0001 .TC. A Weekly Newspaper Circulatingi n thc District of Wnt VancouYfcr-A ynbkside, Holi@burn, Wcston, Dundaracc 61.00 per year. Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecltff, Etc. Ne sst ds 6 pe, CAq,y Vol. VI SIX PAGES HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER. B.C., FRIDAY, APRIL ]5, 1932 No. 47 0R)f 0, f 111 Iggh sf fhc a nhs eii0sn. ttkntk doe( n ef tlat n)s the 1st 0t. its sp. seel sf charge i finlli i nein plan k mmh. ch hsr- dnssg siss sf 4'VW 'ish bose of uht oi itive of , nnhc osnel essence foetssf ferihs sl. lb. ag fis ', lolls hhsgo co(so ~he, Iodoo snvef sfff he casse sngtse fea Is shso sl tss oops cf s fioso s eo so SIR ALEXANDER GIBB'S REPORT A resume of Sir Alexander Gibb's report on Vancouver snd the other four main harbors of Canada, which appeared in the press over the week end, will no doubt be received with mixed feelings in each of theN places. It is not the province of this paper to make any comments thereon except as re- gards those sections which relate directly or indirectly to this North Shore and especially West Vancouver. Generally speaking, we gravely doubt whether the prin- ciple advocated of having the central authority vested in Ottawa will meet with the approval of the people of any of the five ports in question. While the eminent authority gives weighty reasons for his recommendation in this respect, Can- adians as a whok have found central authority in their far flung and sparsely populated country tend often to a mis- understanding of local conditions, which in many cases has worked hardships, more particularly where the part of the country concerned is far away from the central authority. For this reason we should not expect to hear Montreal object so strongly as St. John or Vancouver, although doubtless still opposed to such a plan. England, of course. is, comparatively speaking, a small densely populated country, where the needs of all are patent to all. So far as this North Shore is concerned its main objec- tion to the present port system is that it has never had repre- sentation on the harbor board. The manufacturing, resi- dential and other interests on this north side of Burrard Inlet generally consider they are entitled to be represented by one commissioner on the board, which up to now has consisted of those from the Vancouver side of the inlet only. One point should always be kept is mind in studying the report, namely, that Sir Alexander Gibb was retained by the Ottawa Government to advise them ss to the best way af managing and building up their five main ports, under which heading the subject of bridges was naturally included. Con- sequently, when he states that the great cost of a bridge over the First Narrows would not justify its being built for many years to come, he is speaking of Ottawa's building a free bridge, and not of private interests constructing s toll bridge. Furthermore, at the time of his inspection of the First Narrows, the present Hollyburn Ridge development with all that it means to the North Shore and Vancouver as a whole had not been consummated or even publicly discussed, and there is no question that it materially alters the situation. Moreover, had the Second Narrows bridge been standing and had Sir Alexander watched the traffic using it and our Marine Drive, he would doubtless have changed his present finding apart from the matter of our Hollyburn Ridge development. Therefore, his report does not change the present First Nar- rows bridge situation, which, as we see it, is that the British- Paciflc Properties Ltd. would never have purchased an acre of our land unless the construction of a Lions'ate bridge had been first assured to them, doubtless by private interests. Such a bridge is the crux of the whole situation, for without it they could not sell the smallest portion of their property. We do not suppose the Vancouver shipping interests will swallow with any degree of equanimity that portion of the report which states the main span of a First Narrows bridge should not be less than 1200 feet in length by s height above high water of 157 feet. In view of the fact that Sir Alexander is the greatest authority in the world on such matters, it only shows how ridiculous have been their contentions over the dimensions of the span. It is to be hoped that the powers-that-be will take to heart what the eminent authority had to say es regards the fre- quency of the breach of the very necessary harbor regulations, snd also to the apparent impunity enjoyed by those breaking them. It will have been noted that Sir Alexander objected strongly to the location of the lumber trade on Burrard Inlet and False Creek. We have in a number of editorials in the past stated that log booms especially in the First Narrows constituted a grave menace to shipping. This is s fact which every West Vancouver resident knows full well, having seen too many of them out of control in thosq waters, not to men- tion the way in which our beaches are daily rendered filthy with mill refuse. North Shore residents were doubtless cheered to learn Sir Alexander's recommendation that the.wrecked span of the Second Narrows bridge be temporarily replaced at a level eight feet higher than previously, and that the bridge be operated with much stricter rules for navigation. All will hope this work will be started without further delay. In this connection the harbor authorities doubtless were not pleased to be told that the trouble experienced with the bridge hss been to some extent due to the absence of proper traffic con- troL The recommendations as regards a permanent structure at the Second Narrows include increased clearance and s span opening in the cents'e. Altogether, those of us who reside on the North Shore can view the report with considerable satisfaction. We may not agree with all its findings, but, taken as a whole, the putting into force of its various recommendations cannot but greatly beneflt West Vancouver and the whole of the North Shore. Sir Alexander Gibb st any rate has recognized the fact that we on this north side of the inlet are entitled to some bridge connection with Vancouver, also that those who travel by vessel on the harbor have s right to that safety which the harbor regulations are laid down to afford them. SCOTPISH COUNTRY DANCE SOCIETY The Scottish Country Dancing Society of British Columbia, West Vancouver Branch, is giv- ing a public dance in the Legion hfemorial Hall tomorrow (Sat- urday), at 8 p.m. There will be refreshments snd a good time is assured to sll who attend. Ad- mission 26 cents. CHORAL SOCIETY IN FINE CONCERT There was a good attendance at the United Church last Tues- day evening on the occasion of the grand choral concert given by the West Vancouver Choral Society under J. Haydn Young, in which they had the very able assistance of the West Van- couver Orchestral Society. Fol- lowing a short address by Presi- dent P. C. Chapman, the choir sang, by request, "Song of the Vikings," the men's chorus later giving "A Wet Sheet and a Flowing Sea," both of which were rendered in a spirited man- ner with the rollicking swing of the seaman. The contribution of the ladies'horus, "Gather- ing Song of Donald, the Black," was well done, a very successful imitation being given of the strains of the bagpipes, Mrs. Colin MacLean was in splendid voice and sho was cfilled upon for an encore at the conclusion of her two solos, "Knowest Thou That Fair Land '1" and "The Piper." Of the two heavy numbers, "A Tale of Old Japan" and Brahm's "Song of Destiny," the rendition of the first far ex- ceeded those of the two occa- sions on which it has been put on by the society in the past. The chorus were quite at home and their singing was charac- terized by a sympathy or a fer- vor as the score demanded. Special comment should be made of the good work of the soloists --Mrs. Howard Leggatt, hIrs. W. B. Thomas, J. U. Holt and Aubrey Clarke--and particular- ly of Mrs. Howard Leggatt, who as soprano had to take the lion' share of the singing. The presentation of the "Song of Destiny," a much more diffi- cult work, was naturally not on a par with that of the cantata, but at the same time it was an extremely creditable effort for a first rendering, and with further study the choir can be relied upon to give as good an account of themselves in this ss in "A Tale of Old Japan." The West Vancouver Orchestral Society in both pieces secre a tower of strength to the choir, thus very materially assisting in the suc- cess of the concert. CONCERT BY ORCHFo)TRAL SOCIETY The West Vancouver Grebes tral Society is giving s concert at 8:16 p.m. Thursday, 28th April, in the United Church. Further particulars, including the programme, will appear in a later issue. Tickets 86 cents. W. L Ogden gc Co., men's and bays'urnishings, have moved from their previous location at 17th and Marine Drive into the the Hollyburn Block in the store immediately east of the B. C. E)ectric Co. They are putting on a sale tomorrow (Saturday) with a number of real bargains. LEGION NOTES The Canadian Legion, West Vancouver Branch, is holding s general meeting next Wednes- day, 20th April, at 8 p.m., in the Legion Memoial Haik Members are asked to make a note of the date. WEST VANCOUVER SCOTTLSH SOCIETY The regular meeting of the society will be held in the Clachan tonight (Friday) at 8 o'lock. This will be the last meeting of the season and of- ficers for the ensuing term will be elected. It is hoped that all members wiB try and be pre- sent. MUSICIANS'I.UB STUDENTS'ECITAI. The final recital this season of the Musicians'lub of West Vancouver took place last Fri- day evening in the Orange Hall. All those taking part were students, and the largest crowd of the season was present to hear them, some coming over from Vancouver. The prograin was a varied one, consisting of vocal solos for soprano and con- tralto, also piano and violin solos and piano dueta The in- terest of the audience was main- tained througnout the soire= what lengthy list of numbers, as was shown by the hearty ap- plause which greeted the efforts of each performer. Generally speaking, a high standard of ex- cellence was shown and the Musicians'lub are to be con- gratulated on their enterprise in giving the general public as well as the parents and friends of their pupils an opportunity of hearing those to whose lot it wi)1 fall to assist in keepmg up the reputation of West Van- couver as a musical centre. CHIEF hfATHIAS AND CAPILANO INDIANS IN CONCERT A concert will be given at 8 o'lock tonight in the Inglewood School 'auditorium by Chief Mathias with the assistance of a band of Capilano Indians, the proceeds of which will go to- wards the erection of a model Indian village near the Capilano in West Vancouver. This is the same concert, only with several additions, recently given by Chief hfathias in the Hotel Van- couver. There will be Indian dances and songs, as well ss an sildress by the chief on the cus- toms snd life of his people ln the old days and. as sll will be m native costume, the evening should be bot!i interesting and instructive. Admission 26 cents. BASEBAI L At a meeting of ball players held in the Inglewood School on Wednesday evening it was de- cided to again enter a team in the North Shore Loop. Last year West Vancouver won the North Shore championship and are now officially recognised as provincial champions. The flrst practice will be held at Holly- burn School, Tuesday evening, at 6 o'lock. These is room for several new players and anyone wishing to try out is asked to be on hand. Mr. Condon will again manage the West Vancouver entry. STATEhfEiVT TO PRESS BY REEVE LEYI.AND OiV SIR ALEXANDER GIBB'S REPORT The report of Sir Alexander Gibb proves most interesting, and coming from so eminent a port authority, undoubtedly has much in it of decided merit. There may be, of course, certain features to which local Port authorities, trading snd ship- ping interests could take excep- tion, but it is understood that many of the recommendations are made more on the basis of general principle and experience in other countries, than on sny claim to an intimate knowledge of lacal conditions. In reference to the First Nar- rows bridge, it is noted that Sir Akxander suggests a span of 1200 feet, and a clearance of 157 feet, this being much less than proposed by local engineers of 1400 and 200 respectively. Opinson is expressed that the expenditure for a bridge wouM not be warranted at this time on account of the limited amount of traffic now crossing the Inlet. The matter of cost would natur- ally depend largely on the type of bridge to be constructed, but the cost of labor and materials have recently declined to such an extent that it is safe to ssy that a bridge could be construc- ted for about 25% less than three yeath ago, and that it could never again be constructed st such low figures ss now pre- vailing The obvious advantage of building the bridge now, it requiring two or three years to complete, would be the very fact that it would provide s tremen- dous amount of labor and that large amounts would be spent locally for materials. When international conditions are normal, every part of Can- ada progresses with kaleidosco- pic rapidity, and when condi- tions are again normal no other City in Canada will develop so rapidly as Vancouver, which is destined to become one of the most important sea~ur strategic position on the Pacifi Coast, an open port all the year round, potential oriental mar- kets and facilities of the Pana- ma Canal are sli to our advant- age. One must, of course, be fau in any criticism, snd I appreci- ate the fact that an such a short idsit of about two weeks, Sir Akxander Gibb coukl not be ex- pected to become fully acquaint- ed with all local conditions. I am quite sure that he himself would not ten years ago have predicted the actual advance that Vancouver hss made since then. In fact, at the time of his visit last summer, he had no knowledge during his survey that within less than three snonths s British Syndicate, rep- resenting tremendous capital and thoroughly impressed with Van- couver's future, would purchase 4000 acies of land with no other intention that that of investing huge sums in development, mak- ing the slopes of Hafiyburn Ridge the finest residential area not only of Vancouver, but of Canada, I feel quite satisfied that the syndicate presumed that a bridge wouM saon be built, and that if constructed with private capital, the whole of Greater Vancouver and ths Province would welcome the pro- ject. Sir Alexander mav also have (Continued on Page 6)