West Van. News (West Vancouver), 24 Mar 1932, p. 2

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0001 »& st rr r«rr V~» v"r r« « o t«r ra 6 ' rrr r«r o L«'- ~ r«r r«sd '4~ r. ««ac« 4 r ~ir- « irp r-o'v'r «' «w r««" ' hr r.'r» r r rw%t'« r'r rr ~ « «w wre rrr«r o. -srtrrrr«w' rrrrrvorrr'vr« rbrr"n'rrrrr«rr rr r rv r vrrr r rrr THF, WFST VAN NFWS St. Stephen's ChurchUnited Church WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society No Frizzes for the Easter Bonnet Rectorr Rev. F. A Ramsey, L.S.T. Good Friday 9:16 a.m.--Children's service. 10:80 a.m,--Ante-Communion and address. 2 to 3 p.m.--Holy Watch Hour 8 p.m.--NOlivet to Calvary,w by the choir Easter Day 7 a.m. snd 8 a.m.--Holy Com- munion. 11:16 a.m. -- Matins, Holy Communion and Sermon. 7:16 p.m--Evensong and ser- mon. Special Easter music and an- them at both morning and even- ing services. CAULI'EILD-- 9:30 s.m.--Holy Communion 3 p.m.--Evensong snd sermon Minister, E. A. Henry, D.D. Easter Sunday--March 27, 1932 10 a.m.--Sunday SchooL 11:16 a.m.--Public worship. Dr. Henry will conduct the Faster Sacramental Service. A retiring oifering is asked for by the Session in aid of the Relief Fund which ls at present in great need. 7:15 p.m.--The Choir will ren- der Siarner'8 "Crucitlxion.o Let us make this Easter ser- vice a reconsecration time, snd in view of the stress of the times let all who can be gener- ous in our Easter gifts for the work. Yoo will need ~ pormsasat wave io wear the new imbt Wo saa give Fo«l s lovely, sort wsos wiih o rillgiot osd ii«ot doss aot disooior or frizx the bsir. Our Prices are $3.60 to $6.50 Call bliss Clay for coasuHstioa ~1 UN Cfoeyf(loJyn Beczuty Shoppe 1640 bioriao Dri«o Phone West 117 err URcH EDIFicE Serb sad EouoimsiL Honrbora This So«i«ty is ~ Branch o! Ths Mother Church Tbo First Church of Cbrisi, Ssisoi41, ia Bosioa, Masm«hoss'Os Sunday Services i1:80 s.m. sad 1:80 P.m. Sunday, March 27th, Subject: "REALITY" Soodsy School at 10:00 s.m. Testimony Mooting 'ivodaosdsr ~1 8:id P.m. As we have done the past few years the Sunday School schol srs and all who would like to have a share in it are asked to bring one egg on Sunday to help make a contribution to the Soci al Welfare Home in Burnaby, GORDON ROBSON Bsrsmiss e Soikrros 'IV EST VANCOUVEB- Orfico Ho. 1447 igsrioo Drioa Phoae West 40S. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 818; 610 Hastings St. W Phono Seymour 4199. Baptist Church Pastor: Rev. H. P. Humphreys. Residence: 1343 Haywood Ave. Phone W. 262R. Easter Sunday 10 s.m.--Sunday School and Adult Class. 11 a.m.--Morning worship. The pastor will preach, topic: "The Resurrection in Genesis." Special Easter music and hymns. 7:30 p.m--Evening worship. An Easter song service. A 20.minute Illustrated Mes- sage: Dean Holes'Life of Christ." Pastor will preach: topic, "The Grave that Christ Never Entered." Illustrated hymns. A cordial invitation to all. The "Order of the Three Jewels" wss the name chosen for the new organization in the girls camps of oArtaban" at 8 meet- ing of the leaders held recently. It has been felt for some time that sn arrangement of this nat- ure would be 8 great improve- ment in the girls'amps snd this name wss chosen not only because of its adaptability to the camps but also because of its direct relationship to the story of NArtsban." The experiences of the Third Wise Msn in his search for the King fall natural- ly into three divisions and these will be represented by three orders in the camps, each with detinite qualifications. Full details of this organiza- tion will be given out st a rally of the girls'amps to be held in the near future. A general meeting of camp leaders was held last week for the purpose of discussing pub- licity. Special etforts are being made this year to make the camp better known throughout the diocese The leaders sre de- sirous of placing before the pub- lic the fact that Camp Artsbsn is not only 8 place where good fun, good health. and good sport prevail but it is also a place where girls snd boys receive moral training -- training in character which will help to build good citizens. There will be no regular meet- ing of the Y P.S. on Monday on account of the day being s holi- day. There will be s practice for the play and 8 game of Badmin- ton, DRY FIR Full Load $5.00 Second Growth Fir and Alder, $5.50 per cord Coal Tuesday at 7 the usual meet- ing of the Trail Rangers. Wednesday from 8 to 9 the congregational prayer service with the study of Stanley Jones',Christof the Mount." The Sunday School scholars will not forget that next Sunday being the last Sunday of the month is the Sunday for the missionary offering. Phone %Vest 4$ COOKE & LeNEAL A. P. L. POTTS FOUND DEAP A. P. L. Potts, 56, of 528 Bellevue Ave, wss found dead on the floor of his bedroom last Monday morning. At the cor- oner's inquest yesterday after- noon at the undertaking parlors of Harron Bros. and Williamson in North Vancouver, 8 verdict was returned that he had taken his own life by strangulation. The deceased, who was unmar- ried, hsd been ill for two years, and hsd no re)atives in this He had resided here e, summer for s number of yesriL Friday st 7 the Intermediate C.G.I.T. at 7:30 the Senior C.G LT. in the lower hall. Mrs. Colin MscLesn and Mrs. Shetfield are anxious to have 8 full practice on Ssturdaymorn- ing at 10 o'lock of the Junior Girls'hoir in preparation for the forthcoming "Fairy Operet- ta", qn Friday. April 1st, of which full notice will be found in the advertising column. The title of the operetta is "The Land of Nod." Monday, 7:45--B.Y.P U. Open meeting. Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Prayer & Praise. 8:30 p.m.--Quarterly business meeting. Thursday, 8 p.m.--Choir prac- tice. Friday, 7 p.m.--C.G.I.T. Presbyterian Mission Orange Hall Minister: Rev. J. W. Cuddeford. Phone N 1107. Services 2 p.m. -- All departments of the Sabbath School. Also the Adult Bible Class. 3:15 p.m.--Easter Day wor- ship. Special music by the local choir Easter Dsy message by the minister. Thursday, 8 p.m.--Mid-week service and prayer meeting. Friday, 8 p.m~hoir practice A concert in sid of the Wom- en's Guild Fund of St. Francis'hurch, win be given on Wed- nesday, March 30th, at 7:45 p.m. in the home of hfr. snd Miss Chsppell st Csulfeild. There will be s special bus leaving West Bsy at 6:45 s.m. on Easter Sunday in order to facilitate the attendance at the 7 s.m communion service. A young msn wss lying on an operating table ready for an ex- amination. Doctor,to attendant): "Bring in ethyl chloride." Young hisn (jumping up) I "No, Doctor; please don't bring any women in here!" ANCHOVIES, TOO, NOW PLENTIFUL OFF BC. Anchovies are not ordinarily found in abundance in Canadian waters but British Columbia of- ficers of the Dominion Depart- ment of Fisheries have reported that these little fis appeared in large schools last year oif the west coast of Vancouver Island. For several years past ancho- vies have appeared oif Vancou- ver Island but not in any such quantities ss during 1931 snd there is s good deal of conjec- ture ss to the cause of the in- crease. They have never been fished commercially by Canadi- an tlshermen snd some experi- ments once made in British Col- umbia in putting them up in bottles were not protitable. Whatever the cause of the in- creased size of the anchovy schools last year, their presence gave the pilchard and herring fisherme no satisfaction, but rather it caused 8 good deal of annoyance Many of the ancho- vies became entangled in the meshes of the pilchard snd her- ring seines and made it neces- sary for the fisherme to stop and clear the nets. For several days in the Barclay Sound ares at one period, for example, every herring seine became "Sled with tons of these tish snd many hours had to be spent in clearing the meshes of anchovies which hsd been glacd.o Esisbiishsd oa North Shore Ss Years. (Lsdp Assistant) HARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON funeral Qtrectars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 A hearty invitation to sll the services. WATERS OF HUDSON BAY, STRAIT, DIFFER Hudson Bsy waters differ markedly from those of Hudson Strait; snd the open ocean, ac- cording to findings of H. B. Hschey, who wss the officer in charge of the expedition sent to the bsy by the Dominion De- partment of Fisheries. Hydro- graphic study, ss well as testing fishing, wss carried out by this 1930 expedition. Intense stratification in the upper 25 metres, decreasing as the waters of the open ses are approached, gives Hudson Bay the character of a large estuary, Mr. Hachey states Below 60 metres, he adds, the waters are for all purposes dynamically dead snd there is thus 8 cold saline body of water, "which probably undergoes very little change from season to season.o The main water movement is from the James Bsy area to Hudson Strait, snd thence to the open ocean." St.Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev. Father Csrey Res, 2558 Marine Dr. Good Friday--8 8 m. -- Venera- tion of the Cross. Mass of the Presanctifled. 2:30 p.m.-- Passion Sermon. Way of the Cross. Holy Saturday--7 a.m.--Bless- ing of Paschal Candle. Reading of Prophecies and Litanies. High Mass. 7:30 p.m.--Confessions. Eas1er Sunday -- 8:45 s.m.-- High Mass. Sermon. General Communion. Benediction West Van Nems PsNsssd Every Pridsp Pob14hsr F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Bssiosos omi Editorial Olnsor 17ih sod Msriao Drive (Nszt to BoBybora P.O.) Phone West 363 Mair Addrsssr P.O. Box 61, BoBTbsra, IL C. 61.00 ~ Tsar bp ssrrisrr 88.00 ~ pssr by waiL Week Days--7:30 am. -- Holy Maes. Coming events include: April 5th--The Women's As- sociation will hold s Dsffodil Tea on April 5th, at 2:30 p.m. Among the attractions will be 8 visit from the Indian Chief Matthias with Indian exhibi- tions. The Association is asking s small charge. The regular meeting of the Women's Association will be postponed to April 12th. April 18--The Y.P.S. are put- ting on s play of which later notice will be given. Tuesday, April 26th, will be the closing meeting for the sea- son of the Iiien'8 Club. It will, as last year, be one where the wives are invited with the men. On Good Friday morning the C.G.I.T. sre going for the week end to the Y.W.C.A. Camp at Copper Cliff. They are leaving the church at 9:30. Anyone who can supply an auto is asked to thus help the girls snd to be present at that hour at the church building. March 24, 1932 Dr. Marjory hfcCubbin DENTIST Hours: 0 s.m. Io 0 p.m. Ssiordsr~ «10 ~ . m. Io I p. Io Evooiogs sod Saturday Aitor aooos by sppoiaimoot only. Royal Hook Bondiog I hoss Res( IIS Iiosidoo«o Phooo West SSS. NURSING HOME (Mra. M. H 1.4Cbssco R.N.) 164 ~ Siih Sir««i Fmsi North Vancouver Rssidosro I'boss«North ISdsri HOLLYBURN Barber Shop 16ib a his«iso E X P E Ii T 8 B Ii V I C B E MARSH Proprisior Hollybnrn Hall 14th snd Duchess Special Evangelistic cervices will be conducted by hIR. WILLI AI I III LL gsrrmg««o/Ser«irrd Commencing SUNDAY, March 27-- at 7130 p.m. Sub)ect: "The Inspira- tion of the Scriptures." hlONDAY, March 28-- at 8 pm. Subject: "Three Funda- mental Facts" TUESDAY, lilsrch 29-- at 8 pm. Subject: "Peter'8 Con- version." WEDNESDAY, March 30-- at 8 p.m. Subject: "Place Caned Calvary. THURSDAY, March 31-- st 8 pm. Subject: "It is Finished" FRIDAY, April 1st- at 8 pm. Subject; "I sm the Way" Come snd bring your friends. No collection taken Duckling: oLookit that ol'oosterwith a wooden leg." Chick: oAw, that's nothin.'y maw'8 got four." Duckling: "Four wooden legs 7 how cornel" Chick: "She's an incubator." ONSDAL NOW PLAVINO Marie Polly Dreggler ™0 MOran 4 A Rrb Tiskusg Corn«dr 44POLITICS77 TMs pioioro will msko YOU iotgor tko 4«lli ii«sss. NE'irs OA n'Ixron OUSIEDY Early Birds Tlcl(ets nor Sold Oood Frmsr This Work ! No msuoss Oood Prissy koi doors opss 6'10 pm Usssi MsL SsL 8:Ss NEXT IVEEH MON. TUBS. WED. WARNER GLAND Is "Charlie Chan's chance« Special Mat. Mon. 2:30 rBEN HUR" THUR. FRI. SAT. Neat 0 ~A 0IIp DR. G. D. Il SEA LE DENTIST Hsy Block, 14ih ood Msriss Dr. ~ Oisss Hours 9 io 6 p.m. Evenings by sppoiaimost. Phono West 78