0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS i February 23, 1933. I I h r'rr ~P .rr iv ~ 'v oeo "~»O~«ts'ol sol *'c« ttnrrro'Wr«- 'r« *e.We .r 't'pp rst'scv rr'Ir Vce'r c"rrr rdr v \'rr »rVorrrvrrrc'vv-rr r'rr t» t'rvvvrr v'vrr r vrr. r rrv 'rr Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES LUMBER /hND SERVICE JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only 1 Store at Ilollyburny next Theatre PHONE WEST 3 Duiidarave,'," " ""„'.,',„" Ambleside,.'"-'™".„'„." Suggestions--Friday K Sat., Feb. 24th & 25th FOR QUALITY AND REASONABLB I'RICEB chal »ltk The Lorgool Bxcleolre Rcloa Loethsr Orgoolxotloo le Ik C. Sotlsfoctloe Guaranteed Ix4 SpoclAod Lengths........$ 7.00 Rxs to IEIR (random)., 7.00 Ixs lo lx10 Shlplop......... 6.00 IxS ood Ix4 V Joint........ 14.00 S-le. Fir Biding, long K.D. 15.00 lxS ood lx4 Ploorlog, E.G. 18.00 Ik-Ia. V Joist, long K.D..... 10.00 50 ft. Close Board Fence 4.60 No. I XXX Sklogloo........ R.RS No. I Sblogloo........ 1.80 ~ ~ ~ Bcorylhlog In Bolldlog hfotorlolo AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. 16th ood Msrloo Dries West Voecooror I'koeo West 199 A Branch of Rxcololor Lumber ood Shingle Co. Luk SHELLED 1VALNUTS, Nice fresh Vl'kith ylhChp ........... FI lb. 1$c 'IVHEATLETS. the Ideal Cereal 4 Ikth lyc I'LUMS. DORclooo Lombord Plums ...................I Uoo Uk BONELESS CHICKEN. Aylmcr 7 ox. Ilo .......................... Sec Red R lvhlth Sl'AGBEPI'I--with ('hsose ood Tomato Sauce. l»rsp tie ............................. Iec SALT, Skokor Tohlo Son 24 ox. cortoo............... Sc i ELECTRIC LulBT GI.ORES Se or 60 watt ........., each 15c Rhd 8 Wklto TOILEr PAPER, Large 8 px. tolls ........I for 19c "Huron" Blg 4 ox. roll, I for lec COLMAN'S hlUSTARD, Small I ox. tie.......,„........., 14c FI.ETCHER'8 PF lhlEAL BACK BACON No Rind ............yor lb. 16c EDINBURGH ROLLS. Osuo- pkoae»ropphd........per lb. 12c SUGAR- E C. Groooktcs..... 10 lka 44c R. 46 W. SPINACH, large uo 19c DRIED FRUITS-- APRICOTS, ckotco........... Rh 15c I ILACHES, ckotco.............a. Isc COOK INiG FIGS............! Iko. 15c Rhd R White CLEANSER, R for 15c ORANGES. mhdiom...........doa RIc GRAI'E FRUIT ...............5 for 19c TUIRMPS or CARROTS ............. 7 Iko. Iec BBBTS. ONIOiNS or PARSNIPS ......... 6 lbs. Iec POTATOFct--Askcroft, 25 Ikth Ifc HIGHLAND GE51S. 25 lbo. 2$c RED ARROW SODAS, pkh.... 15c B. P. SAUCB ..... large koulo 25c CBICKFeN HADDIE large Ue 14c Rcd R. White hlATCBES 400o ............. I boxes Isc BAKEEASY SHORTENING, I nh cortoe...,......... Ilc TEA, Kodoeo--Soho the coepooo ..per IK ..................................... 25c LU BEES snd all Building Material of Best Quality at Low Prices. Phone West 115 Res. Phone IIVest 366L 151 h and Blarine "Right Service -- Right Grades» CLASSIFIED ADSGARDENS AND GrkRDENIthtg Continuing our rose pruning articles, we might state that if the grower does not wish to prune back the large vigorous growing branches they may be pegged down. By pegging down we mean that the branch may be bent over until it forms an arch. A stake should be driven in the ground and a string tied to it, then pull dovrn the branch until the end reaches the stake where it can be held fast with the string attached to the stake. The advantages of pegging down lies in the fact that all the buds on the branch wilt be forced into growth and flowers will be pro- duced in profusion. The main disadvantage is that the stems will usuafly be short but the dis- play of bloom will compensate for this disadvantage. The present time is about right for pruning bush roses, hybrid perpetuals, Tees and China roses while July or Aug- ust is considered by many as be- ing the best for the climbing varieties. Repairs to the rose arbours, lattice work, etc» should be done at the same time as the pruning The remaining branches should be securely fastened to whatever they are being trained over. If you have many roses to prune we would suggest that you secure from your local garden supply store, 8 good rose prun- ing instrument. A poor quality one is worse than useless as it cannot be kept sharp enough to make s clean cut. A good sharp knife is much better than a poor instrument. In some cases where there are old sturdy branches to be cut out it may be necessary to use a saw to do 8 good job. If you are doubtful as to your ability to properly prune your roses, get in touch with one of the rose lovers in the neighbor- hood. You will likely find any one of them more than pleased to give you valuable advice. Tks rotc for ClooslSo4 Adcoruosmcoto I ~ I cools yor word, mlelmom R5 costa Excoyt In the case of those korlog regolor occooolo, ou clopol. Aods are payable otrlcuy le odrooco. lg Rsmombcr ClooslAodo lo lko West Vce News got Immsdloto rcoolth THE BURNING BUSH By Subadar According to a report emanat- ing from New Zealand a gypsy recently mesmerized four Auck- land bank tellers out deaf 8 total sum of 267, his method being to read their fortunes and induce them to hand him a few notes to bless--some of which he did not hand back. This naturally rais- es the question as to the possi- bilities of some of us mesmeriz- ing a bank manager or so into granting us a loan. One realizes that these gentlemen are very hard-boiled, especially st the present time, and also hard-eyed but still it might be done. At any rate it is to be eh~ted that a number of our brighter Can- adian Get-Rich-6tutck-Walitng- fords, who live so comfortably on a glib tongue and a capacity for painting an imaginary pic- ture with glowing colors, will be adding mesmerism to the list of their accomplishments. PULLEIS FOR SALE -- 12 White Ivyoodot too, good layers, 61.20 each, 109$ Ilorloo lcoreer lith). TENDERB Written toedoro co&k ood/or le- olollmonto for yorckose of new 8- room stucco bungalow, full basement. Corner of Ho~cod eed RSrd Avooee. Moy be viewed. Goo. Gourloy, Rool Eototo Agent, West Voocoevor, Phoae Wsct 2. CHATELAINE 15c. PATTERNS eov obtainable at Brooke Dry Goods. 4 DAYS BALB--Handy Aee Skoppo, Dondcrovd, March 1st to 4th. Por- pls Heather Ile ox; Elopes, 4 balls 50c. FOR RENT -- Comfortable foreiokcd cottage, nice loconoo, 610.00. Phono Wool 255X. WANTED 1st APRIL--Foraloked or Unfurnished Cottogo; modern omblog; eot more than 916, on ease. Vlcleay 10th to 20th Sip. Phone West 89Y. BLIP COVERS. Ckhokrsold oog Too Cholrc, 918.00. N. R. Enlx, 1427 Marine. Pkooo West 184R. FOR PLUMBING REPAIRS -- Roo- ldooco Phone West 2411kSNAP--7 Tube PkBco Mantel Set, 5$2.60; Console, 642.60; Short ond Long Wave Stewart-Warner, 6127.fio Short Wave Adoptero $ 19.60; Re- pairs to oB radios. Tubes tested. North Shore Electric, 1469 klorlne Drive. Phone Woct 61. LAWN BOWERS SHARPENED- Exyorloocod with oil mokoo. "WILL CUT LIKE NEW." Woot Voocoo- vor Ifochioe Shop, 1449 Merino. E PALMER--Chimney Stress, Ro- pairs. Phone North 811KB 51ARCELLE SHOP -- Morcolk, 50 cents; reset, $6c; Anger Neve, 50c, Phone Mrx. King, West $04. HEADQUARTERS for AR the Pop- ulor Cigarettes, Tobaccos, ood Fish- ing Gadgets for local waters. Ambleclde Tso Rooms. SAWS SHARPENED, Skates Gropes N. R. EBlo, 1427 Marine, Phone ., i West 184R. NoTE--Tl It sl ccsshler It ~ pie«c t «voestloss eeoc rsl ~ th s«4 o Io th4 «I Th m«tb ~ sb«ld I» dd seed te th Ite I c I th Edlto . Tbo ~ « is ps lo«oclrl II ' p r~l pip 4 d sl «I ~ st p»l, ~ It dd c«»l «slop eh ld I» s«l«d. WEST BAY I IBRARY, The Goblco --Subscription now 50 cents por month. High class Action." Competent woman wants man or family washings to take home. We suggest the family wash- ing. It can be handled without any back talk. To Whom It May Coochro Mr. John Edgar Moore, of 2296 Kings Avenue, is no longer connect. od with the Real Silt Hosiery Mills of Canada Ltd.At 8 mock trial held in the Court House last Thursday by the Vancouver law students s mixed jury found it libellous to call a man 8 "Babbitt." This term was described as denoting the member of s class which lived "in a state of painful re- spectability,» snd as such I en- tirely agree with the findin. The painfully respectable snd myself have never hit it oif. I shock them, while they infect me with 8 raging desire to kill somebody, themselves preferably. One ap- preciates the fact, of course, that they mean well, but the high- hstting they hand out to sll snd sundry and not a word said would upset the digestion of an ostrich. What St. Peter's ruling on their status will be is 8 mat- ter of conjecture. If, however, ten minutes of theln on earth is about ss much as the average human can stand, an eternity with them would be too colossal to be even thought of. Again, in regard to this mat- ter of evil influence, one is con- fronted with this dilemma, »To be painfully respectable or hum- anly disreputable, that is the question." And it msy be a burning question. The Ex-Kaiserin is reported to have gone to Berlin to open a fancy goods fair there. The Kaiser is expected to join her shortly, as she intends to dress him up as a prize dolt, and rsfl'le him off to the highest bidder, this raffle to be the piece de re- sistance at the fair. It is ex- pected that the sale of tickets in Germany will make the Irish sweepstakes look like ten cents, apart from the sales among the Germans snd German-Americans in the U.S., which will undoubt- edly result in s marked rise in the value of the mark in New York. A little Berlin socialist suggested that the proceeds be devoted to the payment of repar- ations, but he was sat upon sud- denly by Hindenburg and ex- ploded just like 8 toy balloon, the old chancellor remarking that the time for such foolish- ness had ended. Little Willie, who has spent the last few years collecting German ploughs for ammunition scrap metal, reports be will be joining the family very shortly, in order that they one and sll may unite ln placmg their thumbs to their noses snd their fingers in the breeze at an astonished world. Lg~ Fran '+ W,("cg GEr MY FREE ESTIMATES oe Painting, Papering oes Koloomla- leg. C. L. Konlagx, Reo. Phone P West $94R. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Houses to Rent. Houses, lots, ood ~crsoge for sale. Joho Lowooo, 17th ood Morloo, Phone West 66. WEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST -- Doodorovo. GEO. HAY NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE T is vmy mxy to So into red Agutcx with your uxopponxlion expeotex. Your daily uipx dlnrotowo Ioo often mvolvc x wxxlc of moody oed time whee you are using individual mmox of Ircvck Tbc puces nu is there to save you any loss, lo give yoe tbc moxl economical trcotpox mnoo possible. Doo'I 1st coogctled uxfAc, parking probkmx xod yellow coibx plk up dollars xod cents on the «rpog side of your muuponxlion occooor. Moke esc of x public service which bcocfim tho daily commuter morc Ikxo anyone. Everymethod of troopponxlioo bot ilx particular value ood the ~uecl cot bsx proved Ihe bcpl mcoat of eolcriog Ibc crowded bosiocto area. Monday afternoon Philip Timms, secretary of the Vancou- ver Institute, gave a very inter- esting and instructive illustrat- ed lecture on Historical Vancou ver. This is the second illustrated lecture presented to the High School students during the pres- ent term. In January, Major J. R. Grant, designing and con- struction engineer for the Bur- rard Street bridge, gave a very instructive lecture on the new bridge. J. Porter illustrated the same with many vivid slides. 1405 Marine Drive Pkooo Wml 21 or Sol'Iooor 1240 Eceelogo Wool 204X I iGORDON HOBSON Barrister 8 SoScnor WEST VANCOUVER- Oglco No. 1447, Ilorlae Drive Phone West 40S. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite $ 18I 510 Hostiogo St. W. Pkone. Seymour 4199. TA gfjLIO QR CIITg )ttIIR TRAIJ'S PORTATIOJJ f-"MTS B.C ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMPANY WEST VANCOUVER WELFARE ASSN. Announces Change of Address to 2271 Haywood Ave. after Saturday. I I ~ tttl BUII.D NOW I lit, EST VANCOUVER /UMBER ('O. LTD.