0001 ~alas ETc, '..'.xe9f:S'..'Ã!L.hI .& -: /(S A Weekly Newspaper Ct'rculatinty t'n thc District of Wc'Jt Vancouver-Ambkst'dc, Hollyburn, Wcston, Dundaravc $ 1.00 per year. Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytccli+ Etc. Newsstand 6 p Vol. VI SIX PAGES HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 1932 No. 41 eli ill it 363L 'mpla, we inn for it iel if thc sider out- .E. and a soma now intineninl io have Ha vo. oro under bh sbdscddag coals asi csidd bass " said ba, was bscb dam," saul sc aasibw i appcacsd '"-" Il ore? & 6 LOW cs 6)O 6.N P.N )O.N ic, iia lllp glen , N i.ili i.a ts 6 naia'si aid sn isis E CHAIRhIAN Ol'O)VN PI.ANNING COMMISSION FA VORS RE-I'I ANNING FORESHORE At the first meeting this year of the West Vancouver Town Planning Commission, which was held on Thursday evening, 18th February, in the council chamber, Chairman P. C. Chapman, among other proposals, laid before the commie- sion a suggestion regarding the desirability of re-planning our foreshore. His address was as follows: "Gentlemen: It is my pleasure and privilege to welcome you to this first meeting of the Commission for the current year in order to plan our agenda for future activities. I am sure I express the sentiments of my brother Com- missioners when I extend our congratulations to Reeve Ley- land and Councillor Elgar on their recent return to the Council and consequently their reappearance on this Commission. Their past work has been so valuable that their absence this year would have been undoubtedly a great regret to us alL We also congratulate and welcome Mr. Chas. T. Kendrick, newly elected Chairman of the Board of School Trustees, and I feel sure the Commission will materisUy benefit by his presence. In reviewing last year's work it is a satisfaction to have completed the revision of the Town Planning Act, which with a revised Building By-law hss removed some faults and provided new safeguards, and it is believed the revised "Act" will meet aU general requirements for several years to come. Whilst it was my privilege on behalf of this Commission to submit the revised "Act" to the Council for their considera- tion and adoption, full honors in that connection are due to Commissioner Baxter and his Commissioners of last year for the success accomplished under his Chairmanship." Unfinished business: "Under this heading and awaiting attention are the matters of Public Parks and Bowling Greens, referred to us for consideration and report by last year's CounciL" Public Parks: Both of the above matters can be dealt with jointly. In this matter I would respectfully suggest as a preliminary nernaaitv that,.we obtain mapcq profiles, Btcra„frets) the En)ix» ineer's I)epartment, and s report as to titles,'and restrictionii as to use, if any, of these areas from the Solicitors'epart- ment, after which an inspection of each area should be under- taken by the Commission prior to consideration of any plans for their development. I believe, however, that it would be unwise to permit any expenditure of monies on these proper- ties, unless it were in partial fulfilment of a definite scheme. We have today examples of wasted snd useless efforts in some of our Parks. I believe our Parks system should be s part of a carefuBy considered plan of re-planning." Re-planning present area of Municipality: "With regard to the development of the 4000 acre tract of lands in the northern boundary, and in the area at present not "zoned," by the Pacific Properties Limited, it will be not only desirable but necessary to replan the existing or southern zoned area so that its streets, grades, etc., will conform to the plans being prepared for the upper area, and that a uni- form and composite plan of the entire Municipality may be adopted. The early settlement of this important matter will tend to speed up the erection of private homes and to eliminate the possible waste of public monies on the maintenance of roads, etc., that may eventually entirely disappear." Re-planning Foreshore: "It has been a matter of great regret to many that our greatest asset and our show-window, our wonderful seashore, was by the short-sightedness of our early Councils, permitted to be divorced from the public and to become privately owned. When we consider the great amounts of time and money expended on similar areas on the Continent of Europe, Eng- land and America, to provide to the people s ready access to the enjoyment of nature's beneficence, and when we consider that perhaps in no other place on this coast is there such an ares capable of beautification as our foreshore, I feel it is not too soon for this Commission to consider such a possibility whilst such great schemes are under consideration for the replanning of the remainder of the Municipal areas. The "Act" provides the necessary means. The possible elimination of the Pacilic Great Eastern Railway from our corporate limits would greatly facilitate such development of this area, which I would roughly designate as the whole waterfront between the easterly boundary of the Municipality to say Lighthouse Park, snd from high-water mark tn Marine Drive This would include three waterfront Parks, "Ambleside," "Altsmont," and "Lighthouse," aU of which would At Into the scheme and dispose of very considerable frontage to be acquired." "Whfiat the scheme would undoubtedly meet with some objectors, I believe the diificulties would not be insuperable, and that many private owners would be willing to co-operate. It ls certain, however, that such an undertaking will never cost less or be easier nf fulfilment than today." "It might Indeed be advisable to recommend to the Coun- cil that the Company nnw planning the northern area, and rated as exnerts, might be approached tn make a composite replan of aU the areas herein mentioned." Finance: "I would recnmmend that the Council be asked to include in its estimates this year a sum of money adequate at least for nndertak!nw such works as preliminary survevs, etc., and would or)re that the Commission srive earnest consideration tn the suggestions herein respectfuUv submitted," PHILIP C. CHAPMAN, Chairman West Vancouver Town Planning Commission. WEST VANCOUVER CHORAL SOCIETY The second of the preseat series of TwiBght Organ Recit- als in Christ Church Cathedral by hir. Frederick Chubb, Mua B.Ac., F.R.C.O., wiB be given on Saturday next. 5th March, at 4:15 p.m. Our Choral Society will take part in this redtal, the vocal numbers being particular- ly suitable to the religious at- mosphere of the Cathedrat The concluding concert to be given by the Choral Society this season will be in the United Church, on Tuesday, 12th April. In answer to many spedsl re- quests the 'Tale of Old Japan," will be given and amongst other items wiB be Brahms'Song of Destiny." As usual the choir will be accompanied by the West Vancouver Orchestral Society under the direction of Miss hfar- garet McIntyre. HOhlE GAS SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA IN FINE CONCERT The concert and broadcast given last Sunday evening in the HoUyburn Theatre by the Cull Home Gas Symphony Or- chestra under the direction of Calvin Winter wss the finest event of lts kind which has ever been heard In West Vancouver. In spite of the fact that it was a wet evening the theatre was crowded including the gallery, and the applause which greeted every number testified to the appreciation of the audience. While the orchestra as s large aggregation of very fine musici- ans and their leader, Calvin Winter, are almost too well known for any comment to be necessary, yet in spite of that it is impossible in any account of the concert not to mention the wonderful control shown by Mr. Winter in his conducting. Frank Anders, the popular announcer, was there to say the right thing at the right time, and under his direction the con- cert and broadcast went oif with clock-work precision. During the broadcast he csBed upon Reeve Leyland to go on the air, the latter making a brief address over the microphone re- garding West Vancouver. Following the broadcast the orchestra gave a short concert. Pinion Davies ths wgji;kvIowss Vancouver vocaIlst, sang 'The Trumpeter" and an encore num- ber, having previously during the broadcast given a fine rendi- tion of the solo in the prologue to 'iPagfiaccL" Anyone listening in to the concert and who would like to send a subscription to aid in the charity work of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, to which the proceeds go, are asked to com- municate with Mrs. W. B. Small, 20th and Fulton. TENiVIpi CLUB ANNUAI. MEFTING The West Vancouver Tennis Club will hold their annual meet- ing next Wednesday, 9th March, at 8 p.m., in St. Stephen's parish hall, when the annual reports will be submitted. AB members are specially requested to make a note of the date and attend this meeting, to which new members are also cordially invit- ed. CONSERVATIVE )VHIST DRIVE TONIGHT Tonight in the Legion Mem- orial Hall the North Shore Con- servatives will give the second of their series of live public whist drives, starting at 8 o'- clock. Many valuable prizes have been provided, there being aggregate prizes Cor the first, second, and third evenings, as well as for the third, fourth, and fifth evenings. In addition there will be a grand aggregate prize. Refreshments will be served, and William Dick, M.L.A., will give an address. Admission is 35 cents, and tickets can be ob- tained from J. T. Watt, H G. Barker, and Colonel K. W. Sav- ory. SCHOOL BOARD N~ d Crom C nadian Leginsn ~ cation for the use of the Audi torium on the evening of Satur- day, March 19th, to hold a dance in aid of Boy Scout activities. It was decided that this reqaest be granted, the Leggon to as- sam'e au.spohscbifity gor the usual janitor's fee. A letter was rend from the Departinent of Education advis- ing that as from April 1st the grant paid in connection wth teachers'alaries would be 42Bs of salaries paid in December, 1930, and December, 1931, whichever was the smaller a- amount. The matter of transportation of school children was discussed in connection with the estimates and it was decided that as from April 1st transportation at the expense of the Board would only be furnished for public school children residing between West Bay and WhytecUCC. and High School children residing between Caulfeild and )VhytecBCC. It was decided that estimates for the year be struck in the a- inount of 646,630.95 Expendi- ture for the year 1931 was 845; 684.20. W. C. T. U. The monthly meeting of the West Vancouver W. C. T. U. will be held in the Baptist Church on Thursday. March 10th, at 2:16 p.m. Mrs. A. CanteU, who is provincial secretary of the Scientific Temperance Depart- ment, will be present and deliver sn address on her work. Every- one interested is urged to be present. THE CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY The monthly business meeting of the North Vancouver Red Cross Society was held on Wed- nesday afternoon in the City HalL It was reported that 72 fam- ilies had received assistance dur- ing the last month. An increase of 13. 1769 quarts of milk hsd been supplied, increase of 253 quarta 324.00 for shoe repairs. 810 for rubbers snd shoes. 810 for shirts. Meat, flsh, fruits, vegetables, drugs, bed and mattress, 2 cribs and 1 baby buggy have also been supplied. There is still an urgent need for aB kinds of clothing. A. hi STEPHEN TO ADDRESS P:T. A hlr. A. M. Stephen, the well- known Canadian poet and auth- or, will give an address at the next meeting of the P.-T. A., which will take place at 8 pdn. Tuesday, 8th March, in the Paul- ine Johnson School. hfr. Step- hen will take as his subject "Lit- erature in the Class Room." LEGION %. A. The regular monthly meeting of the W. A. to the Canadian Leginn was heid in the Legion 51emorial hall on hfonday, Feb- ruary 29th. when a large mem- bership attended and the new oificers for the coming year took office hfrs. Batchelor having been elected as president (by ac- clamation) was presented by the members with a handsome piece of silver and a corsage bouquet of violets and crocus as a token of appreciation of her splendid work during last year. Mrs Rivers presented an exceUent re- port on the activities up to date of the Red Cross ia this district. At the close of the meeting tes was served aad the lucky ticket for the supper cloth was drawn for by Mrs. PoweB's little daughter. Marguarette, behsk won by Mr. Fred Macy, 2456 7th Avenue West, Vancouver. Keep Easter Monday date open for an entertainment to be put on'in the Legion hlemorial Hall by the W. A. Details will be published later. J' a~ ~ I IdF 9 e i os ,»it . i9 & HoUyburn Ski Camp LEGION NOTES AU members of the Canadian Legion, )pest Vancouver branch e- xpn» sgsecon!6)r»avsddfieg that ."6s general meeting will be held in the Legion Memorial Hall next Monday, 7th March, at 8 p.m. As this is the quarterly ROLL CALL meeting, aB members are requested to be in attendance to answer the Roll. The secretary will be on hand at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of receiving dues. Executive members of North Van. - Lynn Valley and South Burnaby branches and F. Town- send, Zone representative, will be present to discuss unemploy- ment problems.