0001 THE WFST VAN NEWS Februarv 26 1932 : r 'I VV ow to cv ~VM' V '1V ~V S t *'toq~ iW S~ ~'t i t 'I.Vip i cm- IV ~ 'p o v 'r 't oo tiiit I 'occt t 'tt'tto twito"\ c ..~ ti'it'«~c'v- r'~'~ 'rt't't 't ~.*t'«'r V~.bi-r Jt'i : ivrtvtvt ~ "V wter r rrrvw V Wro'rc vrr~ . err v'v r~~vrrr'tvvtv rc~ww Permanent Waves $3.50 to $7.50 We can gico you exactly ibc kind of wave yoo bsvo losgcd for whether it ls a lovely loose wave cbspisg close io your bosd or s Isscc of soft clbigieg curls, Con la ssd sck about this aow molbod--you are sodoc no obil- gsiioa. Gree)Tdojyu Beauty Shoppe isis Msclso Drive Phone VVest 117 CAblP ARTABAN LEADERS hlEET A nleeting ofthe leaders of the Church of England camp at "Artaban," was held at the home of hfrs. Jack Noel, 7662 Mont- calm Street, Saturday, February 20th. The meeting took the form of an informal discussion. The chief matter taken up was the question of publicity for the coming summer. It was felt that a Steat many people do not know of or that they misunder- stand the real value of Camp "Artaban," and this spring the leaders are planning to make the camp better known through the medium of the Church and Church organizations and also through the newspapers. Peri- odic notices will appear in the various local newspapers; these to be taken care of by the lead- ers living in those districts. Among improvements to be undertaken by the girls at the camp during the coming summer is the furnishing of the big liv- ing room of the camp house. Several offers of chairs, curtains cushions, etc., have already been received. In order to facilitate the car- rying out of the work an organ- ization of the leaders of the girls'amps hss ben formed. Lady (shoot io take gsx for teeth oxlcscimo) lo Doc. Nsomssi "How soon after I corno oul fmm under the gcs will I know snylbingl" Doc.i "You expect quite s bit from ibis gsx." DRY FIR Full Load 55.00 Get our prices on Green Alder, Cord Wood Coal Phone %Vest 48 COOKE dc LeNEAL Esisbliobod os North Sboco 20 YcsclL (Lady Asxisiosl) HARRON BROS. Bc hVILLIAMSON j:unerailiirer!ars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 TBE West VaII IVems Psbllsscd Eccry Pcbisy PobBsbcc F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Booisi sml Edintrisl Olfkoc 17ib osd IEseiso Drlro (Next lo Hollybocs P. O.) Phone West 363 MOB Address: P.O. Box 81, BoSrbocs, E.C. RIJM s gest by cclxiocc 8220 ~ pose bg molL United Church WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society St. Stephen's Church Df.hinrjory hiccubbln DENTISThiinister, E. A. Henry, D.D. Sunday, February 28th 10:00 a.m.-- Sunday school. Senior, Intermediate and Junior meet together for opening in church auditorium. 11:15 a.m. -- Pubic worship. Rev, W. E. Galloway, B.A., B.D, of Grandview will speak on Today's temperance situation. 7:16 p.m.--Public worship. Dr. Henry will continue the study of great hymns--whVhen I Survey the IVondrous Cross." The usual weekly regular meetings for the week are: Monday evening, the Y. P. S. are having a social gathering at the residence of Mrs. J. E. Durbin, 20th and Heywood. Tuesday, at 7 p.m., the Trail Rangers. Throughout Greater Van- couver in the United Churches an exchange of pulpits is taking place Sunday morning in the interest of the temperance situ- ation and a campaign of educa- tion. Rev. Mr. Galloway, who is coming here, is the new minis- ter of Grsndview church in the city. It is his first visit to our work. We bespeak for him a hearty reception. Dr. Henry will be in Canadian Memorial. Wednesday, at 8 p.m., meet- ing for prayer and the study of Stanley Jones'atest book, "The Christ of the hIount Friday, at 7 p.m., the C.G.I.T. groups. Last Tuesday evening, in spite of the very bad weather, 8 good group of the Men's Club met st 8 o'lock to hear sn illum- inating talk on the "Gold Stand- ard" by Mr. Shaw, the financial editor of the "Province." In spite of the abstruse and com- plex character of the subject, Mr. Shaw threw considerable light on the problems of money and the mechanism of exchange. A social half hour followed the discussion. A number of interesting events lie ahead whose dates should be marked. Among them are March 23rd, when Dr. Henry and hir. J. Porter will present an illustrated talk on 'The Civilizing of Nyassn Land in Central Africa." This is the district whose opening was made possible by the wonderful work of David Livingstone. Tickets are on sale by the Women's Association, the pro- ceeds of the evening being de- voted to the work of that so- ciety. Although tbe Literary Society meets in our building, it is 8 community sifair snd 8 centre for real culture to which every- one is invited. There are no fees. Last Thursday evening Mrs. Selwood gave an address on "The Romance of the Scot- tish Border, the Country Which blade Sir IValter Scott." Many sn evening 8 feast of good things is served Those who miss them, miss things worth- while. Next Sunday is Missionary Sunday in the Sunday SchooL The girls snd boys are reminded of the envelopes distributed last Sunday. The class for the study of church membership will meet 8 week from Sunday instead of next Sunday, owing to Dr. Henry being in the city for the morning service. The monthly meeting of the Baptist Women's Mission Circle will be held on Tuesday, March 1st, at 2:30 in the Church, Mrs. A. W. Ward of the Jackson Ave. Mission will give an address, A cordial invitation is extended to all ladies interested, Rector: Rev. F. A Ramsey, L.S.T. Sunday, February 28th --Third Sunday ln Lent )ioly Communion, 8 a.m. 10:00 and I I:15 a.m.--Sunday School. 11:15 s.m.--biattins and ser mon. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong snd ser- mon. The preacher at 11:16 will be the Rev. Eric Jackson, B.A., of Christ Church Cathedral, Van- couver. At the Lenten service at 8 p.m. on Thursday. the preacher will be the Rev. H. B. Allen, of St. Clement's, Lynn Valley. Children's service on Friday, at 3:45 p.m. The boys of the Trail Ranger Camp and Tuxis Square are par- ticipating in the annual bond selhng campaign for funds of the Boys'ork Board Please support these young salesmen when they call. If your assist- ance is withheld it means that some boy will not have the help- ing hand that will turn his feet into path of fullness of life. The A. Y.P.A. are working hard on their play which they expect to produce on April 4th. Boueci 0 ~. m. Io 0 tx m. Soloedoyci 10 s. Is. Io I F.m. Econlsgc osd Saturday After- noosc by oppoloimosl oaly Royal Bank Bolldlsg I'bose West lid Rocidcsco I'boso Wcoi RRL CHURCH EDIPICB 20th oad Boqolmcn, Honyboes Talc Socitiy ic ~ Branch of Tbo hlolbor Cbuecb The Picot Cbotcb of Christ, Scientist, ln Boston, hlsccscbucoiis Sunday Services il:$0 ~ .m. ssd 7:$0 p.m. Sunday, February 28th, Subject: "CHRIST JESUS" Sunday School at leieo a.m. Tcccimosy Meeting Wodnccdsy ~t 8ild p.m. DR G D. H. SEJ4 LE DENTIST Hsy Block, lith osd Msclso Dc Oinco Hours 9 io 8 p.m. Evoologs by sppoislmosi. Phone Wool 7R St. Anthony's Church NURSING HOME Pastor: Rev. Father Carey Res. 2658 Marine Dr. Friday-- 7:30 p.m.--Special Devotions. 8:00 p.m.--Confessions (Chil- dren). Saturday-- 7:SO p.m.--C o n f e s 8 i o n 8 (Adults). Sundny-- 8:45 s.m--Holy Mass. Ser- mon. I:30 p.m.--Sunday School. 2:30 p.m.--Afternoon D e v o- tions. % eek Days-- 7:30 a.m--Holy Mass. (Mrs, M. IL LSCbssco. RJI.) Rsi Riib Slecol Eooi North Voscootot Rooldosco I'bosoi Noiib 1$88R JUVENII.E FOOTBALL Games for Saturday, Febru. ary 27th, 19SS. Provincial Cup--1st Round Division I N. S. P. Canucks vs. Spencers ~ (Vancouver); Mahon Park; 3:16 p.m. Kerrisdale (Vancouver) vs. A. A N. Bluebirds; West Point Grey; 2:46 p.m, hiainland Cup Final Division III. Young Buifs vs Shamrocks (Vancouver), Mahon Park; 2:00 p.m. Referee, Mr. Both- sm. Service at Caulfelld--Morning Prayer and Holy Communion st 10:30 a.m. on Sunday There was 8 very large attend- ance of the men of St. Stephen'8 congregation last Tuesday eve- ning, in the parish hall, to hear the very able address given by D. A. McGregor of the Daily Province editorial staff on OMsn- churis." Mr. McGregor only 8 year or two ago wss in Japan, Man- churia, snd China, where he interviewed a number of the present leaders. He gave an in- tensive desdription Of Man- churia and its natural resources, also of the large and varied schemes of development under- taken there by Japan and her capitalists. He stated that, while Japan was not altogether sincere in some of her charges against China, she was in the main justified in going into Msnchuria to protect her inter- ests in view of the impotence of the Chinese government to do so snd the prevalence of ban- ditry, the latter "an old and honorable profession" in that province One of the main diffi- culties in the present situation was that in spite of the fact that Chins hsd joined the League of Nations as 8 sovereign state, the Nanking government hsd very little authority except in the territories adjacent to that city. A hearty vote of thanks was passed to the speaker for his addre88 and during the evening 8 short musical programme wss given, consisting of vocal num- bers and selections by the Hollyburn Rhythm Boys'r- chestra. Baptist Church Pastor: Rev. H. P. Humphreys. Residence: 1343 Heywood Ave. Phone W. 252R. For Father Old Lady (to druggist): OI want 8 box of canine pills" Druggist I "What's the matter with your dog?" Old Lady (indignantly): "I want you to know, sir, that my husband is 8 gentleman." The druggist accepted the re- buke in silence, and without further words, put up some quinine pills. Sunday, February 28th 10:00 a.m.--Sunday school and adult Bible class. 11:00 a.m. -- Morning worsllip. Topic: "Winning 8 Soul." Brief address to children. 7:30 p.m. -- Evening wore))ip. Topic: "In the Searchlight." A cordial invitation to all. Monday, 7:45 p.m.--B. Y. P. U. Young people over 16 heartily welcome. Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Choir prac- tice. Friday, 7 p.m.--C. G. I. T. +NOW PLAYINC )-- RONALD COLM AN Presbyterian Mission Orange Hall Minister: Rev. J. W. Cuddeford. PRESBYTERIAN ibiISSION Orange Hall Minister: Rev. J. W. Cuddeford. Phone N. 1107. Services-- 2:00 p.m.--All departments of the Sabbath School, also the adult Bible class, led by Mr. Mayhew. 3:15 p.m. -- Church worship. Sermon by the minister. Thursday, 8 p. m.-- Regular mid-week prayer meeting, fol- lowed by the choir practice. All without any regular church home sre invited to the services. Preliminary Notice Word has just come that Rev. W. A. Brown, M.A, B.D., Moderator of the General As- sembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, will preach in Vancouver next month. He will occupy the St. Paul'8 Church pulpit in the morning and that of New Westminster in the evening of March 6th. A mass meeting will be held in the I.O.O.F. Hall, North Van- couver, st 3 p.m„ the same day, where St. Andrew's and St. Stephen's congregations will unite. Rev. Peter Jamieson will preside snd the music will be rendered by the St Stephen's choir, Mrs. S. J. Leyland, LR.A.M., will also sing. The public will appreciate this opportunity to hear Rev W A Brown, one of Canada'8 out- standing citizens, as well 88 the honored leader of a great Pro- testant church. "The Unholy Gardezh" NEWS FABLES COMEDY ) Sac",m"„";" ","'", ( OOWISS hlON. TUBS. WED. MATHESON LANG io "Chinese Bungalow" TIIUR. PIIL SAT. NEXT JAMES DUNN ond SALLY EILERS in DANCE TEAM COMING M 0 N D A Y, TUES. & WEDNESDAY Msccb 'I, 8 & 9. PAUL LUKAS ls The Beloved BachelorC. C. Badminton wrote the council re improvement of local grounds. The writer wss advised that there was no vacancy at the present time. ONSDAL Is It Nothing To YOU? ~ THAT OVER TWENTY MILLIONS IN PREMIUMS ANNUALLY IS PAID BY CANADIANS TO FOR- EIGN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Buy your Fire and Car Insuraltco from 8 Conadlan Company. The Wawanesa Is 100')0 Canadian B, C. Office: West Vancouver Agent: 312 Metropolitan Building, WARREN L. CLEGG, Phone Trinity 6343 West 84