0001 h h c rrs. h rh hr r~rrvtI, . rr r-h trt« tvr hghr Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Dundarave,","-"..,""„'„'" Ambleside„„"','„,„„," SPECfhLS Friday at Saturday, Aprn 22 & 23 CHATEAU CHEESE NABOB PUgkk STRA WBFJtkY Hs lL pocket .................. .... lsc JAbl .. ... . 2 IL tiu 25c Limit 2 ICEli SULTANA CAKE LARGE PkCNES- --. 2 lba lpc Roid's ....................................... tpc Limit 2 lba PUFFED WHEAT. ykg..... 12ihc C i.RANI,LATFD SUGAR tk C. HONEY-- Riedek's 2 1'g lb. tiu ......... ................. 29e Limit 6 lbs. LE51ONS ............. 19 for ipc ICING SUGAR ............2 lbs. 15c POTATOIM ................... 25 iba 25c ORMOND'S SODAS, peg pkt 19c ROSEl.LA PEARS, Austrskeu bitktDOWVALE BUTTER, 1L Ek Na 1 souci t'u ----..... 15 lbs .......................... 49c PANCAKE FLOUR-- GOLDEN MEADOW BUTTER Aust Jemima. pep pscket.. 15c 1L............... 27c. 2 the... 52c ( Red lt 1Vhite GREEN BAcoN. Igs iL yscket ............ sc i sTRINGLEss BEANs, No. 2 PURE LARD. pec lb......., pe size tiu ............................. lie IL C. PEACHES Red Jt White TOblATO SOUP Na 2 equst tiu ...... 17c tiu ............................... 9c CARNATION MILK, tall ties llc ) Red k White FLOUtb 7 lL sack 22c Small ties ..--..--.----. 'c , '24 lb. seek .........:...,,. „... 66e PORK k BEANS--Arlmec ~ 4'kkiSTIE'8 G1NGER NUTS No. 2 squat tia........... 2 tins lse l per lb....--.............. 14e THE WEST VAN NEWS Why Pay More? Deal with ~ Branch ol THE LARGEST RETAIL LUMBER ORGANtXATION IN BRITISH COLUMBIA ~ ~ ~ SPECIAL LUhlBER, SASH dg DOORS, For u 4-Room Cottage LINED INSIDE Price Delivered $ ZOO.OO o ~ ~ I Get ouc Prices on Fencing. AMBLESIDE .LUMBER CO. LTD. 16th sud Msgisc Drive Phone West 199. After 6 p.m. Rsh for Gegrr Deut Phono West 2llR. April 22, 1932, JEFFERlES'UPERlOR MEATS Government Inspected Only LAMB, BEEF, PORK, VEAL, ETc. COOKED blEATS OF ALI KINDS, DELICATESSEN (Two Stores for your servicel HOLI.YBURN STORE Ablnl,ESIDE STORE West 3 West 303 West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and biarine I.iblITED Phone Wmt 116 W. J. Turnbuli, bianager, Residence I'hone: West 368L SERVICE Everything for lhe Building. LU BER SASH DOORS ROOFING BUILDING PAPER IJsmatco -- Gyproc -- I'laster Board "l Beaver Board -- Shingles r,t ~Nu -k 4 g ~ 'U ~A IIr t tO-VCR. WRPIto ~,gt t ttnI't eg ve ~A rt'rv ' rr .V.trV ~ ~r4 rrrrvt. .yhv 'Ph'hrv vrtvhrr rvrrrv. v vrr» 'r fVrt'VV rvrvrrr~ vv rrrvr v'rr Roberts'etter Meats FOR QUALITY AND SERVICE sto- The Store with the Neon Sign Phone %Test 190 All Government Inspected-NOt1 Grade Meat For Cash or C.O.D. Only Boiling Fowl, 4 to 6 pounds each - 16c a lb. I Cottage Rolls, no bone, no waste ~ 13c a lb. CONCERT BY CHIEI MATHIAS AND HIS INDIANS LARGELY ATTENDED There was a large attendance at the concert put on last Friday evening by Chief Mathiss and some members of his tribe In the Inglewood Auditorium. The chief seemed to be particularly popular with the many school chddren present judging by the vociferous applause tliey gave him whenever he came forward to announce the various num- bers, Following short addresses by Chairman C. T. Kendrick of the school board and T. K. Light- ly, the former of whom voiced the reeve'5 regrets st his inabil- ity to be present, s group of Hollyburn School children sang several choruses, while another group from Pauline Johnson School gave an exhibition of folk dancing. These were followed by several vocal numbers in Eng- lish by members of the tribe, as also a clever nigger skit. Chief Mathias started the Indian sec- tion of the program by an ad- dress in which he referred to the friendly relations which had always existed between the whites and his pebple during the chieftainship of his father and himself. He wore his full native dress of doe skin embroidered with Indian designs.and s head- dress of eagle's feathers. The remainder of the band, both men snd women, were garbed in doe skin with the exception of two warriors,who were stripped to the waist and wore long kilts made of the hair of the moun- tain goat. Their chests and faces were painted arid they were armed with heavy native spears and daggers made of white pine, the other warriors carrying bows snd arrows. The games as well as the songs and dances which they gave were most interesting, especially the dances, which were performed to a weird reiteration of s few notes and the beating of a drum In the hands of Chief Mathiss. Miss Hattie Young, who also wore the ful! native dress, de- lighted the audience with s fine recitation of some of Pauline Johnson poems, whik the chief concluded the program with a spirited song and dance. French Salad To 1 pint canned peas add 1 pint celery cut finely, tpjt cup wslnuts chopped finely, tggs cup chopped orange. Serve with mayonnaise dressing on shred- ded lettuce. Roberts'etter Meats Phone West 190 Delivery to all West Vancouver Improvement Inesl "How is Bill getting on with his golfee Dot: "Oh, quite well. The children are allowed to watch him now.o No. 1 Alberta Butter - 3 pounds 70c. Local 'rime Steer Beef l G»»"»GE Spring Lamb M Nc s E YING 25C o K sAUsAG2 lbs... ) 5C BONELESS STEADYING dbg lb....2pC 2 lbs --35C BEEF ...............2 lbs..., ....Laic ROLLED SHOULDER PURE BEEF N.B ~IL 24C BOILING BEEF 9C DRIPPING, lb......,. 5Clb. 27C POT ROAST - BACO &by '"'m'& ) 6C SLICED BACK BACON Local " "' ll 9 P,lt I h g. E h,,109 STEIVING VEAL JI g " " '"'"-------"----- 2 for 19c ..15c &18C 1vLNG RIB RQAsT )7 2pc RUIHP ROAST dm 26Lb", 25CIb. ---------------------- / 7C GEII POTATOES --.---.lb. ......... ... ......... Grain-Fed PQRK lb.""...'...'."...".."....".'.."...'...'....23c T'«Nips ..................25c LEGS (Fores) .) A 'EEP SIRLOIN Vc ib....................... Cuc 23Lbs. RHUBARB LolNs 'I e I I Ibs for .......---------. Ylb... -' Sc I FRESH AND CURED I I FRESH HAII FISH BURBANK POTATOES SPC Ib ~, I u ( 100 lbs. MAY DAY COIISHTTEE A meeting of the Msy Day Committee took place in the council chamber st 8 p.m. on Wednesday, when reports of committees were received and a considerable amount of busi- ness accomplished in connection with the celebration. The report of the arrange- ments regarding the election of the May Queen and relative mat- tera as proposed by the Msy Queen committee and the school principals was received and ad- opted. The West Vancouver Amateur Swimming Club have agreed to take charge of the dance in the evening which will conclude the celebration, as they did last year The Weut Van News was re- quested and agreed to make an appeal through its columns for funds for prizes. The sports committee present- ed a report in which they sug- gested among other things that the 220 yards race and the 440 yards race be run in the morn- ing on the road, also that the sports for the younger children be held in the morning and the senior sports In the afternoon. It was felt, however, that it would be desirable to have both the junior and senior races in the afternoon, but with this ex- ception the report wss adopted. A committee conslstin of Mrs. W. B. Small, Mrs. W. H. Green, snd J. R. Mitchell was appointed to bring in a report as to arrangements for the'ay Queen's official banquet. The next meeting of the Msy Dsy committee will be held in the council chamber at 8 p.m. Friday, 29th April, when it is particularly requested that all committees and delegates make s point of being present. -I j C., May 24th -- Children's Day. Send your donations to one of prize committee or West Van Newa His Subordinate "Who is really the boss In your house?" inquired the friend "Well, of course, Maggie as- sumes command of the children, Jm the servants, the dog, the cat, ~ and the canary. But I can ssy pretty much what I please to the goldfish." Aunt Agatha wss recovering from an attack of fiu and wss somewhat upset to have wsll- mesning but tactless visitors tell her how ill she still looked, Her nephew, a sympathetic little lad, was doing 'his best to comfort her. "Don't you 1st 'em make you feel bad, auntie," he said, OI don't think you look s bit worse than you always do."