0001 h rsx r swm isxx r ~ «' . s« rsr sm. r'ri 'r: s- rw-rr I r .rr .rr rw: r:-ir'pkisi rIF ~ r r,r bz "m ~ r ir'i'r . . r r 'r'r t i sp xi r rrr rr brr'rr r«rs'rr 'rr'rbW w rsrv ~ r rrv's V 'rr rrr r'r rrrbswrv r'r T'HE WFST VAN NEWS United Church St. Stephen's ChurchWEST VANCOUVER Christian SciencePermanent Waves $3.50 to $7.50 Rector: Rev. F. A. Itamsey, LS.T. Sunday March 6th (4th Sunday in Lent) ~ 8 S.m.--Holy Communion. 10 & 11:15--Sunday School. 11:16 -- Sermon snd Holy Communion. 7:15--Evensong, The preacher at Evensong will be the Rev. W Askey of St. John', North Vancouver. The Church Committee will meet at 8:15 p.m. on Tuesday. The business meeting of the W.A. will be held at 2:30 on Tuesday. His Grace the Archbishop of New Westminster will visit this parish on Sunday evening, March 13th, for Conilrmstion. A public illustrated lecture will be given in the Pariah Hall on Monday evening at 8:15 by the Rev J. Antic on "The Col- umbia Coast Mission and Its Work." A cordial invitation is extended to all to come and learn more of this wonderful work be- ing carried on along the Paclfic Coast. Admission free, with silver collection. The A.Y.P.A. will meet after the lecture on Monday evening. There will be the usual mid- week Lenten Service on Thurs'- day at 8 p.m and for the child- ren at 3:45 on Friday Service at St. Francis, Caul- field, on Sunday at 3 p.m. Society Ws can give you exactly the kind of wave pos hara longed for whether it lx 4 Isvsip loses wave xbapbig cisxs Is ysor head or x mass of xsfi cnxging curls. ChU hl xnd ~xk hbsx'I Ihhl asw method--psu are under no obli- gxiiss CHURCH Ri)IFICR 20th xsd Rxeulmxlh Hsnrbuxs This Sssirty ix 4 Bfhhsh sf The Ihisihsx Church The First Church sf Christ, Scientist, In Boston, Massachusetts Sunday Sersiem II ISO a.m. axd Tlze p.m. Sunday, hiarch 6th, Subject: "hIAN" Sunday School xt ielee ~ .m. Testimony Mssiixg Wednesday at slls p.m. GIUendolyyt Befyuty Shoppe 1040 Mxxihs Drive Phone IVest 117j SEVENTY-TIVO CANADIAN HOMES IN EVERY HUN. DRED ARE WIRED FOR ELECTRICITY Of the 2,142.805 homes in Canada, 1,436,777 or 72 per cent are wired for electricity, accord- ing to s recent survey. In these homes at the beginning of 1930 there were approximately 84,000 e)ectric refrigerators, 210,000 ranges, 1,260,000 irons, 800,000 radio sets, 350,000 vacuum cleaners, 660,000 toasters, 84; 000 water heaters, 360,000 washing machines, and 70,000 fans. These electrical appliances alone consumed during 1930 0 total of over 908,000,000 kilo- watt hours of current. households take uy new electric- al devices is well demonstrated by one appliance--the radio. AL though comparatively new, the radio has already graduated from the luxury class. In 1930 alone 223,228 radio sets were placed in service. These new sets consumed over 19,000,000 kilowatt hours of electricity. Each year electric power lines are being extended into rural communities thus making electricity available, not only for lighting, but for home applianc- es and power purposes on the farm. In 1930 farm electric service in Canada was extended by 20 per cent, the largest gain in any single year. The domes- tic use of electricity is constant ly increasing at a regular rate of about 14 per cent. per annum. Presbyterian Mission Orange Hall Minister: Rev. J. W. Cuddsford. Phone N 1107. The only service on Sabbath next will be the S S. St 2:00 p.m. The Adult Bible Class will also meet at the same hour. Thursday, 8 p.m. -- Regular Mid-Week Service followed by the usual Chair practice. Thought for the week: "Jesus Christ our Lord is no security against storms, but He is a per- fect security in storms. He has never promised us an easy voy- age, but a safe landing on the other side." NORTH SHORE TO HEAR hIODERATOR SUNDAY A gathering of unusual inter- est will occasion the united con- gregations of St. Andrew's and St. Stephen's to meet in at I.O. O.F. Hall at 3 p.m. Rev. Peter Jamieson will preside, music will be furnished by St Step- hen's choir. Mrs. S. J. Leyland, A.T.C.BI., will also sing. Rev IV G Brown MA BD better known as Brown of Red Deer, Alta., is an outstanding preacher and citizen. All should seize the opportunity to listen to one with such force and con- viction. In order to facilitate the presence of the friends at the West Vancouver Presbyterian Mission there will be no service in the Orange Hall on Sunday afternoon. Everybody come to the I.O. O.F. Hall, North Vancouver, and please come early as a full house is expected. Baptist Church Pastor: Rev. H. P. Humphreys. Residence: 1343 Haywood Ave. Phone W. 252R. Sunday March 7th 10 a.m.--Sunday School and Adult Class. 11 S.m.--Morning worship. Topic, "Our Great High Priest." Followed by the ordinance of the Lord's Supper. 7:30 p.m. -- Topic, "As a Thief." An evangelistic service to which all are invited. There will be special singing and we trust a helpful message. Come thou with us snd we will do thee good Monday, 7:45 p.m.--B.Y.P.U. Young People over 16 heartily welcome. DRY FIR Full Load 60.00 Get our prices on Green Alder, Cord 1Vood Coal Phone lVest 48 COOKE & LeNEAL Wednesday, 4 p.m -- Child- ren'0 meeting. 8 p.m.--Prayer and praise. Thursday, 8 p.m.--Choir prac- tice. Established on North Sbsrs 20 Years (Lxdr Asxixtxat) HARRON BROS. Bc IV ILL IASI SON guneIal Qirertnrs North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 The Trail Rangers meet Tues- day evening at 7. The women of the W A. held their regular meeting on Tues- day last with a good attendance. Tickets for the illustrated lec- ture on March 23rd are being sold by all members of the As- sociation. With Dr. Henry lectur- ing on "The Civilizing of Nyasa- land," and hIr. Porter showing 0 large number of beautiful slides it is expected that this will be well attended and very interest- InS. President hfrs. Rush gave s short talk on "Temperance Edu- cation," and stressed the need for a thorough understanding by sll on this subject. Reports of the various com- mittees were read. A Daffodil Tea with s varied program to be announced later, will be held in the Church hall on Thursday afternoon, April 5th, at 2:30. There wi)I be stalls of Homfvcooking, Candy and Plants Friday 8 p m--C G I T At the close of the morning service last Sunday in the West Vancouver Baptist Church, Mr. Elder of West Bsy, was unani- mously elected superintendent of the Sunday School. St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev. Father Csrey Res. 2558 Marine Dr. I"rlday-- 7:30 p.m.--Special Devotions. 8:00 p.m.confessions (Chil- dren). Saturday-- 7:30 pm.-- Confessions (Adults) . Sunday-- 8:45 a.m Holy Mass. Ser- mon. I:30 p.m.--Sunday School. 2:30 p.m.--Afternoon De v o- tlons. Week Dsys-- 7:16 S.m--Holy Mass. "How long has Meeker been married 2" "For twenty awed years." THE West Van NeoJs Pxbiixssd Evsxy Friday A. M. Stephen Well known poet and author, who is lecturing next Tuesday before the P.-T. A. PsbUshsf F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone IVest 363 Bxxixssx xxd Editorial Ogixsl 12th xhd Mxriss Drive (Next Io HoUyburs P. O.) Phone West 363 Mail Address: P.O. Ssx 01, HsUTbxrx, R C. SL00 4 year bp cxrriexl 02.00 ~ year by maiL This Heredity Business The teacher had written on s boy's report card: "A good worker, but talks too much." The rule of the school was that each boy must get his re- port endorsed by his father. In this case the report came back with s brief comment attached: "You should hear his motherl" Rattling the Skeleton Hard Boiled Grocer: "No, Sir l no checksl I wouldn't cash s check for my own brother." Dissapointed Customer: "Well of course, you know your family better than I dofw hiinister, E. A. Henry, DjJ. Sunday, hlarch 6th, 1932. 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11:15 a.m. and 7:16 p.m.-- Public Worshiy, Dr. Henry will preach st both services Morning topic: "A Nocking Deceiver. Evening: "Great Hymns- "My Faith Looks Up to Thee." Last Monday evening the Y. P.S. Group had a very enjoyable social time at the residence of hir. and Mrs. Durbin. Next hiondsy the address will be given by Roy Stobie who is at present assisting Rev. Mr. Roddan in First Church. The topic will be "Practical Christi- anity." Sunday morning during the S.S. session, Dr. Henry will meet those who desire to study church membership with a view to uniting with the church at the coming Easter Communion which will be held on Easter Sunday morning. The class will meet in the church study. Wednesday evenings we meet from 8 to 9 for prayer, praise and devotional study Our pres- ent text-book is Stanley Jones'ew book, "The Christ of the Mount." A splendid band of "Explor- ers" meet on Monday afternoons in the church hali under the leadership of Gertrude Thorny. son and Patricia Davidson. It includes girls from 9 to 12 and prepares for graduation into the C.G.I.T. St the latter age. Eigh- teen enthusiasts were there last ihIonday and all girls of that age will be welcomed and find it worth while. The Young People's Associa- tion are looking forward with much anticipation to 0 lantern evehing at their regular meeting March 21st. The Publicity man- ager of the Canadian National Railway, will take those present that evening on an illustrated journey across Canada and to the West Indies. The Junior Girls'hoir are working hard with the assist ance of Mesdames Colin Mac- Lean, Sheffield and Fraser for the concert which they are put- ting on Friday, April 1st. Keep the date on your list. The C.G.I.T. with its two reg- istered groups meet Friday eve- ning--the junior group at 7 snd the senior in the lower hall at 7:30. 2 ~~ ~ ~ I~ rt March 4, 1932. DI.Marjory McCubbln DENTIST Hours 0 ~ m Is 0 p m. Sxnlldxpx: 10 L Is. Is I p IL Evenings xnd Saturday After- noons by hppoihtmshi snip. Royal Basil Building Vhsas Wsst 440 Rssidsxrs I'hsss West $0L l ( I DR. G. D. H. SEALE DENTIST ( Q Hay Block, 14th xad hlarihs Dr. Ofdcs Huuls 0 ts 0 p.m. Evssixgx by xppoiximsxk Pbshs West T2 ) ONSDAL TDDAY THE T0DAY DANCE TEAM I: I ,(J rJri deiishlfbd pixtslx fOrlhr west sxd NEWS COMEDY rm. Iwsbrx xxrsi ) Cswixs Mss4xy Next PAUI. LUKAS is The asiswwl Bxshslsr TIIUIL FRL SAT. NEXT Lawrence Tibbstt Ix The Cuban Love Song -- Loz'Siisi.E P f NURSING HOME (Mrx. M. IL 1.4Chxxrs, R,N.) 204 - 24lh Sirssi Essi North Vancouver Brsidssrs Phone: Nsrth 1$$4R RESTORATION OF B.C. GAhlE FISH TO BE INVESTIGATED Restoration of game fish stocks in B, C rivers snd lakes I dbrbb I lli m I,, Cf~to the standing committee o PF ilsheries st the request of Capt. hc F. hlacIntosh (Conservative) ] the. Island. Moving to this eifect, Capt. Macintosh said that serious de- pletion of game fis assets had been continuing yearly to 0 more marked degree, and that deiinite steps to counteract the tendency and to build up varieties of game fish ln B. C. waters was not only desirable but impera- tive if a firs-rank residential snd tourist attraction was to be preserved. The motion carried without debate and the whole question of game fis conservation will be laid before the committee shortly. Cheese Entree I tablespoon butter I tablespoon flour I cup cream Salt snd pepper 3 eggs (beaten separately) 1 cup grated cheese. Put the butter into saucepan on the stove and stir in the flour, cream or milk, salt and pepper to taste. Beat the yolks and grated cheese and add to mixture. When it is cool, add the white beaten to a stiff froth. Bake about 20 minutes in quite hot oven Serve hot. May be served in individual dishes. Nugget Cakes I cup brown sugar IA cup butter and lard mixed 2 eggs 3 cups wheat flakes or rolled oats I cup (large) flour I cup chopped nuts I teaspoon soda 2 teaspoons cream of tartar I teaspoon vanilla Drop in tiny balls on pan, and bake in quick oven.