbs..R oIN~P 23 II,24 eal TURNips .............,.....,25c i STEWING VEAL 25 Lbs. RRRP SIRLOIN 236 I Iu...,..., ... 25c [CSRROIR,--, 25c ovELN ROAsT 15CII 18C BURBANK PoTAToEs SP PURE BEEF DRIPPIftG 5 I lb ------------ 100 lbs. C lb.....„....,.....„......,...... 2OC HFAD I'ETPUCE 1 pClb.. --...-.... C VEAL CHOPS Local i i cELERY 1 5 8 2g Sp~ing 1 amb [ sAUsAGEs...............3 lb 25C 16C """'""'" 35C Plants 8I FloN«s ROLLED SHOULDER 2444 COTTAGE CHEESE C r. Cabbage, Caulifiower, Sprouts and Tomato Plants 2O 1 »CK BACON. SI ICED 153 Bedding Geraniums Garden Seeds and Cut Flowers Roberts'etter Meats Phone West 190 Delivery to all West Vancouver Roberts'etter Meats FOR QUALITY AND SERVICE ae The Store with the Neon Sign JEFF ERIES'UPERlOR MEATS Government Inspected Only LAMB, BEEF, PORK, VEAL, ETc. COOKED MEATS OF ALL KINDS DEI ICATESSEN (Two Stores for your service) HOLI.YBURN STORE AMBI LSIDE STORE W(mt 3 West 303 I West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and hlarine LISIITED Phone West 115 W. J. Turnbull, 5lsnager, Residence Phone l IVest 368L SERVICE Everything for lhe Building. 11 and 12, Eagle Island. She wss advised that owing to shortage of funds her request could not be acceded to at the present time. made its presence known to the citizens of )Vest Vancouver by putting on a concert in the Ingle- wood Auditorium to 6 capacity audience. Next Friday the band will give its second annual con- cert and a glance at the program .".'ill show the progress that has been made. Adolph Bergklint who, was so popular last year! with his piano accordian, has again consented to play The following is the program: 0, Canada. March, "Nifty." Overture, oLustspiel." Cornet Solo, "The Lost Ch( rd" Bob McCartney. Waltz, 'Tres Jolie." Piano Accordian Solo, (Select- ed) Adolph Bergklint. March, "Band Boy." Saxophone Selection, "When You and I Were Young, gie." Medley, "Echoes From Opera." Trombone Solo, «Roses of Pic- ardy," Ted Elfstrom. March, "Comforter." Piano Accordian Solo, (Select- ed), Adolph Bergklint. Waltz, "Tesoro biio." March, "American Patrol." God Save the King Henry Taylor wrote the coun- cil in reference to a fill at 2150 Marine Drive. He was advised that on ac- count of shortage of funds his application could not be acceded to at the present time. W. R. Sutton wrote the coun- cil re Lots 10 and EI/2 of D. L. 556. He was advised that the council had no funds which they could expend toward the build- ing of a fence at the present time, but that they hsd no ob- jection to the owner building a fence at her own cost, subject to the approval of the engineer, if she wished to do so. Captain C. J. Archer wrote the council re position of Block 20 lying between the north boundary of Lot 1 and highwat- er mark D.L. 430. It was resolv- ed that no refund could be msds in this case. The council approved of the reeve's action in arranging for the transfer from the provincial government to the municipality of D.L.'s 1132, 1137, and 1138 for park purposes. MEN ARE FOUR The msn who knows not that he . he knows not aught, He is 6 fool; no light shall reach him. Who knows he knows not, snd would fain be taught, He is but simple take thou him and teach him. 1 But whoso knowing, knows not that he knows, He is asleep; go thou to him and wake him. The truly wise both knows, and knows he knows, Cleave thou to him, and never v'I, jq more forsake him. Ho Wus Towards the sud of Nst Goodwlu' series of marriages--while ho wss for the moment without s wifs-hs wss obliged one dsy to suswsr s smubor of oiflclsl questious. He hurried!2 put down the suswsrs, until he came totj ous which read. "Are you msrrlsd, ~ iu ls, or dlvovcsdls Ho poudsvod over this for some time. Finally, his look of wovvlmeut vanished. Bsue&th tho question he wrote ths ~ uswsv Yss, In an out-of-the-wsy corner of s Boston graveyard stands 6 brown board showing the marks of sge and neglect, It bears the inscription, "Sacred to the mem- ory of Eben Harvey, who de- parted this life suddenly and un- (gal expectedly by a cow kicking him 'rrp on the 15th of September, 1853. Well done, thou good and faith- ful servant." Gallant Father Father: "Yes my boy I'm a self-made man. Son: "Gee, Pop, that's what I admire about you. You always take the blame for everything." hiet Hm Match Father (impressing his daugh- ter'9 fiance): "Yes, I started in an oifics with nothing, and at twenty-five I wss my own mas- ter." Daughter: "And then you married mother, dldn't you, dad 7" Negro Undertaker (over phone): "Rastus, your mother- ln-law just died." Rastus I Is you sure bout dst I" N.U.: "Shall I bury her or cremate her 7" Rsstus: "Don't let's take no chances, brother; cremate her.u Dutch Courage Demon Rum -- Temperance Worker: "Why don't you flght against your longing for drinkf When you are tempted, think of your wife at home." The Victim: "Madam, when the thirst is upon ms I am ab- solutely devoid of fear." LU BER SASH DOORS ROOFING BUILDING PAPER tl Lsmatco -- Gyproc -- Phster lloard Beaver Bonrd -- Shingles COUNCIL NOTES BAND CONCERT 'Laura porter wrote the coun- It is just one year since the cil re drain st the corner of Lots, West Vancouver Schools Band'