0001 rs.r rssrrrr. sr~m r ~ I r w ~Ssws rr u r *' ~ 'r 1ru i %i r ww"i s. S f . w'r ru r sn 'v 'i ws irs ~ 'r~ru s ~ iwr . * ,r'r ' r rr.r.. .sfr rr ';ur'rA r.rsw. rrrrwvrrrrr rsr wr rr wr're rv'r r wr~ vrr r-VrrrW THE WEST VAN NEWS L I P. The I.L.P. whist drive held ln the Orange Hall Friday, Febru- ary 26th, wss largely attended, with twenty-five tables in play and everyone there thoroughly enjoying themselves. Aid. Hurley Anderson gave a ten-minute talk on I.L.P mat- ters, while the score cards were being attended to, after which refreshments were served. Dancing was then in order. The prize-winners were ss fol. lowe: Ladies'st, Mrs, C, Cauld- well; Ladies'nd, Mre. Richard- son; Ladies'ealed Number, Miss L. Device. Gentlemen's 1st, Harry Smith, Gentlemen's 2nd, T Barnott; Gentlemen's Sealed Number, J. Tite. Draw prize, Miss Grace Tite. The next I.L.P. social all'air will be a whist drive and dance in the Orange Hall, Thursday, March 17th. Cards at 8 p.m. Dancing at 9 p m. with the Squamish 11 - piece orchestra playing. All for the same price 25c. Dr. J. W Curry will be the speaker at the next regular meeting of the Independent Lab or Party (Socialist), West Van- couver Branch, to be held in the Canadian Legion Hall, March 9th, at 8 p.m. The public are al- ways welcome. "How is your wife coming along with bar dnvtugs "Sbs took a turn for the worse last week." Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES IIggdgt4Y4 Ptusssi Wast les 24th aud Mattas These prices good Friday BUT('ER--Na. 1 Atbsrta tfx 19s PRUNES--Nabob Santa Clara-- 2 tts carton 19s CORN STARCH--Casadtau 2 packets ......--.-... 19s SULTANA CAKE--Raid Brea. Each ...... 19s BREAKFAST BACON--Stttsd ys Rt pktu....z pkts 19c PURE LARD--1 tts cartons 2 fss tes SUGAR--IL C. Granulated 4 lbs. 19c Rsd Jt Watts TOMATOES Large Na zyt ttua.......z ttus 19s LEMON~sublet Good siss ..... 10 fsr 19s LUX SOAP FLAKES, 2 pkta. 19s Rsd a Watts COCOA lb. tia .........--.. 19s Ambleside,. ~"™"I " sf Saturday, Mar. 4 4( 5 Rsd a White BAKNG POWDER 12 aa. tla ....................... 19s SHREDDED WHEAT, 2 pktu 19s Rsd a White TOMATO JUICE 2 tins 19s SALhtON--L C. Ptak yt tts ttus -.............. 3 for 1st Rsd a Waits JELLY POWDERS An Assure..... 4 for 1st GRAPE FRUIT--CaltfarmaSssdtsss........ 5 far 19c Rsd a While SOUI'6, 2 ttus 19s CORN--1'auttlsss White ..................... 2 ttus lec PEAS-Siss 6, Calumbt~ 2 tlas 19c BEAN~st Green Cstumbi~ .................... 2 ttus 19c MAC)NTOSH At'PLES, 5 lbs. 25c Bsx .......-...„„51.49 Particular An elderly lady walked into a railroad ticket office at Chi- cago and asked for a ticket to New York. "Do you wish to go by Buf- falo?" asked the ticket agent. "Certainly not!u she replied. "By train, if you please." A 1Vonderful Itian "You cannot get eggs with- out hens," said the speaker stressing the point. "My dsd can," piped a small voice from the rear. "Please explain yourself, little boy," said the speaker. "He keeps ducks," yelled the boyish voice from the rear. 1 F YOU LOOK FOR. 19Q BETTER EATS All Government Inspected-NO. 1 Grade Meat For Cash og C.O.D. Only Baby Beef .'.".":,".".".., 25c ;,"'" ""." 1l &13c PoRK sAUBAGEs 35 LOIN No. I STEER BEEF STEWING BEEF 2Is Side Bacon half ib pkt. IOc .... .............. 2 )bs. ug 2 pkts. I 9c LoCB1 MINCED STEAK 25C BACK BACON SP«IIC LB I4 o G EEF C AYRSHIRE BACK Shced, lb.............--.--- POT ROAST 4 th DRY SALT PORK ~()INS BLADE RIB ROAST 4 fk 1I PURE BEEF EGGS--Pullet Extras 25 lbs. GEM POTATOES +5 )VING RIB ROAST $ 7 i DEEP SIRLOIN gbdu I lb. package ............... C 100 lbs. GOLD COIN . T DELICATESSEN PpTATpES. 85 t 2p II( 22C Boiled Ham, Baked Ham, Bologna,Weiners, Liver Sausage SIRLOIN TIPROAST 4444 Veal Loaf, Veal Jft Cheese Loaf Alberta Creamery lb..„...............................2+C Jellied Corned Beef Butter, No. 1 3 ibS. 65C C'Its U Eastern K)PPers, )laddie, Black Cod, . f FlS 3- Fresh Cod, Sole, Salmon and flerring Roberts'etter Meats Delivery to all West VancouverPhone West 190 Msnh 4, 1932. JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only LAMB, BEEF, PORK. VEAL, ETc. COOKED ltlEATS OF Al.ls KINDS, DELICATI"SSEN ]Two Stores for your service) HOI LYBURN STORE AltlBLESIDE STORE )Vest 3 )Vest 303 West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and Marine LIMITED Phone West 115 )V. J. TurnbulL Manager, Residence I'hone: )Vest 368L SERVICE Everything for the Building. LU BE R DOORS ROOFING BUILDING PAPER lmmatco -- Gyproc -- I'lasier Board Beaver Board -- Shingles FOPTBAI.L Country Constable: "Pardon The following players are re- miss, but swimming is not sl- quested to turn out for the game lowed in this lake." with North Burnaby af Amble City Flapper: "Why dldn't side Park at 8 p.m, you tell me before I undressed?" Larnie, McLean, Downey, Constable: "Well, there ain' Grieve, Stratton, Downey, Grise. no lsw against undressin'.u dale, Normand, Hamilton, Bean, Grteedsle Gray Kendrick A mau tslsybsaed the theatre tick Turn out and give the goya 8 et-slfics sud asksdi "Can 1 gst ~ bux boost. for twu toutgbtT" A puxxled volts answered. "Ws MARKED DECLINE SHOWN IN TRANS.INLET TRAVEL "Isn't this the tbsatrsf" bs asked crossly. Decrease of 65,211 ferry pas- "Wby uu," was the reply, "you srs sengers for the flrst two months tsniiug ts Bell, the Undertaker. of this year compared with the corresponding period of 1931 Treasure in Heaven was recorded, according to re- Crystal Gazer: "I see--I see ports issued by North Vancou- buried tressure--" ver City Ferry officials. Vehicle Client: "Yes -- never mind transportation showed 8 corn- that. It's probably my hus- parative drop of 10,473. band's first wife. I know all s- During January snd February bout her.u 448,486 passengers and '(7,022 vehicles were conveyed. In the Faitbtsss Jack first two months of last year Hs (csutiuiliug bm narrative). 498 697 passengers and 87 495 "Aud there I was class up ts one of vehicles used the service. those Big Bertbas." Sbs "Ob Jack ysu horrid tbiugl Aud yuu told ms you'd never look at a girl o SASH CONDEMNS PLAN Tp 51ERGE SCHOOL BOARDS WITH CITY COUNCILS Merger of school boards with municipal councils under 8 uni- fied control was strongly oppos- ed by J S. Gordon superintend- ent of schools in Vancouver, be- fore the municipal committee of the Legislature Wednesday. He took the stand that the experi- ment had been tried forty years ago and failed. "The present system of keep- ing the school board separate is a success," he declared, "and 8 referendum would disturb the popular mind by indicating that the system had failed." Since the time of Confedera- tion British Columbia's school system has been held up as sn example for the Dominion, as- serted E. D. Bush, member of the executive of the B. C. Trus- tees'ssociation, in warning 8- gainst any interference. George Jay, chairman of the Victona School Trustees said that one reason why trustees enjoyed the confidence of the public was that they gave their services gratu- itously. The Union of B. C. Municipal- ities has proposed a plan, to be endorsed by referendum, where- by one elected municipal body would carry out the function of municipal government in regard to schools as well ss other de- partments. Trump: "Have ysu a plass of cake lady, tu give s poor msu wbs hasn' bad a bits for twu daysT" "Cake? lsu't bread gssd ssuugb for yuu T" Tramp: "Ordinarily, yss, ms'am, but tbi~ ts my birthday." vsr there." Sheer But Absent A young man stepped up to the hosiery counter in 8 depart ment and asked to see the i)unneat thmg you have m st)k stockings." Clerk Sorry su -- but she Just stepped out to lunch. Why Pay More? BUILD NOW WHEN PRICES ARE LOW Lumber for 12x18 Garage including Assr ..... 530.00 50 FL Close Board Fuses 5.00 Sbtpiap from ........... 9.00 2x4 Common, sissd.......... 9.00 2xe ts zx12 common, stxsd .......................... 10.00 1x2 -2 aud 4 D. D. Ftr, psr 100 hu. ft............ss Cedar Lattice, psr 100 ltu. feeL ............................25 4 in. Clear Gutter, suy length psr ttu ft. 08 Ns. 1 XXX Sbtuglss ...... 2.25 Wall Sbiugtss--Perfection 8 iu. clear butts psr M 1.40 Sl'ECIALS fix 44 --4 Light )Vludsws 2„00 Sxte--4 Light Sash ...... 1.00 10x12--4 Ligbt Sash . 1.16 Sxlo--8 Light Sash .. 1.26 1 ox 1 9--8 Light Sask 1 de Gyprss 1'fastss Board, Buitdtss I'spar. Fir Veneer asd an Building Materials AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. 14th ssd htsriss Drive 1'base Wast )99. Aftsr 5 p.m. ssk fsr Carry Dent 1'boss Wast ntR. s r