0001 (N Iult Ill(it (3mt iy0 isutz lily 4 56506 IsIs. Ig(y ie Dtsi " k .0'iny t)uut 0D binDI ytSL 50)L March 11, 1982, IVORTH SHORE TAXPAYERS TAKE ADVANTAGE OF RATE North Vancouver City rate- payers wishing to take advant- age of the 6 per cent. interest allowed by the prepayment of taxes by-law, which went into force here last year, have thus far contributed 828,000 as de- posits on 1982 taxes, reports City Treasurer H. Ik Straw. Water rates collections In the~ first two months of the year 8-mounted to 611,762, and 61667 in arrears of taxes was collected. Total from the three sources is 841,409. In the district, water rates collections in the firs two months totalled 6288, and 88124 in arrears of taxes was collected. Deposits on 1982 taxes thus fsr total about 8800, Shoemaker: "This is the first complaint we have ever had 8- bout this make of shoes. Didn' they fit you?" MacIntosh: oAye, they fit me all right, but they'e a wee hit tight for my brother on the night shift.o NORTH SHORE VITAL STATISTICS Twenty-six births, fifteen deaths and five marriages were recorded in the three North Shore municipalities in Febru- ary, reports the registrar of vital statistics In the corres- ponding month of last year there were seventeen births, thirteen deaths and four mar- riage recorded. The conversation drifted to cooking, snd one of the confirm- ed batchelors said: ol got one of them +hen. there cookery books once, but I never could do nothing with it.o OToo much fancy work about it?" asked the other. "You'e struck it. Every one of them recipes begun in the same way: 'Take 8 clean dish --'nd that finishe me right away." Helen: oSo Peggy's new boy' 8 Scotchman? How does he treat her?" Mabel: "Very reluctantly, I believe." The GII.eat C6tu6tdsstn Value Nctjtillan-Hartness Motors Limited Third (I Lonsdals North Vancouver I gp y tbo very things tbst make the new Chevrolet Six the world's most popular automobile aud Tbc &csf Ccsodlss Vclucl IPERFORMAIYCH The new Chcvmlct is 20% more powerful... hss Down.Dfsfl Carburetion for quicker "pick-upo... sod combines Silent Syucfo-MOIh transmission with Free Wheeling. Lowest operating cost of asy full- sizcd summobiic. COMFORT Begins with tuilf-ls six.cylinder smoothoctz aud roomier new Bodies by Fisher. Fingertip adjustable driver's seat. Fisher Dou-glsfc wiudshicilL Tilt-beam hcsdlsmps. Interior Suu visor. BFAI)TY New ultra.modern Fisher Bodies. Dccpcf sod narrower radiator. Loogcr hood with adjustable hood pons. Interior luxury sod conveniences have been csfcfuliy studied. Gcocmus Dtc of chrome placing throughout. SAFITY Syocfo-Meth transmission, with wonu.sod-tenor type steering gear ssd powerful four-wheel brakes ensure positive csf comfoi under OH conditions. Rest-mounted gsfolioo tank. LASTIIVC SATISFACTIO% Under the General Moton Owner Service Policy, any Chevrolet owner experiencing dcicctivc workmanship of material on a Chcvfoict during the wsffsoty period msy call on any authorized Cbcvfoict dcslcf in Csosds or tbo United Slstcs where the labor aod psrts will be supplied at Do CDSt. Over 1o,ooo dealers stand back of this ro:isuiiiisa wsffsoty for your pmtcction. produced ls Colsuyc SEW enmanLFr SIX L ntlh Bll ~ Soco r ST c o-Mooh oni3 hleopfl ftoif I-roo- 'Vvhoon CION THE WEST VAN NEWS THE BURNING BUSH By Subadar There is 8 marked IIne be- tween sentiment and mawkish sentimentality, snd we have an example to hand in the present fuss over the kidnapping of the Lindberg infant. The parents, any parent sui?erlng a lflte cal- amity, are deserving of the heartfelt sympathy of all reas- onably and properly expressed. That is sentiment. But to fill the front pages of newspapers all over the continent with every little item in connection with the outrage day after day is merely giving way to mawkish sentiment, and ss such cannot be too severely condemned. Furthermore, if newspaper edi- tora, at any rate in Canada, could hear the remarks passed by many of the readers on this and similar effusions they would discover tt ls poor copy. Lindberg is not the hero in Canada that he is in the U4., snd in any case the public are getting fed up with newspaper reports concerning the doings of long distance flyers and their flights. In our absorption in the ques- tion of unemployment relief, we are apt to regard the Chlno4ap conflict as of little importance, and yet, so car as B. C. is con- cerned that rumpus is respons- ible for many of our workers be- ing jobless, And it is still going on. Japan with her finger to her nose is standing trial before the League of Nations, having first taken just that amount of ter- ritory around Shanghai which she set out to capture. Many of her people areevidently of the opinion also that there should be an "honorable flying the coop" out of the League, if the latter are not polite. Altogether the League looks like 8 parcel of crows sitting in judgment on a hawk. Meantime the Russian bear has awoke from his winter sleep, and is feeling bsd temper-ed'bout Manchurla, while Briand the peacemaker, has gone home, his end hastened possibly by visions of what lies behind the scenes. And what does lie behind the curtain of the chancellories? hiore prob- ably the solution of world un- employment than any proposed by economists and leaders. Advantageous A mother wss discussing with her daughter the qualities of men. oOh,o said the daughter impatiently, obut they have no self-control!o OAII the better," replied the mother. "If they had there would be a great many more spinsters.o Johnny, aged six, was told he hsd to go to the hospital to have his tonsils removed, and his mother was bolstering up his morale."I'l be brave and do just what they tell me, ma,o Johnny prom- ised, obut I hetcha they don' palm oi? no crying baby on me like they did when you was in the hospital. Not All There The Wife. Do you hke my new dress, dear?" The Husband: "Well, I think it might have covered you 0 bit better if you'd left the price tag on it." Matron: Msy I have sons station- ery 7 Hotel Clerk (tsoghtBy)l Aro yoc s guest of the housof Patron; Hect so, I sm paying 620 ~ dxy. Geo. Hay NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 1405 Mxrlso DI(TO Passe Woot 21 or Scynosc 1380 Evcxixgs 'lvcst 204X CLASSIFIED ADS. WORK WANTED--Landscape Gsrd- cuor Dersolymou ozpsft pcssisg Tottery, labor oc costfscL Ptouo West 104L1. TWO GIRIA) WANT WORK of ssy taut Phone West 88. HORSESHOE BAY WATERFRONT --Stunmcc Cottage. four-rooms. ~ssli-modern, isfonsstioa at Mfs. Dowccy's store. FOR SALE--Holso)ut Eicctrk Rssgc ~nd Hot wstoc Heater, sf wouM tnulc for Cbcstortic)d or pipe fDTD- Scc, Wezt 1227, WANT~noB tsty «szcisgo oc OU)ty foz bsby s yesl old. Phoae West 180L FOR SALE--Dark Ost Hall Seat, ~ iso Library Tstlo, qosstity hx- miustct Stsir Carpet. Pboss West 270L. BNAP--7-Tsto Electric Table Bst ID good order, only 339A)0. Agcsts for SpsvtoD DD6 Ko)stol'sdloa Csst or tcnus. North Stors Rntlo OD4 Eioctrk, 1439 Moriuc Drive at Amblesidc. FOUNDATION CEMENT WORK-- Landscaping sud Lawns ioid. Bach Dsfis, dtsixs, septic tanks, fcscisg ~Dd land Hsszisg, chimneys ODA furnaces cleaned sud repaired. Phone T. Borsott, zosidcsce phone West 290IL FOR RENT -- Attrsctivs besgs)os, modern, partly furnished garage Phone West 620L. C. J. BRODERICK--Ptoto Fsustcr, Developing, Printing, Enlarging, Coloring sud Copyiug (Ssgsr' Store) 1622 Morius Drive. WEBB'8 SHOE REPAIRB WEAR BEST--Dunkrsvs. TO RENT--Five-room Mogcrs Bssg- s)ow; cement basement; laundry tabs sud furnace. Splendid view. A Dko cosy home. Bcot 630 pot month. Apply, W. E. Dsvios, 2227 King' Avs. Telephone West 336K. FOR RENT--FDTD(stod Hosoo at Hoi- )yburn; convenient to ferry, 825A)0, One at Aitsmout, sud an exception- ally attractive home at Coulfs94. John Lsssou, West 65. WANTED TO RENT--Six room tosso unfurnished, 8 bedrooms. Lease for one year, if suitsb)IL Phone West 833R. LOST--Gom Cois with cisg os tt, valued ss keepsake. Reward to the value of the coin. Phone West 637R FOR REViT--House oa Wstcrfroat. Apply, Loylsud, West 88R1. SHINGLLVG sud Roof Rcpsirs Lsws Dtowors ground. SssnBDg. N. R. Ellis, Phone West 184IL WOMAN WANTS WORK -- Ptosc West 349L. WANTED TO RENT--By t«o test- Dsss g(clo for JODO Slut JD), furs- (shod cottage, Wotorfmsh bsnlccu ferry ssd West Ssy. Rssooasbtc. Apply S. G„702 Pw(ac BmMmg. VSSCODTCI'17TINGS ffon Usircrsity Bfog Bsnca . Roct», 61.00; also gzssd cockerel for sale $2.00. Parent pos cost 37Jio cock Cnsssr Brace. 2131 Msnxc GIRL WANTED--Pioso Wcot 032L JAPANESE GIRL Wsuto Hosscooct Phone Morku Hostiso, West 4$9R1 HAVE YOU SEEN the New Stost for Pipe Ssntors, H Dot. Ooo Msc ot ttc Ant(OS(do Tss Rooms. FOR SALE--Small ctktcs tosoo for twelve s, also wire netting, 66 cask Apply 2698 Lsw- SPECIAL --F(ns Gfoott Ft 68he psc cord; Bcnsxt Gnnztt Fiz or Alder Wood, 66Jie psr conL Pbose West 17. FOR COW iuANURE ptoss Bott Trolisfcr. West 17. FOR SALE ec EXCHANGE ID ttc City, cosy 6 fools tsagsiow (TO)De 324OO) ODDDDST boosh 8 go. frsn trees Full plulablug. 2 ktx Nice lscstios. Phone Weat 66. Tsts Cstsogio'o Sdvko SD4 Bsy Acrcsgo bl ~ plsos wrtb ~ futDTS. Acreage m ood )ocsuous tfns 650 Dp. Apply obu Lowskc Woot sh PAINTING, KALSOMINL(G AND PAPERING -- Take ssvsu sf ctcspsr winter prices. Ptoso sot 894 R. MARCELLE BHOP -- Mszcsgo, ccDts'onlt, 36c; 8Dgoc DOTS 76c ptosc Mrx King, Wsst $OL CARLEY Bays ssd Sofk Fszsttulo- Repairing nut polishing, Paints, ons, stains, gisss. Phoae West 71Y. BOARD AND RESIDE.'iCB -- 15tt DD4 Bcnsvuo, Dear ferry. Rstss st tractive. Pbouo West 468L FOR PLU31BING BEPAIRS -- Boo idooco Phone Weat 241K \VB HAVB TEN OF THB CHEAP- EST LOTS in West Vsacouvcr- Some close in. Sure mossy-nsbcrs in near futuro. John Lswzos, West 66. TO RENT--5 room zoogofs )ness. Goad garden. Number of goal fcsit trees. Csuvouicut locstiou. 3m.o(L Apply John Lswsos. West 66. LC 2164'?RIC 5?OR85~~~a ~ ECONO'METER PIIRC HASE PLAN SID57 Tins ID AC, ODLT AT ~ . C.SLSCTSIC 5TODDS EUYs A WIST I N4IIOUSE IIICYEIC ElfRISKRATOR NO DOWK PAYMENT 35 ccats s doy( Wtst ~ fr(ging ssss! Yot Look what it will do for you Dow! This Wsotisgtouso Iofzigczstoc ts as easy to tuy ~s D daily supply of tcs, an msct more coovoaisDL No down payment ls socosssry. No charge 1~ made for iustsnsuos. A 26 test dcpooit will orcrsto tto toc for 34 tours. "ECONO5(ETER' outozostk--just 0CPosit 25 Sects S dsy To 1sriy. You moy dcpos|t 7 "qusrtors" at CDO tbso--givisg ou tofflgcrouou for ono week--or oss st A tbso, ust as you wish. Each mouth we collect goposits ssd czntit tto smoust to ODI'CCODDL boa the refrigerator tss been paid for. Do Isssovo the eECONOMETER" SD4 iaeue S B)LL Of SALE. Call st oer West Voscouvw store lousy sud iavcsth to tto plan or phone tit. 5(cglaugtna at West 101 for s ponossl home istszvioTL No ob)igstioe SD yosz part whatsoever. j1%44EZOE ISO FBIE'O'I"bi@(m%BISDP