0001 f932 Mar h 4, 1982 THE WEST VAN NEWS I414 ge SPECIAL Saturday Only 100 ft. Aerial Wire . 90c 25 ft. Ground Wire ....... 40c All fOr 2 Porcelain Strain Insulators 30c 1 Lightning hrrestor .. 35c 9 8~~1.95 I%EST VANCOUVER BRANCH J. W. Kelly Piano Co. West 37 Cot. I eh and Marine West 17 liIUSICIANS'ECITAL TONIGHT The Musicians'lub of West Vancouver is giving 8 recital tonight (Friday) in the Orange Hall st 8:30 o'lock. Mrs. ~ ~ Stapells, who is well known in Eastern Canadian and Edmon- ton musical circles, will be the guest artist. The following is the program: FOLK LORE MUSIC 1.--MALE QUARTETTE-- (0) Robin Adair ............................Arr. by Ernest Dicks (b) Shenandoah ..........................................Sea Chantey (c) 0 Breathe Not His Name (Irish)................Arr. by Chas. Wood MESSRS. FIDDES, HOLT, ADDY AND FROUD0'~ 2.--BASS SONGS-- (a) Had a Horse (Hungarian)...........arr. by Korbay (b) Turn Ye to Me....................Highland Rowing Song (c) Duncan Grey MR. JAMES LOWDON 3.--PIANO SOLO-- Sonata in A Major (Opus 58) ..Chas. Wakefleld Cadman (Composer's Note: No Negro or Indian themes sre used in this work) MRS. CHARLES STAPELLS 4.--SOPRANO SONGS-- (0) L'Amour Sen Vole (French 18th Cent. Folk Song) (b) E se non avro dani stsro senzs................(Tuscan) (c) Wind in the Cherry Trees........................ (Russian) (d) Marechiare .......................................... (Neapolitan) MRS. REX ANTHONY 5.--CELLO SOLOS-- (a) Tryst with the Wind (Ukrainian)arr. by Roman Prydatkewytsch (b) Fantasia on Two Hungarian Airs, (In the Cornfields Sings the Sweet Lark) (Good Wine) arr by Margaret McIniyre ALLAN McINTYRE 6.--CONTRALTO SONGS-- (a) The Sheep Under the Snow (b) The Fairies Dance (Manx) (c) Hush Little Darling arr. by W. H. Gill (d) The Skye Fishers'ong (He ridesn)Kennedy Fraser MRS. F X. HODGSON 7.--PIANO SOLO-- Sonata in E Minor (Opus 7) ....................................Grieg MRS. CHARLES STAPELLS 8.--MALE QUARTETTE-- (8) Were You There? (Negro Spiritual)arr. by K. McLeod (b) Hope Will Banish Sorrow (Swabian air) (c) I Farewell to Homeland I2 Good Night Cxecho-Slovakian Folk Songs arr. by Michael Diack WEST VANCOUVER i)dALE QUARTETTE ACCOMPANISTS: Mrs. Durbin and Miss Mclntyre. NOTE:--Owing to the difficulty of finding suitable piano ar- rangements of Folk Music our guest artist is playing the two Sonata's by special request. 3 ~ P.G.E. OPERATING are looking for dollar wheat ssDEFICIT REDUCED nearly the margin of profit, Peace River agriculturists would In spite of unfavorable busi- be well satisfied with 60 cents, ness conditions, the Pacifi claimed R. W. Alward, Conserv- Great Eastern Railway at the ative of Fort George. That was end of 1931 showed very nearly the impression he got from tslk- the lowest operating defici for ing to several of the farmers in sny year in the history of the his district, he said. "At present 55 ppp and transportation facilities would turn our country into o Col. Nelson Spencer, Conserva- ti e, of Vancouver, and one of the di actors of the railway, told forty to flf the Legislature Tuesday in pro- I nounclng the financial condition into the~peace counW. of the road ss a "sound one." m'This figure was close to that of Roderick hfackenzfe, Conserv- 19SO, which was the lowest ever ative of Cariboo, suggested that~ recorded. the government lay aside 62,-000,000 to start extension of"F om Quesnel to Squamish road ss an unemployment relief the roadbed of the P. G. E. will compare favorably with sny fn measure. the province," he declared. "There are very few enterprises The man was in the hospital assured a better return than the after his first serious attempt to P.G.E. The resources in the knock a train oif the tracks. I 1 Peace River country are the "I fear I can be of very little fines in the Dominion. assistance to you," he was com- CoL Spencer thought the gov- fortably assured by the doctor, ernment might have spent some "I'm 0 veterinary surgeon." of the money which they usedin "Ah," exclaimed the victim, highway work for unemploy- "you'e the man for my case. I ment relief purposes, on the was 0 jackass for attempting to railway. cross the track ahead of that While the prairie farmers train." THE BURNING BUSH By Subsdar According to 0 recent A.P. despatch certain pacifists have had 0 bright ides which in their opinion will infallibly stop the cheery little party which the Jape snd Chinks are now enjoy- ing at Shanghai. They propose that 0 young army of them stroll about among the perspiring soldiery of the two nations snd request to be shot, the secret of their plan being that the only way to stop 8 fierce argument is to make the de haters laugh. These pacifists admit it sounds mad, and it is mad, no doubt of il In the first place 0 debate is not 0 fight, though, if it ends that way, there is as a rule less bad blood passed on for future reference. My experience of scraps is that anyone who laughs st the combatants or tries to make theta laugh is promptly slugged by both parti- es, who then get down again to business. Secondly the Chinese and the Japanese figure rightly or wrongly that their very ex- istence in each instance is st stake in this present rumpus, snd that is naturally not 8 thing ,to make merry over. No pscifist ever studied human nature with his eyes open to the facts, or he could not be a pacifis. I sm not forgetting that the British paci- fists were directly responsible for the Great Wsr lasting four years instead of four months, as it would have done had not Eng- land listened to their twaddle in- stead of to Lord Roberts. By all means let them go to Shanghai at the Empire'8 expense and be killed. It will cost us less in the long run and we shall be well rid of them. Even St. Paul said he did not sufler fools gladly. « ~ A report was made at 8 recent meeting of the shareholders of the Russian-Asiatic Consolidat- ed Ltd., that the celebrated Five Year Plan is 0 failure, and that farming conditions are growing steadily worse this year in Rus- sia. So many utterly conflicting reports have come to us these last few years from that country that the wise man accepts sll of them with mental reservations. The only thing we know for cer- tain is that the Russians have exchanged the barbarous rule of 8 czar and grand dukes for the equally barbarous regime of 8 clique of clever Russian Jews, who are quite as unscrupulous as their predecessors. With such men in the saddle, the fail- ure of the Five Year Plan can only result, if true, in Russia go- ing to war in order to escape civil war at home Indeed, any government will follow this course under such circumstnces, and it would be well for those in Canada attempting to stir up civil strife to remember that in so doing they are taking the shortest cut known to finding themselves in the ranks of an- other world war. JUVENILE FOOTBALL Games for Saturday, March 5th, 1932. Provincial Cup--2nd Round Division H. Kiwanis Bluebirds vs. Marpole Athletic (Vancouver), Mahon Park, I:30 p.m. Referee, Mr, G. Hampton. Provincial Cup--1st Round Division HI. Shamrocks (Vancouver) vs. Toc H (North Vancouver) Hast- ings Park, 12:Sp p.m. Zeniths (Vancouver) vs. Young Buffs (North Vancouver), Woodland Park, 12:Sp p.m. League Game Division I. A. Jt N. Bluebirds vs. N. S. Press Canucks, Mahon Park, 3:00 p.m. Referee Mr, Mottershead "That's a good ides, ma'm," said the new servant, "having soda snd water in them bottles with squirts. I'e done the scul- lery floor in no time, snd there' three left out of the dozen yet" WANTED--Rhod« id«ed Rtd de«t- ing hens. Apply B«x 99, West Vxe Ntrx. CARPENTRY--Ox«et«i Btpxitx, «tc. Orders promptly attended to. Phone West 421L. Fok SALE OR EXCHANGE -- Foxt room hoew with pantry h«t water, chicken hoax«, 50 loot 1«C, garden, cement walks, Iixa vi«w. Fait«n near ferry, vxi««$IA00, for modern b««xt, fo«t ot Ilv« toottlx, xxd ax- xume mottgxga up t«61+00. Phone West 286Y. FOR COW MANURE ph«e« Hobb Transfer. West 17. FOUND--Parse «iih c«ei««tx, Ph««x West 288R2. TAKEN BY MISTAKE ftoa Otxxge Hxii, at LI P. VrhIxt Dtiv», F«tre- aty 20th, raincoat. HoMer pleat« phone West 844R. FOR SALE--Dark Oxk Hall Seat, xk«Library Table q«entity Ax- minster Stair Carpet. Phone Wxxt 270L. EXPERIENCED TBACHER (R C. Aced. Cert.)--Seeks pepux. Back- ward ones ~ xp«tixity. '1'etmx t««- sonable. Phon« West 677Y. GIRL--Expetkxt«d with chiidtt«xxd hoxxtwotk. Pb«xe West 77Y. SNAP--7-Tube FJttttk Table Set ie e««d order, only $89.00. Aetxtx f«t Spxttox xed Koktet Rxdma Cash or terms. North Share Radio xxd Eixcttic, 1489 Matin« Drive at AmblexM« SPECIAL--Pitxt Gto«tb Fit, 6440 pet coni; Second Growth Fit or Alder Wood, $640 pet c«nL Pb«ae West 17. WANTED--Local Agt«L ixdy or gentleman. Apply the King Stedio, 1588 Marine Drive. FOUNDATION CEMENT WORK-- Landscaping xnd Lxwxx laid. R«tt walls, drains, septic tanks, fencing aad land de«ting, chimneys xxd fxtnxcex dexnxd xnd tepxit«L Phone T. Bxtaott, residence phone West 290R. FOR RENT -- Atttxciita be«gal««, modern, pxniy fxtnixhxd, extxex. Phone West 020L. C. J. BRODERICK--Photo Finisher, Deveiopmg, Pnntisg. Exixteme. Coloring xxd Copying (Sxgxt'4 Store) 1522 Marine Drive. WEBB'8 SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST--Duxdxtxve. TO RENT--Five-room Mvdeta Bang- xiovo cement basement; Ixuxdty tabs axd furnace. Splendid view. A xicx cosy home. Bent $80 pet month. Apply, W. K Devi«x, 2227 King's Ave. Telephone Wext 885R. POR RENT--Fxtxixhed Hoax«xt Hoi- lybatx; convenient to ferry, $26ne, One at Aitamoxt, xed an exception- siiy attractive home xt CaxifeiM. John La«ton West 55 "Rxxtxx, how ix it yox have given xp got«8 to chxtchl" a«ted Pastor Brown. "Well, xxb," replied Ra«tax, "It' this «xy. I like to take an active part an'sed to pass da cdlxetion basket, bxt dey'x give de job t«Bto- thxh Sxm Young, who jest tetatxed from Ovxh Thxixh." "In recognition of hix heroic xn- vice, I xupposel" "No, xxh, I rectos he got dxt job ix tec'onitiox o'ix having ioxt oneo'ix hands." Dad: "Look here, my dear, I don't mind your sitting up late with that young man of yours, but I do object to him walking oi? with my morning papers!" FOR SALE -- Wyx«d«tt«sittiagx. Also fix« tock«mt Sony xttxm. 1098 Mxtixe Drive. FOR SALE «t EXCHANGE -- 1« the City. Cosy 6 room bmgxkw (vale« 82400) summer b«xxe, garage, fr«it ttx«4. Fall plumbing. 2 lots. Nxa 1«exti«e. Phoae Wtxi 56. Take Cate«gie'x xdtke sad B«y Acreage Ix x piste «Ith x fxtete. Acreage ix good Ictxu«ex ftme $50 ep. Apply Jobe L«wx«a, West 66. PAINTING, KALSOMINING A.'(D PAPERING -- Take advantage «f cheaper winter ptkxx. Phone West 894R. MARCELLE SHOP -- 51«teen«, 50 ttxixi reset, 864; finger ware, 76«. Pbos« lim. King. West 804. CARLEY B«yx xed Sells Fxtxiiet«-- Repairing xnd peiixhixg, Pxixtx. oiix, xix«ex, gixx«Ph«ml W«xt 71Y ALL TBE BEST Btx«Ik «f Cigxtx. Cigxtvtttx xxd Tobet«a. Aixo Ex change Poker Hands xxd Consol txtdx Ptee. Ambi«tide T«x R«orna. BOARD AND RESIDENCE -- 15th xxd B«R«vst stet f«tty. Rxt«x xt tractive. Phone West 458L FOB PLUMBING REPAIRS -- Bxx- ideace Pb«xx Wast ZIIIL IVB HAVE TEN OF THE CHEAP EST LOTS in West Vancouver-- Same ciox« Ia. Sate moety-mxtxtx in next fxtxtc Jobe Lx«x«x, West 66. To RILICTM teow aodetx kmx«. Good garden. Number of goad (tlat trees. C«et«xi«et location. $29JZL Apply John L««xon. West 66. Geo. Hay NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AND LxISURANCE 1405 Mxtm«Drive Phoae West 21 «t Seymo«t 1250 Etadxgx Wext 204K LAND ACT Notice of ieitxti«a to apply te Pet«hate LxxIL lx the Vent«ever Lxxd Rax«dhW District of New W«ttwkatw xad xit- xxm ox tbt east side of Ho«e S««xd ~boat foot suite «orth «I Hots««bee Bay. Whytedig, (laeeidpxiity of Wtxt Vxacoxttt), Take notice that JOHN SWANSON of Vxacoxv«t, B. C oxc«peti«a Bxl tlxt«t xt Lx« lett«de to apply fot petmimion to put«hat« the foihntiae described lands: Commexeiog at ~ post planted xt the earth «em corner of Lot 2818, Group I, New Westminster Dixttkt, thence easterly along tbx north bo«a- d«rio of D. Lots 2817 ami 2818, X95 chains. more or Ixxx, to the «ext boundary af the Bntah Coiuwbix Electric Railway Cowpmur'4 right-cf- «xy; thea«t north«tiy, xl«ng thx tati west boxxdxty «f said rigbtrd-«xy, sk26 chxblx, m«1% «t Ixxx to th« ~oath b«llxdxty of Mte miam«I dxim. DJ 2167; tbxat«wmtetg ~Iong the x«Id south boeedxty af wxj D.I 2167 xad tb«ptodxcuoa thereof, ks chains, moro or less, to the high wxtef matt of Howe So«ad thxaw x«xthttiy along the said high water mark of Howe Sound te udx poet, aad coat«ising twenty-four «etta, wore or less. JOHN SWA'(SON, Pet J. Aitxxndet Walter, Ag«xt. Datad, 18th dxy «f Fabtexty, 198K 4 6 ~ SIX7H A2V&VUAL Empire Ball Vancouver Tuberculous Veterans'ranch Canadian Legion of the B.E.S.I LESTER COURT, THURSDAY, hIARCH 17, 1932 Under the distinguished patronage of Lieutenant-Governor J. IV. Fordham Johnson and hfrz. Fordham Johnson Grand bfarch 9145 pdtu Admission 6100; Family Tictet (6 Adults) 65.00 Dress Informal Dancing 9 - 2 Refreshments; CLASSIFIED ADS The txt« Im Cixxxifi«4 Adr«ttiwaextx ix 2 t««tx pet «etd. aieia«a 25 nam. Rxt«pt I«ua esse of tbaxe hxtkg tegxixt xtt««at«, xn dxwb S«ix are pay«bi«xttktiy Ia xdtxec«. R«a«abet Cixxdg«dx ie the West Vxa Nx«x g«t Iaa«diet« t««cits.