0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS March 18, 1932 r rrr . r "vvvr w v vr ovu 'o , .Jv ' . t \ 'wIree t o r v I 4 4! s„ vu vovoi t ov*c'ta t4'v'v ~ o t 'os .'.v'o\ 'rrwu'rvr 'rovvv r Vvr v -'rrv rvrr'Irrvvr ~ rruv -vrr vr r vrvvrvovvvvr ov GARDENS and GARDENING By MINA G. BUTT, Hollyburn THEATRE APRIL LICENSE PLATES IMndscape Architect 0 ~ t la term elec U. I c smwtuo sthul ol Leoesooe A hit«tmo ws ostc ohsc. elomhot Notuwi Loess oeo ptlday and Batutday it™ species are the common rose mallow (H. moscheutos L), the crimson eyed (H ocuurossus) (H militaris) (H. Iasiocsrpus) and the (H. coccineus). This latter one is one of the most handsome of afl those mentioned and will give the beat results in this section of the country. Two new improved types of these plants are Meehans Mar- vel Maflows and (H. moscheu- tos), the flowers of which in some cases msy be as much ss ten inches in diameter. The most important thing to remember when planting rose- maflows is that they are a warm climate plant snd the location chosen for them should, there- fore, be where they wfll get EU the sunshine possible and also be protected from the cool even- ing breezes. NOTE--Tho etta 01 cw 4I» It ~ 44o to soo or ewot4» «wowaue m aa An lo th4 ut~ Tho euootloao shso4I ho CC «ua tt4 lt la c el t4 Smtw, T4 ~oo r Wu seems lo os lt I&too ot N ~ S owml r elc 4 Ao4e ~ ots ~ ll ath ~ vo lm oheule ~ oo luah Rosemsllow The rosemallow, very quently called Marshmallow, be. longs to a group of plants hav- ing flowers not unuke those of the hollyhock. The colorings ln the flowers are also very similar to those in the hollyhock with the exception that the range of colors is not quite so extensive. The blooming period is late summer or early fsu. The plants grow bush shaped with several stems and with the foliage along them instead of in clusters of radical leaves with flowering stems having little foliage as in the hollyhock The rosemaflow is nsturafly s swamp-loving plant but will grow in almost any good garden soil providing the kycatfon be sunny and warm and sufl'icient moisture is given. They may be used in flower beds, borders snd in open spaces in the shrubbery borders where they will get full sunshine Propogation may be carried on by root division or by seed. The best known of the rosemal- H A R I ON OA V I EB ln $$Fi~e and Ten" y K.W. Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside I'hone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Real Estate ': Finance and Insurance COUNCIL lliEMBER TO SIT ON SCHOOL BOARD IS MINISTER'S PLAN Notification from the provin- cial minister of education that he will suggest further changes in the School Act to allow s rep- resentative of 0 municipal coun- cil to sit as a fua-fledged member of its School Board, was received by District of North Vancouver School Board Tuesday night. Members of the board expres- sed themselves opposed to this action, asserting that only per- sons elected to the board should be allowed to sit on it. A communication from Lynn Valley Women's Institute, ob- jecting to any. change of policy with regard to high school fees paid by the municipality, was received. The Municipal Coun- cil recently suggested abolition of the $15,000 annual fee paid to City of North Vancouver for use of its high school by 120 muni- cipal pupils, and that some other plan be instituted. The board is considering a change. JUVENII.E FOOTBALL Games for Saturday, March 19tiL Mainland Cup Final (Replay) Division l. Spencers (Van.) vs. N. S. Press Canucks (N. Van.), Csmbie Street; 2 p.m. Provincial Cup--2nd Round Division HI. Young Buffs vs. Shamrocks (Van ), Mshon Park; I:30 Exhibition Game--Division I Lloyds Pharmacy (Van) vs. A. N. Bluebirds (N. Van ), Cambie Street, 4 p.m. The patter of tiny feet was heard from the head of the stairs. Mrs. Smythe raised her hand, warning the members of her bridge club to be silent. "Hush," she said softly, "the children sre coming to deliver their good-night message. It always gives me s feeling of reverence to hear them Listen l" "Mamma,w came the message in a shrill whisper, "Wiflie found a bedbug." aWhy did you shed such copi- ous tears at the funeralf" 41 was thinking," answered Mr. Chuggms, "of the dear woman who was still a passen- ger, but no longer able to drive from the back seat. The Lady: uHES anybody ever offered you work?" The Tramp: "Only once, lidy. Apart from that I'e met wiv nothing but kindness. «My razor doesn't cut at afl." «Why, Henry, you don't mean to tell me that your beard is tougher than the kitchen linole- um." Note O.C. SISCTRIC IS AIOINS CANAOA'S RSCOTSRT NO REDUCTION IN COUNCIL SALARIES Indemnity By-law providing for a $675 stipend for the reeve and $235 for each of the six counciflors, was given three readings and laid over for final consideration by North Vancou- ver District Council Tuesday night. Indemnities are the same as last year. Report of Municipal Engineer J. E. Milne on a new schedule of proposed works for unemploy- ment relief, was adopted. Assessor Robert Chance has been placed in charge of the land department of the municipality. It was reported to the council that grocers of the municipality have refused to accept district relief orders. Management of the B. C. E. Railway Co. will be interviewed regarding improved service. on the Capilano and Lynn Valley lines. The railway company wiu be also asked to extend for an ad- ditional twenty minutes, time aL lowance on transfers issued from North Shore to Vancouver lines and vice versa to give resi- dents more time to shop. lt)l2 ~ SBJ)OO Horse Power lt)22 ~ l57,5OO Horse Power f932 279IIOO Horse Power TN THE THIRTY.TIVE YEARS of the Btltbh A Columbia Bleach Reu Campeny' caisnnce the ciecnic pnwet supply of Vtacuuvn, Viaarl~ anJ dbntas bas grown fram a mete 2,000 beau puwer cu acatly 280,000 bnlu Imlran Nut the least fsanr In this phcnnmeasl develnpmcac hu bua tbe inacued we ofclcaricsl energy btuusbc ahuuc by tbe tcpcstcd ttductluns ln ntes, witich lsve Vancusvet ihe chupnt dnmctdc cunenc ns che pscigc cuuc. Tudor tbe B. C Bbarlc has aloe hydttoefeark plasm ~ud fust stcaln plena, intctcuascaed in lbtee systems There' SO,OOO hone puwst aow sad availabla for industries st lnw tates sad 000 000 bone pause ln putendsl develnpmeat when the t(cmwd arista. EASTER Amblesisle Sheet Metal%Forks LAURIE SPECK, Reprlctur 1446 Marine Drive Phone West VS FURNACES and SHEET METAL INSTALLED and REPAIRED JOBBING EGGS, BASKETS, CHINA NOVELTIES Chocolate Novelties AU at Lowest Prices. Apple John Put stewed apple or other fruit, sweetened and seasoned, into s greased pudding dish. Cover the 1'ruit with a short- cake dough mixture and bake in hot oven 20 to 30 minutes. In- vert onto the serving dish, sprinkle with sugar and cinna- mon. Serve Lesage Drug Store BRITISH COLUMBIA ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMPANY LLMITSD 1403 Marine Drive Phone West 323 ~w sos can be bought now That means you may need Firestone Tires - WiUard Batteries - Raybestos Lining Automotive lllechanlcal Service We have afl these at ~EST +AN MOTORS THE SHELL STATION 1451 Illarine Drive Phone, Went 263 We specialize in pleasing the customer THE BURNING BUSH I(JAPANESE OYSTERS By Subadar THRIVE IN B. C. AREAS Majorraeneral Starneth than'Biological Board Carries on In- whom none should know better,lj ~ vestfgatfon to Assist I'adfic has stated that uget your mana ' Oyster Industries was never the slogan of the R.N. W.M.P. He states it wss coined Japanese oyesters seem to like in Hollywood. There is this to British Columbia waters. be said about it, however, that That's one of the points that no one ever "got" a member of has been brciught out in the that force and got away with it. course of oyster investigations And it was the certafnt) of this which have been carried on in fate which made American bsd British Columbia areas in the men and Indians obeY the man past few years by the Biological dates of the few redcoated nd Board of Canada with a view to ers. The latter were all sans assisting the further develop- peure and sans reproche, which ment of the oyster industry of with the invisible and fmpbtc- the province. Japanese oysters able support of au their absent have been distributed in differ- comrades enabled them to do ent localities during the investi- extraordinsry things. No crim- gation and in 1931, to quote C. inal commits a crime if he is R. Elsey, of the Pacific Biolog- certain of punishment, for it is fcaI Station at Nanaimo,who the certainty of punishment has been conducting the oyster rather than its nature which is study, they continued to demon- alwsys the main deterrent. If strate their ability to grow und- you don't believe it, compare the er conditions. entirely unsuited difference in the number of mur- to the growth of other species. dere in New York State and "There is evidently no limit," England, the penalty in each said Mr. Elsey, "to the quantity place being death. of this species which can be matured on the coast.a I am informed that half the Therearethree species of oys- cats in Vancouver assembled ters in British Columbia-- last Sunday morning at the cor- Native, imported Eastern, and ner of Broadway and Blenheim imported Japanese. AU have Street, where in three hours been the subject of study in the three milk wagons and three Biological Board's investigation. autos were in collision. And the At present the oyster fishery of "cussing" among the humans the province yields a production taking part in the collision was of several thousand barrels an- notbing compared with what the nuafly, the output for 1930, for pussies indulged in when they instance, amounting to 3,197 helped to elean up the mess. barrels with a market value of But it was a glorious victory over $58,000. with many scratched noses and In 1g31, the investigators toro ears. The same reminds me found, unfavorable natural con- of a certain incident which oc- ditions interfered with satisfsc- curred in a mining town in "the tory production of Native and Black Country"--for the unin- Eastern. The bulk of the Native itiated this means Brummagum oystem spawned rather earlier and the vicinity--when drsymen than usual, and natural cultch, smashed a barrel of gin while ss mell as quantities of shell unloading it before s "pub." which had been spread out, were AU the women came out with thickly set with young oysters, jugs and scooped the liquor up but then came weather which re- out of the gutter. Again a glori- gulted in a general lowering of ous victory, and to the deuce watertemperatures and densities with the germs and muddy snd caused the spat to die. On black water. Chances like that the other hand, however, natur- only come once in a life time, in sl cultch and shells which had the Black Country. been placed in some experiment- al dykes at Ladysmith and sus- Affairs in Germany wiU bear Pended from floats in wire sacks watching. They will always bear collected s satisfactory set. "It watching. If we had done so is evident," says a Summary Re between 1910 and Ig14 we port of the year's work, "that should not; have got mto the the difference in results was due mess we did. Hindenbelg has to the fact that the very young ered them with the mantle of light tides of the year were Re- served his Kaiser faithfufiy. It subjected for long periods to the is more than probable he is stifl direct hest of the sun." doing so, but when the Kaiser Eastern oysters in the rivers returns, as he says he would like and on the beds at; Crescent to do, there may be another tale spawned in late Msy and early to teU. And Little Wiflie is back June but rain followed and the already selling agricultural larvae did not develop. A sur- machinery in the uniform of the vey of the rivers, however, show Death's Head Hussars. A most ed that they contained more unbusiness-like dress even for than 2,000,000 Eastern oysters, Germany, I don't think. which had been set there duringthe psst 15 years.