0001 '»' r»»3r r»»»l :»»»r»»'»» ',vr .ANAL »»»rrr»» I .» r P»~r~w A »' » w *»»»»»»'c» »» ~ I ~M»r »»»»» r »' » ». rw~ ' ~ 'r'» »'»' '», P rr» -r»r» v rrrrr.V» »"ri rrrrrr rr»werr» rrerr» 'rrr rr rrrrrr» rrrrr r» r rrwre» r»rr» r rr THE WEST VAN NEWS SEE 9 HEAR ',FIRST TIME IN NORTH AMERICA) THE BOMBARDMENT AND BATTLE OF SHANGHAI THK Pv»TOTKCHrclC WONOKR i SHOWN DAILY FREE AT ELKS """"""" CIRCUS CAIRBIE STREET GROUNDS, VANCOUVER 7 D„&s Com. SAT., APril 3Q Scores of Other Sensations NEIVEST RIDES AiIAZING SI Iobvs Children's Day - - Sat»y AI)ri180 5 cents Admission io Each Anraciion (fill 7 p.m.) SCHOOL BOARD NOTES Miss M. 5L )Vffson attended and requested that arrange- ments be made by the Board for transportation by ferry and street car of children taking part in the Musical FestivaL It was resolved that her. Jackson be asked to make the same ar- rangements as were made last year, and that the Chairman be authorized to interview Miss M. McIntyre in regard to arrange- ments for piano accompaniment in connection with the singing classes. Principal Mr. Brealey attend- ed and made request that grounds of Pauline Johnson School be improved for playing purposes, and drains on the north and east sides of the grounds be attended to, also matter of drinking fountain be- tween the two annexes. A letter was read from Van- couver and District Inter-High School Athletic Association ask- ing that authority be given for the Annual High School Sports to be held on Monday, hfay 23rd. It was resolved that the usual procedure be foflowed with re- gard to this request. bfr. F. Tvafte and Mr. Monk attended and asked that the Board consider placing part of its fire insurance with non-board companies represented by them, quoting a rate to be 20 per cent lower than the Board rate, with s further 10 per cent reduction for 90/c co-insurance clause. These parties were advised that the Board was not disposed to make any change in the present fiie insurance arrangements without a good deal of consider- .ation and examination of the subject from all angles. A letter was -read from fifrs, G. W. Clead, asking that her name be placed on the substi- tute list. The Secretary was dir- ected to advise all principals ac- cordingly. A letter was read from the Municipal Council, advising that they could do nothing at the present time towards construct- ing s sidewalk along Marine Drive east to the Capilano River. A. Reid attended in regard to four typewriters in use in the commercial department at pres- ent on loan at a rental of 32.50 per month for each machine. Mr. Raid submitted the follow- ing proposals, in regard to pur- chase of these machines or new ones: New machines (Royal), 3100 each, no allowance on present machines. Rebuilt machines (any make), $75 each, allowance of $10 on present machines. Present machines, $70 each, her. Raid was advised that this matter would have considera- tion and he would be advised in due course of the Board's decis- ion. W, R. Hamilton attended and asked that use of the Auditori- um be granted for a Friday aft- ernoon snd Saturday in October next for the purpose of holding a North Shore Teachers'on- vention, also that teachers be granted leave on the FYiday aft- ernoon selected for the purpose of attending this convention. It was resolved that the Board en- dorse this Convention, but point out that the Board has now power to authorize the closing of school on a school day. Report was read from Dr. Nash for the month of March; received and filed. A letter was read from P, C. Chapman, drawing attention to fire insurance renewals coming up in May, June, July and Aug- ust next. It was resolved that this letter be laid on the table, and 51r. Chapman invited to at- tend the next meeting, with a view to the Board's obtaining some further information as to Board and non-Board companies. A letter was read from Dr, M. McCubbfn accepting arrange- ment outlined in the Board's let- ter of March 29th. Report was read from Princi- pal Mr. Davidson for the month of March. Mr. Davidson drew at tention to the necessity of ivork being done on school play- ground, and also to the fact that two guy ropes of the flag pole were broken. It was resolved that matter of drain at north east corner of Pauline Johnson School grounds, and scarifying of playgrounds at both Pauline Johnson and Hollyburn Schools be left to the Grounds Commit- tee with power to act. A letter was read from D. Gestetner Co. asking to be al- lowed to send a representative to the next Board meeting. The Secretary was directed to advise them to place any proposition they have to offer in writing, and it would have consideration. Mr. Condon attended and ask- ed for use of the Auditorium on the evening of Friday, May 6th, for the purpose of holding a Band Concert. Mr, Condon also asked for authority to take the Band over to play at the King Edward High School. Both re- quests were granted. Mr. Con- don asked if the Board would consider an allowance of 310.00 for extra expense to the Band in connection with the Msy Day Festival. He was advised that the Msy Day Committee would no doubt take care of this. ONLY THREE TEAMS IN NORTH VAiVCOUVER SENIOR B BASEBALI. Officials of the North Shore Baseball League have received definite notification from West Vancouver that the West End- ers will not field a team in the senior B organization this sea- son. Native Sons, Lynn Valley and Squamish will battle it out for the league championship. Opening of the season will be celebrated with due ceremony Wednesday evening, May 11, at 6:15, on the Mahon Park diam- ond, when North Shore munici- pal officials will perform before the customers. A meeting of the league ex- ecutive was held Monday even- ing to compile the season'9 schedule, League games will be played Wednesday and Friday evenings. Arrangements will also be made for opening of the intermediate loop in which three teams wfll again compete this season. LECT('RE BY A. If. ROTVE A. H. Rowe, I'.R.C.P» the well known Vancouver artist, gave a very witty anil entertaiiiing ad- dress last Monday evening In St. Stephen'9 parish hall, his sub- ject being 'The Practice anil the Pleasures of Art." He stateil that while the history of art started at the creation modern art had its begiimings in old Greece, where a school was es- tablished 400 years B.C. At this school the coursb lasted ten years, and the fees were approx. imately 31,200. Therefore, when some said that art in these days wss behind the times, they merely admitted to being 2400 years out of date. In 1204 a school of art vras started at St. Sophia in Venice, and it might be said with truth that the Church had been chiefly responsibk in the Middle Ages for the cultivation of art snd music. Turning to England, a school of design came into being dur- ing the reign of Charles the Second, while the Royal Acad- emy wss established in the year 1768. At the same time up to recent- ly art was for the aristocracy alone, and instruction in it was confined to them. This was, of course, entirely wrong, for tal- ent in any line of human en- deavor is not confined to any particular class or race. He was satisfied that in every school class, for instance, there were some pupils with latent ability in either art or music. It was his considered opinion that any- one with a love of the beautiful and s willingness to work could draw or paint something worth while. At the present day, if we have no great artists, it is due solely to the fact that we have made money our god. And so long as we persisted in measuring a man by what he had instead of what he ivas, we could not expect to find among ourselves the great masters of the past. It was, as a matter of fact. our substitu- tion of money for a love of and a cultivation of the beautiful in life which was largely respons- ible for the present impasse to which our civilization had reached. Vocal solos were give by Mrs. S. Barnden and N. Sewell, Miss Frame acting as accompanist. 51iss Lillian Adrian of Vancou- ver, gave two fancy dancing numbers to an accompaniment by N. Sewell, being presented with a bouquet. The walls of the hall were also hung with a num- ber of interesting paintings, the work of Mr, Rowe and his West Vancouver pupils. B.C. ONLY PROVINCE TO SHOW EMPLOYMENT GAIN DURING 3IAIICH Increased employment in man- ufacturing, wholesale and retail trade was recorded on April 1, as compared with the preceding month, but the general trend, covering all industries, was downward. In a report of the Dominion bureau of statistics 7855 firms had 800,924 persons employed, compared with 810,- 244 on March 1. British Columbia was the only province in the Dominion to re- cord an increase, 773 firms hav- ing 65,684 emptoyees, a'gain of 1890 over March 1. Efay 24th -- Children's Day. Send your donations to one of prize committee or 1Vest Van News. VERNON FEED STORE A. G SEARLE phoae Wc»i 9 Fertilizers, Wood, Coal Builders'upplies April 29. 19II2 REVIEW OF FERRY ItATES PI.ANNED ACIIOSS INI.ET Action of North Vancouver City Council in discontinuing sale of books of forty ferry tic- kets for autos st the rate of 35, was brought to attention of Board of Trade Thursday night by President J. IL Cstes. As a result, a special committee of the board and the Kiwank Club will shortly confer with the council regarding a complete re- view of ferry fares. ADV(ICATES SELECTION OF LEGISLATORS WfIO WH.L TRY TO DE('IIEASE DEBT "Taxes are going up and rev- enue is decreasing. )Vhen we elect our various boards of ad- ministration we must see to it that we select men who will try to reduce our debts," declared W. J. Prout, in addressing Dis- trict Ratepayers and Residents'ssociation in Municipal Hall, Lynn Valley, Thursday night, 21st Instant. Blame for the mounting debts of provinces and municipalities was not altogether attributed to administrations by Mr. Prout. He explained that in years past, by-laws authorizing enormous expenditures have been ap- proved by municipalities for in- stance when they should not have been passed. Carrot I'udding 1 cup grated raw carrots I cup grated raw potatoes 1 cup sifted flour I cup white sugar % cup seeded raisins I/9 cup currents I/» cup butter I/z teaspoon cloves I/» teaspoon nutmeg '/„ teaspoon cinnamon I teaspoon soda in '/z cup grat- ed potato saved till last and added last of all. Flour the fruit and steam 3 hours. Serve with maple syrup sauce. Appreciation Theatre Attendant: I shall have to ask you to leave if you persist in hissing the perform- ers. Smithers: Hissingt I w-w-was s-s-simply 9-s-saying that the s-9-singing was s-s-superb. Hollyburn THEATRE Friday and Bslerdcy "Five Star Final" Wlih EDWARD G, BOIIINSON ~nd hlARIAN IIABCII blcnday cnd Tuesday GRETA GARBO la "SUSAN LENNOX" wlfl In England recently msiie public reads like this "Left to my wil'e, ono pair of trousers free of all duty, car- riage paid, ss a mark and sym- bol of what she wanted to v ear during my lifetime but did not get the chance to do. K.W. Savory 1443 Marine Drwe A mbleside Phone West 340 Evenings, TVest 143 Real Estate Finance and Insurance "He that does not believe in others finds that they do not be- lieve in him." B.C. Electric Stores Offer Free Wiring With all Electric Ranges For a short time only. Never Before! Lcw terms, lcw jrrfccc aad FREL WIRING I Thc gc»mte»t vlcc. lrlc range offer ever made ia B.C. Share In lc scwl Ncw is the lime ic adopt electric cocking in your home. For \hc arel lime B.C. Flcciric stores offer FREE WIRING with every clcctrk range sold. This cifcr will positively be withdrawn on July ia Buy your electric range ncw cad take cdvaa- lagc of Ihk spectacular ogcrl Lcw prices, cc»y term» cnd remember, any range ycu purchccc will be completely wired I'REEI Fully in»I»Bed on the Acct floor cf your home, ready fcr c»c. For Instance, the beautiful W»cilaghousc, semi-suic- mctlc pictured above lc lnciallcd ready fcc K»c fcc only 6166. Elcciric cooking, lc cccccmlccl; less ihsa 16c pcr month, pcr person. Thl» averages at less than Ic pcr m»Zpcr person. These Sgurcc are based ca the average monthly bill of over 1,990 cfcctck range users Drop In at your Wmt Vancouver B. C. Elccirlc clccc cad cclcct your fevcriic range Crom the many bcsuiifcl gleaming white mcdcls dicplsvcd ~Kd take advaaiagc of thf» remarkable offer. Re- member, Ii wfll pc»ill»sly bc wiihdrswa on July 16 BRITIII4 COLUMBIA ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. L'TD.