0001 rrr 8 h lr c riov % C' w AL vr Ircr r 1 .rr\ ooo'vw v rr ~v 'o ~ ~.o ~ ror nr o gawp L r ~ . 'Vcc-Lroo ~ rcc- t pre'ron. m co-rrc'ace.~ ocn cis~lwrnnowc ".-.crc oi c 'c'ss *» tr i.r lc~'c'c rs'i rrr-~ :%re crr c rr, rr s rrrrr err wvrre: rrr .rrr r rvrrrrrrcvrrrr 'rvrrrr rr 'rrrw s' rr vr vrr rr'rrrrrrr rrrrrrt rrrrr rA THE WEST VAN NEWS Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Dulidarave,","„-"',""„"„',„" Ambleside „'""„", "„.," SPECIALS Friday 8; Saturday, Apru 15 & I6 SUGAR. E G Gcsnnlstcd ~TEA, "Ksdsns," I-IL packet.. 29c 5 lbs................... ------- 22» . BI.GING, pocket...... sc SALT, Windsor, 24-os sessis SLICED PIN EAPPLE, Fnnltltss packet ...--.........................- 5c Brand. ys. 2 Unn-----. - Ipc gwpEET 5HXED PICKLES V ictoiy. 12-os. boltlo........... zsc Rcd a White CATSUP lzms. bottle ..................... Isc RICB. Chdcc Jsp 2 Ib .-- 9 Rcd a white BAKING POWDER BEANS, SmsR Whltn I lbs. Isc I Rcd dt White COCOA, y,lL tin 1st~ 8 whm 'K EYAI,GRATED APRlcoTs California Choice. Poc IL.... IscI'cr tla ........--....................... 15c Rcd a Whit MILK CHOCOLATELsrgo tin .................. 1st BARS. 3 fw....................... Ipc Rcd a White SPINACH, zyin BggT FOODg MA YONNAISELs g t ---------------- zsc RELISH SPIIEAD NABOB RED PLUbl JAM 22c I-IL tin ..............--............ 32c REID'S CHERRY SULTANA POTATOES, Grade NL I CAKE Each ........--......... 25c 25-lb. sack ......................... 25c BREAD--Large zt-os. loof 'RAPE FRUIT, Imperial Valley 3 for ................,.. 25«5 for --.............................. 19c (Baked cspccisUy foc Rcd a White LE2IONS, Sunkist. 19 for...... Ipc Stores) Rcd a White BATHROO51 Rcd A Vi'hits or Nabob TEA TISSUE Large deify ioUL Pcs IL ........--............ 35c 2 roun ..............-................... 19c Why Pay More? Deal with ~ Brooch of THE LARGEST RETAIL I UMBRR OltGANIZATION IN BRITISH COLUhlBIA. ~ ~ SPECIAL LUMBER, SASH dt DOORS, For s 4-Room Cottage LINED INSIDE Price Delivered $ 2 OO.OO ~ ~ c Got onr Prices on Fencing AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD 15th snd hlsiinc Drive Phono West 199. After 5 p.m. ssk for Gcssy Dont Phono Wast ztllL Phone West 190 Roberts'etter Meats FOR QUALITY AND SERVICE The Store with the Neon Sign PICNIC HAM .. 12c a pound EGGS--Pullet Extras.........15c a dozen 2 dozen for 29c All Eggs from the Davis Poukry Ranch, lith snd Mathers Local Prime Steer Beef Local BoILING BEEF 9 Spring Lamb STEWING VE L I AST ~ STEWING LAMB 1 p -1 5CII(1 Sc BI ADE RIB GAST 1 2 I RI~, Breast on 13 ~ C C S 2pc ROUND BONE ROAST g g ROI,I.ED SHOULDERlb"--------'--------------- I sy No Bones, lb... 1 5C CAMBRIDGE PORK SAUSAGES LEGS (Fores) 1 lire 'b.----------------------- 11 2c SIRLOIN TIP LOINS .22 8z 23C DRIPPING, lb .....:....„5CROAST lb.»........... 16C .EEPSIRLOIN ~~ ~AC.N(bythepfe«) 1623C Ib...........w,......„...„.. C 13C T.BONE ROAST m COTTAGF CHEESE i lb. lac Ib --------.............,........15C Fruit and Vegetable Department 25 Lbs. NETTED 52C GEbf POTATOES ...........Cilc l I"RESH ASPARAGUS TOMATOES dhr LEAF AND HEAD LETTUCE Csee CEI.ERY TURNIPS ................. 25c 25 Lbs. CARROTS cAUI.IFI owER 1 5 II 2p Roberts'etter Meats Phone %Vest 190 Delivery to all %Vest Vancouver All Government Inspected-NO. 1 Grade Meat For Cash or C.O.D. Only No. 1 Alberta Creamery Butter .......... 3 pounds 70c April 15, 1932 JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only LAMB, BEEF, PORK, VEAL, ETC. COOKED b!EATS OF ALL KINDS, DELICATESSEN (Two Stores for your service) HOLLYBURN STORE AhiBLESIDE STORE IVeet 3 Went 303 West Vancouver Lumber Co. LU BE R SASH DOORS ROOF Lamatco -- Gyproc Beaver Board ING BUILDING PAPER -- Plaster Board fg -- Shingles I ent elevator capacity ls at least doubled. I feel that the citizens of Van- couver are Indebted to Sir Alex- ander for the intensive stndy he hss given to the administration of our Port, for the expert know- ledge that he brings to bear upon his recommendations, snd while we msy not agree with some of the details, the report will be invaluable for our future go id slice. (Signed) J. B. LEYLAND, Reeve. STATEMENT TO PRESS BY REEVE LEYLAND ON SIR ALEXANDER GIBBS'EPORT (Continued from Page I) overlooked the immense possi- bilities in the tourist trade which is quite a feature of Brit- ish Columbia in general snd Vancouver in particular. A bridge across the First Nar- rows would undoubtedly be fol- lowed by a magnificent highway to Garibaldi, soon to be declared one of Canada's National Parks. The opening of Garibaldi would increase the tourist traffic s hundredfold, and the bridge, to- gether with other contingent in- vestments would indeed be prof- itable at the outset. The mater- ial benefit to the business inter- ests of Greater Vancouver can hardly be estimated. Incidental- ly, Vancouver'9 most popular short drive would become s cir- cular trip by one bridge snd re- turning by the other, giving res- idents snd tourists a splendid idea of the whole harbor and doubtless within s short time the tickets on both bridges would become interchangeable. The citizens of Vancouver msy be pardoned if, with legiti- mate pride they have s vision of their own, and if they pro- clailn with faith snd enthusiasm the conviction that Vancouver hss marvellous commercial pos- sibilities, snd that ss s mecca for tourists, the location of the Port is unrivalled. If private capital (and British too!) is prepared to endorse our faith by interesting themselves in the construction of bridges, highway snd land development schemes, surely we should wake up to what this opportunity means. Aside from the ideal of making accessible the glorious beauties of our Province, purely selfish reasons alone would sug- gest the advantage to every business interest. We are faced with the prob- lems of finding work for our un- employed, of creating new busi- ness for ourselves and of selling our Province to the outside world. I am personally I00'7o for both bridges across the First snd Second Narrows, for the nationalization of Garibaldi Park, snd for the completion of the P.G.E. from Vancouver to the Peace River country. The suggestion is made that we have enough elevators, but surely this cannot be considered axio- matic, ss the number solely de- pends upon the wheat that is to be put into them. The first ele- vator wss known as oSieven'9 folly," snd we have many more such folliee at this date and If Sir Alexander Gibb wiII favor us with a return trip In ten years, he will find that the pres- PAPERHANGING, PAINTIING AND DECORATING Robert Elder, who hss re- cently moved into 1942 Jeffer- son Ave., is prepared to do paperhanging, painting and dec- orating, also outside painting, at low prices. Carpentry work of sll descriptions undertaken. Mr. Elder, who has had many years'xperience,both in Canada and in the Old Country, in these lines of work, guarantees aII his work snd will give estimates free. Phone IVest 116L. ii I OFFER OF FERRY BOAT WITHDRAWN There is no possibility of the North Vancouver City Councfi arranging with the Puget Sound Navigation Co. for a charter of the ferry Washington to relieve traffic congestion during the summer months. The City Council received letter Monday night in which $15,000 in United States cur- rency was asked for hire of the + B 9 boat from May I to September 30. During the council meeting, however, s wire wss received to the effect that one of the com- puny'9 boats had been destroyed by fire on Monday and the Washington would therefore not be available. The City Ratepsyers'nd Residents'ssociation requested that in the event of any work being done in connection with the Second Narrows bridge, the council see that only North Shore men are employed and that a fair-wage clause be it serted in the contract. The clerk will reply that such a clause is already in the contract snd that as regards employment of North Shore men, Vancouver hss a share in the bridge which will have to be considered A by-lsw providing for chang- es in the schedule of fares on the ferries for vehicles wss given three readings. A measure re- arranging penalty additions on unpaid taxes was also given necessary readings. Barbara (whose lirst tooth hss just dropped out): "Munr- my, mummy, quick l I'm coming to pieces I" 15th and Marine LIMITED I hone West 115 W. J. Turnbull, hianager, Residence Phone: West 388L SERVICE Everything for the Building.