0001 APrll 22, 1932, THE WEST VAN NEWS Rigo NURSINGPersonalLocal and BOTTLES anti NIPPLES Mrs. Stuart Cameran of Csul- feild, has as her guest Miss Har- riet MscCloskie, who is on her way from Shanghai to Salt Lake City. e o e Playing in the soccer cup fin- als yesterday, the West Vancou- ver High School team were un- fortunate, losing to North Burn- aby EIigh School by one penalty goal. The latter will now hold the cup for s year. ~ ~ ~ Mrs. Alex Riddle and young son of Saanich, Vancouver Is- land, are the guests of Mrs. Rid- dle's parents, Mr. snd Mrs. Stuart Csmeron of Caulfeild. ~ ~ On Wednesday last a delight- ful tea was given by the Girl Guide Committee of the I.O.D.E. at the home of Mrs. J. E. Dur- bin. The ides of the gathering was to give the mothers an in- sight into the workings of Guides snd an opportunity to meet the local captain, Miss Dor- chester, Mrs. Peel, District Com- missioner for Burnaby gave s most interesting talk in which she laid great emphasis on the value of camp life for the girls. During the afternoon the guests were delighted by vocal solos rendered by Mrs. F. F. Love- grove and bliss Margaret Ran- kine while Miss Mary Bradshaw contributed 3 recitation. The proceeds were brought to s close with the serving of dainty re- freshments, Fire broke out last Saturday evening at the home of Ddr. snd Mrs. Collom, 20th snd Lawson Ave. The fire brigade putting it out before any damage vvas done. ~ ~ David Dewar and his two sons 22nd and Bellevue, )eft here on Monday for their farm in the Peace River. e ~ Starting Diay 1st, the last up- per level bus wfil leave Amble- side wharf at 7:10 p.m. The 7130 pdn. upper level bus will be dis- continued after 30th April ~ ~ The 1st Company, West Van- couver Girl Guides, held an en- rollment on Tuesday at Ingle- wood School. Mrs. bfunday, vis- iting captain officiated at the ceremony. The following girls were enrolled: Topsy Sherman, Jacqueline Boyd, Ravens Cuth- berlson, blargaret Currie, Joan Thompson, and Bubbles Ber- nard. Following the enrollment tea was served. * o \ blr. and Mrs. Vance of Van- couver, have taken s suite in the Hay Block, 14th and Marine Drive, snd expect to move in shortly. ~ ~ blrs. Dollmsn and family of Vancouver, have rented the house ot Rev. Chas. Clarke, at 16th 2nd Fulton Avenue, and will take possession in the near future. Mr. and Dire. Perry of Van- couver, have moved into Mrs. Singer'2 house at 16th and Wat- erfront. o ~ ~ DIay 24th s-- Children's Day. Send your donations to one ot rdze commiilee or West VJm ews. o ~ R. C. Ashiey of Vancouver, will occupy shortly the house of Mrs. Green at 13th snd Hey- wood Avenue, which he recently rented. e ~ o Mr. Chapman of 14th snd Waterfront has taken the Elgsr house at 14th and Clyde Ave. ~ ~ ~ Miss Grace Creelman of the Lesage Drug Store, spent the week end in Victoria. o Mrs. G. D. Elgar entertained at her home in honor of biiss Mildred Rush, daughter of Major Rush and Mrs. Rush st 3 mis- cellaneous shower, Thursday afternoon. The gifts were pre- sented in a beautifully decorated cheat, with a tiny bride stand- ing on the lid. A large number of friends were present and the guest of honor received many beautiful gifts. Tea was later served from a very pretty table centred with s silver basket of red carnations and pale mauve stocks and narcissus. The living room was fragrant with pink hyacinths and snapdragons. A song wss sung composed by one of the guests to the "Bride to Be," while DIrs. Ted Sewell play- ed the wedding march. e ~ In the first round of the North Shore District School Baseball competition Pauline Johnson was drawn against North Star, de- feating them on Thursday, 14th instant, in North Vancouver by a score of 15 to 7. The next game will be played against Queen Mary on the Paul- ine Johnson grounds.\ Miss M. P. Ellis, 31st and IVat- erfront, has rented the Dick house at 25th and Lswson Ave. ~ e ~ Ed Black of Dundarave with his two sons spent the week end at Selma Park fishing. They were successful in landing two salmon. ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. Roderick Peck of Gleneagles, had ss their guests over the week end, Mr. and blrs. Richard Shaw of Van- couver. ~ e o J. IL A. M. Van Gogh of Van- couver, has rented the house of Miss Ellis, 31st and Waterfront. o Saturday, June 25th next, has been fixed for the Baptist Church annual picnic. This year it is to be held (D.V.) st Keats Island. No. 6 Ferry has been se- cured and will leave yAmbleside wharf at 9:15 a.m., returning so as to arrive back st Vi'est Van- couver at 10 p.m. Friends are asked to reserve the dote. All Sunday School Scholars free. Dlcintyre--Frampton On Tuesday, April 19th, st the Baptist parsonage by Rev. H. P. Humphreys, Miss Dlinnie Louise Frsmpton to Samuel James Dic- ty . e th t V ttt htth -- t'httd ' y. Send your donations lo one ot rise committee or West Vsn 'ews. Now 3 for 25c WEST VAN FSAINACYWe L. OGDEN CO. West746lay Tbo Slore ot Serekoh1432 Morlao Dylro Weel gf Bmeegesey Pimao West 221 (Afior 3 p.m.) ISHINGS EXCLUSIVELY yo oad youths, dos!mar oeigbt aid,h Foooy Sd,yi pod $ ] 4g 1. I P. The regular meeting of the Independent Labor Party (Soc- ialist) was held in the Legion Hall April 13th. Comrade Clead led a very interesting discussion on the "Class Struggle." Many questions were asked snd very ably answered. On April 27th, Dr. Lyle Tel- ford will speak at 3 public meet- ing in the Orange Hall. His sub- ject will be "If I Were Dicta- On Wednesday, April 16th, another very successful I. L. P. Whist Drive wss held in the Orange Hall. Comrade Mrs. Glacd spoke for a few minutes of'he women of Russia. The prize winners were: Ladies first, Mrs. A. MacAulay; ladies second Mrs. R. Woodcocke; ladies sealed number, Miss Glacd. Gentle- men's first, D. Case; geotlemen's second, E. King; gentlemen' sealed number, W. Davison. Draw prize, N. Waddell. Mr. Case kindly donated his prize to the I.I P. orchestra. The next I.L.P. Whist Drive will be held in the Orange Hall Friday, April 29th, usual prizes and price. DIEN'S AND BOYS'URN Nooooi 2 for ho ,„„., Deaim Longs „,, JUVENH.E FOOTBALL Games for Saturday, April 23rd, 1932. Provincial Cup--Semi'inal. Division II. Kiwanis Bluebirds vs Province Bluebirds (Vancouver), Con- federation Park, 2 p.m. Exhibition Game North Shore U. vs. All Star Juveniles, Confederation Park 3:45 p.m. The BURRARD LAUNDRY For People IVho Are Particular THIRD ST. ood ST. DSVIDS North Vaacaavar Phone North 1310.j ~y COST OF NEWSPAPERS (Kingston Whig-Standard) A newspaper is in 3 more dif- ficult position than any other business, when there is a wide- spread business depression. It can only curtail its costs by cur- tailing its service to the public, and the moment it starts to do that it is inviting disaster. A newspaper is built up on service. It holds its place in the confi- dence and a(faction of the public because of the day-in- and-dsy- out service which it gives. It must give this service, whether it gives it at a profit or at a loss. West Van. Rapraaenlallra F. RIVERS Phone West 410L !! ta! Ambleside SheetMetalWorks lAURIE SPECK. 1446 btanne Dnve Phone West 78 FURNACES and SHEET DIETAL INSTALLED and REPAIRED JOBBING iis Iht tdoi 4hz An agent walked into hlo ogico at noon one doy osd tound s lady silting near hio depb. Ho said, "Is there any- thing 1 can do for you, modomte Sho'aid, "Yeo, 1 om Mro. Moyobon ood 1 came in for that money." He said: "1 don't understand." "Well, I came in for the lnooronco mosey." "Which Mro. hioroholl oro yoate el om Myo. George Marshall." eYeo. 1 insured Gooygo hloroholL SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCE SOCIETY GIVES SUCCESSFUL DANCE The B. C. Scottish'ountry Dancing Society of West Van- couver were hosts last Saturday evening at 2 most successful public dance in the Legion Mem- orial Hall. The members have been practicing the intricate steps of a number of dances this winter, and their performance of the reels, eightsomes, Circas- sian circle, petronella, snd other dances was well worth seeing, the music being particularly catchy. Interspersed in the pro- gram were several of the regu- lar round dances, all of which were leap year. Refreshments were served in the dining room during the evening. Stratton'S BAKERY Variety of Breads improve every meal- All Kinds of Tea Breads ASSORTED PASTRIES Abnond Varieties Banbury or Eccles Cakes Christening, Birthday, Wedding Cakes made st 1468 DIARINE DRIVE Phone %eat 27 ar we will call BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL B. D. WHITE, hlgr. Dioiioetieo Fooeyol Service . Lady Assistant 32S--3rd SL E Phoae Norlh 424 rial fia I J DUNDARAVE CASH GROCERY HOME - MADB CANDY leo Cream ood Soft Drinks 26th ood Phone Bollovao West 7 IVoot 34 Sore!do at poor door Benny Manners Fresh and Smoked Fish New Loki Bggo Deooood Poaliey DIORE THAN INCH OF RAIN FELL HERE MONDAY NIGHT Rainfall on Monday night'hich totalled 1.23 inches wss one of the heaviest this season, according to the Dominion met- eorological bureau here. This brings the total for the month to 4124 inches, an inch above the April average of 3.30 inches. Farly this morning a heavy southeast wind blew, causing whitecaps on English Bay. At about 6 a.m. the wind shifted to the southwest. The year's rainfall to date totals 29.20 inches, which is 7.31 inches more than the average. DEATH OF WILLIAM RODGERS 1Villiam John Rodgers, aged 84, passed away suddenly last Tuesday at his home, 29th and Queen', while preparing to at- tend a meeting of the lacsl Or- ange Lodge, of which he wss a member. The deceased, who was a native of Ontario, was an old timer in West Vancouver, having resided here since 1909. He is survived by two sons, Nor- man H. of Dundarave, and Ben- jamin Walter of Portage Ls Prairie. Funeral services will be held tomorrow at 3 p.m. in the Orange Hall, Rev. J. 1V. Cudda- ford ofi'iciating, and interment will be made in Cspilano View cemetery. Harron Bros. and Williamson have charge of the funeral arrangements C. J. OveriBgtOn PIONEER BARBER 14th and DIarine Expert Work Phone West 135 Chaplsini oAnd are you com- fortable here in prison, my good inan?" Convict: "It has its draw- backs, of course, but I don' have to get up in the middle of the night to see if the door is locked." Little Milton came home from Sunday School with a mite box. "Why do they call it a mite box, mother?" asked Milton. "Because," chirped his broth- er, you might put something in it and you might noko Barnum Died Too Soon Dickey: "My Dsd is an Elk, 3 Lion, and s Moose." Mickey: ")That does it cost to sae him?" Aaiomoblle Glass Glozlsg liepolr Work Mirrors Rooileored JIM HOLT "THE GLASS MAN" Baoioooo Telephone: West 141 Residence Phone: West 14aR 1744 Modloo Dries WEST VANCOUVER ORCHESTRAL SOCIETY CONCERT (Final of Season) in the UNITED CHURCH at 8:15 p.m blay 24th -- Children's Day. Send your donations to one of prize committee or West Van News. Thursday, April 28th Tickets 36 cents $30 TRADE IN To odvoriioo !bio New Sopoyheidodyoo wo will aehho yoa ibo shoes oKer oo your oM Phonograph or Solmry Soi. THIS OFFER IS LlMlTED--ACT NOW, A goad forG. GemmIll J.w. Kelly piano stores West 37 Cor 14th and Marine West 37 O~y.acetylene Welding West 65 14th snd Marine )Vest 65 Al,i. IVORK GUARANTEFD t!. N d A. Burns FOR SUPERIOR TAILORING AT MODERATE PRICES See WILLIAMS, the Tailor 1568 Marine Drive Exclusive Agent tor REGENT snd HYCRAFT Made-to- Measure Clothes, 624 00 and up. Dry Cleaning and Pressing Phone: West 20 Residence Phone: West 286L r W~ ~, ehrr r . ~ 'h eh v 3,'d e&e y hAo '.v'ererrh:w,m'eh»r »r ' md e '4 h 1