0001 , ttz.R ieve in not ic- ,'ic 'I ': i I)t tk iki" THE WEST VAN NEWS THE BURVING BUSH By Subadar April 29, 1932, Final Bargain- CLASSIFIED ADSmeats is 2 evans per weriL aiaiaoa bartas ressisr aaoaa(s, si1 clam( Some astounding evidence 00 to the wsy things sre ruu in Wall Street came out in the in- vestigation before the Senate Banking Committee in Washing- ton. One largo operator stated that gangsters were pikers com- pared to Wall Street traders. The reports are somewhat diifi- cult for the ordinary msn to fol- low, but of one thing there is no doubt, that 0 man and his moroy are much more sure of being parted and parted quickly In that New York nest than in the worst district in Chicago. It is also quite evident that there are in the States 0 much greater number of well sheared human lambs than the normal kind who graze ln the fields. Tbe m(o Ior Clsxx(Sot Adrerdse 2S cents. Except ia ibe esse of these Sedx sic psysbie strndy ia advance. Raseabor Cisssiseds ia da West Vsa News zvt iaaedixio resons.In the Kelly Piano Stores'reat Pre Inventory Sale. TO RECT--Foraiebvd Haav. Cally Illodeitl. Water(root, Phawt Mim Steveiwiio, West 482L. No. I IVSIDE FIR. 6860 pvr cord. Phone Blair'x. Wat 298. FOR RILVT--2 bosses. Iuil pioabisz. phixmmd near beach and bas. Fursnori opnioosi Moderato rent. Phone %est 249Y CALL ED BLACK for Furaitore aai Basssee Transfer Daily io aad fmm city. Phase West 88. HOUSE FOR REVT~srily famish- ed, modern, nice location. garage. Phone West 820L. FOR RENT--Fsrsixhed Roose at Heh Iybora; convenient to ferry, $26JW. One at Aitsaoai, aml an exceptha- ally attractive homo at Caaifeikk John Lawsoa, West f4. 1420 ARGYLE STREET, 5 doors from ferry wharf. right opposite Ambieside Station on Waierirvaa Low rent. Some furniture. Top 0oor oaiy. Apply owner bvivm 5 p.m. any day, bot oot on Mvodaya WANTED TO RENT--Famished cot. \ass, inside piambias, garage, from June 16th io June 80th. Phone West 290L. Majestic Superheterodyne WIth Rogers Guaranteed Tubes $I 4Q iSO INsTALLED Only a Few lef( GET YOURS NOW( I(SPINED WOMAN Needs Work of sny kind. Phone West 104LI. ((IRL WAivTS WORK--Experivncvik Phone West 077Y. EX-SERVICE inAN NEEDS WORI(. Willing io do anything. Phone West 08. Ascot for J. W. Kelly Piano Stores and Marine West 37 G. Gemmill Cor. 14thWest 37 JOBBING GARI)ENINiG sad Oddjobs. Water Ldy Plants Ior sale. Apjdy Georzv Glass, 1092 Marine Iiave. A prominent B. C. politician has urged that a wholesale clean- up be instituted aa regards party funds. It is 0 good sug- gestion, but unfortunately about as practica! as ordering an army into battle minus ammunition. The point is, how are ihe bills to be footed, which by the way is the stickler in the solution of unemployment. Men will volun- teer for service for nothing or next to nothing when the drums beat, because physical fighting is a natural occupation of the human being. To spend dreary nights over election lists, how- ever, or to engage in one of the many activities that go to pre- pare for an election is 0 totally diiferent matter. There is not sulficient excitement in it to at- tract the average man. The pub- licity must also be considered, which newspapers cannot do free of charge for the simple reason that they have no fsr found no means of doing the work at no cost to themselves. It is a foregone conclusion that, so long as we have manhood franchise, so long we will have party funds. The difficulty can be solved by instituting rule by 0 dictator, but so many people at present would like to handle that job that there would be nothing left to dictate to, not even a stenographer, by the time the dispute was settled. Personally, I am too fond of life to attempt to grab any such of- fice, for the very simple reason that I should most certainly be bumped off myself before I could gct around to all those who I feel ought to have my very per- sonal attention. I recently on my way home, stopped in 0 doorway, and watched the crowds of city workers like myself rushing home. The expression on most of their faces appalled me, and I looked into a shop window to sce if I looked the same. I can only compare it --their expres- sion, not, of course, mine--to that most mournful of proces- sions, the return of 0 picnic on 0 hot summer night. Everybody must have observed that phe- nomenon. To take any'amily, for instance, in the show, dear papa has eaten several items which have given him indiges- tion, dear mama has been chas- ing her brood all over the place besides redressing the younger members several times and wants to put her hands up to high heaven and scream, Tommy and Johnny have both fallen in the water and look badly rumpl- ed, Billy is mad as a grizzly at having lost a race, Mary has had hcr face scratched and feels like a whipped kitten, whilst the two youngest have fallen asleep and don't care what happens. This, incidentally, another chore for dear papa. That homeward bound crowd city crowd looked about as cheerful. And then we say that slavery has been ab- olished I Circus, Dolly the Doll Lady, the Flea Circus, the Mirror Maze, the War Relics Exhibition and the Athletic Stadium; among the many sensational rides will be the latest nnd greatest thrill- er, the Lindy Loop (the only one in Canada); while countless other features will contribute to the fun and frolic of the fair. The nct proceeds of the seven big days of fun will be devoted to the B.P.O.E. benevolent fund. Go early and often, and do others (as well as yourself)' good turn. And don't forget The opening day--Saturday, April 30 -- will be Children's Dsy, when each and every attraction will be open to the young folks for 0 nickel only, until 7 p.m. And on Wed- nesday, May 4, the orphans of the city will be entertained. All orphans will then be admitted to all attractions free, and will be served complimentary ice cream and peanuts. ELKS'IRCUS OPENS TOJIORROW One of the most thrilling spec- tacles that has ever been oiforod to the public is the Bombard- ment snd Battle of Shanghai, vhich will be shown free daily st the Elks'eventh Annual Bazaar-Circus, which will open a seven days'un at Cambie Street grounds on Saturday, April 30. Original, timely and sensa- tional, this monster firework at- traction will portray, with grip- ping realism, the recent Chino- Japanese fighting. Literally tons of explosives will be used in the unfolding of this memorable war scene. Down to the smallest de- tail, everything--warships, air- planes, cannon, attacking armies flaming buildings--will be de- picted with gunpowder and elec- tricity, while detonations of all degrees of intensity will faith- fully produce the chaotic sounds of warfare, from the sinister rattle of musketry to the roar of bombs and the thunder of heavy artillery. . It -is safe to say that every 'yc-witness of this enthralling pyrotechnic panorama will re- )member the sight long after- wards. And yct it is only one of the scenes of fascinating attrac- tions that will be available to ,outdoor amusement fans at the forthcoming carnival. Among : the many sideshows to thrill and HAVE YOU SEILV the New Siwst Iar Pipe Smokers, if soi, sso Msc at tbe Aabiesuc Tea Rooms. FOR RENT--Sxiie, HoBybora Bioch. Apply West 066IL Tt;ITION--Jxaior or Senior Mxtrica- ixiion, Physics. Mathematics or Chemistry. Qualified high school Teacher . Phone. North 658. FOR Shi.E--IIHi foot oo(board racer streamlined single step hydroplane, zaod coadition. Phoae West 122Y. LOST--Brown kid ier-iiaed glove, near United Church. Thursday. Phone West 288L. FOR SALB Wahiat Trees (Eaznsh) 6 io 7 years oid, Soc to $1 each; $5 to $10 por dox. Also a large ~ad choice select(os of ORNA- MENTAL SHRUBS Iiom ssx oP. Apply 114 E. 16th SI„North Vaa- couver. Sstsrday afiemoosa Phone N. 215. FOR SALE--Sash, size Siy 'xz'xiihV $ 1.00 exch. Phone West 152. ROCKERY sad ALPINE PLANTS for sale, from large coiiectioo. C. G. Barmw, corner 24th aad Noises. Phone West 98L2. WELD INiG -- Wxxhiaz Mschiaea, Lawn moweis, anything in ms(ala Famsce repsws iar sad zmvnt rooimg. Barraid Sheet Metal Works Phone North 24L FOR PLUIRBING REPAIRS -- Res- idence Phone West 241IL FOR RFVT--Boase ea Waterlroat. Apply Leyissd, West 62BI FOUNDATION CEMENT vvORK- Lsadscapiog aad Lawns laid. Rock walls, drains, septic tanks, Iesciaz sod land riexrisg, chimneys aad furnaces cleaned snd repairwL Phone T. Barnott, residence phone West 290)L SHINGLING sad Roof Lawn mowers grauxL SawSIsng. N R. Eiim, Phone West 184K. TO RENT-6. room ixodera hosea, Good garden. Number of sowi Imit trees. Cosvemeat location, $20JNL Apply John Lawsos. West 6(LCHihiNEY SWEEPING, Root Repair- ing and Painting. Phone North 771 IIARCELLE SHOP -- bixiceiis. 50 cents; reset, 65ci 0xzer ware, 754. Phone hire. King. Wast 20L RUSH OF APPLICATIONS( FOR TWO POLICE JOBS Ninety-one applications for two vacancies on the North Van- couver City Police Force were received by the Police Commis- sion last Saturday. It is expect- ed the appointments will be made at a meeting of the Com- mission today. FOR SALE--Cheap, iwo nice riew lots on Folios between 18th aod 14th. Apply W. Dickinson, 780 14th Street. BOARD AND RESIDEVCB -- 15th aod Benevoe, sear ferry. Rates at- tractive. Phoae West 468LLAWN MOiVERS SHARPF IED- Experienced with au makes. "WILL CUT LIKE NEW." West Vancou- ver Machine Shop, 1449 Harum. WE HAVE TEV OF THE CHEAP- EST LOTS in West Vaacoover- Some close in. Sero away-mskem in asar Iotas. Jobs Lawxoo, West 55. PAINTING KALSOMINING PA PERING. C. L Konisxs, West 894B FOR SALB or EXCHANGE -- Is tho City, cosy 6 room bungalow (vobis $2400) summer house, garage, Irait trees. Full pimabiag. 2 lots. Nice iocsuoa. Phone West SL May 24th -- Children's Day ikiaple Syrup Sauce I tablespoonful melted butter I tablespoon (heaping) flour Itz cup brown sugar 2 cups boiling water. Boil till clear. Lobster Cutlet iik can lobster I oz. butter I oz. flour Salt and pepper I wine glass lobster juice 2 tablespoons cream I tablespoon lemon juice I egg Cracker crumbs. Drain the lobster, melt butter and add flour, salt and pepper. Add lobster juice, if not enough add a little milk. Boil well stir- ring all the time. Add cream and lemon juice, stirring the lob- ster chopped fine. Beat all to- gether and cool. 1Vhen set div- ide into portions. Form cutlets and for bones stick in a small piece of macaroni. Dip in beat- en egg and cracker crumbs and fry in butter. Garnish with parsley. Take Csravsie'4 alviee ssd Bay Acreasv in a piece with ~ Ioiora Acreage in zood locations zmm $50 op. Apply John Lswsoa, West ML NOTICB (BILL GROUT) 1461 1llarine Dr. West 268 ALFRED THOIIIAS LEWINS POYTS DECEASED NOTICE IS HEBEBY GIVEN that ~11 persons havllls cllinax assisi( ual extxia af Alfred Thomas Lvwias Potis formerly oi West Vancouver ia ibo Province of British Columbia, who died ea the 21st day of Mszeb, 1922, ~lv resowed oll ov bsfem dm 1st dsy of Jane, 1982, io deliver or send by prepaid letter Ml particoism of their claims duly veri0od io THE ROYAL TRUST COMPANY, execaior ot ihe Estate of the said Aifrwi Thomas Lewllix Pons dvmsswk si nil Ogbm 628 Peader Street West, Vancouver. B. C. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the last mcndoaod date the Exeeator will proceed io distribute iho assets ot the Deceased among the pomona ea- tided thereto, having nvsard oaly te the claims at which it shall thea have had nodoe. DATED at Vancouver, BC, this 2nd day of April, 198(L ROBERTSOV DOUGLAS A SYMES, 640 Feeder Street West, Vancouver, IL C„ Sondtom for The Royal Trust CompaW. Headquarters for Firestone Tires More Miles per Dollar Bread and Butter Pudding Butter stale bread. Place a layer of bread and butter in bot- tom of pudding dish. Strew raisins and currents over this, then lay another layer of bread and butter with another layer of fruit over it. Have bread and butter on top. Make a custard of 2 eggs to 3 cups of milk and ',,'8 cup sugar. Pour this over pudding, and bake in slow oven for )is hours. Left Over Game Warden: Hoy! young man, what's the idea of hunting with last year's licensef Biles: Oh, I'm only shooung at the birds I missed h(st year. On May 1st Firestone Is adding to their already well-known line of Tires R New Low Priced, Fully Guaranteed Tire The Firestone Sentinel Geo. Hay Be sure to come In Rnd see these tires. We Dow have a Tire to suit every pocket. NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 1405 Mxriao Drive Phoae West 21 er Seymoar 1240 Bveaiass Wesi 2942 Proven 1Villie: "Mother, you said that dentist was painless." Mother: "Well i" Willie: "He isn'. When I bit his linger he yelled like msd." We specialize in pleasing the custontcr. amuse young and old will be the Send your donations to one of Palace of Illusions, the World's prize committee or West Van Museum of Freaks, the Monkey News. EST +AN MOTORS