0001 VK ~ vrv ~lvvr . PV VV I ~4 4 4.'VAVKVov 4"4 ~ . P. n'- 4 4 prr N Als Ee% s/A-4 W 4"Prs 4: Ipr ~'rv- 'I mls '\'VI'vv PWPP vv vv'v Iwb vv vrw VvVV ~ vv WrV'E VO. vv ~v ~ ~'h Ar-r r -vr« v vrvv vp'w Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Duudarave,',"'""..,""„'„',„" Aiubleside„""„'™".„'.." These prices good Friday a( Saturday, Mar. 11 & 12 SUGAR--FA C. Grsxaisissi CREAM OF WHEAT 6 Iba RSE 28 ox. packet .........,. RRE kECKITI"S BLUE WHEAT GRANULES--Lake oi por packet .. ... ...... 5c the hvoodE.. ..... 8 lb. Exok 154 BUTTERCRISP COOKIES I'AFTRY I"LOUR--Australian Chrixtio'4 .. (45 to Psokot) 104 10 IL couoa sack.................. Sio COTTAGE kOLLS--Swift' Doiiro ROYAL CROWN CLEANSEII Smoked e Board (xbosi 4VA Pxokri Ibsx each........--.----...." 824 LOGANBERRY JAM--Nabob ROYAL CROWN SOAP Pxro ----.--......... 4 IL iia 244 6 bxr oxrios .................... RSE FRESH FRUITS . VEGETABLES CORNED BEEF--Globo Brand SUNKIST ORANGES, 2 uaE 254 Msdium ..................2 doxoe 654 MARMALADE--Murray'E Large .. doxos 424 40 OL ixr ....... SIE SUNKIST I.ESIONS, FRESH PITTED DATES Good Eixo .... 8 IOE ISE Cokopbxso wrxppk b EAL I IL kt 154 GRAPE FkUIT--ImmNEI Vxiiey P 8 for 254 TO iii ATOES--Qo Ekor POTATO' EKEORExt Cooksrs Large No. SPA unE........S tiax 25c RS lb. sack SSE LARD--Swiii'E SiiEorlexi MACINTOSH APPLES I IL Exrioa .„,.„, ......... 84 5 ibs ........... RSIO . I your class at Eohooi, Johnsyl" headache." Johnny. "Well W'iiiie Jones says hiEEE Serg set "What you am M ho is." «xescixe. Why don't you take the sxe PaPa: PBut who do you t~ " smd got 4„ ihxi wood p Johnny: "I'd rather eot Eay. You EEE, I'm not as conceited ss Willie K P s PSorry, Sarge, I ais't goi no Epistueg hoxdxohe." THE WEST VAN NEWS ACCEPT CUT BUT ASK SHORTER DAY Andrew Goodlad, secretary of Canadian Merchant Service Guild, informed City Council on Monday night that masters and mates oi'orth Vancouver City ferries have agreed to 8 10% salary cut on the understanding they sre to work an eight-hour dsy. Mayor E. H. Brldgmsn inti- mated that if the eight-hour day were adhered to 8 re- arrangement of shifts would be involved and the change would oifset nearly sll that would be saved through the salary ad- justments. The clerk was instructed to reiterated the council'8 stand regarding the wage reductions and to also state that it under- stood when this arrangement wss made that the original work ing conditions which have pre- vailed for some years, would continue to obtain. It will be further stated that the salary adjustment is only 8 temporary measure snd that when conditions improve, the question of salaries would nat- urally be opened up again with the ferry employees. Boss: How Iong do yoe want io be away on your honeymooat John (mEokiy): How long woold you suggest, Eirt Boss: How do I know--I haven't seen the bride. ".":,"„. BEST EATS Phone W 190 '- """' lbs. 25C EOILINO EEEF I Plb. POT ROASTib.... 10c BLADE RIB ROAST 0 Ph I ib. ...... .. .... ..... . I L (2 C RoUND BGNE RQAsT q r lb 19c STEIVING 2 lbs.......„. vEAL CHops 25lb...............,. Grain-Fed PORK CAMBRIDGE SAUSAGES.............. 3 lbs,25c 10 i/g lb. pkt... Side Bacon half lb pkt. Ipc 2 pkts. Iqc AYRSHIRE BACON dl g Sliced lb „25 DRY SAI.T PORK 1 P BACON (by the piece) LEGS (Fores) 9PRIME RIBs 1 5C C RUSIP RoAsT BU™ 1 Oclb.......----------------"-ib ................17c WL(G RIB ROASTib.............. I I DEEP SIRLOINb........... 20c T-BGNE ROAsT 20 II SIRLOIN TIPROASTlb............. LL EGGS--Pullet Extr» 25Cdoxen ....------.-------"-" PURE BEEF DRIPPING, lb................ 5C COTTAGE CHEESE lb.. MILD ONTARlo 30CHEESE, lb............... 35CHEESE, lb..--..-------- LQINs 1 5C PORK TENDERLOIN 35lb...... Local Spring Lamb RIES, Breast on 1 3C I Ib SHOUI.DER Ib LOINS lb..... LEGS VEGETABLES 25 lbs. NET GEM POTATOES ......„25C 25 lbs. TURNIPS 25C 25 lbs. CARROTS 25C 100 lbs. GOLD COIN POTATOES ....... ---......85C DEI.ICATESSEN Boiled Ham, Baked Ham, Bologna,Weiners, Liver Sausage Veal Loaf, Veal & Cheese Loaf Jellied Corned Beef Roberts'etter Meats Phone West 190 Delivery to all West Vancouver All Government Inspected-NO. 1 Grade Meat For Cash or C.OD. Only Baby Beef LoCal Alberta CreameryMilk.Fed Veal Butter, No. 1 No. I STEER BEEF ovEN RoAsT gg p s~ 31bs. 75c STEWING BEEF 22C PoRK sAUsAGEs 35 AhlINCED STEAK 2 lbs ........... ..... .. C N, S O. ISSS. JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only LAMB, BEEF, PORK. VEAL, ETc. COOKEI) IIIEASS OS ALL KINOII, OELII:ASE!ISEN (Two Stores for your service) HOLI.YBURN STORE A MBLESI DE STORE West 3 West 303 There wss a large attendance at the public whist drive given by the North Shore Conserva- tives last Friday evening in the Legion Memorial Hall. The prize winners were as follows: 1st ladies, Mrs A. E. Young; 2nd ladies. Mrs. Romans, 1st gentle- men', T. Lsrney; 2nd gentle- men', J. Wootten; consolation, Harry Garland. Brief addresses were made by Chairman J. T. Watt, Reeve Leylsnd, Rod McKenzie, M.L.A., snd J Loutet, M.LA., the latter of whom reviewed what hsd been done this session in Vic- toria, especially in reference to unemployment snd the budget. William Dick, M.LA., the speaker of the evening, stated that he wss only s back bench- er, snd his remarks only repre- Sented his own opinions there- fore, which might not be neces- sarily those of the government. The budget hsd only been bal- anced ten times since B.C. be- came 8 province, snd this pres- ent government wss faced with the onus of calling 8 halt to such extravagance. Personally, he wss entirely opposed to any increase in taxes, the solution in his opinion being to reduce ex- penditures. At the same time, every time 8 cut wss suggested, they were inundated with pro- tests, as for example, in the csee of the U.BC. Many of the public seemed to favor depreci- ating the currency 88 s means of relieving the present distress in Csnsds, but this could only re- sult in increasing the cost of liv- ing. It should be remembered that a democratic form of gov- ernment wss not always the most eificient. Mrs. G. M. Sheffield wrote the council re opening of 21st Street Jefferson snd KingL Referred to the engineer for repo'rt. 'he Board of School Trustees'st! mates for 1932 were referred by the council to the pnance committee. Farm products cost more than they used to. "Yes," replied the farmer. "When 8 farmer is supposed to know the botsnicsl name of what he's raisin'n'he ento- mological name of the insect that eats it, sn'he phsrmsveu- tical name of the chemical that wdl kill it, somebody's got to psy." PHO DEiighis Not ix SEEEIREEOP Battles Piiubb' bride worxhiPE him, doesn't shoto iksiiio; "Well, Eho places ~ burst ogerixg bofors him three times ~ dsy I The Editor, West Vsn News I would like through the med- ium of your paper to draw at- tention to the fact that there are 8 number of single young men in West Vancouver out of employment who are denied the right of relief work as they are living at home (though some of their fathers are doing relief work). They are also denied the right of going to the Government Camps as they are not transi- ents. What are these young fellows to do? I would like to suggest to the men whf sre lucky to have an income over 0150 per month to arrange to give one day's work per week at 30c per hour to one of these young fel- lows, the giver of the work would be getting cheap labor, snd 32.40 per week would mean quite s lot to these young men in this time of depression. Most of the lucky ones are members of some church snd like to feel they sre Christians. Let them now put their faith into works snd carry out their Master's wish "in ss much ss ye did it unto the least, ye did it unto me." Members make the church therefore let the church accept my challenge. Yours for duty, CHRISTIAN. Why Pay More? BUILD NOW WHEN PRICES AIIE LOW Lumber for 12x18 Gxrsga including floor 520 00 60 Ft. Close Board Pence 6.00 Shipisp from .................... 0.00 2x4 Common, Eixod .. 8.00 2xs to Rx12 oommoo, Eixod ............................ 10.00 IxR A sod 4 D. D. Fir, pEE 100 iin. It............60 Cedar Lattice, por 100 Iia. feet ....,,.....................25 4 is. Clear Gutter, any length, r iis. (1..06 No. I XX Shingles ....... 2.25 Wall ShingiEE--Perfection 8 in. clear butts per ki 1.40 SPECIALS R4x24--2 Light Wisdows 2„00 sxio 4 Light Sash ........ 1.00 iox18-4 Li ht Sxxh.. 1.16 txio--8 Li I Sash ........ 1.26 Iex12--6 L ght Sash...... Iko Gypsoc I'ixxior Board, Bxiidisg I'Eprs Fir Veneer Esd sii Bxkdisg MEirriaix AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. 16th Esd MEriso Drive I'bose WEEI 196. Alter 6 p.m. Esk Ior Gsrry Dent Phoae West 241k. West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and lilsrine I IMITED I'hone 1Vest 115 1V. J. Turnbull, blsnsger, Residence I'hone: West 38SL SERVICE Everything for the Building. LU BER„ SASH DOORS ROOFING BUILDING PAPER ldhmatco -- Gyproc -- I'lasier lioard Ileaver Board -- Shingles CONSERVATIVE WHIST RIVE WELL ATTFNDFD COMMUNICATION