0001 A Weekly Newspaper Circulatingin the Dt'strict of West Vancougrer-Arnbleside, Hollyburn, Weston, Dundarave 61.00 per year. Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecltff, Etc. Newartands 6c per Copy i'ol. VI SIX PAGES HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., FRIDAY, MARCH IS, 1932 No. 43 I lrR 'lr at. thorn Young mt of 'd the 'Y aa! me of relief .right nulmlt :cllowa uggcat '.ky io !0'in!c Icolm rbcpcr ngicl- .work Ilabor, dmcnn ogmcn cband rintiana. irinitb utibcis chas Yc edid it church hacmpi 137lilt tpW s.oo o,,Iono sa SS IS css nel ,Paine r Soli pdfi pr!IS!m" gwiSllg db hIUNICIPAI.ITY IN STRONG POSITION The financial statement of West Vancouver for the year 1931, which has junt been published, is one which should give considerable satisfaction to the ratepayers of the district, more especially in these times of depression and lack of reedy money. The most satisfactory point in our opinion ie the fact that the sinking fund shows s balance of 627,49512 over re- quirements at par. While this fund for several years now has always exceeded in a substantial sum the amount required for meeting the bondetl indebtedness and interest of the municipality, it is most c!wditable to afl concerned that it has been found possible to maintain that position during the past year of poor tax collections afl over Canada. That West Vancouver suifered in this respect like afl other municipalities is evidenced by the fact that only 67 per Scent of the total tax roll was collected last year as against 72per cent in 1930, and it should be remembered that the greater . ~part of the taxes collected are earmarked for the payment of fixed charges. Naturally the condition of the sinking fund is the main factor in determining the financial standing of any municipality. In contradistinction to the above we might mention that according to newspaper despatches one of the oldest towns in Ontario, the capital of one oi the richest if not the richest counties in that province, has recently failed to meet both the interest and principal on its bonds, and Ontario is the wealthiest part of Canada Further comment is needless. The unpaid Bank Loan has been the cause of much heart- burning in the past, and we note with satisfaction that this has been further reduced by 65,000 during the year, the amount now owing being 333,500. This debt is being gradu- ally liquidated, as it stood at $51,800 in 1929; in other words, it has been reduced by almost two-thirds during the past two years. Coming to the general balance sheet, total assets show an excess over liabilities of 81,358,687 as comparefl with 6930,206.43 for 1930, while the revenue for the year exceeded the expenditure by 87,113.67 I'here is no need to go into the sale of our upper level lands to the British-Pacific Properties Ltd., as the particulars relating to the deal were placed in detail before the taxpayers during the passage of the by-lsw, but comment on the state- ment of the municipality would not be complete without ref- erence being drawn to the excellent showing made by our ferries during the year 1931. The operating surplus of this department was 616,150, which may be regarded as entirely satisfactory. The actual deficit after allowing for depreciation and fixed charges was only 83,66528. Taken altogether, the statement is, as we have said above, a very satisfactory one, and reflects great credit on the reeve and council as well as on the officials of the various municipal departments Furthermore, we should feel thankful that in these times West Vancouver has been able to maintain such a strong financial position. It not only speaks volumes for the sane business way in which our a(Fairs have been administered during the past year, but it augurs well for the greater future which will certainly be ours as a result of the development of the upper level lands of Hoflyburn Ridge. UNEMPI.OYMENT The burning question of the day, at any rate in this province, is unemployment. Of that there is no question We in B. C, have seen the lumber business, our main industry, practically closed down for s very lengthy period, which, com- ing at a time when necessity is forcing us to end forty years of extravagance in our provincial financing, has made condi- tions doubly hard for afl. Probably the question of unemployment is one of the hardest, if not the hardest, thing in the world to solve satis- factorily, that is, when those out of work number thousands or millions, as obtains in almost every civilized country today. This is because it is a case in every instance of the particular needs and circumstances of the individual, not an easy matter to handle with absolute fairness when only s few have to be considered, but almost impossible where large numbers are concerned. Numbers necessitate perforce deputised authority with sfl its opportunities for favoritism which never reaches the ears of executive heads, and always there are the few ready "to put one over," thus making oificials inclined to ap- proach the most deserving cases with suspicion. These are a few of the many diificulties which confront those in author- ity at the present time. Canada is not used to large unemployment, and it will necessarily take her some little time to evolve the best and most expeditious method of handling the question. Primarily it is a matter of money, and, as in the final analysis that money will have to come from the Federal Government, it would seem that the latter should take over now the cost of unemployment relief in full,as was suggested in the resolution of the U.BC.hi. presented last week to the authorities in Victoria. Meanwhfle, we can only hope that a satkfactory solution will be found at no distant date to the problem confronting us, for it is a matter in which above everything speed is the essence of the contract. "THE LAND OF NOD The West Vancouver Junior Choir is making splendid head- way in putting the fina polish- ing on their fairy operetta gabe Land of Nod." The practices on Saturday mornings are being well attend- ed and the dancing numbers under Mrs. W. D. Frsser, are beginning to assume real finish. Miss Margaret McIntyre has the orchestration well in hand and practices with the string quar- tette will soon commence. The Costume Committee is making wonderful progress and it is expected that afl costumes will be ready well ahead of time. The committee who has the stage in charge promise s set- ting of real beauty for the Httle foika AH in sfl April 1st at lnglewood School promises to be a memorable one in the annals of children's work in West Van- callver. COUNCIL NOTES The B. C. Equipment Co. wrote the council re Wehr grader. Referred to the engineer with power to act. The matter of the removal of the rails of the P.G.E. at the 14th Street crossing was refer- red by the council to the reeve. The question of the pipe line past Mr. Buscombe's property, D.L. 811, Caulfeild, was referred to the whole council for examin- ation on the ground. The engineer reported to the council on 1 The Capdlano Road--Csp- ilano Timber Core 'application. The engineer's report was ap- proved with the exception that the grader be used for one day only. 2. W. N. Nelson. Clearing lane between Marine and Clyde Avenue. Referred to the engineer with power to sct. Councillor Elgar reported to the council that he had visited the ski camp on 6th March and after a thorough inspection was able to report that conditions were very satisfactory and the buildings in good shape. The West Vancouver Tent Prohibition and Regulation By- law Nu. 494 uao piialiy auoptou by the council at their meeting on Monday night. TENNIS CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS The West Vancouver Tennis Club held their annual general meeting and election of officers on Wednesday, 9th instant, in St. Stephen's parish hall, there being a good attendance of mem- bers. Officers for the year were elected as follows: President--Gordon Gray Secretary--J, Grisedale Treasurer--W. Durand Committee -- Miss Dorothy Giflham, Miss Gary Woolgar, H. O. Eccleston, W. J, Turnbufl. The members are looking for- ward to an active season, and it is expected that the courts will be ready for play about the second week in April. New mem- bers will be welcomed, and any thinking of joining sre asked to communicate with or phone the secretary, J. Grisedaie at West 434. LEGIOiV DANCE TOhlORROW EVENING A huge attendance is assured for the annual masquerade car- nival to be given by the Canadi- an Legion, West Vancouver branch, tomorrow (Saturday) evening in the Inglewood School auditorium. As previously an- nounced, the proceeds mB be in all of Troop No. I, West Vancou- ver. Bey Scouts„of which the local'rancli of "the Legion sre now sponsors. There will be special lighting eifects produced by radio spot- light and colored flood lights, which will help materiafly to set oif the costumes In this con- nection it should be understood that, while it is a masquerade, fancy dress is optional. The Legion hss always given good prizes and on this occasion there will be six, for the best dressed lady, the best dressed gentle- man, the best dressed couple. comic lady, comic gentleman, and the most original costume. Bert Kooi's orchestra, who are de- servedly popular with West Van- couver residents, wifl supply the music, and dancing will take place from 9 to 12. Tickets at 50 cents each may be obtained from any Scout or from Com- rades R. Lowes, L. C. Reid, or G Vance. who are the commit- tee in charge of the dance. Come snd help the Legion to help your boy. A special bus will leave Ingle- wood School at midnight for points west as far as West Bay. Should a bus be required for North Vancouver guests it will be provided, the fare being 10 centL GIRL GUIDES hliss Durbin requests any girls who have Guide uniforms not in use to communicate with her. I.EGIOiV NOTES A general meeting of the Can- adian Legion, West Vancouver branch, will take place next Wednesday, March 23rd, at 8 p.m. AH members are requested to attend. SOTbVEHT FIFTH IN SKI RACE The Annual North-West Ski Tournament sponsored by the Cascade Ski Club was held on Saturday at Mount Hood, Wash- ington. The opening event was the eleven-mile class A cross country run, in which H. Sot- weht of the Hoflyburn . Paciflc Ski Club, came in fift. NORTH SHORE RADIO OPENS HERE The North Shore Radio and Electric have opened a new store in the Yates block on hiar- ine Drive at Ambleside. They deal in radios and wiring fixtures also electric and radio repairs. NORTH SHORE HAS 18,084 POPULATION The Dominion statistidsn an- nounced yestenlay the final fig- ures of iVorth Shore population as at the census year, June. 1931. Population of Narth Van- couver City is 8510, compared with 7652 m 1921, showmg ~ gain of 859 over the ten-year pened Iiorth Vancouver Dmt rict municipality has ~ popula- tion of 4.788 snd IVest Vancou- ver District municipality 4786. separate figures for 1921 for North and West Vancouver municipalities are not listed. The total North Shone popula- tion exclusive of Indians, is 18,- 084. The Indian population figures are not itemized, being afl merged in the one figure ShHTH'S GROCERY TAKE OVER JAP-A-LAC AGENCY Smith's Grocery (Red dc White Stares) have been appointed the exclusive West Vancouver ag- entz for Jap-a-Lac paints, enam- els, and varnish stains. They are putting on a special 1 cent enam- el and varnish sale next month. For Burns'.K. Fertilizer call the Vernon Feed Store, West 9. MAY DAY CO51MITI'EE ORGANIZE FOR CELEBRATION The May Day Committee met last Tuesday evening at 8 p.m. in the council chamber to make preliminary arrangements for the holding of the celebration in West Vancouver this year, there being a large number of repre- sentatives present from the var- ious organizations interested. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted and the report of the treasurer accepted. The election of ofFicers for year resulted as follows: Chairman--T. E. W Russell Secretary--J. R. hiitchefl Treasurer--iMrs. W. B. Smsfl Finance--Councillor R. Fid- des, Mrs. W B. Small. The duties incidental to the celebration were divided up a- mong the various organizations and they were requested to ac- cept same. The following sflocs- tions were made: Parade and Floats--Canadian Legion, West Vancouver branch, who accepted. May Day Fund Committee-- West Vancouver P.-T. A. May Queen and Attendants-- Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D. E., who accepted. Sports -- West Vancouver teachers. Grounds Committee -- Coun- ciflor Elgar and the Parks Board Dance Corn!mitt~West Vsn 'couver Amateur Swrimming Club Publicity -- Captain F. F. Lovegrove, Reeve Leyland, B. 5L Ckrk. Refreshments on Grounds-- Canadian Legion W. A., 1Vest Vancouver branch. Decorations -- West Vancou- ver Horticultural Society. The permission of the West Vancouver Board of School Trustees is to be asked for the Schools Band to furnish the musie, and they will also be re- quested to sponsor the manmle dancing. Reeve Leyland addressed the meeting briefly, drawing their attention to the fact that, al- though last year was the first occasion on which West Vancou- ver had held a May Day celebra- tion, the work of the committee had resulted in its being such as to compare favorabp with any on the coast. On this 24th May the municipality would celebrate also its twentieth anniversary and for that reason it was hoped to make it s day to be long re- membered in West Vancouver. The next meeting of the com- mittee will take place in the council chamber on the first Wednesday in April at 8 pan.