West Van. News (West Vancouver), 29 Apr 1932, p. 1

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0001 C, Ci rCJJlati ygfr i yf $1.00 per year. +.Vol. VI SIX PAGES A Weekly Newspaper thg DiStriCt of WCSt VanCOuejCr-Amblefide, HOllyburn, WCStOn, DuygdaratrC CyprgSS Park, Caulfeilds WhyteCliff; EtC. Newsstands 5c per Copy HOLLYBURN P.O.. WEST VANCOUVER. B C, FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1932 No. 49 ). IB I!L ee I Dsl n Ibs nl, ia ds si Ihad. nnesn reste lice el 's nai. e hkl schsd md sd. nutcsi msd is in Ibs ide tbs styac lies m ahs an nns iw xcssnt. cfslg- igsthat tbs ((I erne n. bsi ihs chihlrss snd ibs Icnssa that It ncbsib rscss le ihk m sicltsi Nng si i,II. H bse nss i. flsUsf iIshl m ,IgI.m it s flsi sl issnsk it. cn'sDsi msa s( Isd 1'" 'less ssf lethe ~cdsg gsss ~(sss91 xhN~L iel~ is bIIIII'I ,hil JEAN )YARNER IS hlAY QUEEN Last Wednesday the pupils of HoUyburn School, who have the honor this year of choosing the West Vancouver May Queen, elected Jean Warner aged 13, from amongst themselves to wear the crown for 1932. The election for her maids of honor and guard of honor at Holly- burn and Pauline Johnson School resulted as follows: hIaids of Honor: Doris Bernard (P.J.) aged 13. Jessie Ritz (P.J.) aged 12. Guards of Honor: Sheila Edwards (P.J.) Joan Parker (P.J.) Doreen Bernard (P.J.) Margaret Fance (IL) Mary Thomson (H.) Margaret Bill (H.) The flower girls will be chosen later, probably this week from Dundarsve School. hlEhIORIAL ARCH We have had in our midst for years a Memorail Arch of which we have been justly proud--but we have not been proud of the surroundings. No amount of reasoning can persuade us that a play-ground, a foot-path and an open field are appropriate set- tings for a very select chaste monument In memory of brave West Vance~*ver.l&'s Who gave their aU for those of us who re- main. For several years the Duncan Lswson Chapter, I.O.D.E., have cared for the flowers around the Arch and have done what they could to beautify it„but this year it was conceded that some- thing more must be done, eo the contract has been let to put the plot 100x80 feet in grass with a laurel hedge surrounding it alL Next year, it is hoped to lay it out in beds and walks, following a design being prepared by Mrs. hiina G. Hutt. The council has most kindly agreed to plow the plot and level it and now every citizen of West Vancouver who is interested in their Memorial Arch (and who is not?) are go- ing to be given a chance to do their share. To provide such an opportun- dty the Duncan Lawson Chapter~are holding a Telephone Bridge next week from May 2nd to 7th, In order to join just invite a few friends in for bridge or whist, ask them to pay 26c to help beautify the surroundings of the Arch and telephone your highest score and send your contribu- tions to either Mrs, J. F. Jack- son, West 351R; Mrs. Stainsby, West 82; or Mrs. Hayes, West 818LI. The prizes which will be drawn for at the regular meeting May 9th will be on display during the week at Gemmifi's Drug tore. If you cannot arrange a bridge or whist, just send your dona- esa,tlon. Please consider this is your personhl invitation to join in, not only beautifying West Van- couver, but giving some of it' citizens a little extra work. E. Hope Bacon wrote the council m the bad state of Law- son Avenue in front of No. 2695. The matter was referred to the engineer with power to act. Elizabeth B. Black wrote the council regarding garbage st the end of 27th Street. The matter was referred to the health in- spector with power to act, MAY DAY PRIZE COMMITTEE Donations or prizes for the May Day celebration this year in West Vancouver wIU be re- ceived and acknowledged through these columns by the prize com- mittee, who are as follows: L. Brooks, (Vest Vancouver High School; hfrs. J. R. Patterson, 2694 Marine Drive; Mrs. W. R. Hamilton, 22nd and Argyle Ave.; Miss E. Hamyson, 20th and Fulton Ave.; H. Davison, 15th and hfarine Drive. In addition we have by re- quest opened a prize fund and any donations sent to us will be turned over to the committee and acknowledged through our columns. So far received: Orange Lodge, No. 2990 prize value ............r.......$5.00 )Vest Vancouver Scottish Society .......................... 5.00 West Vancouver P.-T. A.... 5.00 hlr. Harper, Theatre Lonsdale ......2 prizes IVest Van News Fund Reeve J. B. Leyland .......... 5.00 FELLOW CITIZENS: LEGION NOTES The Canadian Legion, West Vancouver branch, will hold their regular meeting in the Legion hiemorial Hall next Mon- day 2nd Msty,'sI 8 p.m. Every member is asked to make a point of attendihg. The second whist drive and dance in aid of the unemployed ex-service men was held in the Legion Hall last Saturday, a most enjoyable evening being spent by aU. Cards finished at 10 p.m. when the Legion Or- chestra got busy and kept every- one on their feet with their snappy fox trots and old mem- ory waltzes until midnight. Those who wishcxl refreshments were catered to by the ladies of the Legion W. A. )Vhist prize winners were as follows: Ladies 1st, Mrs. Rich- ardson; Gentlemen's 1st, W. Denniston; Ladies 'Consolation, Mrs. Climie; Gentlemen's Con- solation, W. Strstton. The next whist drive and dance in aid of the same cause, will be held at 8 p.m., Saturday. May 7th, in the Legion HslL COUNCIL OPPOSED TO DIRECT RELIEF The council at their meeting on Tuesday night went on record as being unanimously against the adoption of the principle of direct relief. believing that such action was uneconomic and that it would inevitably tend to the demoralization of the citizenship of the country; and being con- vinced that the only satisfactory system for meeting the existing situation was the one in force at the present time, as under it workers earned their own living and retained their self respect. Copies of this resolution were forwarded to Premiers Bennett and Tolmie and members of the legislature. A. E. Munn, M.P., and J. Loutet. M.LA.- The councjl appointed the chief of police and the members of his force ss fire pievention oificers for the municipality, this in connection with a com- munication from N. Pearson, forest ranger m burning per- mits, etc. Alexander Dunn inquired of the council re water supply. He was advised that water could be forced up to the 300 foot level. May 24th -- Children's Dsy. Send your donations to one of rise conimittee or West Van ews. On May 24, 1931, West Vancouver made community history which will live long in the memory of sU those who participated. On that day we crowned our first May Queen, we entered into the spirit of the da) with s happiness and joy which befitted the occasion, snd hundreds who were amazed at the spectacle have looked forward with anticipation to a return of the event this year. On May 24, 1932, we are to crown our second May Queen, we are to give hundreds of children a thrill which mesne so much in their young lives, and we are to pay our respects to pioneers who twenty years ago saw the birth of our Municipality. This will be a great dsy for afi our citizens. and for hundreds of outsiders who have promised io visit us, at a time when the prospects for a solid development of the Municipality were never brighter For some time the world has been sorely distressed, depression, unemployment and gloom having been abroad. We need something, if only for s day, to cheer us up, and to make us smile and greet our fellows with a right good hand-clasp. My appeal is that on May 24th we will forget our troubles, that our badge of citizenship will be a smile, that unemployment will be forgotten on that day, se every citizen worthy of the name will be employed in making glad the hearts of little children and so help the other fellow to be happy. The several May Day committees are working hard and are appealing for funds and prizes for the various sports. IViU you, if possible, send your contribution in early to any member of the prize committee or to the West Van News--they need your assistance. But above aU, on May 24th join with your fellow- citizens in helping to make it a grand success by leaving old man Depression in the woodshed, and let's afl be young togetherl J. B. LEYLAND, , Reeve.u~..~msgggJsElhash i~ 1 HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY LEGION W A The Horticultural Association The regular monthly meeting are making plans for the forth- of the W. A. to the Canadian coming two shows to be held on Legion was held last hIonday, June 18th and the fall show, AyrU 25th, in the Legion Mem- September 10th. orial Hall, when a good num- The catalogue is almost corn- ber attended and much business pleted and will soon be in the was transacted. Several excel- printers'ands. lent reports were received, show- The membership tickets sre ing what splendid work has been ready and can be had by apply- done by both social and benevol- ing to any of the directors or by ent branches. phoning to the Secretary West An invitation to attend Div- 266L. ' ine service at St. Stephen's The drawing this year in the church at 7:15 on Msy 22nd, has Children's Section (for Public been accepted. It is hoped to School only) will be "Sweet have a good attendance on that Peas." date. In the Boy's Division there will not be the usual woodwork An invitation has been receiv- this year. ed by the )Vi A. from the Nanai- Best Bird Houses made by boy mo branch to visit them on Fri- under 16 years, 1st and 2nd day June 24th. For furtherpar- prizes, and also by boy under 13 ticulars phone Mrs. Wicking, years, 1st and 2nd prizes, these )Vest 696R2 as early as possible. to be for Public School, For High School (Boys,) -- NORTH SHORE POI.ICE Best model of First Narrows MARKSMEN SCORE 1347 Bridge, 1st and 2nd prize. IiV REVOLVER CONTEST Girls'ivision (Needlework) 12 years and under--One pair Out of a possible score of 1600 hemmed towels. city and district entries in the Sixteen years and under -- annual revolver competition of Pyjamas (sleeping). the Chief Constables'ssocia- High School, -- Girls Wash tion of Canada piled up 1347 at Ilress. Grouse Mountain revolver range The Home-cooking will be as Wednesday afternoon. This tot- Ususl, 6 classes. al exceeded by forty-seven points the score turned in by members STEAihl ROI.I.ER of Vancouver force in the same OPERATOR WANTED competition. Capt. F. L Coe and H. B. Stoker were the ref- The municipality requires the crees. zen ices of an'occasional opera- Following the individual score: tor for their steam roller. Ap- Twenty yards deliberate- plicants must have not lees than Constable J. Young, 188; Can- 4th class papers. Only written stable C, Hailstone, 180; Sergt. ayplications wiU be received, giv- G. Gauld, 174: Sergt. C. Gurr, ing experience and wages ex- 169; Constable )V. Bowling, 168. pentad, and they must be deliv- Twelve Yards, rapid fire- ered to the municipal clerk by 6 Constable Young, 100; Constable p,m. next hionday. An adver- Hailstone, 97; Sergt. Gauld, 97; tisement relative to this appears Sergt. Gurr, 91; Constable Bow- in this issue, ling, 93. COUNCII. NOTES W. B. Woods wrote to the council re water pipe. tap, etc. He wss advised that the matter complained of has already hsd attention. I B. C. hlotor Transportation Ltd. wrote the council that, in order to give better service and alford adequate parking facili- ties, they had made arrange- ments to terminate their service in Horseshoe Bay at the Horse- shoe Bay Hotel, using the pri- vate property in connection with the hoteL They would retain their present site opposite Thorpe's Confectionery as addi- tional parking space, and for loading and unloading to avoid congestion at the peak of the summer tral?Ic. They asked for the council's approval of this arrangement. The council replied that they could see no objection to this arrangement at the present time J. M. Larnie wrote the councfl re rock on boulevard. He was advised that the matter had been attended to. R. A. Bindlay wrote the coun- cil asking that gravel be placed on a portion of the lane on the west side of 17th Street between Fulton and Gordon Ave . „He was informed that the council were not prepared to take action on his request at the present time. The engineer reported to the council on: 1. Application of LO.D.E. in connection with work at hfem- orial Arch. That to remove the sod and reduce the site to a true grade by instrument would cost ap- proximately 890.00. To employ s jobbing gardener to screen. roll, seed, etc., the site wouM cost approximately 8122.50. It was resolved that an a- mount not to exceed 690 be ex- pended in connection with sec- tion I of the Engineer's report provided that the I.O.D.E. are prepared to complete the scheme in accordance with Section 2 thereof. 2. Application of Chatterton and Meseinger; Ditch on north side of Marine Drive. That this work would cost approximately 8282.66 and before being done should be referred to the district engineer's office of the public works department. No action. 3. Miss Stevenson's applica- tion re 25th Street. That the work cost approxlmateb 825 and had alreadv been done. Ap- proved. 4. Misceflsneous items. (a) The rock which James IVeir compksined of had been taken away. (b) The tree complained of by J. T, Wilkinson had been felled. (c) The tile drain requested by Mr. Barbour had been in- stalled. (d) The tree coinplained of by )V. L Black had been felled. (e) The stone mentioned by Mr. Larnie had been removed. (f) W. B. Wood's complaint re water pipe. etc., had been at- tended tcx 5 Alexander Dunn's apylica- tion re water supply. Applicant advised that water could be forced up to 800 foot level.