0001 1 I 1982 7P f ) e 'L IlOI April 16, 1932. THE COOK SHOP Dun(LBrave Now open at 2476 MARINE DRIVE Home Cooking:-: Afternoon Teas Light LunCheS (orders Taken) YOUiNG PEOPLE'S SOCIETY TO GIVE CONCERT 4 ------- Principals Mr. Brealey and Mr. Davidson attended and dis- cussed the matter of items in their requisitions of 0 special nature. It was decided that items of library books and films be deleted, but a limited amount of supplementary readers be provided and also the intelli- gence tests asked for. Mr, Brealey drew attention to the lack of sidewalk on 22nd Street, which he said was a source of danger in that school children were compelled to walk in the road. Chief Mathias attended nnd requested the uae of the Audi- torium on the evening of Friday, April 16th, for the purpose of holding an entertainment to raise funds in connection with the erection of an Indian Vil- lage. It wns decided that this request be granted. A delegation consisting of Mrs. Wheelwright, hire. Breeden and Mr. Irwin attended and re- quested that the Board give further consideration to the matter of transportation of children residing in the east end of the municipality. The dele- gation stated that the only road available for children going to school was the Marine Drive, and for the greater part of the distance this passes through the Indian Reserve. There was no sidewalk and no houses on either side of the road, and it was con- sidered that this created a con- dition that hsd no parallel ln any other part of the municipal- ity. The delegation was advised that the only action the Board could take was to strongly urge the Council to provide a side- walk, and a recommendation would be made to this effect. It was resolved that a resolu- tion be sent to the Council urg- ing that a sidewalk be provided on this road, pointing out that many children will not be able to attend school unless this can be done. A letter was read from the B.C. School Trustees'ssocia- tion in regard to proposed pro- vincial legislation. Received and filed. A letter was read from the West Vancouver Parent-Teach- ers'ssociation, asking for use of the Auditorium on the even- ing of Tuesday, April 12th, for the purpose of holding an orat- orical contest. It was decided that this request be granted and allowance of 62.50 made T. Mc- Culloch for extra work involved. A report was made by Trustee Mr. Russell in connection with the May Day Committee. The Committee asked that authority be given for the School Band to take part in the May Day Festi- val, and it was decided that this be authorized, snd Mr. Condon so advised. Yoff Gan Save One Dollar If you pay your telephone bill by the 18th of the month B. C. TELEPHONE COMPANY The Young People's Society of the United Church is giv-4 ing a concert next Monday, 18th April, at 8 p.m., in the United Church hall. The admission for adults is 26 cents and for children 15 cents. The following is the programme: Violin Selections..........................................Club Members Pianoforte Duet...................Misses V. McNair and T. Kcrrison Vocal Solo.................'.....................'.........„....Miss G. Standring Chorus--"Riding Down From Bangor".............. Club Members Sketch--"Stickem's Employment Agency" .......Club Members Auto Harp Solo...........................................Miss L. hfacDougall Violin Solo........................................................Mr. O, Jones Trio--"Three Maids of Itw"....Miss G. McNair, Miss E. Lennox and Miss V. Cooper Vocal Solo.................................................Mrs. R. P. Allan Play--ROh, What a Family!" (Two Acts)...... Club hlcmbers Cornet Solo..........................................................Mr. R. Kinloch God Save the King Accompanist--Miss G. hfcNair NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AND LSISUIL4s(CE 1406 Msrlas Drive Plmao %sot 21 or Soymoar 1280 Evoaiags wms 204x THE WEST VAN NEWS SWIRIMING CLIJB lr DFFFAT BOWEN ISI,AND CLASSIFIED ADS Last Tuesday tbe gala be- Tho raze tm Clomisod Advcrlissmcaio lo 2 coats Ser word. miaimam tween West Vancouver Swim- 26 cools. Escspi la ibs caoo ot those hosiag ssgoior sccooam, OB rissri. ming Club aud BOWen ISland re- S~ "o 9'ysbh mrirtiy 'R sdvaaca suited [n a victory fol the jocal Rwmbor Q~SW ia % Wosi Vaa Noes xsi immediate reoahs. club by 88 points to 31. Those wbo starred for West Vancouver RocKRRY sad ALPINE PLANTs HAYB YDU BERv um New sisalfor sale, from large coueotioa. C. for Pipe Smoksm, H ROL soo Msc Hughie Montgomery and Teddy . ~rt',~ 24th ~ Nri~ .1 ~ Ambhold.'T B Hinda. LuCdle Currie, aged 10, &OR RENT~SO. Ihdiybma Ehch. whose first appearance it Waa in FOR PLUMBING REPAIRS -- Ros- Apply West S6&R. competition, also made 8 very A GREY SUEDE Surm-bhaaisd good showing. Miss Autumn FOUNDATION CEMENT WORK -- Tobacco Pooch wub iahiah PJ'.C. Pontifex was the outstanding Landscaping sud Lswas laid. Rack LL aho T.C. In coacio. valued as performer in the Bowen Is)and waus. drahs, septic tacks, fencing ksopssko by psrcah. team. aad land rioarixg, chimneys aad Please phoae Wms 214L FOR SALETS ri SCOTI'ISH COUNTRY DANCE SOCIETY Meal homesite adjohdag P.G,'g Rly, HOUSEWIpB would like syriag sad bsocis FIRS riow ot eater The first annual meeting of 242L or West 479Y. ~ Rt 8600. Phoae West 2 the Scottish Country Dancing for price. Terms comddomR George Society of British Columbia, )Vest Vancouver Branch, was I"8 sad Pamuag Phono Nortb 771 FoR sALE-oae Bl h held iin the home of hlr. Snd FOR SAL~bcsp two Rioo View FOR SALE--Oae Blush Bsd with Mrs. D. 61, Thomson, 1160 Es- lots oa Fuiton bstwsoa Ialb and I(tk Apply W. DlckiRSOa, 780 14th Lpgl' Seosro-Bladed Psscrbosaagh There was a full gathering of members. Evidence of interest Pisoso Phoae Weel 106RS. in the aims of the society wa LA D F NPD -- Phsa'OO Ot LM~ given by J. Nyiand in a report lovely lifflo opsmth om OR OSIS la WANT~srdmdag by Ohl Coon covering th t0 Paa SeaSOn. e Fhlsher, 1428 blariae D ive. Very Seasonable. Mack Hslhaark, retiring ojficers were accorded 1264 Duchess. West 4601 the sincere thanks of the mem- LAwN MowERs BHARPFvED-- hers and the election of otficers Ezpcrlonced with OB makes. "WILL FOR SAL~ 4 B hs, Cock- followed ms«Itin a8 fnllo'UT LIKE NEW." west VORCOR ~ m PRBri (ha t~ m ~8 . Wa ver Machine Shoy. 1449 Msrina weeks ohL Reasonably pricmLPresident, Mr. Davidson; vice- Best RO.P. stock obmiasbla N. preaident, W. DaVie; SeCretary, LOST--Brilhh Legion badge. Ro- T. J. Irwin; treasurer, Mrs. L. F. ~d to seder Please phono High FOR Groom. Executive committ1 00: 6 to 7 ymrs old, 60c io 61 each; FOR SALE--vrabmt Trees (Eaglhh) J. Nyland, Mrs. J. Hasting, Mrs. F Rivers Miss L Thomson R Smith. MF..'(TAL SHRUBS frow &oc Rp. A dnntylunch wassened by HOUSE FOR RRVT~ix R a APPly 114 R 16u St, North Vsn the hostess and some entertain- Portiy turnhhsd medora Rh I ment by various members. Iha gsrsga Phoae West 880 WANTED Gm m~h Ih m FOR SALE m EXCHANGE -- I ih iuost bs chosp tor cash ph,~ City. cosy 6 room bungalow (sahs West 820L 62400) summer &ossa, garsgIS traitFRB Plembmg 2 lots Nms SALE or EXCHANGF Bod Elec- ~Mom P mao West 66. tric range snd water heater, oil Tsko Csrtloglc's advice sad Bay acd csbm «ks phobic m. Acreage ia s Place with a latato,TFVDERS FOR COAL SEALED tenders sddresssd lo the AB Pm ~ 4 u pb Woo RP. APPly John Lowaoa, Wast 6&. Purchasing Agent, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, will be rocoiv- PALITING. KALSOkiLVING AVD od at bis oitics RRCB 12 o'lock Roon, NEW sad USED Szsc(ric sad Boilery (dsylight saving) Friday, May 6, 1922 Rodj~ AB les&os ~I~ Aho chssPor winter Prices. Phoae tymt for the supply of coal for the Domia-;R r 294R. ioc Buildicgo ~ Ezperimoat I F - w'ricg lbrturm appl Rceo ocd bloy ocs, roug oa e mn- Electric, 142C iusriae Drive, N V,61. IIARCELLE SHOP -- Msrcsgo, 60 ccats: reset, 8&c; Sager ware, 76c. LOST--A Brooch, Pearl Saabersi. Phoae Mrs. Kiair. West 204. ortas o er sPec ca oas Valued as keepsake. Finder please BOARD AND RESIDF-ICE -- 16th of Public Works, Ottawa; H. L Mst- Chief Purchasing Agent, Department pNE BEAUTIFUL Siaghg Csasry tractive. Fhone West 4&8L P~W PAIVTING, KALSOIILIING, PA- EST LOTS in West Vaacoaver- I R ld m PE 0 C L Koaiags, West 894R Artlitoct, C i~~, Alh I Rd C. F Sparton Radios. Also several snaps sn ers wI not cocci orod Rn- ia Botmly Seta Soo Rs tor Radio Good gsrdslL Number at good fruit s ma e on o s ve me on repairs oorhis sappuwb Sxu«os trees. Coaveaicat locstioa, 820.0& I th acd w«mg North Sh~ ~'o R OR orer a oposi no exc ing 10 psr cent of the amount of the NOTICE tender, lo securetbe proper fulfilment WELDIVG Roshag Msshaes, ALFRED THOMAS LEWLVS P(rFIS DECEASED N. DESJARDINS, rooting. Balrard Shoat Metal Works Phone North 846. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Department of Public Works, ~8 pol'sons hsvlRS chlims sgslast lho Ottawa, April 8, 1922. FpR RENT--Foraishcd Hoase at Hol. ~m ot ~~ Th mm~ P~ lyburn; convenient to ferry, 82&I.IM, tormoriy ot West Vaacoavor la um One at Altsmoni. aad an oxce uon- Ploriacs at British Cobnablo, who LAND ACI'lly attractive home at CSRIISBIL died on tho sist dsy of March, Ipmk John Lawsoa, West 66 are rsemrsd on or before tbs 1st day Notice ot Iaisatioa io apply to ol June, 1982, lo deliver or seed by Purchase Land. FPR RFVT Roose oa Wsiortroat. PmP 's~ fuu~ Apply, Leyiand, West 68RL riouas dail vsriSed lo THE ROYAL In the Vsccoevsr Land Recording TRUST PIMPANY oxccctor ot tbe IN lrx I of Ncw Wmlminslor SR4 sli- SHINGLIVG sad Root ROPohs usia on the east side ot Howe Sound Lawn movers groaod Saw&ling. al ut teer muos north ot Ho~m N. R Ellis, Phoae West 184R B20 ~m S~t WO*L Vs~: Rsy. Whyiocnit. (Moaiclpauty ot ivost Vancouver), AND TAKE NOTICE Sbst alter tbo r 9 II 6 J ()HV 8WAN 8pN FoR REN T~ Room 8sagrio, IaB ISO1 moRIIoRcd 4a So 1 'xec eI or of Vancouver, B.C., SSSRPatioa Bar- loasoasbia Phoae North 2&81 Plumbing, 11th aad Mothers. Rent rislsr st Lsw, intends to apply for the Deceased among tbo psrsoas OR- permission to purchase the foBowlag tilled Ibsroux hsvalg regard only lo described loads. lho clslals of which it shou thoR hsvo Commencing at ~ post pisahd al "I do hope you keep your cows had ROlioa the north west corner et Lot 2818, in a pasturer said Mrs. Newly- DATED at vancouver. B.ch tbh Group I, New westminster District. wcd as shc paid 0ie milklnan. 2 d dsy of April, Isex tbORCC eaaterly, slang the nOrth bOun- «Yes ~ » i. I'h ROBERTSON DOUGLAS & SYMES darles of D. Lots 2817 acd 2818, 206 ~ " 640 Psmler Sirooc WOOL chains. more or Iom, to the west 1 SIL urse we keeP Vaasoever, B. C bouodsry ot UIO Br(tish columbia them in a pasture." SoBchors for The Royal Electric Railway Compsay's rightrd- "I'm so Bind," gushed Mrs. Trust Compaay. wsy; thence northerly, along the said Newlywed. "I have been told wos'oundary ot 'si4 righto -ws» that pasteurized milk is much 68.26 chains, more or loss, to iho south boccdsry ot "Mlc" mineral claim, D.L 2167; tboaco westerly Geo. Hay D.L m&7 and the production tbolooL a political meeting, and when Rs, mo o o 'otod b 8 she returned home she regs)ed southerly ~loag iho said hig)l water her husband with her party mark of Howe Sound to this yost, aad views. CORloiaiag tweaty-loar amos, mOre Or "IVO are going to sweep the country, John," she exclaimed. band, "you had better start with Dated, 18th dsy ot February,,Is&L the kitchen, dear l" r rr rior.Wrr I 7w ' ir r' h 4 'h .Ii" h. 'hh r h h h r 4 r hr