West Van. News (West Vancouver), 24 Mar 1932, p. 1

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0001 A Weekly Newspaper Circulafi yyg iyd the District of West Vayycouvcr-Ayyybleside, Hollyburn, Wcston, Dundarafyc 61.00 per year. CyPress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecifff, Etc. Newsstands 6c per Copy ,TD. 4pss yilz 116 691, '4 eeL lllp, le poe. la tIa xpknp xleteee nideee nzs of nee ni hnd Infpll opeely 6 hot e eon. llelent IWAY of Se ,t leep in fis ennsfi iii oiy I 7)de in tie Ilwley )I Knx erGI)6 aneey 4poele, federal penosr ref ieN 4$ s IN XIl XN IN unpre FRIDAY, MARCH 24. 1932 No. 44 SCHOOL BOARD NOTES A letter was read from the I.O.D.E. asking for the use of the Auditorium on Friday and Saturday evenings, March 31st and April 1st (Thursday and Friday). It was resolved on motion of Trustees Mr. Russell and Mr. Batchelor that this re- quest be granted, no fee to be charged but the Order to take care of janitor fee as previously. A circular was read from the B. C. School Trustees'ssocia- tion, enclosing copy of a reso- lution passed by Burnaby School Board regarding reduction in Government grants. It was re- solved that this resolution be endorsed, and the Burnaby School Board and the Associa- tion advised accordingly. LEGION W. A. WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE The W A. to the Canadian Legion are holding a whist drive and dance in the Legion Memori- al Hall on Monday, 28th, at 8 o'lock. There will be good prizes and refreshments wiR be served, price 26 cents. A good time will be ensured everyone. ME The estimates came before the council at their meeting last Monday evening, and the total mill rate has been set at 61 mills for 1932, the same as hst 9 ear. THE LAND OF NOD If you would recapture your childhood and visit again those wonderful scenes of the "Land of Nod," do not fail to see the Fairy Operatta which is being produced by the West Vancou- ver Junior Choir under the lead- ership of Mrs. Colin MacLean, and being put on on Friday, April 1st, in the Inglewood Aud- itorium. There you will meet the King of the Land of Nod, his cabinet ministers, the Queen of the Dollies, Goblin Can and Must, Mother Goose, My Lady Fortune besides the King's Pages, scores of Fairies, Sprites, Flower Dreams and Sleepy Heads All the colors of the Rainbow are blended in the costuming of the entire caste and even the stage itself will be a perfect dream of loveliness. This clever group of children have been practising since early autumn for this event, and a few finishing touches, are all that are required to complete a perfect performance. Some of the music has been arranged by Ieiiun margaret Mr.- Intyre and the Mcintyre Quar- tette are adding their delightful accompanying to an already pleasing evening. The dancing of the choruses is in the capable hands of Mrs. W. D. Fraser with Mrs. Sheffield accompanist. A special matinee (dress re- hearsal) will be held Thursday afternoon at 4 p.m., admission 10c, and the evening perform- ance Friday, April 1st, at 8:15 o'lock. Tickets 15c and 35c. The Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D E., are sponsoring this event, and the proceeds will be used for welfare work in the community. Characters King of the Land of Nod- Kenneth McNair. Jack O'Dreams, Sandman-- Cabinet Ministers, Stanley Green Donald Howieson. Dream Goblin--Robert Shef- field. The Dreams -- Dream Prince, Jean McTavish; Dream Princess, Betty Blair; Queen of the Dol- lies, Joan She(field; Goblin "Can and Must," Ethel Allan; My Lady Fortune, Marjory O'Don- nell; Mother Goose, Stella Bruce King's Pages--Nore Robson, Norman Hay, Charles Forster, Allen Forster. Flower Fairies -- hlargaret Allan, Betty Barbour, Dorothy Greenwood, Maisie Grieves, Rhode Hoffman, Lily Martin, Betty Prentice, Dorothy Smith. Fairy Sprites--Janet Thomp- son, Phylis Howard, Doreen Todd, Bonnabel Barbour, Marion Cooper, Jean ikIinkley, Margaret Currie, Dorothy Harrop, Pamela Little, Siuriel Minkley, Norma Minions, Agnes Colpitts Biddy 1Viatt, Audrey Todd, Ella Col- pitts, Doris Howdle, Myrtle Duckworth, Doreen Addy, Ilean Lovitt, Annie Grieve, Doreen Thompson, Kathleen Lovrdon, Sleepy Heads--Barbara Bolin, Sheila )Yeir, Allan Edwards. Keith Cutler, Peter Prentice, Norman Jackson. Scene--Throne Room of "The King," in "The Land of Nod." I'ROPOSAI. TO AMALGA51ATF. NORTH VANCOUVER AND WEST VANCOUVER FERRIES Last Thursday evening Mr. J. Rodger Burnes placed be- fore the North Vancouver Board of Trade a proposal for the incorporation of the North Vancouver and West Vancouver ferry systems under one administrative body. The object of the proposal is to provide a five-minute trans-inlet service during the rush hours, and also the establishment of adequate etage transportation between West Vancouver and the North Vancouver ferry terminus. According to hlr. Burnes'stimate the systems could be taken over at a book value of 64UU,UUO, wnich would make it possible to borrow 6200,000 for the provision o1 additional ierries and for wharf alterations and repairs. He further suggested a governing commission of three members, the head io be an appointee of the government, and the other two transportation onicials of the two municipalities This arrangement, be thought, might make it possible to have the bonds of the company guaranteed by the government. 'I'his is not the lirst time, as doubtless it will not be the last, on which North Vancouver has put forward a proposition for the amaigamation of our ferries with those of North Vancouver, but the objections to any such proposals from the standpoint ox this municipahty are so obvious as to render it foolish for us to even consider them. fn the brat pince the i.wo places have nothing in common apart from the xact that they both are located on the north sine of ffurrard inlet. North Vancouver is an muustrial city, wbiie this mumcxpaity is and always will be a residentuu area. '1'heir feet are thus set on two ibfferent paths, and by no possibiiity can they ever converge. becobtux, sransyorxaxxon inese uays .s iae most vxxat probium cvuss(busing any municspausy. sne propossu m ques- won uke xnose wnicn nave preceueu ix «sas us io nsna'over our present uannporiaiion system wiucn we can ueveiop m our own way io meei. our own neeas, io a commission wnicn womu naiurauy be controiieu by ivor/n vancouYer, as xne auger censer, xur eire Iaxxer s auvaniage m ine nrsi. piece, wein ours piaymg a yoor secona. Ux xnis JIIere is no aoubt what- ever. io is a conaiiion wnich aiways obtains in any amai- gamauon between a iarger and a smaller body, be those ponies companies or municipalities. 'x'hnuiy, as we au know, xne North Vancouver ferr.es operate in a iiuck xog xor many uays every wmier, and to run a bve-nunuie service ox terr.es would simply be aoiung xor uoubxe--xnat is, serious acciaeni, invoiving in au probabiiity iarge loss ox iue xi, may be obJected that the san x'ranclsco ferries have never met wixn an accident, invoivmg a semous loss ox iue xnis is true, but it is also true that tneu course runs uiagonaiiy instead ox at right angles to other traific, and in addition the iniet on which san blancisco is budt, while equeuiy foggy, is many times larger than Burrard Inlet. Whicn makes all the difference in the world. fcourthly, the sum of 6200,000 seems to us absurdly small for the equipment necessary to handle the service proposed. We are satisfied that at least one new ferry for autos would be needed in order to mainmin the service proposed, even with the assistance of our fleet. It should be remembered that the big problem is the transportation of autos, in which our ferries could give no assistance, and not that of human beingiz Another angle, too, which may present difficulties is the borrowing of 62UU,OOU, even with the guarantee of the government. Loans are not easily come by these days, as most of us know to our cost, and with the First Narrows bridge certain to be built in the near future, financiers are more than likely to look at least sideways at any such loan. Newspaper reports do not say which government is meant by Mr. Burnes. It is quite certain Victoria would not guarantee anything more at present, and while Ottawa might, it is much more likely they might not, with all the unemployment financing on their hands. Fifthly, the proposal would in all probability result in an increase in the fare charged to our residents. The accepted lowest rate at which stages can be operated without loss is 2 cents per mile, which means an 8 cent fare from Ambleside to North Vancouver. This plus the North Vancouver ferry fare to Vancouver'of 5 cents gives a total of 13 cents as against our present commutation rate on the red ticket of 8.07 cents. There are only two alternatives, each involving a loss. Either a stage rate of 3.07 cents plus a 5 cent ferry fare or an 8 cent stage fare plus an .07 cent ferry fare The pro- posed new arrangement would also result in a 30-minute journey to the city instead of the present 26 minutes As we see it, nothing exceyt the re-establishment of the Second Narrows bridge will adequately look after trans-inlet traiyic as a whole, until such time as a Lions'ate bridge is built. So far as West Vancouver is concerned, and again until such time as we have a I"irst Narrows bridge, any develop- ment would seem to be along the lines of she.irtening the ferry run by the establishment of a dock inside tl ie First Narrows with a corresponding lengthening of the fen y bus routes. The regular monthly meeting of the W. A. was hdd in the Legion Memorial Hall on Mon- day, 21st instant, when 4 new members were enrolled and much business was transacted and ex- cellent reports recorded. ST. STEPHEN'S A.YJ'M. IV FARCE, "KLEPTO5LANIA" St. Stephen's A.Y.PW ls pre- senting the farce "Kleptomania" in St. Stephen's Parish Hall on Tuesday and Wednesday, 5th and 6th April, at 8 I30 p.m. They have been rehearsing steadily, and those who attend can be as- sured of enjoying an evening of fun. The farce is written in three acts and there are twelve players in the caste. The pro- ceeds will go to the St. Stephen's Parish Hall Building Fund. Tic- kets, adults, 35 cents, children, 25 cents. Report from Dr. Nash for the month of February was read; received and fiied. Request of the West Vancou- ver Swimming Club for the use of a classroom in each of three schools for a period once a week after school hours was discuss- ed. These classes were for the purpose of teaching life saving and artificial resuscitation and would be carried on for a period of about six weeks It was re- solved on motion of Trustees Mr. Jackson and Mr. Russell that permission be granted. A letter was reael from ddins E. F. Davidge in which she.re- ferred to cable sent in June, 1931, tendering her resignation. It was resolved that a letter be sent Miss Davidge advising her that her resignation had been accepted. WEST VANCOUVER COUNCIL CUTS PAY Decision to donate 10 per cent of their indemnities to a relief fund to which employees of the municiyality will make monthly contributions, has been made by members of the Municipal Coun- cil, Reeve J. B. Leyland an- nounces. Approximateg. 63500 can be realized annually in this manner, be statea It was decided that Trustees Mr. Russell and hir. Batchelor represent the Board on the May Day Committee, which would be holding its first meeting on Tuesday, March 16th. A letter was read from the Municipal Council in regard to work being carried out on grounds of the Inglewood School the Secretary was directed to ac- knowledge this letter, and ask that the weekly statement re- ferred to be made up so as to disclose the cost of manual work carried out and the cost of other work, on which the Government contribution was not too large, in order that the Board might be in a position to know when its proportion of 6500.00 hsd be- come exhausted. "CALVARY'S HILL" "And when they were come to the place which is called Calvary, there they crucified Him."-- St Luke 2333 Calvary's Hill now peaceful stands, As if no tender helpful hands Had there by cruel nails been scarred As if no face had there been maned, Been marred with grief for sin and loss, On Calvary's Cross. Calvary's Hill now gleameth bright IYith sunshine in the morning light: As if no bloodstained feet had tmd, With weary footsteps on its sod; As if no Christ had suffered then. For canful men. Calvary's Hill is now unstirred, As if no cruel jeering word No mocking laugh, no yieming cry, Had risen to the silent sky; As if no heart had broken there. Our guilt to bear. Calvary's Hill I have not seen, But still I know that I have been To Calvary's Cross in sin and woe, Amazed that Christ should love me so; In power, He's ris'n--oh. praise Him still, For Calvary's HilL --HONORIA TRAILL ~),'ol. VI SIX I'AGES HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER,.B.C., Five-Minute Ferry Service Proposed + "'"" "ervisrss rus ss fOr the NOrth Shore