0001 ;I \ in & nit I'89 fbb bliss iio Apt tive) 0npt. 6do. lnoro,i ibuio loni) '4of I.ntinl tobe ., )boot stion wiU )it(co, copnil 6tbotaul yolh dd io Indd froth. i'te lsy be I AY E I , 7 di March 4, 1932. THE WEST VAN NFWS PersonalLocal andFOR SUPERIOR TAILORING AT MODERATE PRICESSee WILLIAMS, the Tailor 1668 Marine Drive Exclusive Agent for REGENT and HYCRAFT Made-to- Measure Clothes, 624 00 and up. Dry Cleaning and Pressing Phone: West 20 Residence Phone: West 286L SPECIAL Saturday Only Lambert'a Tooth Paste and I lish-Quality Tooth Brush Mr, and Mrs. L. R. Lowes, 1487 20th Street, have moved into a house at 24th and Marine Drive. ~ ~ ~ Rev. F. A. Ramsey, rector of St. Stephen's Church, who was confined to the house last week end through sickness, has now fully recovered. ~ o ~ Mrs. A Peterson, Baby Moun- tain, has already cut sweetpea blooms from her vines. This ls only one of several indications from nature that spnng will be early this year. ~ ~ o Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Kerley and family, have moved from IM7 Duchess Avenue, into s house st 24th and Lawson. ~ ~ ~ W. Traynor of Vancouver, has moved into a house at 3277 Msr- nie Drive. \ o ~ The Sun newspaper this week recorded the arrival in Vancou- ver of a butterfiy, the first of the season. This is hardly cor- rect, as A. Oliver of 15th and Waterfront captured a butterfly on his property on 20th Febru- ary. Since then he has fed it regularly, and it is still alive and going strong. o o Mrs. E. A. McArthur has re- turned to her home at 1454 Gor- don Avenue. ~ o o The annual re-union of the 29th Battalion wifi take p)ace tomorrow (Saturday) evening in the Legion club rooms on Seymour Street All ex-mem- bers of the battalion resident in West Vancouver are asked to note the date snd attend. ~ o o The Whist Drive and Dance held in the Legion Hall on Wed- nesday evening, February 24th by the West Vancouver Branch of the B. C. Scottish Country Dance Society was a very suc- cessful affair. Many attended, and the first part of the evening was devoted to whist. The prze- winners were Miss Irene Young, first ladies'; R. Yoxal, first gent- lemen's; consolation prizes, Mrs. Dobbin and Mr. Hamilton. Im- mediately following the cards the guests retired to the dining room where refreshments were served Dancing commenced 6- round 10 p.m. snd continued until 12:30, during which the prizes were distributed, also a presentation of an ornamental bowl of tulips was made by bfrs. Rivers, on behalf of the mem- bers to bdrs. Hastings, the oc- casion heing her birthday. ~ o ~ The members and friends of the West Vancouver Baptist Church tendered a Surprise Party to Mrs. A. H. Hibbard at her residence, 16th Street, on Monday evening last. After a social time hsd been spent re- freshments were served and at the close a presentation was made to Mrs. Hibbsrd of a silver server with cream jug and sugar bowl to match in recognition of many years of faithful service as superintendent of the Sunday School. Dr. W. T. Rush, relieving med- ical oificer on the S.S. "Empress of Asia," left last Saturday for s trip to the Onent. ~ ~ J. T. Watt, Jr., won the junior singles in the North Shore Bad- minton Tournament which was recently staged in North Van- couver. o o The annual teachers'ocial was held last Friday evening in the Legion Memorial Hall, there being also present the members of the school board, Inspector Pollock, and representatives from the executive of the North Shore Teachers'ederation. A very enjoyable evening was spent in military whist, followed by music and dancing. The win- ners at whist were: Mrs. F. J. Patterson, Mrs. J. R. Mitchell, Trustee J. Sinclair, and H. Brown, while Mrs. J. E. Condon and E. Edgar were first ln the Olympic Games Competition. ~ o ~ Mrs. Carroll of Vancouver, has rented the Chappell house at 13th and Clyde Ave., and hss taken possession. o o ~ The Hollyburn-Pacific Ski Club gave a dance last Wednesday evening in the Alexandra ball room. Dancing took place from 9 to 12. o The Hollyburn Horseshoe Club will open their court at 1788 Fulton Ave., on April 1st. Fur- ther particulars may be had from the court manager, Jim Morris. The Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E., is giving a military whist drive to morrow (Satur- day) evening at 8:15 o'lock in the Clachan Hotel, the proceeds to be used for the chapter's work among the patients of Shaughnessy Military Hospital. Phone Mrs. P. C. Chapman for reservations. o ~ The local branch of W.A. to the Canadian Legion has kindly consented to sponsor the sale of tickets in West Vancouver for the Sixth Annual Empire Ball to be given by the Vancouver Tuberculous Veterans'ranch of the Canadian Legion on Thursday, March 17th, in Laster Court. Grand March at 9:45 p.m. Tickets may be obtained from the secretary, Mrs. J. Wicking, West 696R2. An ad- vertisement relative to this ap- pears in this issue. 39c Only a bmeed qusnmy WEST VAN PIIAIU)IACY Wo L. OGDEN CO. IV'est746 51EN'S AND BOYS'URNISHINGS EXCLUSIVEI.Y Boys'nd Youths'hirts I»-2 «14 I-& 98c Boys'aistsy 6 to 14 years „.. 69c and 89c Tbo Score ot accrue. Ils2 Msrioo Drive West 27 Fsoscgsscy Phooo West 221 (Atior 6 p.m.) SKETCH CLUB HOLDS INTERESTING EXHIBITION The West Vancouver Sketch Club, which was organized last year by Miss B. A. Fry, gave their second exhibition Satur- day afternoon in the Legion Memorial Hall, Mrs. J. B. Ley- land performing the opening cer- emonies. The exhibits were of a high order, and showed the ex- cellent progress which the mem- bers of the club have made dur- ing the past year under the tuition of Miss Fry, who her- self had on show an oil of Mount Cavell worthy of being hung in any art gallery, With this ex- ception and some smaller ex- amples from Miss Fry's brush, every exhibit was the work of the sketch club members, snd included oil and water color paintings as well as block print, a number of landscapes and small scenes being particularly well done. During the afternoon vocal numbers were given by Mrs. Colin MacLean, Mrs. F Stains- by, and Miss Joan Durbin, Miss Frame and Miss Sanford each rendered piano selections, Miss Ola McLean gave a recitation, and Miss Ellis sang and recited. Miss Margaret McIntyre and Mrs. J. E. Durbin acted as ac- companists. Tea was poured by Mrs. Arch- ibald, Mrs. W. B Small, Mrs. G. Hampson, Mrs. Alex. Smith, Mrs. E Hill, Mrs. E. Lane, and Miss Edna McBain, while Mrs. J. E Condon, Miss M. Macfie, Miss E. Millsrd, Miss Olive Chilton, Miss B. Barbour, and Miss J. Ajello assisted in serving. Stratton'S BAKERY ED. BLACK WRI.LIMGTON, GALT ssd TULAMREN COAL MANURE Pbous West 66 Variety of Breads Improve every meal- All Kinds of Tea Breads ASSORTED PASTRIES Almond Varieties Banbury or Eccles Cakes Christening, Birthday, Wedding Cakes made at 1468 51ARINE DRIVE Phone West 27 or we will call DUNDARAVE CASH GROCERY HOME - MAI)B CANDY Ico Crosm sod Soft Driuhs 26th sud Phone Bellevue West 7 I 1Vest Vancouver Electric (Jack Paterson) 1473 liiarine Drive ltfmge Wiring and Repairs. Radio Repairs a Specialty. WEST 108 GORDON ROBSON Bsrcisisc a Soitdsoc WEST VANCOUVRR- Oftics IIo 1447 Msrios Drive. Phoae West 466. VAM COUVER OFFICE- Soiio 616; 616 Hssiiugs Si. W Pbouo Ssymoor lies. C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER 14th and biarine Expert Work Phone West 135 FUEL VERNON FEED STORE A. C. Searle, Phone West 9 Fuel, Feed, Fertilizers and Building Supplies West 26 Service at your door Benny Manners Fresh and Smoked Fish New Lsid Eggs Dccssod Psslicy The BURRARD LAUNDRYHOLLYBURNBarber Shop 16th S Marine EXPERT SRRVICR E. MARSH, Pcoprioior The Colonel touring Europe on his leave of absence, did not forget the one he left behind. His son received a card from Sparta saying: "This is the cliff from which the Spartans used to throw their defective child- ren. Wish you were here.-- Dad.o For People Who Are Particular THIRD ST. sod ST. BAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. Judge: "Have you anything to offer the court before sent- ence is passed upon you7" Prisoner: "No, your Honor; me lawyer took me last dollar." Coming Events Tuesday, April 12th -- West Vancouver Choral Society's spring concert in the United Church. Further particulars later. Transportation of School Children to Central Schools West Van Representative F. RIVERS Phone West 410L Sugar Snaps 1 cup butter 2 cilps sugar 4 cups Sour I egg I I+ teaspoons baking powdei. WALKATHONERS A GREAT SUCCESS Last Monday evening, Leap Year night, the Prince of Wales Concert Party under the aus- pices of L.O.L. No. 2990, put on their play "The Walkathoners," in the basement of the Orange Hall, there being a large audi- ence. Before the curtain went up, S. C Knowles gave a short address on the Children'6 Prot estant Orphanage, on behalf of which the play vrss given, con- gratulating the local lodge on having sent more money during 1931 for the support of that in- stitution than any lodge in the province. The stage was gaily decorated and with Jack Donan announcing, the Walkathon started, laughable interludes be. ing given by a number of the players. Refreshments were then served by the ladles of the L.O. B.A. and the audience adjourned to the main hall, where dancing took place until I:40 s.m., the floor being crowded with those who had witnessed the play as well as by a number who came for the dancing. As from April 1st, 1932, the School Board will assume the cost of transportation to central schools of only those children residing between Whytecliff and West Bay attending elementary schools, and children re- siding between Whytecliif and Caulfeilds attending High School. Cavuue Sanda iches Mix half a can caviare. 1 tea- spoon onion juice and lemon )mce to taste. Cut thin rounds of bread butter and spread.BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES SIDNEY GISBY APPOINTED TO HOSI'ITAL BOARD Ex-Reeve Sidney Gisby has been appointed as government representative of outside muni- cipalities on the board of direc- tors of North Vancouver Gener- al Hospital, succeeding Gordon Robson. who recentb'esigned Sitting Pretty "Even on icy days," says a fashion designer, "the modern girl is more comfortable than the old-fashioned six-petticoat- ed girl." She ian't if she slips. "Everybody Knows" THE KING STUDIO MARCH IS BARGAIN MONTH West Vancouver residents are invited to help THE KING STUDIO celebrate it's Birthday. We are thirty years old and proud of it. Established in 1902. TWENTY-FIVE TO THIRTY PER CENT. reduction on all styles and sizes for the month of March. "Bring In the Babies and let's CEI.EBRATE.o To insure good service make an appointment WEST 40. THE KING STUDIO West Vancouver Branch 1586 Marine Drive V. V. VINSON, Proprietor. 14ih sud Mstloo Dcicu Pboso Wcoi 144 Cucisiu Rods, Cociicoiii Siih Hoss sod Uuivocssi Swosiocs siso Ifouudum Toys, School Supp)iso, Homsiiichiug First ShoWIng LADIES PRINT DRESS $ I.95 and $2.69 COLORS GVARAHTRRD Brooks'ry Goods and Men's Wear