0001 or I Ms. I I April 8, 1932 PRQBLEM FERTILIZER BURNS O.K. COXL11UN ICATION v~VORTH VAN. FERRYTRAFFIC SHOWS 51ARKFD DECREASE Traffic on North Vancouver City ferries in the'irst three mbnths of this year shows 0 substantial decrease compared with the corresponding period of last year, report ferry officials. In the first quarter of 1932, the boats transported 685,643 pas- sengers and 121,726 vehides as compared with 760,996 passen- gers and 135,371 vehicles in the first three months of 1931. De- crease is 75,453 passengers and 13,645 vehicles. In March 242,067 passengers and 44,704 vehides were trans- ported as compared with 262,299 passengers and 47,876 vehicles in the corresponding month of last year. Deprease is 20,242 passengers and 3172 vehicles. Editor, West Van News. Dear Sir: Kindly allow me space in your paper, re our pres- ent Municipal Bus System. Since its extension to West Bay from Altamont, we have been charged a straight five cent fare, from terminus to terminus. After this extension of run, a new run was operated on the Upper Levels with a new bus costing 36,600 and 8 straight. fare of five cents. This Upper Level fare was reduced later to 8 straight ticket of three cents. The mileage of the Upper Level run being one-tenth of 8 mile longer than the run from West Bay to boat with greater hills to climb, why the reduction of two cents I Up to April 1st, children from West Bay to Altamont were supplied with transportation to the Pauline and Hoflyburn schools, which now is refused snd in its place twelve tickets for twenty-five cents. Since the children have to journey from West Bsy to the above schools, as there are no schools West, this will work a hardship on parents during these times of falling revenues, as does the five cent fare to West Bay for adults. Is it not about time our whole bus system was looked into and equalized and extended farther West to bring in revenue which we do not now receive. This has been repeatedly taken up with Councils and no action taken. The writer would deem it a favor to hear other opinions on the subject. Yours truly, G. N. CAVE, West Bay. PLAY "KLEPTO51ANIA" )YELL PUT ON On Tuesday and Wednesday nights last the St. Stephen's A. Y.P.A. players produced the farce "Kleptomania," which was well attended both nights. An excellent performance, well worth anyone's time and money was given, and each individual portrayed his or her part to per- fection. The young people deserve every credit possible, as the en- tire play was produced without any outside assistance they hav- ing had to do their own coach- ing, make-up, and even make their own scenery. One could not mention 8 single name without mentioning them afi and anyone would be well ad- vised to go and see this perform- anc, which was as good or better than any other local perform- ance of this kind should it be presented here again. FOOTBALL The following players are re- quested to turn out for the game- with the Foresters at Ambleside Park at 8 p.m.i Larnie, McLean, Downey, Grieve, S t r a t t o n, Downey, Grisedale, Normand, Bean, Grisedale, McVean, Wil- lington, Gray. No Detraction The Agent: I forgot to men- tion that in this country house you'e buying there are two very old stained-glass windows. Mr. Newgilt: That won't mat- ter. If they'e stained too bad to be cleaned, I can put in some new ones. Wife: "Those pearls make a lovely birthday gift. Thank you so much. But I have a confes- sion to make. This isn't really my 24th birthday. I'e always lied about my age." Husband: "That's afi right Those aren't genuine pearls." Foihoti "Which would you rather have, o little brother or o little oio- tot I" Little Jokoyi rit it'o oii the same io you, papa, Pd to(hot have o white 8tobbii with tod eyes." PLAY MARBLES '"'"'TN ';PF (I ) CATCHER'S MITT. (2) REGULATION BALL AND BAT (3) FIELDER'S GLOVE. Two Consolation Prizes -- A Fielder's Glove each. HERE'6 THE PLANo-Auy Woot Vancouver School boy can enter the coo(tot oud receive, FREE, iou marbles oud o score card. You play marbles oiih other couiooiouio oud hove your Cornily oud friends Sot ih It purchases here entered on yout oooto ootd. The contest closes SATURDAY, APRIL So, 1982 at 10 p.ru. At that time you br(os io your score cards ood the motbioo you hovq wou, oud the omouoi of purchases ou your ocoto card,,when mult(pftod by the uumbot ot marbles you bove, sivoo you your score. THB HIGHEST SCORE Rbx:FIVES THE CATCHER'S 1IITT. TIIR NFXT HIGHFST GETS THE REGUI.ATION BALL AND BAT TIIB TIIIRD IIIGHEgr GEI'8 A FIELDS(I'8 GI.OVE 'riiE BOY 'WITH THE IIOST MA((BI.ES--Rtsotdlooo ol Putcboxoo~IO O Fit(der'o (iiovc. THB BOY WITH THE 51OST PURCHASE --kosoidiooo of Moth(to~tio Iho Other Fioldtt'o Glove. Only ibo marbles sivou bott wiii be couuiod. Any boy wbo (oooo oii hio motbioo moy totoivo Ion more if ho mates, or hoo some one make, o Mi cent puttiuua. Any boy moy have ~ totd Cot orth potoou bo moy Iuiotooi iu hio COO(Oui. purchases of any omouu\ ot any goods sold by uo moy be ooiotod ou scare card. Gemmill's Drug Store 1403 MARINE ni(IVE; I'HONE WEST 37. THE WEST VAN NEWS THE BURNiliVG BUSH By Sobsdar The head of a very large mot- or truck company in the United States, if a newspaper report is correct, has just stated that North America will be the first to get back to normal conditions.'t may be so, but up to date the Old Country has 8 very big start which will take a lot of catching up, especially as Canada and the U.S. have not yet reached the starting barrier. Indeed, our cousins are still going back, and more than likely to take 8 finan- cial somersault when aU repar- ations are cancelled, as they will be before long. I note that Wall Street is becoming rather ner- vous over the Empire Economic Conference in Ottawa, as well they may be. for the New York financiers realize from the ex- perience of their own country just what may happen to them if a tariff wall is erected around the Empire. I can only hope that DeValera is not going to the conference with the ides of trying to throw 8 monkey wrench in the works, but his record is afi against him. There appears to be quite a discussion going on among Van- couverites for and against Brit- ish films. A number seem to ob- ject to any preference being given them over those from Hollywood, and I fancy these ob- jectors are mostly Americans living amongst us, who natural- ly, and I admire them for it, want to see plays of American life rather than any others. The general public unlike our prov- incial government do not appear to realize the value of films as propoganda. It certainly is not much good teachers trying to inculcate Canadian ideals in our school children if their efforts are to be largely neutralized by American films, which have done more than any other single agency to spread American ideals and ideas here and in other parts of the world. Again I admire the Americans for it, as I regret what fools they must think us to allow them "to put it over." I have seen very many American films and 0 number from British and European studios. In SU of them I have heard from time to time some actor whose words might have been Chinese for anything I could make out of them. Fur- ther, the acting of those, wheth- er American or otherwise, who had previously made a name on the legitimate stage, has been noticeably better than that of the regular film stars. Also I have never yet seen a British or European fifm whish in good taste and finish of production did not transcend the Hollywood productions. This difference, by the way, applies to the legiti- mate stage as welk Referring again to the lack of clear diction levelled against British fllmrh it is interesting to note that some of the greatest Hollywood stars are Englishmen, who speak with that "Oxford accent," which so many hate while not knowing what it is. According to a C.P. despatch the speaker of the Ottawa House ruled that the word "grunter" when applied by one member to another in debate, was "impolite and an exhibition of ignorance." Apparently the rest of the diat- ribe which included the epithets "a scowler, a scorner, aud sn interrupter, posing as a political uplifter," was quite parfiament- ary. I cannot agree with this ruling at afi. The whole string of names seems to be equaUy lacking in politeness, but any msn who knows enough about the English language to bom- bard another with such 8 deluge of abuse without actually swear. ing is certainly not ignorant. The word "grunier" Is peculiarly delicious. To csfi 8 man 8 pig without actuafiy saying so takes considerable thought, in fact. the offending member should join the army, where his talents would be appreciated. CLASSIFIED ADS aooio io 2 toxic ptt roid, aiuiaua box(os ttsuiot occurs(a oS dmoi- HAVE YOU SSILV the New Sioux fot Pipo Smokoto, il soi, xoo Itoc at the Ambiooido Too Bourns. WANTED -- Imxoodioidy. Kkcbou Range. Good cooditka. Choop. West 26lut ROCKERY ood ALPINE PLANTS for wio, from large coiiorilou. C. G. Barrow, cotuot 24th ood Nokou. Phoae Wooi 9814k FOR PLUMBING REPAIRS -- Roo- biooto Pbouo Wort 241K. HOLSE FOR RENT Fito tooioo, modotu, potuy tutoiobod, uico Iota. iiou, Gotoso, $ 15. Phone Wooi 820L I'OR RBNT--Medora Houoc. 15th oai Woiotttout. Futuoto, toR pimob- iog. Apply, Wort 866R. POR REVT--Suiic. Houybuto Inotk. Apply West 6668. FOUNDATION CEMENT WORK- Loudttopiux oud Lowoo lout Rock walla. dtoioo, ooptic iouko, fosdus ~ud land dootiog, ohimooyo oud fotoocoo doouod ood topoitoL Pbooo T. Botuoii, tox'douce pbouo West 200IL HOG SEIVIFE oouM like optiua Oioooiug by the doy. Phone Wooi WANTED-Gotdooiux by Ohi Couu- ity gardener. Loruo. Vmy tooooa. able. Sixth Hoiioiotk, 1264 Dutbout West Fl. 24JL or West 479Y. CHISINEY BWEEPING, Hoof Rcpoit- ioz ood Painting. Pbooo North 771 IJIST--Bortiopo toaioioius 4 piocoo Duodotovo Lodioo'hoir moxie. Phone West 410L. FOII SALE--Cboop. (oo uico vioo ioio on Fuiiou between 13th oud 14ua Apply W. Dickiuooth 780 14ih Street. WANTED--Soitius. Gotmtu(o aodo over cheap; Ohiidtoo'o o specialty. Phone West 26RS. LAND OP NOD -- Pit(Otto ot (bio lovely little opototio oto on sale in three oixoo. C. J. Btodotick, Photo Finisher, 1430 biotioe Dturo. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED- Expotiootod with oil mokoa "WILL CUT LIKE NEW." West Vouoou- vot Idocbiuo Shop, 1449 Motiuo. I OR BALE--UPtizht Ook Pious iu good coixbiiou, $9o.os, Motcom oud Spot(co Rodioa Also mvotoi snaps in Botioty Seta Soo uo lot Rodio repairs, ootioio, xuppiioo, Bxtutm oud witiog. North Shore Radio R Electric, 1439 Motiuo Drive, Phone West 81. WELDING -- Woobius Motbiooo, Lawn mowoto, anything in mr(ok. Futooco repairs, 1st oud gravel roofing, Buttotd Sheet Moioi Works Pbouo North 346. FOR RENT--Futuiobod House at Hoi- iybutu; convenient io ferry, 826AM. One at A(turnout, ood ou exception- ally attractive home at Coo(fond. John Looxou, West 56. FOR RENT--Bouoo ou Woiotftoui. APPly, Loyioud, West 63RL SHINGLING oud Roof Repairs Lawn mowoto ground. Sowauug. N. R. Eiiix, Phone West 1848. LEFT ON FERRY--Soiutdoy ofiot- noon, child's bird( shoot oud oocka Finder please phone Wort 6591 FOR SALE--Fawcett Range. Good condition. phone West 037IL IVORK WANTED--Loudotopo sotd- euot, nurseryman, expert prus(us. tockoty, labor ot contract. Phone West 104LI. FOR RENT--4 Roots Buoxoior, full piumbiuS, 11th oud bio(buts. Rent reasonable. Pbouo North 268L FOR SALE ot EXCHANGB -- lu iho City,'ary 6 nmm buuSxiow (voiuo $2400) xummot bouoo, garage, fruit treea Pall plumbing. 2 ioia Nice location. Phoae Wort t4, Toko Cotuosio'o aitlot lioii Buy Acreage in ~ pioco with ~ fuimu. Acreage iu goad Iooououo ftmu $50 up. Apply Jobs Lowoou, West 56. PALVTING, KALSOMINLVG AND PAPERING -- Toko odvouioso of choopot wiuiot pticox. Phone Woot 394 R. MARCELLB SHOP -- Motcogo, 50 mo(o; trout, Ssc; Susot wova 76c. Phouo bits. King, Wort 304. BOARD AND BESIDENCB -- 15th oud Boiiovuo, near forty. Rates at- tractive. Phoae West 468L WE HAVE TEN OP THB CHEAP- EST LOTS in West Voocouvot- Some close m. Suto money-makers iu near futuro. John Loooou, West 65. TO RENT--5 toom modotu bouoo. Good garden. I(umber of good ttidt (tora Convenient Iocoiioo, $204ak Apply John Louoou. West 66. .'IOTICB ALFRED THObIAS LEWLVB PUTTS DECEASED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVFV ihot ~Ii persons hoviog cioimo osoumt the estate of Alfred Thomas Looim Putts formerly of West Voucouvot m the Ptoviuto of British Coimobio, who died on the 2141 doy ot Hotch, 1932, are required on or boCoto the lxi doy of Juuo, 1932, io deliver ot send by prepaid letter fun pottituioto of Gait claims duly vottsod io THE ROYAL TRUST COMPANY. executor of iho Eoioio ot ibo roid Aiftod Looluo Poiix doheoootL ot iio oiHto, 828 Poudot Street West, Voueouvot, B. C. AND TAKE NOTICE that of(or ibo last mentioned date iho Executor wgl ptocood io dio(ttbuto ibo ooooio of the Doctored among the potxom re- titled thereto, having regard ouiy io the claims of which it shall then have hud Ootitc. DATED at Vouoouvot, E 0„ this 2od doy of April. 1932. ROBERTSON DOUGLAS 0 SYMES, 640 Poudot Street West, Voutouvot, Ph 0„ Soiiciimo for Tho Royal Ttuot Composy. Geo. Hay NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AiVD IiNSURANCE 1405 biotiuo Dtiro Phone West 21 or Seymour 1240 Evouioso Wooi 204X Shefi Fish 8 la Newburg 2 cups finely cut shrinip. scal- lops, lobsters, or crab meat. 2 tablespoonfuls of butter I tablespoon flour I eup milk 2 hard boiled eggs I teaspoon salt Cayenne pepper to taste I/q teaspoon paprika F4 cup sherry If canned fish is used cover with cold water 20 minutes and drain, Melt butter in saucepan; add flour and stir until smooth; add cold milk slowly; boil until thick. Rub egg yolks through strainer and add, stirring until smooth; add seasoning and fine- ly chopped egg whites; add fish; put sli in top of double boiler ovei. lire for 16 minutes; add sherry and serve immediately. LAND ACT No((to of Iuiouiiou io apply io Putthooo Lomb Iu the Voutoovtt Land Rocotdum Dioitkt oC New Wooimiuoiot oud oii- uoio oo ibo east oido of Howe Booed ~bout four miles uotib ot Botoooboo Boy. Wby(ocng, (IRouieipoiiiy of West Voocourot), Tate notice that JOHN SWANSON at Voocouvot. E Ch ootupoiioa Bot- doiot at Low, iutoudo io apply fot potaimiou io putohoto ibo fdiooius dtottibod lands: CiuiiuioocioS xi ~ pooi pioumd oi iho uot(h ooxt corner of Loi SSIS, Gmup I, Now Vlooimiuoiot Diottioi, thence easterly, along the north bouu- dotioo oC D. Lo(o 8817 Oud HIIS, 296 chains. moto or less. Io the coot boundary of the Btiuoh Cohuubio Eiooitk Railway Coiopoie"o rishi-ot- mui I ihooco ootihotiy, okas ibo Ooid west bouudory ot ooid rishi-ot-woy. L136 choioo, auto ot loss io ua south belli(duty ot Mlii a(sot%I tioim, D.L. 21671 thome umtotiy oious the said south bouodoty of moj D.L 2157 ood the ptoducuoa ihotoot, as chains, moto or lass, io the bish uo(ot itiofk ol Booo Brood'hooxo ooutbotiy oious the said b(s)i water moth at Hoor Sound io this post, ood cooioiaius Ieeatpdom rotor, moto ot Ioox. JOHN SWANSON. Pot J. Aioxoodot Wolkot, Asoua Do(ah ISih doy ot Fobtuoty, Isssi Tho rate for Cirro(Sod Adrotikc 25 croix. Extopi io the oooo of thoro stdo are poyobio oitkiiy iu odtooco. Boaoabot cioooisodo ia Da west vou Bess soi iaaodioio toouno, rrhc~rt O r. rt c I rrr rr"Wrrr rh ~rr rc rr lh r I 'hh W-hi ~hhr hh . hh V ~k h"h h * hhr h Ih h'h '\ r hah i ~ r h.