West Van. News (West Vancouver), 29 Apr 1932, p. 2

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0001 I r Pvv a a 4~cv rrv narra aap~va Ir.a r vrr 'err vvv v .a ~ v'p va P PIa 'atp *~ c(pcewrv pv '+A Pace (Ir P',I P, '. I vvysINP;-: P ~ 'PWP Iac ~Iw p «I r'c"v vPr 'IIP Vyv PV" V P.Y P'V 'PIr ~ ~ a vv v p *'pv'r rrrrvvvr'\wv p"vrr 'rr vrrrrv v rrrhyrv VVrvr vv; .rvra 'v vrr ~r'r rrrb ~ vvvr Vrrvr'vvr wrrvr, r rvrrrrrr Pictliyc Fccwiag Caiactc Rcsciic O ycicsiag Printing Eaiccgiag Ccsyiag Coloriag Sccak Pcctcccdc C. J. BRODERICK 1436 Marine Drive (X)hlhIERCIAI. PHOTOGRAPHY Home Portraiture United Church Minister, E. A. Henry, D.D.Permanent Waves Now $5.00 Sunday. hlay 1st, 1932. 10 a.mv-- Sunday School. 11:15 s.m.--Public Worship. Dr. Henry will preach, topic, "The Lord's Day." 7115 p.m.--Public Worship. Dr. Iienry will preach, topic, "Remember Lot's )Vife." Our pcnacacat waves are ab. ~ointcir guaranteed not tc in- jure the hair in any wcy. Your hair actaaHT bcc more gloss ~ftcr your wave thea before aad we do act turn oet frlxcca Call aad ack about cnr method aad ccc for yourself. On hionday evening last week the Y.P.S. had 0 very interest- ing story told by one of the of- ficers of the R.N.W.hI,P. of the fine work done by that eii'icient body especially in the lonely and trying districts towards the Arctic. Next hiondsy at 8 o'- clock an instructive series of pictures of the North snd West shores will be given by hir. John Wardlaw, photographer of North Vancouver. Sunday, May 8th, is "Mother' Day" snd a program is being worked out for the morning ser- vice. The program is one made by the Religious Education Council. Cfjoeyftlolyyf Beauty Shoppe 1540 Mcriae Drive Phone West 117 COSISIUNICATION Editor, West Van News: You have a note in your issue of April 22, to the effect that the rainfall on the previous hIonday was 1.23 inches. This is of course the figure of Mr. Shearman at Kitsilsno. Our Hoflyburn figure for the period 8 a.m. hIonday to 8 a.m. Tues- day was 1.67 inchea Our total rainfall from 8 a.m. April 1st to 8 a~. April 24th, was 6.23 inches. Yours truly, J. PORTER. IVednesday evening at 8 o'- clock we continue the study of "The Christ of the Mount" by the great Indian Missionary Stanley Jones. We invite aa to come snd share in this very orig- inal and stimulating book on the mind of the Master. The members of the C.G.I.T. and their friends are reminded of the closing inside meeting to- night (April 29). It takes the form of a demonstration and worship service. Also there will ,beJRspjayed a few colored slides of the "Passion Play." After tonight the C. G. I. T. will have outdoor activities nnd talks on Astronomy. DRASIATIC CONCERT Under the auspices of )Vest Vancouver L.O.L. 2990, the United Church Young Peoples'ociety will reproduce the two sct play, VOh, What 8 Family," on Wednesday the 11th Msy in the Orange Hall, by special re- quest, the,proceeds of which will be donated to the Protestant Home for Children at New West- minster. The program will be varied, including several numbers by well known local talent, snd the evening which will condude with dancing, promises to be an inter- esting one. Further particulars will appear in our next issue. This week work began on get- ting the bowling green tinto shape for the season. It is hoped s good many wifl avail themsel- ves this summer of this health- giving and sociability creating pastime. The regular meeting of the Women's Association is on Tues- day afternoon at 2:15. Most of the events just now are closing ones. It has been s strenuous winter of organiza- tion work. Another closing took place last Tuesday evening when the Men's Club and the men of the church met with their wives around the table. In their usual bountiful way the women of the W.A. provided the repast. The dsy wss fine, the attendance fair for the spring time. Singsongs led by Mr. Froud, the Convener of the Music Committee. Special num- bers were rendered: a solo by Miss M. Rankin, a pianoforte selection by Mrs. Durbin, a reci- tation by Miss Hattie Young nnd selections by the West Vancou- ver Male Quartette. The address was given by Rev. S. H. Smith of St. John's Church on the topic "Help Wanted-- Male and I"emsle. In 8 good go- ing Concern. The World'0 Big- gest Business." It was 8 fluent, earnest, force- ful appeal mingled with humor on behalf of the church. GORDON ROBSON ScccLtcc O ScUdtcc IVEST VANCOUVER-- Office No. 1447 Marine Drive. Phone West 402. VANCOUVER OFFICF Suite 818; 610 Hastings St. W Phone Scytncar 4199. Established ca Ncrth Shore 20 Yenta (Lady Accictcat) HARRON BROS. SI WILLIAMSON j'IInetal 9irECtarS North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 THE West Van Netvs Pebiisacd Every Fcidcr Pabiichcr F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Sacleccc ~Icd Editoiial Ogicci 17th cad Marine Drive (Neat to HcUybern P.O.) Phone West 363 Hail Add~i P.o. Scc 01, HcUrbaca, RC. 51.00 ~ tear by carcicii 624M s yca by malL Curried Lobster I onion I tablespoonful butetr 2 teaspoons curry powder I/4 teaspoon salt 2 cups stock 2 cups diced lobster Chop the onion and fry it in butter, then add curry powder and stock. Cook for 6 minutes, add salt nnd lobster. Serve as soon as this Is thoroughly heat- ed. Serve with plain boiled rice. THF. WEST VAN NEWS WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH EDIFICE 20th cad Sceuitaalt, HcUybeca This Society Is c Uccnch cf Thc Mother Church The First Church of Christ, Sdcntict, in Boston, Massachusetts Sunday Services 11ise ~ .m. and Tigo p.m. Sunday, hiay 1st, Subject: "EVERLASTIiVG PUNISHSIENT" Sunday Schcci at Ioioo ~.at Tectbacny btccting Wednesday at siis p.at. Baptist Church Pastor: Rev. H. P. Humphreys. Residence: 1343 Haywood Ave. Sunday, hiny 1st, 1932 10 a.m.--Sunday School and Adult Class. 11 a.m.--Morning worship. Topic, "The Years that the Locust hath eaten." Anthem. Followed by the ordinance of the Lord's Supper. 7:30 p.m~Evening worship. Continuing the addresses on Revelation. Topic, 'The Lamb in the Midst of the Throne." A marvelous prophecy. Song service. A cordial invi- tation to nU. Wednetday, 8 p.m. -- Prayer snd praise service. Friday,. 7 p.m.--C.G.I.T. )Vomen'0 hiission Circle meets on Tuesday at 2:30 p.m, St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev. Father Carey R06. 2558,Marine.Dr. FRIDAY--7:30 p.m., Devotions. 8:00 p.ma Confessions. (Children) SATURDAY--7:30 p.m., Con- fessions (Adults). SUNDAY--8:45a.m., Holy Mass Sermon. 1:30 p.ma Sunday SchooL 2:30 p.m., Devotions. WEEK DAYS--7:15 n.ma Holy Mass. SWIMMING CLUB EXECUTIVE HOI.D FIRST MEETING OF SEASON The new executive of the Swimming Club held its inaug- ural meeting last Wednesday. A program of operations for the ensuing season wss drawn up snd sub-committees sppoini ed to handle this work. It is proposed to have the times of afl members re-taken at handicap events as soon as the floats come down from Fsgle Harbor snd closed club galas held. The committee have accepted the responsibility for the Msy Dsy dance and plan to make it s bigger success than last year if such is possible. hiembership fees are now due snd payable to the Treasurer, Mrs. G. Vance, or any member of the executive committee. The membership is a big factor in the success of the club and every member is asked to bring in two more members at least. Get be- hind the membership drive and do your part to doubk the pres- ent roll. The life saving classes under Mr, Vance are going over In 8 big way, each Friday night at 7115 o.m. at Pauline Johnson School If you haven't enrolled yet join up at once. There sre no fees- for joining the classes and membership in the Club is not necessary. Mr. Vance who is the representative of the Royal Life Saving Society for the North Shore will be glad to give further particulars. Phone him at West 219L. St. Stephen's Church Rector: Rev. F. A Ramsey, L.S,T. May Isb--5th Sunday after Faster, Rogation Sunda& Philip and and St. James. 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10 dt 11:15 a.m. -- Sunday School. 11: IS a.m.--Iioly Communion and sermon. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong and ser- mon. Thursday, May 6th--Ascen- sion Dsy--Holy Communion 10 s.m. On Tuesday evening in the Parish Hall, Mr. W. E. Cliiford wiU give an iflustrated lecture --"Russia, Old and New." As hir. Clijford recently returned from Russia his lecture should be very interesting. There will be a collection taken for the Parish Hall Fund. On Friday afternoon the An- nual Spring Sale by the W. A. will be held in the Parish Hall. The dates have been announc- ed for the various groups at Camp Artaban this summer: Senior Boys, June 27th to July 11th. The Leader's Camp, July 11-18th; Junior Girls, July 18 to August 1st; Junior Boys, Aug. I-15th. Senior Girls, August 15 to 29. This is sn ideal place for the boys and girls to spend two weeks of good fellowship snd worthwhile activity. The cost is 312.50 for aa camps except the Leader's which is 69.50. Service at St. Francis, Caul- feild, 3 p.m. on Sunday. The Woman's Auxiliary of St. Stephen's will hold their May Sale of Work on Friday, May 6, in the Parish Hall at 2:30 p.m. Needlework Stall, Home-Cook- ing, Afternoon Tes, Plants. Mis- cel)aneous Qtafl, Senior (cirlr Auxiliary. Candy Junior Auxu- iary. Presbyterian Mission Orange Hall Minister: Rev. J. W. Cuddeford. Phone N 1107. Services: Sunday, 2 p.m. -- AU depart- ments of the Sabbath School. Also the Adult Bible Class. 3:IS p.m.--Church worship. Thursday, 8 p.m.--Mid - Week Prayer Meeting. Friday, 8 p.m--Choir practice. AU welcome to the services. LEGION INSTITUTES "hiAN-A-BLOCK" SYSTESI IN WEST VANCOUVER For the purpose of partisfly relieving the unemployment in West Vancouver among its mem- bers, the Legion have formed 8 coinmittee of three members to proceed with the installing of what is commonly known as the vmsn-a-block" system. Under this system contribu- tions will be received from every one in amounts from twenty-five cents up, which will be placed to the depositor's credit. As soon as the depositor hss an avail- able balance, he may use it for any necessary work he may wish to have performed at 8 rate of pay of 400 per hour, the Legion to supply the labor required. It is hoped to build this fund to such proportiohs so as to in- clude sll unemployed in the municipality. The idea is s workable one and should meet with Immediate support. Everyone needs gar- dening work done or tidying up, splitting wood, Iixing the hund- red and one things that need repairing in ones home. The Legion will be glad to furnish further information. Phone the secretary at West 410L or the committee in charge at West 364R1. April 29, 1934k DI.Marjory hICCubbin DENTIST Hcucci 9 a. ta. te 8 9. w, Saturdays: 10 c. ta. te I s,ia. Eycaingc aad Sctacdcr A(Ice scone br aspoiatmcnt only, Royal Bank UeUdisg Phoae West 440 Residence Phone West ssh DR, G. D H SEA LE DENTIST Hcy Block, 14th sad kicriac Dy. Ogice Hours 9 tc 0 p.m. Evenings by appoietmcal Phono West 72 NURSING HOME (Mrc. M. E LcCbcacc, R.N.) 244 - 24th Street East North Vcaccaycc Rccidcacc I'bose: Ncctli ISMR HOLLYUURN Barber Shop 16th A biatiac EXPERT SERVICE E. MARSH, Proprietor ~ ~ BRIDGE RIVER AND P G.E IIOINTS CAN BE REACHED BY PHONE Another extension to long- dlstsnce tekphone service with- in this province became elfective last month, when 8 telephone connection with Pacifi Great Eastern Railway points and the Bridge River vsaey wss estab- lished. Service is now available from Vancouver snd other points in the B. C. Telephone Company's system to Squsmish, Daisy Lake Rainbow Lodge, Pemberton, Creekside, 8 number of places adjacent to Bridge River station snd to points in the Bridge River vsfley as far as Bralorne snd Pioneer Mines. The new service is being given by the B. C. Telephone Company through the c~rstion of the Pacifi Great Eastern Rsflway, the B. C. Electric Railway Com- pany, and the Dominion Govern- ment telephone service. The B. C. Telephone Com- pany's line is used as far as Brit- tsnnia Beach where it joins s circuit built by the B. C. Elec- tric Railway Company to serve its hydro-electric development project st Bridge River. This hne makes its way to Squamish snd then follows the Pacific Great Eastern Railway to Bridge River station. There it joins the Dominion Government Une that goes over Mission Mountain to the Bridge River valley. Pioneer Mine, the end of the line, is 186 miles from Vancouver by the route which is followed. Fair Enough "When pnces are low the far- mer is further Involved by hav- ing to support idle cattle," says 8 banker. There is some talk of making the cows catch mice in their spare time. LOPE'iiiig(E NOW PLAVINO JACK HOLT RALPH GRAVES ic A DANGEROUS AFFAIR ilol .cc elvcc cwcy P + Cat Cclvwp Cywv NOTE ---- TI')1l. ITRI). NrxT 7'iytl NIOIITS l l.'C.T "Lovers Courageous" iiviv'rt Iivclspcv'cy A V ry Ocwl I'ictcpc 'ARE YOU A MASONT' 2 Ac! play Mcc Ociy ~ -. kqi