0001 '18 THE WFST VAN NEWS CO M M UN ICATION RE 1931 SCHOOI. BOARD UNPAID BILLS February 24th, 1932. The Editor, "West Vancouver News." Dear Sir: In fairness to the present and 1931 School Boards, I would like to offer some explanation. A huge part of these bills were for laboratory equipment ln connec- tion with the Senior Matric. class. It was clearly understood st the time of starting that this class, with the aid of the De- partment of Education, was to be self-supporting, each student paying $ 10 s month for tuition. We also obtained towards the purchase of equipment the promise of a special grant of $500, which should be here at any time. I believe the present Matric. class will pay its way and also help some of the other classes in the way of better equipment. When the present board took over office on the 23th of Janu- ary I brought up the matter of the unpaid bills. The secretary replied that they were about the same as usual, 8 little less if anything. With the best and kindest wishen to the present board, Yours very sincerely, EDWIN S. GAMAGE, Chairman 1930-1931. February 25, 1932 IF you Like Good Music hear The HOME GAS SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA IF you like cheerful service see the Owl Service Station CAPII.ANO BRIDGE Phone West 277 L I. ()lI Open Every Evening ,4 You can Buy No Better Made In B.C. Quasi()i HOME GAS SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA--HOLLYBURN THEATRE SUNDAY NEXT at 9 P.m., Dccrc open 8.80 pm. Admiscicc Free NARROWS BRIDGE PLAN IS APPROVED Leave to enter into a contrast with Stuart Cameron & Co. for repairing SecondNarrown bridge and to borrow $125,000 for the purpose wan given in Supreme Court by Chief Justice Morrison to hIayor E. H. Bridgmsn, of the city of North Vancouver, who is receiver of Burrnrd Inlet Tun- nel & Bridge Co Mr. Knox Walkem, counsel for Montreal Trust Co., trustee of $700,000 of bonds against the bridge, who made the applica- tion, suited that the proposition had been gone into by the vari- OUS interested parties and they hnd consented to it. Replacing of the spake is a temporary measure, intended to last two years. On the basis of 1923 receipts the bridge comp- any in a two-year period, should realize $160,000, said counsel. Mr. Dugald Donnghy, K.C., consented on behalf of the city of North. Vancouver and Mr. R. I. McDougall for the District of Nortli Vancouver and for the oridgd company. Phone West 100 Night Phone West 344L Tbc ccaccve xiii ccchiccc after Ihc bvccdccchNt-- if required by popular demand. GARDENS and GARDENING By MINA G. HUTT, Landscape Architect C 4 I I ~ICCICU. IC.,A I sehadoIL dcv A huwtr hml C dvl ~ . CI b«NCo IL CCCP SC I gr'een in foliage and in early summer fs completely covered with bright yellow flowers which no doubt give it the name Gold- moss. The White Stonecrop (Sedum Album L) grows from four to six inches high nnd has small thick light green foliage of spreading habit. It's flowers nre white. It will grow well in partial shade but prefers full sun, Some of the other Sedums are the hexagon Stonecrop (Sedum Sexangulsie L) two to three inches tall; dark green foliage with yellow flowers; Oregon Stonecrop (Gontnania Oregnna B.), native from California to Alaska, flowers of pale rose or yellow to pink with light green foliage; (Sedum Hybridum L), with yellow flowers in flat top- ped clusters two to three inches across; (S. Kemtschaticum F. & M ) or orange Stonecrop has showy yellow flowers in.clusters about six inches across with foliage a deep green. Sedum The Sedum, frequently called Stonecrop, belongs to s large group of plants adapted to the coast as well as to 8 large part of the inland country Many of the Sedums are native to large sections of the country, thriving particularly in the dry sections. They will stand very severe weather. The low creeping species are good for using on walls, in rock- eries and dry borders, while the taller growing species may be used in the open borders. The maiority of the Sedums are ever- reen and thus are an attractive dition to the garden the year hrough. The Sedum plants are covered during the blooming season with panicles of nmsll yellow, pink, white or scarlet flowers. The soil should be well drain- ed and the location chosen .c should be in full sun. They sre propogated by cut- tings from the plants or by planting single leaves or by needih One of the flnest of the Sed- ums is cafled by several differ- ent names: Love-entangle, Gold- moss, Mossy Stonecrop, Wall Pepper or its true name of (Sed- ,Wm Acre L.), It has become , 'Natura)ized in the east and is j I particularly adapted to poor dry soils It grows about two inches high and forms a close, dense mst on the ground. It is bright hsts I orna Ie Idy. Iing Io Igct S blsndy, ThoR I sny Retort Courteous "Didn't some brainless idiot propose to you before we were married?" "Yes." rkVell I wish to goodness you had married him!" "I did." er me hei ' msn 'I,know C LAND ACT Nciicc cf Intention Ic cnsir I'crchccc Land. In the Vancouver Land Recording District cf New )Vccemiccicr and sit- uate cc the east side cf Howe Sound about four miles north cf Hcrscchcc Bar. )vhrecciiit, (Mcaicipaiier cf Whee Vcacccvcv), Take notice that JOHN STVANSON cf Vancouver, B. C., cccapaeicn Bar- rister at Lca, intends Ic apply for pcrmissicc Ic purchase the following dcccabcd lands: Ccmmcacing at a post planted at the ncreh west ccvacr cf Lct 2818, Group I, New Wcceminstcr Distr(ce, thence easterly, along the north boun- davicc cf D. Lots 2817 acd 2818, 2.95 chains. more cr less, Ic the acct boundary cf tbc British Columbia Electric Railway Ccmpaar'c rlghirIf- war; thence northerly, aicag the said west boundary cf said dghbcf-acr& M.26 chains, more cr less, tc the south boundary cf rbiiar mineral claim, D.L 3167; thence westerly, along the said south boundary cf caid D.L 2167 axd ehc production ihcrccf, 2.8 cbcicc, more cr Iccs, ec the high acier mark cf Howe Sound; thence southerly along the caid high water whrk cf Howe Sound Ic chic post, cnd ccaeaicing twenty-four acres, morc cr ICCC. JOHN STVANSON, Pcr J. Aicxccdcr Walker, Agcce. Dated, 18ih day cf Fcbrscry, ISSK renting stsfltn ettyglq NOTa--Th mav al cc he N ~ Vlmhu h ~ ~ c ~ Ihmh «wc I ~ th 4 I Ihl ccl Th cvaeoc W 14 h 44 m I d vrav I caro I th Cdle . Th wI a nl w Ic Iv I N ~ C« o I CIV m d mm4 ~ acmmd, ~ I I. 44IC m a lcv Ih 14 I aecwd. Ivorking L cffkcu Ail acre quiet in ehc dxcma watch- icg ehc ccmIC mcn cccnecrfciting in- ecxicaticc. Tbc silence aac broken br a small bcy'c shrRI vcicce rTbct ain't Ihc way Ic be drunk, is It, far- vert" THE blUSICIANS'I.UB OF WEST VANCOUVER RECITAL in the ORANGE HALI. at 3:30 p.m. FRIDAY, March 4th Guest Artists Mra, Chalh Stapella Silver Collection ) d)sctsn 4 SERVICE WITH A SMILE AT Hollyburn Garage & Service Station Marine at 15th, West Vancouver GENERAL REPAIRS at reasonable prices BRAKE LINING A SPECIALITY FOUNDATION CEMENT WORK- Lcadccapiae aad Lawns laid Rect walls, drains, wyelc taste, fencing acd land dcaaag, ch)macrc cad fcmcccc cleaned acd Ceps(rc& Phcnc T. Barncte, cccidcncc phase West 290R. FOR SALE--Rcabcab Gccd ccadi- eics. Phone Whet 460Y. FOR SALE--Bccser Wcchiag Mach inc, AI condition, 545. Pbcac West 79LL FOB SALE--Large Scs Pcice Eicc- Srk Range, 586. Phone West 79LL YOUNG GIRL WANTS Hccwacrk- APPIT Bcx 9, West Vcc News. FOR PLUMBING--Phoae !L Crccc. Wsst 849L SPECIAL--Scawd Growth Fic cr Alder Wood, 56.50 Pcr ccaL Phone West 17. FOR SALE -- Ray aced Cabiaci biachinc. Bcce cf condition. Phone West 69YS. FOR SALE--Shaver, prcceicciir aca, 520. Phone West 4SSR2. FOR RE.IT--Fear-ream Hcacc. Inih ~nd Mcthcra Modern 620. Pbcnc Whee 17. FOR RENT -- Attractive bungalow, modern, partly furnished, earned. Phone West SJOL. C. J. BRODERICK--Pbcec Fiaichcr. Dcvcicpiag, Printing, Enlarging, Coloring and Copying (Sager'4 Stare) 1622 bfarfnc Drive. WEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST--Dsndaravc. HOUSE AND RANGE WIRING-- Fixtures. repairs, ccc. Sparicn Radios. North Shore E)ccerk. Phccc North 79. TO RENT--Five-room Mcdcra Bcag- aicw; cement basement; laundry ecbs and furnace SpicmBd view A nice cccr home. Rent 630 pcr month. Apply, W. E. Davics, 2227 King'c Avc. Tcicphcnc West 3863. FOR RENT--Fcraichai House at Hcl- irbcrn; aenvcnecnt to ferry, 525.00, One at Aieamcct, cnd an cxccpeica- ally attractive haec at Cccifcgd. John Lcascc, West 56. "Mayn't I be 8 preacher when I grow up F'sked the small boy. "Of course you may, my pet, if you want to," mother replied. "Yes, I do. I s'pose I'e got to go to church all my life any- way, and it's a good deal harder to sit still than to stand up and holier." FOR SALE cc EXCHANGB -- Ia the Cur, amr 6 rccw bacgaica (vs)ac 62400) summer beach, garage, frcie erccc. Fau piambing. 2 lots. Nice Iccctica. Pbcnc West 66. Tate Cctacgw c civics alct Bar Acrccec ia ~ Place with a future. Acrccec in good iccaeicac ICIwh 660 ap. Apply Jcha Leases, West 65, PAINTING, KALSOMINLh(G AND PAPERING -- Take cdvcaecec cf chcapcr winter Pricca Pbcsc West Ss4 R. MARCELLB SSOP -- Mccccnw cents: twce, 26c; I)ager acvc. 76c. Pbcnc Mrc. King, West 804. CARLEY Bays cwi Sells Pcvciecvc- Rcpairice axd pciichmg. Paints, oils, ceaiac, glacd. Phcnc West 71Y. ALL TSE BEST Ikcadc cf Cigcrc. Cigarceecc acd Tcbccccc. Aicc Ex- change Poker Hands and Ccacci cards Free. Ambicsidc Tcc Rance. BOARD AND RESIDENCE -- inih aad Bc0cvsc acct ferry. BCI4c ce- Ircceivc. Phwm West 4MII FOR PLUMBING REPAIRS -- Rcc- idcncc Pbcnc West 241K. Ti'E HAVE TEN OP THE CHEAP- EST LOTS in West Vcnccavcc- Some cicsc in. Ssrc meshy-mctcrc m near fsecrc. Jcba Laasca, West 66. To RENT--5 rccm mcdcra bache. Gccd garden. Nmabcr cf goad frais trees. convenient Iccaeica, 520.00. Apply Jcbn Leases. West 66. Geo. Hay NIOTARY PUBLIC Eceabhcbcd 1912 REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE incise Acreage aad Hcmcciecc at Aeircceivc Prices )SONEY To LOAN ON MORTGAGES 1405 Mcriac Drive Pbcac West 21 cr Scrmcsr 1260 Evclaagc Weve 204X HOW RC. ELECTRIC IE AIDING CANADA'5 RECOVERY 3500 EfbbAPLOYEES ON B.C. ELECTRIC PAYROLL' THIS llhIE,ches cmliceIcII cc Icmwaacl ccaIA SIiah c mcce ceakd... dc nriwh Cciuwba nkaric iurivct Caclpalt b Sbd Ic bI Iblc Ic dc cs pal bf Ihc acpictmccs cf SIOC wcc Icd ccmw B ia vaicws ccvias. Tcdht ria dace ccmbcraimsmd ca witsac bhih4 cpamri in the ailvhy Iaviec w ~ year Isa Iinbs, pcccehcII She am ias ac Iccibrit bcicg wriwricd a ricie Icii d Nieces. ricsc aevxa bcm8 Icdcpccwbk NI awcaad ccd dcmacc hic. AI h ririac ci Itichh Ccicwbi~ ccd m thc FImtwhi dwa asawd public wdht seniah Ihc a c Bcecic is cidicg m chat pcaibic hvy Chchdh'I accvay, BRITISH COLUMBIA ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMPANY LIMITED W. G. h)URSIN. Ihabba CLASSIFIED ADS The rcic for Ciccciiicd Advcretwmccic ic 2 chase acr chat miaiwcm 25 ccaea Excess ia ebc ecch cf Liame badcg vcedcr cccccaic, ca dacd- saic are pcrcblc cevkeir ia advance. Rcmcmbcr Ciccciiicdc ia the West Vca News gce Imwaocec rccdea,