0001 THE WEST VAN NFIVS April 16, 1982 VVIV % J'JJ vr JI~J~ v'J'&44 J ~ ' ~J O Iv.w JJJ ~ JJJ o-JJJ ~-J J n"I J o. Vmvv & Ju ~:J Jto J~VVJ-Joo IVJ VJ'J J J J, .Jxv IJJ' JW J C;I:J' 'J J' ol I ' 'JJ ~ . ~ 'J J' vvr dr J' rr vr Jrvv'v Vv\' . v - v 'rrrrrJ rrrvvrrJJ VV VJ VVVrvr~"V~ r rrr r rrr WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society THE UN(TED CHURCH YOUNG PEOPLE'5 SOCIETY is balding a Concert in theVnited Church Hall MONDAY, 18th April, at 8 p.m. Adults 25c. Children 15c. United ChurchAre You Being fj Penny Wise and f Pound Foolish Minister, E. A. Henry, D.D. Sunday, April 17th 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School. 11:15 s.m. -- Public IVorship. Itev. H. P. Davidson, B.A., will preach. 7:15 p.m. -- Dr. Henry will preach. Topic: "Be Strong." By proceriag o cheap perman- ent wave aad poring out wookiy for treatments ood Anger waves Our otoom or oil wovoo are oooiiy bxadiod ood meet ibo de- mand of Ulo ooooon ~ oboBow bats Poy ox a visit, for we know we can give you what you want. hIr. Davidson, who preaches Sunday morning, is well known to us all, having lived here for the past few years while minis- tering at Dollarton. Dr. Henry is preaching in the morning at Grace United Church in the city in connection with their anniversary. Last Monday evening, at the Young People's Association, J. R. Mitchell gave an account of his journey to Prince George re- cently, when he had the experi- ence of being 8 passenger on the P.G.E. train which was wrecked with fatal results to some of the crew. Gff)eyfdolyyt Beauty Shoppe 1840 hfavino Drive Phone Vrest 117 GORDON ROBSON Borviotov n Soiioliov WEST VANCOUVER- Offloo No. 1447 Marino Drive. Phoae West 408. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 818; 610 Hastings SL W Phono Seymour 4109. DRY FIR Next Monday evening, nt 8 o'lock, the Y.P.S. are putting on s play, varied with sketches and vocal and instrumental se- lectioss. The programme will be found in the advertisements in another column. The pro- ceeds arc to help the work of the Association., On Tuesday evening 8 very important meeting of the con- gregation will be held in the hall at 8 o'lock. It is to re- ceive the report of the official board with reference to a new minister. It is hoped that every member and adherent will make an effort to be present. On Tuesday afternoon the Spring Thankoifcring meeting of the W. M. S. will be held. Mis- sions are the very pulse of the church snd all the women are urged to be present. The speak- er will be Mrs. J. S. Gordon of Vancouver, who will give 8 pic- ture talk on the Burns Lake Hospital. Full Load 30.00 Second Growth Fir and Alder, 35.50 per cord Coal Phone %Vest 48 COOKE 64 LefhEAL Established oa North Shove Ze Voora (Lady Aooioioai) HARRON BROS.(k IVILLIAM SOiV gunrral Qirrrtars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 AB in the Cood Book Bishop Hoss said at o Noobvfile piclac "Tbo religions knowledge of ioo mony odoito resembles, I am afraid, tbo religious knowiodgo of little Evo," 'So yoa attend Sunday Scbool ra- g„riy?'he minister said io iittie "Ob. yoo, oiviv "Aod yoe kmnr your Bible T" "Ob, yoo, oir." "Could yoa, povbapo, tell me some- thing that io in it'I J "I oooid tell you everything that' in it." "Indeed." And the minister smile& "Do tell mo, then." "Sister's boos'4 photo'4 in it," said little Evo, promptly, rand ma's recipe for voniobiog cream is in it, ood o lock of my hair cut oII when I woo a baby io in it, xad the ticket for pa's watch io in it." At the prayer meeting on Wednesday evening Dr. Henry will continue the study of Stan- ley Jones'ook, "The Christ of the hfount." The present sub- ject is "Reverence for Human Personality." Bear in mind the closing 8up pcr meeting of the hfcn's Club on Tuesday, April 26th. As herebefore, it will include the men and their wives. A musical programme will be provided snd the speaker will be the new minister of St. John's Church, Rev. S. H. Smith. At the monthly meeting of the Women's Association last Tuesday the members were de- lighted with s visit from the former president, Mrs. D. O. Ritchie, who is at the old home for a few days. Mrs. Ritchle served the W. A. Ior many years and over 8 cup of tea she and the association renewed sacred memories of past toil together. The closing convocation of Union Theological College takes place Monday evening, April 21st, at 8 0'clock, in St. Andrew's Church, Georgia and Richard streets. The address will be given by Rev. Dr. W. G. Wilson of First Church, Vic- toria. THE West Van Nems Pebiioaod Every Friday Pabiiobor F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Booioooo ood Paitorioi Ogiooi 1?ib ood Movies Drive (Next to HoBybora P.O.) Phone West 363 Rail Addrmo: P.O. Box iii. Hoiiybsro, B.C. SICKO o year by carrier? 88.00 o year by mali CHURCH EDIFICE Sets ood Foqoimoii, Hoiiyboro Tbio Society io ~ Branch of Tbo lgotbor Cbuvvb Tbo First Church of Cbviot, Scientist, in Boston, Moooooboootto Sunday Services 11:Se ~.m. Jad 7:Se p.io. Sunday, April 17th Subject: "DOCTRINE OF ATONE»EN'I"'unday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Mooiiog Wednesday at BIIS p.ia. Baptist Church Pastor: Rev. H. P. Humphreys. Residence: 1343 Heywood Ave. Phone W. 262R. Phone W. 262R, Sunday, April 17th 10 a.m. -- Sunday School and Bible Class. 11 a.m.--hiorning Worship. Pas- tor will preach. Topic: JIVhere Does Christ Live?" Anthem. Brief children's address. 7:30 p.m. --E vening IVorship. Topic: "Laodicea." Short song service. Monday, 7146 p.m.--B. Y. P. U Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Choir Prsc tice. Friday--C. G. I. T. To sll who mourn nnd need comfort; To all who sin and need s Saviour; To all who love God's word nnd delight to sing His praises; To all who need help in the difficult days in which our lot is cast-- This church opens wide her doors snd in the name of the Lord Jesds Mds ydb welconie. Come with us and we will do thee good. St.Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev. Father Csrcy Res. 2668 Marine Dr. FRIDAY--7130 p.m., Devotions. 8:00 p.m., Confessions. (Children) SATURDAY--7:30 p.m., Con- fessions (Adults). SUNDAY--8:45s.m., Holy Mass Sermon. I:30 p.m., Sunday School. 2:30 p.m., Devotions. WEEK DAYS--7:15 s.m., Holy hfsas. Presbyterian Mission Orange Hall Minister: Rev. J. W. Cuddeford. Phone N 1107. Services: Sunday, 2 p.m.--All depart- ments of the Sabbath School; also the Adult Bible Class, 3:15 p.m.--Church worship. Sermon Subject: "Go For- ward With God." Tuesday, 8 p.m.--Choir prac- tice. Thursday, 8 p.m Mid-week prayer meeting. All are welcome to our serv- ices. Thought for the week: Life is not salvage to be saved out of the world, but sn investment to be used in the world." Raisins Scones 3 cups flour 2 teaspoons baking powder I cup butter I cup lightest yellow sugar. I cup sweet milk (Q cream if desired) I cup chopped raisins I egg (white) Mix and add raisins and well- beaten white of egg last. Itoll about I/8 inch thick. Spread with the yolk of egg well beaten. Cut Into triangles or squares and bake. St. Stephen's Church Itector: Rev. F. A Ramsey, L.S.T. Third Sundny After Easter April 17th 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10:00 and 11:16 a.m.--Sunday School. 11:15 a.m.--Mattins and Ser- mon. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong and Ser- mon. The 8 a.m. service will be the Corporate Communion for the W.A.and the preacher at Even- song will be R, J. Leckie of the Diocesan Executive Committee. pr. Marjory McCubbin DENTIST Hoevoi 0 ~. m. to 8 p. m. Soiovdayo 10 ~ m to I p m Evenings ood Soiovdoy After- ooooo by oppoioimoat only. Royal Book Buiidiog Pbooo Wooi 444 Rooidoovo I'booo West Ssh. DR. C. D tl SEALS DENTIST Roy Block, 14th aod Movies Dr. Oiiioo Hoovo 0 io 8 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Phoae Woo( 78 ~ lI j?7 The'egular meeting of the A. Y. P. A. will be held on Mon- day at 8 p.m. snd an extra meet ing on Wednesday at 8 p.m. to discuss the matters presented at the recent Provincial Confer- ence. The last of the men's aocials for this season will be held on Tuesday evening, at 8 p.m., in the Parish Hall, when the speak- er will be Prof. F. H. Soward of the University of B. C. staif, and his subject will be "Russia." A cordial invitation is extended to all the men of the congrega- tion to attend. At the second swimming meet for the Sunday Schools of Greater Vancouver, held in Chalmer'8 Tank btst Friday night, Joyce Dickinson secured first in the novelty race snd third in the intermediate diving, snd Eileen Smsllwoad a third in the plunge for distance. The final swimming meet is on Mon- day night, in the Crystal Pool. A studio evening of music snd art is being arranged for Mon- day, Aprfl 25th, in the Parish Hall, when Mr. A. R. Rows, F.R.C.P., will speak on "The Practice and Pleasures of Art." He will be assisted by Mrs. V. B. VanSickle (Miss Mary F. hiscDonald), A.TC.M.; hirs. V. B. VsnSickie, Mrs. n. Bsrnden, N(,rman Sewell, snd Miss Lillisn Adrinn (dancing), A very in- teresting evening is assured sL! who attend, so please reserve the date. There will be 8 col- lection. Service at St. Francis, Csul- feild 3 p m Sunday HIGH SCHOOL v'RATORICALCONTEST NURSING HOME (Mro. M. B Lo(.'boovo. R.N.) 884 Ziih Btrvvl Vmol North Voacoovoi RJJIdoovo Phono. Novib ISSSR orities to "take more drastic steps" to collect some of, the money. It was suggested that in the case of sll patients having priv- ate wards an advance payment be demanded, The Ready Answer A city booinooo moo woo very keen on having pvoaciont clerks in bio em pioy. Before a clerk cauld enter bio oi?ico bo woo required io pass a writ- ten examination on bio knowledge of booinooo. At one examination one of the questions woo: "Wbo formed the Arot compooyTJ A certain bright youtb woo o btuo puxxiod ot this, but woo aot io be Aoorod. Ho wrote. "Noah ouceoovfony Aoatod a oom- A large assembly of parents snd friends, numbering about three hundred, assembled in the Auditorium of the High School on Tuesday evening to hear the students of the High School ex- hibit their forensic ability in an oratorical contest which was ar- ranged under the auspices of the P.-T. A. The winners in the contest were: 1. Ida Allan. 2. Margaret Saunders. 3. Irene Shirlsw. A prize of 8 five-dollar gold piece was presented to the first, while the second and third prize took the form of a book. A short address wss given by each of the judges--Miss M. Currie, H. G. Miller, a'nd A. M. Stephen. The musical programme, also by High School students, wss as follows: Piano Solo -- "Andante" (Bee- thoven), Marjorie Hill. Piano Duet -- "Postillion d'Amour" (Behr), Betty El- liott and Bernice Babcock. Piano Solo--"Chanson Russe" (Smith), Barbara Allcock. The evening, which was 8 very enjoyable one, closed with the singing of the National An- them. pany while the root of the world woo ie iiqubiotion " Ho passed. Mother: "TomnU, what is the idea of washing only one finger? Aren't they all dirty?o Tommy: "Yes, Mother; but the boy next door wants me to come over and feel his baby sis- ter's new tooth." ONSDAL Now Playing WARNER BAXTER lo "CISCO KIDM SALLY O'EILL "THE BRAT" A Doobio Fmiovo $JJ5 Joi Jo NJJi WJJI -- hioo., Tovo., Vro& JPOSSI'.SSI'D" Tbov., F Jl BJL knhard Barihelmcoo M 'AI.IAS TH II DOCTOR CHORAL SOCIETY SOCIAL The West Vancouver Choral Society ls holding a general meeting at 8 p.m. next Monday, 18th instast, in the Orange Hull, ta be followed by 8 social at 8:30 p.m., to which the husbands or wives of members are invited. H(iLLVBURN Barber Shop Iiiib 8 Movies BXPERT SERVICE E. SIARSH, Proprietor ~ NORTH SHORE DISTRICT RATEIJAYEIIS TO DE- hIAND hiINI»Uhl EXPENDITURES A resolution passed at a recent public meeting calling upon the North Vancouver City Council to cut municipal expenditures to the minimum will be pressed by City Ratepayers'nd Residents'ssociation, according to decis- ion reached Thursday night of last week. Following receipt of 8 report that outstanding hospital ac- counts covering the past three years total 340,777, the associ- ation will request hospital auth-