West Van. News (West Vancouver), 24 Mar 1932, p. 5

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0001 lh March 24, 1932. iI; THE WEST VAN NEWS THE BURNING BUSII By Subadar My friend the editor, has handed me a letter from 8 clergyman, who formerly, he tells me, lived in West Vancou- ver, and of whom he thinks very highly. I seem to have incurred the priestly wrath with a veng- ance, and, when I ssy "priestly," I am not trying to make a pun. The reverend gentleman says I am utterly cynical, have no ideals, and my language is "choice," also I write "twaddle,o this in connection with my re- marks on the League of Nations and especially British paclfists. It is very well for ministers and college professors to be idealists. They live in a beautiful world of ideas snd dreams, but the world of nations and business is en- gaged in s life and death struggle for existence, in which every thing goes and no quarter is given. It is to me strangely Inconsistent that the very churches who preached wsr in 1914 and 1918 are now so strong ly for peace. As to "twaddle" I am going to show the letter one day to one of the greatest editors in Eastern Canada for whom I have written and who knows my work, because it will amuse him. I said the League of Nations was useless, and it has been proved so in China, and my remarks about the British pacifists are also correct, more's the pity. I am very fond of idealists, but have found them more dangerous in the practical workaday world than crooks, whom I hate. And it is because I don't want to go to 8 third war that I have no use for ideal- istic pacifists or their precious League The only result of paci-fis so far is that our soldiers are at the beginning of every wsr sent out to be murdered. No man, worth his salt wants more than a fightin chance, but he is entitled to that, in wsr, In business he seldom gets it, of course. PROBLEM wfi~" w..b...y FERTILIZER V d S BURNS OK. West 9 Gcdf Courcec Elc. CLASSIFIED ADS The rate fov Cioooisod Advovcbaaoum io 2 coulo Sov wor4 aiaiaua 25 cools. Excoyl iu lbo coos ot lbooo boviad roauiov occoualo, oR riuori- Sodo oco Soyobio mvioliy ia odvouco. Roaoabov CIowlsodo ia lho Wool Voa Nowo Sol iaaaiiolo roouilo. ROCKERY oud ALPINE PLANTS HAVE YOU SRILII lho New Slual fa ouio, trow large oonooliou. C. for Piyo Smokoro, If uol, ooo Moo o. Borrow, corner 84lh aud Nc&on. ol the Ambiooido Too Rooms Phone West 88L2. SPECIAL--Fina Growls Fiv. 5460 ONE 6-Tube Stewart Vrovcloc ouiy yov oovd Soooud Glowlh Fiv oo $0.00; One 6-Tubo Woolinxbouoo at Aidov Woak $6A0 yor oovd. phoae $8.00; Trioklo Ciavaov $7.50; ouo West 17. 4-lub Olwcrio ~ ~y $25421. COW MANLTRE Pi wAgents in West Voucouvvv tor Moy- iog Waohovo. Norih Sboro Rodlo ATFE16TION -- Iovoiy Eoolov ziti. Electric, Yoloo Block, AmbiooMo. lady's houdoowo four diomoud ring tov sale, suucuutcod vuiuo $ 106. WORK OF ANY KIN~or boy of What oiforof Box 16, West Vou ~ixloou. Pbouo West 104LI. Nowu ly cc Under the auspices of THE JUVENI CI.UB A DANCE in the LEGION MEMORIAL HALL FRIDAY, April 1st GIRI. WANTS WORK--Exoorioucod in housework or oloro work. Phone Wool 077Y. FOR SALB-AR kiad of Sm &d boddius plants Lowool pruuu Fvoo delivery. 1804 Moriao Drivu Wool 17. CHESTERFIELD SUITE FOR SALB --Extra good quality, like uow. Ambiooido. Box 21, oio West Vou News. POUNDATION CEMENT WORK- Loudocopiug oud Lowuo laid. Rack woib, drains, ooplio loukx, fouotug oud land rieoriug, cbimuoyo oud tuvuocoo cleaned oud vops icocL Phone T. Borooff, rooidoaco phoae West 2001k hm Boys Orchestra Tickets 50 cents Sewell DeLaire Rhyt Dancing 9 to 12. / DVANCES SCHEME c/ TO MERGE FERRIES Incorporation of North Van- couver and West Vancouver ferry systems under one admin- istrative body with the object Xh providing 8 five-minute trans-~let service during the rush hours, and also the establish- ment of adequate stage trans- portation between West Van- couver and the city ferry term- inus, wus 8 proposal advanced to Boanl of Trade by Mr. J. Rodger Burnes Thursday night. Mr. Burnes estimated that the systems might be taken over at a book value of 6400,000, and on the strength of these assets, it would be possible to borrow5 6200,000 for the provision of ad- ditional ferries and necessary harf alterations and repairs. He suggested that the govern- ing commission be composed of a head to be appointed by the government, and that transpor- tation ofl'icials of the two muni- cipalities comprise the other meinbers. This procedure, he donsidered, might make possible guaranteeing of the bonds of the company by the government. Information was given that 8 public meeting of ratepayers will probably be called to dis- cuss the whole ferry problem, in the event of the March 23 meet- ing failing to solve the problem of repairing Second Narrows FOR SALE or EXCHANGE -- Ia lho City, auy 6 room buusaiow (voiuo $2400) oommor bouoo, suroso, fruit lrooo. Fall piumbius. 2 lola Nioo iocoliou. Pbouo Wool 65 I. L P. NEWS The regular meeting held In the Legion Hall, Wednesday, March 9th, was well attended. The speaker, Dr. W. J. Curry, gave 8 very interesting talk and answered many questions from the floor of the meeting. The whist drive and dance held in the Orange Hall on the 17th March, was another of the very popular a(fairs put on by the West Vancouver Branch of the Independent Labor Party, and the music of the Squamish Indian Orchestra was enjoyed by everyone present. Whist started at 8 p.m. with 30 tables in play and dancing at 9, with as many more people dancing. Comrade W. W. Lefeaux gave a short talk, while the orches- tra was having refreshments. The following were the prize winners: Ladies 1st: Mrs. Stitt; Ladies 2nd: Mrs. T. Smith; Ladies'ealed Number, Mrs. A. Chis- holm. Gentlemen's 1st, J. H. Paterson; Gentlemen's 2nd, D. Dewar; Gentlemen's Sealed Number, Jerry Grisedale. The draw prize was won by J. E. Wilson. Mr. Paterson very kind- ly donated his prize to the I.L.P. funds. The next whist drive will be held on Thursday, March 31st, in the Orange Hall. The usual prizes and price. FOR RENT -- Allvoolivo buusoiow. modoru, partly fuvnisbod, Socozo. Phone West 5201 Toke Coluosa ~ odvico oud Buy Acreage m o ploce with ~ fuluru Acreage iu good iocolioao from $50 up. Apply John lewoocb West 64 WEBB'8 SHOE REPAIRS WBAR BEST--Duudorovo. FOR RENT--Fucuiobod House ol Hol- iyburu; convenient lo ferry, $26.00, One at Ailomoul, aud an exception- ally ullroelivo home at Coulfolkt John Lowvou, West 66. PALNTLNG, KALSOMINIL6G AND PAPERING -- Txko advantage of cheaper winter prices. Phone West 804R. FOR RF'(T--Houoo oa Wolocfcoal. Ayyiy Loyioud West 68BI SHINGLING oud Roof Rosoiro Lawn moworo ground. Sowsiiug. N. R. Ellis, Phone West 184R. MARCELLE SHOP -- MoccvEO, 50 coulo; reset, 85c; susor wave, 76c. Phone Mro. King. West 8OL CARLEY Bays oud Soils Fuvuiluvo- Repairing uud polishing, Paints, oils. stains, glass. Phoae West 71Y. NOTICE BOARD AND RESIDENCE -- 15ch oud BOBovuo, near ferry. Rules at- tractive. Phouo Wool 458LWe have opened 8 NewStore at Ambleside. RADIO, WIRING, FIXTURES Repairs to LIGHTS - RADIOS RANGES - IRONS SPARTON -- MARCONI ST. WARNER Naytag Washers 6139 00 and up FOR PLUMBLP(G REPAIRS -- Roo- idouco Pboao Wast 241R..08 WE HAVB TEN OP THE CHEAP- EST LOTS ia West Vouoouvor- Soma close in. Suro mouoy-mokoro in near fucwo. Jobs Lawoou, West 66. TO RENT~ room aodovu hoaoo. Good garden. Nmubor of Sood fruit lvooa Convenient Iocoliou. $20.06k Apply John Lowoou. West 65. About this kidnapping! I am thinking that all the newspaper talk is going to cause trouble when the easy money to be made in this way permeates the thick skulls of those who toil behind 8 gun. They have already start- ed on the lapdogs, and soon their wealthy owners vvill be literally snatched up city alleys and dis- appear like jack-in-the-boxes with a bang. Kidnapping is one of the oldest games n the world, and like everything else that' old, appears to have originated in China. In the tong wars which periodically make life worth living for the Chinks on this continent, one of the chief excitements is to steal 8 rich Chink belonging to another tong and hold him for ransom. The editor tells me 8 certain hard- boiled friend of his remarked it might be a good thing to kidnap afl the politicians in Victoria. The trouble is, though, that it might be more expensive for the kidnappers than the kidnapped, for the loving taxpayers judg- ing by their remarks would never come across with any ransoms. Dr. Tolmie by his own confession is "easy to keep like the Herefords," but I don't know about one-per-cent Jones, and Mr Pattullo --one could never see oneself addressing him with- out the Mr.--would in my judge- ment require both quality and quantity in his food. However, we can safely leave all this to the Chinks, if they are only taxed heavy enough. Imagine 8 fat politician in a Chinese rat- hole like 8 chicken in process of being fattened! And then we would wory, and lose our shapes, Not. North Shore Radio & Electric bridge. I IMPORTANT RURAL EXTENSIONS MADE A light and power extension to serve the farming district on Nicomen Island in the Fraser River has just been completed b the B. C. Electric Railway 1439 Manne Dnve Next to Yates'EIV SUBSTATION PUT IN SERVICE SIIGRATING B.C. CRABS COVER liIILE A WEEK Studying the migratory move- ments of Pacific coast crabs last year in the course of investiga- tions designed to assist the fish- Geo. HayThe B C Electric RailwayCompany's new substation at Fir Street and Fifth Avenue, completed last year, was cut in- to the distribution system on Sunday, February 7th, and the temporary substation on Indus- '(al Island was dismantled. The new Fir Street station which takes care of the industrial power loads of Granville Island, the South Shore, False Creek, and the general load of the ad- jacent Kitsilano district, has 8 total ate~own capacity of 15,000 kwa. NOTARY PIIBLIC REAL ESTATE AND LN SU RANCE 1406 Moviuo Drive Phone West 21 or Soywouv 1200 Evvuiuco Wool 204X ery, 8 scientist, working under the Dominion Government, dis- covered that some of the crus- taceans travelled about at the rate of three miles in as many weeks. Standards of speend dif- fer perhaps in different branch- es of the animal kingdom. All told, some 800 crabs were tag- ged in the effort of the investi- gator to gather data as to the course of crab wanderrings in British Columbia water. Fur- ther examination of results is necessary however, before any conclusive finding can be rec- orded. LCompany at a cost of approxi- mately 617,000. For several years a power line from the company's hydro-electric plant hc at Stave Falls has supplied 8tjmping station on the islandvisf.,' Id the new rural service hasvivtv, 'een made possible by extending Eoi r this line along the old highways across Nicomen. Already 71 rural consumers have been con- lnvc nected. '0W cs Another important extension LAND Acr Povchooo Loock In the Vouoouvor Loud Booovdmg Diolricl of New Woolmiuolor oud oil- uolo ou the vool side of Sowo Souai obool four Iunoo uovlh of Sovowboo Boy. lvhylociiit, (Muvdciuolily ot West Voucouva) Tale aolico that JOHN SWANSON of Vouoouvor, BC, ocounolioa Bov- riolor at Low, ialoudo lo upsiy for poraIOoion lo puvchuoo the fogowiug described lands: Cowuloucius ol u posh pioulod at iho north wool oocuor of Lol Sils. Group I, New Woolmiuolor Diotrick lbouco easterly, along the aovlh bouu- durioo of D. Lots 8817 oud 2818c k86 chains. more or less, lo the wool boundary ot lbo Scilioh Cohuubio Elwlric Railway Ccuuymur'o riahlet- woy; lhouoo uovlhoviy. oioug the oubi wool bouudory of sail riahbot-woy, 5825 choiuo, wore or less, lo lbo south boundary ot ")4iu" uuuorui claim, 0J 21571 lhouco wooariy uioug lbo said south bouudory of said D.L 2157 oud lbo Svoduvlioa thocoof, 8.8 choiuo, wove or loco, lo the high water murk of Howe Seal: lhouco ~oulhoviy oioag lbo said high wuluv mock of Howe Souud lo Chio post, oud coucuiaius twenty-lour uocoa, aalu m less. JOSN SWANSON, Pov J. Aioxaudor Walter, Aaoal. Dated, 18th doy of Fobvuory, 1888. completed recently at a cost of S30,000 serves the Milner dis- trict, north of Langley Prairie, and 160 consumers are now en- joying the benefit of electric service. "Pa" said the kid, "what is Iiir. Pinkham's letter on tree on D.L 430, Block 46, Lot 10. He wsa informed that this tree is not on municipal property, and was referred to the owner of the land, W. W. Boultbee. The Hollyburn - Paciflc Ski Club wrote the council in refer- ence to the Easter Champion- ship kieet on Hollyburn Ridge. Mr. Fraser of the Club, was also present at the council meeting to speak in regard to the same matter. It was resolved that no objec- tion be made to the Easter Championship program or to 8 collection being taken up by the club at the entrance to the Ski csnip. V85. ewl Little Louise was lost on the street and wss brought into the olice 8Uction. The officers triedp in every way to learn her name. Finally one of the officers said: "What names does your moth- er call your father7" "Why," said Louise, very in- nocently, "she don't call him any names; she likes him." lneant by being 'twixt the devil snd the deep sea 7" ;, cd "It is the positions man is in, I '-'rs ar, when the traffic cop signals & ( ! Ear stop and the back-seat driver orders him to go ahead," replied his dad. Robert H. Birch wrote the council re Interschool Christian Fellowship Summer camp. He was informed that the charge for water is controlled by by-law and that therefore no alteration in it can be made. Old Lady (to motorist who has just had s terriflc smash): I suppose you'e just begun to drive 7 Motorist: On the contrary, Madame, I'e just finished. 6th and 6th April, at 8:30 p.m. Adults 36 cents. Children 26 cents Proceeds In sid of Parish Hall Building Fund. , ' 't. Stephen'6 A.Y.P.A. are putting on the farce hl 'KLEPTOMANIA" in ST. Stephen'8 Parish Hall, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY w 'V V' 'c*u . oc 4'1