0001 ll2. ! ilu Ihe( I r ef ilent "ilu .'liver li 2of jenl" ullIO onnf March 18, 1932. PROBLEM "~'" We also carry Fish Meal Bouc Meal Sulphxic of Ammonia Agricultural Lime, Eic. Vernon Feed Store West 9 FERTILIZER BURNS O.K. Used by Park Bosrdx Golf Courses Em. &8? Shall I? Take my Shoes to town for repairs, that only last a few weeks Or to WEBB'S; whose Soles last ss many months. Note Our Prices: Ladies Heels, leather or rubber .... 26c up Ladies'oles and Heels.............. $100 up Men's Soles and Heels ............ $1,50 up Boys'oots Soled and Heels Nailed, tips $1.00 y$Febb'8, Dnndarave Where you can obtain the Famous English DRI-PAD Waterproof Sole Leather. Murphy: «Wby do mes wbo play bagpipes xiwxyx keep walking up asd down wbiiq they are pixymg'I« Mexkeni "Because It makes them harder io bie.« PAY $3,165,365 FOR RELIEF WORK Wages paid to men engaged on relief work throughout the province since the middk of last August total $8,165,365, accord- ing to a statement by Mr. M. H. McGeough, assistant, to the Do- minion director of unemploy- ment relief in British Columbia. This money was paid by the Federal and Provincial govern- ments and the respective muni- cipalities and cities of the prov- ince under provisions of the un- employment and Farm Relief Ac(,. Since work started under the present act, employment has been give nto 88,751 men. Since August 19, they have worked 8,182,794 man-hours. 'I'hese figures are exclusive of direct relief. Housewife: "Don't bring me any more of that horrid milk. it is positively blue." Milkman: "It ain't our fault, lady. It'8 these long, dull even- ings as makes the cows deprest.m A mexilxg held at the Ciiy Bxu os )V«dxxmbw night of tbe joist exec«ilrxx «( tbx three Nuiib Sboix bixxcbxx o( the Cxsxdixs Legi«x. on ibx ««employ- ment question, resulted ix ibx pass- Ixs «( tlio i««xiii(i«m. The (iixi ivxoixii«x wxx io the ei(xck that ibx m««iixg go on i«x«id ieq«xxt ixc ibe pk«ri«xi«I x«mmxsd to xxx every e(fork io prevxli qpxs the De- mi«lux oovexxmxsk io ixd«xx xfi Is«i« ~ii ebxig«x on m«xixipxi, px«vi«iexl xxd nomjxi«x i«deb\ed«ex« (o iwo xxd one- hall yxi e xi. Tbix xxx«iukios wxx pxxxxd wiib the (xeiixg that ib«di(- fei«se«saved b«iwx«s ibx iw«xsd one- bxi( pex cent. cate xxd ib«pie««xi rate bxixg paid would take care of much of the pierxiiixg dixixxxx In the xoxsiiy. Tbe x«e«xd iex«i«xi««mxx that cxll- Ixg for ~ x«x(«re«ca of delegates (xvm every brxxxb «( ib«Legion on the L«mex Mxislxxd, i«x«xcb some de(i«ii« xruos on xxempl«ymexk C«mmde G. I Axqxlib w«x ix the chair, «xd the meeting wxx attended by Mayor niidxmxs of North Vxsmxmx Cliy, Reeve Bryan o( Ibe Dlxiilek, xxd R«era Lxylxsd o( )Vxxk Vxxx««veri also u«berk Mxxsimjt the yi«vt«xi«i xeqxx- Ixiy, Comrade T«wxxxxd o( kb«pkovis- clxi ex«ex(irk, ««4 Mxj«i ucbxxx- xxbmidt, the Piovixeixi oovxxsm«xx ripiexexlxiiv««««xemp)«ymxxk The mxy«i xxd vixxxx xbiy stated w case of tbeli iexp«kilve mxxiciyxii- Civlxx fig«rex x«d Ixx(xmsxx the i((icxiiiex kbey have exxvxsi«md is the various xxdextxkisex that bxvx bxix ~dopixd («i the ieuxf «( x«empi«ymxxi ~«d ib«pixx«xi xixt«o( fl«xxexx. 'rb» mayor mxde the x«ipii~ i«g statement that ix ibe xliy o( $000 population, 2 50 were i«i(i«g ox ibx xity (oi xxxte««see, x«d that «xi«xi x«xdjxxim««t wxx x(- (ex(id before ibe exd of kbx m«sib, k ««x ~ qxxxki«x whether ibx xky ex«id cxriy on. Tb«x«xxeu were xxxioxx ix have mex at moat b«i wiib ibx xq«xbbi- ixc between ibx Pi«vixxlxi x«d ib«D«- mi«i«s cover«me«i«, Ib«m««iclyxiitiex werc b«ixg sec)ex(ed, xsd people gqixx «« ibx bread ii«a. Reeve Lxyix«d told of bow ix Wa«I Vx«xo«ver the xii«xiio«wxx bxd, b«i owing I« tbx xxxiem ibxy bxd ix (oim «( xlri«g mex x few dxyx'ork at ~ urn« xxd thus xpri«di«g xvxiixbk («xd« over x wide xiex. Ibi«gx were perk«Ox ~utux batter than is xmxe o( ib«other mxxjejp«unxx, xxd oven there, (xsdx were rxsslxg «xi xxd very soon ibxi m«xiupxliiy w«xid be in line wlib iba Oliy xxd bi«trim of 'North Vancouver. iiiev«niy«s Is x xoxvbkxkm mxxxsi i«id o( the poxiuox «( Ibx dlxiiick, wbivb is xx(fexixg mote than any other ix««leis«sty lx Biliixt ooimsbi«. witt iba Second Nxii«wx bridge out of e«m- mixxi««, cx«xisg xxempi«(me«i tbi««gb the dosing down o( industries xe)ymg «p«x ii, x«d «ibex eosixibxil«sx ix the grserxi bxd iimex, kbelx xxlix( problem wxx x iivmexdoxx «xe, x««pied with mxxixlpxi iixbiiiiy such as the gxxixxixx on bridge boxdx. Tb«reeve xi«kid x mild xxipiixx when b« tide the me«(lug ibxk the giuxxix bxd m(xxxd that m«is- t«C i«b«xoi «xy more xi«diix «xiii pxymixtx bxd been made I« (bern, owing I«pie«««ix pxk upon tham by tb« wb«lexxleix. It bxd become x exec o( eiibxi pxylxg i«i«i«xi amounting to 51000 Io (ixxxxiem or o( fvwuxg Ibx ««xdy, x«d ibe latter would xxd are rrexlvtxx (iixk coxxldeixuox from bix k«u«di. )dx, Mxe«ieoii, xecixixiy «( the Prov- ixelxi Command o( ib«C«sxdixx Lxxlox, spake o( the vxii«xx d««usgx bix «xee«- kivx bxd witt the pi«vixcixl x«d federal X«ver«me«\x xxd of ib«great exec Ibxt bxd io be exxkoked ix these matters owlxg I« the (xei kbxk the Legion wxx xok x poiitioxi «rgmsixxilos. Be also xxve fxxix as ko ibe cate needy re- turned me«, Imper(xi xxd Cxxxdixs, can bxve xxd x( ib«mekbadx of xuevixtiox «( distress. Tbix xxbjxei wxx also dixlk «'iib at length by Mxj«i Sxbxrs- xxbixldk, the government i«prox«xi«tive. Vxiioxx dlxevxxi«sx toot plxm, wain- br dx«lixs wiib the immediate xxxx- xliy «( attending i«xxxb matters as light, fuel, xi«kbixg x«d rant, much light bcixc ebi«w«upon ibex« kern« «mi ibx w«y i«wbixb ibxy can have immediate xuvxii«s i( drawn io the ~nxxii«x «( ibx proper xxiboiiilex. O««poixt wxx xixxm«di that wbiie wages Xxxerany were b«l«c x«k, Ssxs- eiirx were xot ixkisg any less interest x«d ibix wxx the dixcuxxi«x ibxi lxd «p io ib«pxxxixg o( the rrx«I«uos mas- iio«xd «bove. Tb«mevuxg, wbieb pi«ved of 4««- ~ ideixblx value, xxdxd wiib x baxriy vote «( ibxxkx b«i«x passed io the mx«le(pe( heads xsd the «ib«i gx«il«- mex («r Ibxlx yiex«xce x«d vi«wp«i«ix. Mrs. Sherriff Wishes to announce that she will be re-opening "THE FORTUNE CUP INN" on FRIDAY, MARCH 25th, Bridge parties from s "foursome" up, specially catered to. Enquire at Inn after the 19th re "CONTRACT" Tournament to be started March 80th. «Contract" taught. PHONE, WEST 339 NORTH SHORE EXECUTIVES MEET CANADIAN LEGION THE WEST VAN NEWS ELECTRIC HEATING %1DELY USED BY VANCOUVER INDUSTRIES Industry In the city and dis- trict of Vancouver continues to take advantage of the economies of electric heating snd the list of applications worked out by the industrial heating division of the B, C. Electric Railway Company'8 light and power de- partment include the use of elec. trlc heating for wire annealing, galvanizing, core drying, lead melting, heat treating of springs, grain drying, steam generation, spot welding, enam- eling, billet heating, forging, humsstic heating, iron and steel melting, soft metal melting, fry kettles, saw toughening, seam welding, stereotype melting, rail heating, food baking, cyanide heating, clay drying, brass melt- ing, hotbed heatsng, kiln drying, air heating and water heating. Electric equipment for heat- ing the oifices and mess-room of the Jericho Air Station was in- stalled recently providing even heat, elimination of all dirt, sim- plicity of control, snd reduced fire hazard. Welding steel cabinets is now being done by an electric spot welder st the plant, of J R. Tracey and Sons, Limited, West Sixth Avenue, Vancouver. Elec- tric welding equipment has also been installed at the Dominion Bridge Company's plant in Bur- naby. The use of automatic seam welders is now standard for steel pipe work, and the elec- tric machines do highly eificient work. Baking armatures in an elec- tric oven is another quickly de- veloping phase of electric heat- ing and is being carried out by the Peterson and Cowes Eleva- tor Company. Electric heating is proving in- dispensible in chicken farming and electrically heated incuba- tors and brooders are being used to a rapidly increasing extent by the Fraser Valley farmers. Electric bake ovens are find- ing favor with up-toqiate rest- aurants and recent installations include the premises of R. Arn- att, Main Street South, and Munroe'8 Cafe, Hastings i (rect East. CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE--Gxxxgx xmii Sigh Cbmix, Cheap. Pbosc West 29iX. HOCKERY xsd ALPINE PLANTS for sale, from large emjjeeejo(k C. G. Bxvximv, emvsev 24(b ssd Neixms. Pbose Wvxe PSL2. FOR 8ALE or EXCHANGE -- Hmi Poise suiomxiic 8 buxsmx vssgv xsd mbbixb buvsvr. Will vxxbxsge fvi goad coal range. Misimmx qjxckrm wsxbisg mxxjdse, $20; Mxxoxsi radio 8226 new 1921 madel, 680. Pbosx West 4S5(L WANTED--Vimw jqe Wxxi Vxsxmsvxv Sssy for cash. Box 14. West Vxs Nxem. WOULD THE BOY wbo pixlivd sy new baseball mit in AmbixeMO Park Saturday, please phoae West 496L WANTED--Room im rest. Board aE. Appiy, "Sesdxse," cio Wxsk Vxs News.WORK WANTED--Lxsdxxxpe Gxrd- eser, nurseryman, expert pruning, voxkery labor or contract. Phoae West (heLL FOR SALE--Hoipois( E(vxixix Range ~sd Hoe-wxier Hex(sr, or woold trade for Cbexexvfie(d m yipx fuxs- ~xx, Weve 122Y. vkANTE~xvdxsjsg by Oid ~ kry gxrdxsxr. Lxwsx. Vevy (vsxmm ~bix. Mack Hxnmak, (264 Due)ma Weve F(. 8(TPLVGS (imm Usivvxkdey Barred Rocks, $(.sp. Paxse yms 57JX) qxxi«Cremxx Brsxm, 2121 Mxris«.FOUNDATION CEMBNT 7VORK- Lxsdxxxpisg xsd Lawns laid. Reek walls, drains, septic ixsim, fesejsg xsd land eiexvisg, xbimseyx xsd fumscex cleaned ssd evyxixmL Phone T. Bavsoet, (mxidxseo phme West 2908. HAVE YOU SEEN ebm New Siss( for Pipe Smokers, if s«i, xve Mxc at ibv Ambixxide Tes Booms SPECIAL--Fixe( Gxmw(b Pix, $850 pxr cord; Second Growth Fir or Alder W«od, 85AO pev mmxL Pbmsx West 17. FOR RENT -- Aiirxxiive busgxiow, m«ders, partly (ursixbed, gxxxgq. Phone Wast 620L FOR COW MANURE pb«mm Hobb Tress(er. West 17. FOR SALE a EXCHANGE -- fa the City, cosy 5 room bssgxiow (vsjs« 62400) summer bvxxe, garage. trait erx«x. Pull piumbmg. 2 lots. Nice location. Phone Wast 6L C. J. BBODER(CK--Photo Fisixbxx. Developing, Printing, Enlarging. Coloring xsd Copying (Sxgxr'x Store) 1622 Marine Drjvk WEBB'8 SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST--Dusdxxxve. Tate Csxsegiq's xdvke xsd Bmy Axx«xg«m s pisxm wi(k s fuiuxm. Acreage is good locations ferns $50 sp. Apply John Lswsvs, Wqxe 6L FOR RENT--Fmxsixbxd H«sxe at H«L iybuiu; eosvesiest io ferry, $26ju), One at A)i«most, xsd an exception- ally attractive home at Cxuifxnd. Jobs Lxwxos, We«i 66. PA)NT(NG, KALBOIKINLVG AND PAPER(NG -- Take xdvxs(sgx of cheaper wis(a prices. Phase West $94(L FOR REVT--House ms Wxieifrosk Apply, Leyixsd, West 6$R(. SKI NGL(NG xsd Roof Reyxirx Lawn mowxrx ground. Sxwfiiisg. N. R. Eiiix, Phone West 1$4R. MARCELLE SHOP Mxkvxijm 50 ex«i«; reset, $6O; fisgxr wave. 75m Phone n(rx. Kisg, Wxxi $04. CARLEY Bays xsd Sells Fasitam- Repairing xsd polishing, P«iskx, oils, xixisx, gixxx. Pbose West 71Y. BOARD AND RES(DEVCE -- 15(b lxsd B«S«vux, sear fxxvy. Rx(«x xk- exxxkive. Phoae West 468L FOR PLU618(NG REPAIRS -- Rxe- idqsxm Phoae West 241(L WE HAVE TEV OF THE CHEAP- EST LOTS in West Vsscouvex- Some close in. Sure mosey-mxkerx in near fuiuxv. J«bs Law«os, West 65. NOTICE We have opened 0 New Store at Ambleside. RADIO, WIRING, FLx(TUBES Repairs to LIGHTS . RADIOS RANGES - IRONS SPARTON -- ihIARCONI ST. WARNER hiaytag Washers $139 00 and up North Shore Radio 8I Electric 1439 Marine Drive Next to Yates'ORTH SHORE COUNCIL PROTESTS GRANTS CUT; URGES LOUTET TO ACT TO R)LVT--5 room modxrs nmsxx. Good gaden. Number of good fxxie trees, Cosvqmqst I«ex(i«n, $20.0lk Apply J«bs L«wxos. Week 6L IVith Reeve J. M. Bryan's casting ballot deciding, North Vancouver District Council vot- ed Tuesday night to protest to the Provincial Government 8- gainst curtailment of grants to municipalities. Costs in connec- tion with social legislation must not be placed upon the shoulders of the municipalities, the reso- lution also states. Council will ask Jack Loutet, M.LA« to voice a protest from the floor of the House, Geo. Hay NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 1405 n(xxis«Drive Pbosx West 21 mv Seymour 1260 Evvsisgx Wx«i 204X LAND ACT Notice «( fsicsti«s im apply io Puxxbxxq Laud. In the Vase«over Lxsd ~ Die(rick of Nqw Wextmjkm(a xsd xlk uxkx os ibv cast vide of H«wv 8«msd ~bout four miles mmib of H«xxx«bmv Bxy. %bye«xiii', (niaskipsiiiy mf ivexi Vxsxmmva), Take notice that JOHN SWANSON «( Vancouver, ILC„oecsp«U«s Bxx 1(x(a xi Lxm, klixl!dx ev xppiy fov xmjmdos io yuvebxxs the f«U«wisg excxibxd ixsdxi Cmsisellxulg xe ~ post pimxexd ~1 ebe north west emrsqr of Loe 2818, Group 1. New Wmxemiseer Die(rice. it«see x«xieriy, xiosg ibq sorib bmus. dxriqx of D. Lots 28(7 ssd 2818, 295 cbxisx. more or I«xx, to the west bousdxiy «f the British Cobusbis Eiexirk Railway Compxsy'x rigb(mkf- wxy; kbeseq northerly. «iomg eb«said west bousdxxy «( said ((gbk-xf-wsy, 6S.26 cbxisx, more or lese, Im kbe ~ouih bomsdxvy sf "Mis" lsilmxllj claim, D.L 2167; ibxsxe wm(a(y, ~i«sg the said squib bousdsry qf xsid D.I 2167 xmd ibe pxvdsx(jos kbxx«of. $ $ chains. more «v less. Oo the high water smxk of Howe Soumi; thence southerly siosg ibe said high water mark of Howe SO(md is Gds yoxi, xsd e««ixisisg (mosey-fvuv sexes. moxq qx jqxa JOHN SWA.(SON. Pqv J. Aiexssdqx Waiter, Agxsk Dated, 18th dxy of Fvbxusiy, 19SL The class was having its week- ly talk on painting, and teacher said, "Sir Joshua Reynolds was able, with a single stroke of his brush to change 8 smiling face into a frowning one." 'That's nothing," muttered little Jimmy, "my maw can do that." Customer: "I should like to try that frock on in the win- dow.m Assistant: "Sorry, madam, but the management will not allow that. Would you care to try it on in our private fitting room2« &." """- ','tV qdi 5 88'.iy ~(as( 21 I I GlenexSkx Golf Courxc. Wcx( Vancouver The rate («v Cixxxided Adv«vikmmvmm is 2 xmsix pvv waik misimsm 25 xesia Exxepe is iim xxxm m( kbmxq bxvtmg rxgxla exxem(s, SS cimmi- d«dx xie yxyxbie x(xlxe(y is sdvsmxa Remmmbv( Cia««id«de is ibe W«xe Vxs Nxwx gqi immqdixim rex«i(a