West Van. News (West Vancouver), 1 Apr 1932, p. 5

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0001 April I, 1982. THF. WEST VAN NEWS THE RURNING RUSH By Subadar CLASSIFIED ADS" PRPSLEM FERTILIZER V F d S BURNS OK. Used by Park Boards West 9 GolF Couricg Eic.s 47 Dg» joef Under the auspices of St. Anthony's Church The Celebrated St. Patrick's Players present "NIRS. ROONEY'S AMBITION"3($ tin I ~ A Comedy in Three Acts A LAUGH FROM START TO FINISH "Nothing is so satisfying, so healthy, so 'youthening,' would almost ssy, so 'moral- izing," 88 8 real laugh! I do not mean s guA'aw or 8 snigger or a sliding smile, but 8 sudden glorifying of the lungs l" HOLLYBURN THEATRE 8 rg tate anj %wednesday, April tk, at $ .15 pjm Admission 36 centslCe o oo Is d I Um oUghoo voo c loot Ibe ol asfee I Iou IDibi 67021Q 6~WI ' Pio¹iae D IiiPEL xp. 4geibI oXeni 88 IIOQUA'.III U IODtANI TO RACE AT GAKIES Squamigh Indians expect to send 8 war canoe racing crew'to the Olympic Games snd have asked the Vancouver Parks Board for permission to use s cedar tree in Stanley Park from which they will build their craft. They will race the boat under the name of "Stanley Park." The commissioners frowned on the proposal to destroy any tree in the perk but are agree- able to the Indians using 8 wind- fall, if one suitable for their purpose ig located. In making application for the tree, the Squamish Nation of Indians drew attention of com- missioners to a little history. "When we swore allegiance to the British crown," they wrote, "Chief Capilano, who was acting with the admiralty as a guide, said, 'You take the land (Stan- ley Park) on that side of the Narrows and I will have this side (North Shore), and we will both fight any invader. To- day, we regret to report that keeping pace with the progress of civilization hag denuded the section held by Chief Cspilano of timber available for our pur- pose. Egquimslt Indians on Vancou- ver Island will be represented st Los Angels with 8 racing canoe. The harassed-looking man wgs being shown over some works. "That machine," 'gsid his guide, "does the work of thirty men." The man smiled glumly. "At last," he said, "Ive seen what Iny wife should have marr ried." Prices 0, ,gSt. Stephen'8 A.Y.P.A."KLEPT in ST. Stephen'UESDAY and 6th nnd 6th Ap Adults 86 cents. Proceeds in aid of Pari are putting on the farce OIVIANIA" 9 Parish Hall, WEDNESDAYgawvII4lillteIzd zoontdz bitiu. ril, at 8:80 p.m. Children 26 cents sh Hall Building Fund. Iaiog¹m Itni0 8 Ika dikIidi " 116 i ~My'UJgSSSr I ffaaggab III ) gIkb¹ bwliId 6411~& 869 (Veai Vancouver Munlclpul Hnll, the grounds of whch have f L08g Beg 0h Tbo raIo Io I CIogomed Adoor I I or mcaIo Io 2 era Io 9 or vord. m~mam 25 coo(a Ezoopi io the oooo ot thou baviag raga(sr ocommuI oB dud- Long Island, snd that vjcimty fiodo are poyobM»rI»iy m edvaaooJ 'ememberClaooifiodo ia the ~ goi mmodmio rooolio. over Easier, for the kindly Ocean in thum ~rt Wmdmd 8 ROOKERY ood ALPINE PLAYS HAVE YOU SEEN ibo New Sinai tqr sale, from Iar couectioa. C. «m Pipe Smokers, If noi, ooo Mac shore 1700 barrels of pickled GJ Borrow, corner 24(b oed Nelson. at ibo Amblooide Toa Rooms. herrings and 67 cases of whig- Phono Woot 98L2, key. No, I did not ssy 1700 bsr-, NA ~45 Hmbu' Boy "Imporioi" rejg of whiskey snd 67 cages of Foci(D IN FinsT NARRow~b ~iw Like oow. Pbmm wo» Igsx PiCkled herring, aa an irreVerent Koo I F(mt I(om~u L(gbm GARDEN SHRUBS--Ai Saap Prices friend Of mine hag Suggeated, Ii Ifybara, B. O 'UOIO lac eP'aoeader. 16O; COI.. for that would have meant 8 big rumrunner ~ come to grief C 6Z6. Pbo Wo» wi ou e cosgtguar cutters 877Y, ~moll owooi vbl(o goouborrimo getting the liquor, which would privoL a tow yellow Uaroaiioso, and have been iugt too tembje. Con NEW MARCONI 8-Togo Elocirio Seta firo-ibora Phoae George Doer(or, mderinfl that 8 g t d~ of '980 ~ 109.00; » ~ Elm- igooi 2. Scotch learning has been devel- pricmU $80,00 tor goer old rod(o or FOR RENT --Modora Hoooo. 16(b amtirio ood Battery Boio at bargain oped under the impetus of 8 diet Gromopb oo on a new 6-iobo Spar Wo(ortroat Faraoco. fall piamb- of herring and whiskey, not her- ton. wo oorrico aB mates of radios F '. Apply Wmi 866K. ring and oatmeal as wrongly re- (oboe Iutod tree. Agon( Moyiog FOR RENT e(m. Hdfybora Bkak corded by h 1 .t 'oob~ N~ Sb ~io ood PPP ~~K COr e y iS Oriana, qui e an EIm(rio 1429 M rioo Dri„p~u epidemiC Of braina may be eg- West 81 or Nortb 79. 'orduiag Old Coaa- the U.S. during the next ear AT STUD -l~g'o Gom ot Bridol . k Hallmark 12641m» n e neX year Veil" Gorman Shepherd (Al I'l %o» 27 Phone West 428L g. JLC„GKC. Fu, $16.00 CHESTERFIELD ELITE FOR SAI.B good qoolRy, Sko aow, Japan put her Anger to her FOR pLUMBING REFAIRS -- R Amblooido. Boz 21, do West Van nose at the League of Nations idoaro Phone wast 24(s. Novo. and kept it there while ghe was FOR SALE or EXCHANGE -- Ia tbo working her works jn Ngnchurjg BROODY HEN POR SAL~I(iaga City, Ouy 6 rOOm beegaiOW (Valse nnd Shanghai. Having done in bothpiacegexactlywhstshehad Bruce,2i$1 Morioo, Wut 145L' ~ F~ piemb~. 2 1~ N gct out to do, she told the Leggue ONE 6-Tabs S(overt Waraor oaly they COuld debate SbOut thege $ 600; Ooe 6-Tobe Wooiiagboaoe at Toke Ca m'd k two matters. The League went 4 ub', ~& 'd + 'creage Ia ~ piou wftb ~ tenn toit with glee, only to be brought 4 gUaio ia Wooc Vaocoevor tor Mo Aerugo m gud lout(au from $50 P short lngf Saturday by Jap- iog Wu~boio. Norib Sb an's informing them, again with Elm(vie Y m, mbluldo P~NT h PAINTING. KALSOMLNLNG AND er fingers to her nose, that she FOUNDATION CEMENT WORK PAPERL(G -- Toke advania ot WOuld Pull Out Of the League al- Loodoupieg oad Lowoo iobk Rock Per Irie(er Prieea together if it became to oheeky. walls, droios, septic tanks, teodog That of course would finish the ao4 iaod clearing chimneys aad League, if it is not Anished al- orauoo otuaod ond rope(rmL M ELLE " Moiroua 58 ready. I think it would be beg( Phono T. Rorno(4 ruidoaoo phono pp mioi u L ~; fiog r ware, 76c. West 290R. Phone Mrs King, Wooi 804. for us now to pay off the highly paid ofFicials we are keeping st FOR RFNT -- Aiirocuvo baogolov BOARD AND RESIDENcE Igib Geneva, and devote theji gajari modern, pariiy tarnished, garage. and Believer, near ferry. Baioo oi. cg to something useful, for prof- Phono West 020L. ~tiva Phone Wo» 468L FOR RENT--Poroiokod Hoaoeai Hd- WE HAVB TEN OF THE CREA . iyburo; convenient io ferry, $26.00, EST LOTS ia West Voncoever- ~ - P. One at Aliamont, aod an ozcoptioa- Some dose in. Sme mosey-makers I take off niy hat to s c rtam o iy oiirociivo home at Caalte94. in near Jaime. John towomb West well known Anglican bishop in England, who had thig to ggy FOR RENT--House oa Waterfront. TO RENT--5 room modora boaoo. about raffles snd sweepstakes in pp» LoyiuK wui 88RI. Good garden. U(ember ot good trm I 8 recent letter to the people of RHINGLING aad Roof Repairs -- Apply John Lomvo»U wno» 6K hig diocese: Lowe movers ground. Sawtiiing. "prOm time tO time I am asked N. R. Ellis, Phono West INK if I approve of raffles snd games of chance at Church bazaars. I NYASALAND do not regard these as either sinful or immoral, to degcribc The lecture by Dr. HenrY on them as such is absurd. On the "The Civilization of Nyagaland" other hand, I think it undegir wag given to a good aduience, in able that money should be ob. spite of the inclement evening. tained for Church purposes by The lantern views were shown these methods. It does not ap- by J. Porter, and covered most pear to me to be right to do on of th8 Field of the lecture. Dr. Church premises what would be Henry began by describng the treated gs illegal in a public explorations of Livingston in Geo. Hay Iqipose sweepstakes and lotteries to the Briush Churches of Ny- if we ourselves uge games of aggland as a country to be cjvjj- OTA P IILICNOTARY P chance for our own money rais- ized on Christian lines: The REAL ESTATE AND ing purposes If I am asked as Universities Mission responded INSURANCE gometimesIam, whatiga game to the appeal; but the leaders of chance or gki)j, I must leave died esrbI, snd the home man- 1405 Normo Drive the answer to the common gens~ agerg became discouraged. The Pbuo Woo( 21 UI soymoar lme either of the questioner or of Established and Free Churcheg hig friends.o of Scotland then took up the Co~cut is needless, except duty, each of the churcheg that I wish we had mom people united in 1900) sending a man No(ice of Ia(oa((oa io apply in high places in Canada, both who wag outstanding && in Porcbooo Lead. isjty with hfg Physical endurance and Power broad views and congi8tency. of leadership. Dr. Heth~ri'. Ia ibo Vuooevor d ~g the scholar aud 8(gtcgmsn, built ertain y there WOu d mOre up 8 successful mission at Bjsip OO(O Oa ibe OOOI Side Of BOOO SOOad Christianity in the land and I D L ~." aboai toor mnu aorib rt Homooboo feWer empty ChurCheS. ' . 8 " Boy. Wbriornir, (Maaioipaiiiy ot ate, a Capable engineer, Snd a nroi Vooourori, man with 8 great gift for enlist- 'rake aouu that JGHN swANsoN ing support, created the mission gf, Livinggione with jig church risier at Mv, mioado o oPQIX tor ' tionsl schools. Even such a man commencing at a post piaaiod at as Sir Harry Johnston, who had the norib west corner ot Loi Sna, m no religious s(tschments, wss Group L Now Wu(m(a»or Diotrkb cons(rained io wriie of Dr. Lairs thence coo(oriy. oioag ibo aottb bmm darioo of D. Lots 8817 oa4 zgig, 285 as one of the worlds great cboloo. 'Iooro or iooo Io ib men." The lecture concluded booodory at Ibo Britis coiamb(o with a summary of the revolu- E(oo&«Railway Cmapmw'o rigbbot- ~ 4., PI " tionary changes which hsd been Vay'beaoe aeribmfy aieag ibe uid brought about in Nyasaland, ~ ~adary at uid rigb(~ ar 682IU cbaiao, moro or less, io the mainly as a result of the work oooib booadory ot "It(a mineral of the Scoitjsh Churches. claim DJ 81st'boaum woo(oriyalong the said ooeib boeadary ot uoe "I'm afrajd, doctor» gaid D.L. 2167 ood the Prodooiioa umroot, hag some terrible affliction oouiboriy aioag the said high we(or 'tq,„.5:-,I Songo.times I talk to him for wart of Rows Sound io ibi~ post, aod 0 hours and then find he hagn'3¹ oooioiaiag Ivoa(y-tear acres, amro or heard a word.",.- Iooa JOHN SWANSON. "That Isn't an affliction, nuul- am," replied the doctor, "It's a Agoat. biwn extensively finproved. gift." Do»UL 18th day ot Fobreaiy, 1988 Lhreh rJ r m J ~ 'hh I