0001 err w %o *I m 1 'I 'r ~. 0 H:0 r~rr r rvF vrr\r ~ rr r w ~ FI ~,I'I r rsr Fi Ierr„'rrir. I%-'I- Wi r~rr '. I're'rrir '. ~ r- i(rcrr & 'vrr rr vwr'%. re r rrrrr r r'/v wrrr 'r v Irrv Wrr-r rico v w rrr-r rrr "rr.r rrrrrriic -rrrr 'r rr«'rrvrc ' r 'vrrr V 'r vrrrrivrrrrir " vrrr r riv~ rrsrrrrvrrivvri r errrrvr Vr rrrvrrvrrorrrrr r vrvwvr rir vv rrrrr w rrrrv vrr~ REMEMBERI It'4 thr Ht( IR shot mghrt tht het! You wB& uoed 0 Iwcmeueut wave 10 woer the new hots We ceo give you 0 lovely, coll wave wkh 0 Slug&et ood &hei duce uot dixcoioc or fcixx tho hair. Our Prices are 53.50 to 56.50 C0B M&00 Cloy for coueulletiou ~I iho Grf)eyfdolyI BetJuty Shoppe 1640 Morlue Dr&re Phone West 117 GORDON ROBSON Serrleloc e SoUckos WEST VANCOUVER-- Office No, 144'I blesiue Drive. Pboue West 408. VANCOUVER OFFICE- Suke 018; 610 Heelioge St. W Phoae Seymour 4100. DRY FIR Full Load 55.00 Sem&nd Grovtth Fir and Alder, 55.50 per cord Coal PhOne %VESt 48 COOKE a LeNEAL DUNDARAVE SCHOOL Class Leaders Division L Grade 4A--1st, Jackie Climie. Grade 4B--1st, Kathleen Lay. Grade 3A -- 1st, Anthony Lloyd. Grade 3B--1st, Teddy Climie. Division II. Grade 2A--ION Joyce Coney. Grade 2B--1st Marion Dun- das. Grade 1A--1st, Donald Rob- ertson. Grade 1B--1st, Dallas Ing- BODY OF DROWNED WEST VANCOUVER FISHERMAN FOUND The body of William Smith, West Vancouver fisherman, who was drowned near Scotty Bay, Lasqueti Island, Monday night, was recovered by Powell River police Thursday, 24th instant, and brought to Nanaimo. Coroner Hickling held an en- quiry at the D. J. Jenkins Ltd. funeral parlors snd ordered that sn autopsy be held. Established ou North Shore 20 Yeere. (Lest Assistant) HARRO&N BROS. SE 'ILLIA51SO&N junrral Qirertars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 66 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 THF, WEST VAN NF(VS United Church Minister, E. A. Henry, D.D. Bund&O, April 3rd, 1932 10 a.m.--Sunday SchooL 11:15 a.m Public Worship. Dr. Henrv will preach, topic, "The Debt (Ve Owe.v 7:15 p.m.--Public (Vorship. Dr. Henry will conclude the series on Great Hymns: "Sun of sly Soul, Thou Saviour Dear." This hymn will conclude with lantern illustrations, Thanks are returned for the gifts of eggs last Sunday for the Social Service Home Thirty dozen were received. Next Monday the Y. P. S. will be addressed by J. R. Mitchefi, Vice-Principal of the High School. On Monday, April 18th, the Society will present a short play. Details later. On Tuesday afternoon at 2:SO the Women'8 Association will hold their Annual Daffodil Tea in the Church Hall. Chief Mathias of the Capilanos will be present and give exhibi- tions of Indian life. Therq win also be a sale of Home Cooking,, Candy and Plants with selections of Indian souvenirs available for purchase. AMss. Stainsby will sing and it is expected that some of Pauline Johnson's poetry will be recited. The regular meeting of the Women'0 Association wfi) be postponed to April 12th. Tonight (Friday) the Junior Choir will give the Fairy Oper- atts, "The Land of Nod," in the High School Auditorium under the auspices of the I.O.D.E, Wednesday from 8 to 9 we continue the study of Stanley Jones'ecent book, 'The Christ of the Mount." WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH EI&fl'ICB 20&b eod Eeeuhueu, Uouyburo This Society is 0 Branch of The Mother Church Tho Firel Church of Cbc&01, Scieoi&01, iu Boe&oa, Meseochueeue Sunday Services il:80 u.m. oud V&80 p.m. Sunday, April 3rd, Subject: "UNREALITY" Suodoy School at 10:00 ~ .m. Teeiimouy Moeuog Wedueer&uy ~I 8:16 p.m. Baptist Church Pastor: Rev. H. P. Humphreys. Residence: 134S Heywood Ave. Phone W. 252R. Sunday, April 3rd, 1932. 10 a.m.--Sunday School snd Bible Class. 11 a.m.--Morning worship. Pastor will preach, topic, "Ad- ditions to the Church." The ordinance of the Lord' Supper snd reception of new members will be observed at the close of the morning service. 7:30 p.m.--Evening worship. The evening service will be in charge of the Excelsior Group of the Canadian Girls in Train&ng, There will be special singing. Pastor will preach, topic, "For Such 8 Time as This." A cordial invitation to all. Monday, 7:45 p.m.--B.Y.P.U. Young people over 16 heartily welcome. Tuesday, 2:30--Women's Mis. sion Circle. Wednesday, 4 p.m.--Childrens meeting. 8 p.m.--Prayer meeting with brief address. Thursday, 8 p.m.--Choir prac tice. Presbyterian Mission Orange HaB Minister: Rev. J. (V. Cuddeford. Phone N. 1107. Services 2:00 p.m.--All departments of the S.S. Also Adult Bible Class. 3:15 p.m.--Church worship. Ser- mon by the minister. Thursday, 8 p.m.--Prayer meet- ing. Friday, 8 p.m.--Choir practice. Preliminary Notice: The min- ister and session of St. Andrew' Church, North Vancouver, wll administer the sacrament of the Lord's Supper at the afternoon service of Sunday, April 10. A Communion Roll will be written and sll who contemplate uniting either by certificat or profes- sion of faith, please get in touch with the minister at your earli- est convenience. Friday, 7 p.m.--C.G.LT. Teen age girls welcome. St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev. Father Carey Res. 2658 Marine Dr. ST. ANTHONY'S CHURCH FRIDAY--7:30 p.m., Devotions. 8:00 p.m., Confessions. (Children) SATURDAY--7:30 p.m., Con- fessions (Adults). SUNDAY--8:46a.m., Holy Mass Sermon. I:30 p.m., Sunday SchooL 2:30 p.m., Devotions. WEEK DAYS--7:16 a.m., Holy Mass. Disturbing Thought The office boy took off his cap, presented the bill and stood at ease. "My boss says I'm not to go back until you give me the money you owe h&m. "Oh," wss the reply of the debtor, VI wonder if he'l recog- nize you with 0 beard." West Van Nems Pub&Loed Every Fr&dey vubkxher F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Boo&ceo eor& Edkoriel Oifice& 11&h eod &Mes&so Dr&re (Neet io HoByburu P.O.) Phone West 363 I Mall Addreeer P.O. Box 81, HoUyburo, ILC. 8&AO ~ your by cere&or: 8200 0 reer by me&a HVSybum Ridge--&&Ncsi Vancouver'0 Ideal Win&er Spot&0 Ground St. Stephen's Church Rector: Rev. F. A Ramsey, L,S.T. 1st Sunday after Easter, April 3rd, 1932. 8 a.m,--Iioly Communion. 10 and 11:15 s.m. -- Sunday School. 11 &15 a.m.--Holy Communion and sermon. 7:16 p.m. -- Evensong snd sermon. Monday--Feast of the Annun- ciation (Transferred) 10 a.m.-- Holy Communion. The preacher on Sunday even- ing will be the Rev. J. Thomp- son, rector of St. Martin s, North Lonsdale. Children are asked to bring their Lenten Pyramid Boxes in to Sunday School on Sunday morning. We bespeak 8 hearty support of the play VKleptomania" being put on by the A.Y.P.A. in the Parish Hall on Tuesday and Wednesday nights. The pro- ceeds at the performances are for the New Parish Hall Fund. Coming events: please reserve these dates: April 5 and 6, A.Y.P.A. Play in Parish HalL April 14th. Illustrated Lec- ture on Garibaldi Park, Mr. T. Fyks. April 19th. (Men'0 Social), Prof. Soward "Russ&a. April 25th. "The Practice and Pleasures of Art," by A. H. Howe, F.R.C.P. May 6th. W. A. Sale of Work. A reunion supper for all adult campers snd leaders of Camp Artaban is being held in Holy Trinity Church Hall on April 29th at 6:30 p.nL April I, 1932 Df.hlsrjof)s McCnbbin DENTIST I Holrm 0 ~ &rr '10 8 p lu Soiusdeyei 10 ~ . m. Io I p. m, Fveoioge 004 Soiurdey Af&00. noom by apPointment ooly. Royel Bank Bukdmg I'bouc Weo& 4&8 Roeideoco I'hooe Wee& zsh Vrr. G. V HIS..ASS JDENTIST flay Black, 14th eud Marine Dr. Oslce floure 0 io 8 p.m Eveoiuge by eppolotowoL Phooo West T2 NURSING HOME (Mro. M. E IeCheuce, R.N.) 244 ~ 24&h Sircel Eee& Nosib Veucourer Bee&score I'hooo: North &868k I HOLLYBURN IBarber Shop 16th 8 Merlue BX I'ERT SERVICE E EIARSH Propsleior IIEGION BRANCHES PLAN IIIEETING 9ATURDAY TO DlbCUS9 UNEIIIPI OY51ENT To formulate plans for the al- leviation of unemployment 8 mong returned men and their dependents, a meeting of repre- sentatives of sll Canadian Legi- on branches of the lower main- land, including Mission and Chilliwack, will be held Satur-,'ayat 7 p.m. at O'rien Hall,;. Homer and Hastings Street, Vancouver. The meeting arises -, oul, of discussion here recently -". when executives of the three North Shore Legion branches The Diocesan Board meeting will be held at 10:30 a.m. next Tuesday at St. Nicholas Church. corner Ingleton and Triumph Streets, Vancouver Heights. CAULFEILD: Service at 3 p.m. in St. Francis Church this Sunday. THE CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY The annual meeting of the North Vancouver Red Cross So- ciety was held in the North Van- couver City Hall. His Worship the Mayor, Mr. E. H. Bridgman, presided. The following officers were elected: Honorary Pres.--Mrs. Donald Cameron. President I&irs, W. E. New- pombe. 1st Vice Pres.--Mrs. H. G. Spencer-Lewis. 2nd Vice Pres. -- Mrs. Jack Loutet. Secretary--Mrs. G. E, Law- rence. Treasurer--Mrs. F. McVicar. Relief Convener--Mrs. H. G. Spencer-Lewis. A vote of thanks for their work during the years of office was given to Mrs. C. R. Lane (Treasurer), and Miss P. M. Dorrell (2nd Vice Pres.), also to the Relief Convener, Mrs. H. G. Spencer-Lewis upon whom the heaviest of the work has fallen owing to the increase of Relief Work dur'.ng the past twelve months. It was reported that milk sup- plied during the year amounted to 13,188 quarts. Meat and Groceries......S177,05 Shoes and Repairs........... 69.45 Drugs ................... 48.15 Dentist ...............,.. 10.00 Dry Goods, Coal, Furniture, etc. I I &"'"I IF)TODAY BEN HUR I' &I 0VCXV "osul ruiir'rwv 0 Fcc er&0 oo I I .00 oivco ewerP~+ err&. eoocol crow~17.33 3311.98 oiwlrc mo., cwe, wro 0 Ir An All-Brilieh Picture "Hco ol'erreili" Aor ewewm H» ' ~ Hoioo meow rol I Trrrr.. Frl., mv owl GRETA GARBO "OUOAN LENNOX" Lessge Drug Store are oifer- ing 8 special prize for the larg- est number of individual votes polled from April 1st to April 11th, on which latter date their doll popularity contest closes. conferred with government and municipal representatives on un- employment relief. &m jc&l NORTH SHORE DISTIIICT COUNCIL AWAITS DATA 0; TO STRIKE TAX RATE j.." Until detailed information re., ~ garding expenditures involved SA i in meeting 60 per cent of moth- 'rs'ensionsand institutional, ), charges is received from Vic- F. toria, the North Vancouver Dis- trict Council will not be in 8 0 position to announce its 1932 ', tax rate. It has been estimated that for ',, the balance of this year, moth- 0 I& ers'ensione will cost the muni- cipality 55400 and institutional 'hargesare to be added. It is expected that the necessary In-&Ar formation will be on hand in 8 few days so that the council can strike a rate on Tuesday even-+ ing,Hir 'I i Ii &6 tutional charges will cost the, city approximately 516,000,'hichwill necessitate sn in- L crease of three mills in the tax"" rate. A public meeting of rstepay-P ers wgs held last night In the K.P. kIall at 8 o'lock, when members of the council gave sll "'nformationavailable regarding estimates snd tsx rate for the year. hpd 5(e 19