0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS February 19, 1932 ~.5f- re t 'I'-'yrr rw'"I. 1 Ir2 I'wr I'r'9vxr W'IC'! rv ~r vr~ rvrv. rrv rrrvv rrrv rrr rr rrrrvvvrrrrvv rrrrvr r r w Iv v Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Dundarave,', These prices good Friday PORK ik BEANS--Aylslvr 18 ax tins ......................... 94 Lavxv (Na. SH) iixx ..... 14c ROMAN MEAL, Seek*..... 294 CAKE FLOUR&wasvgows pvr savkei ......................... 25v CATSUP--Ayimer 12 as bollix ........... 124 PEAS--Calsmbi~ Sire 6 ................... 3 iisa 254 LENTEV SUGGESTIONS Rvg 41 While SALhioN--Sovkeye I'I IL tia . ... .. .. ...... Isc SAII DIN ES--Novwegiaa isla ........--................... 29c Ras a White Vi'HOLE CLAMS tall iis ... .... .. .. ..... 15c MINCED CLAMS--Nabab Flat tins......................... 134 MACARONI--Csi or long Caaasias I Rx skis....s pkia 154 CHEESE--Canadian. Svr lb. Sec Ras ik Wbav SPAGHEITI Ckeeaa a Tomato Sauce ..... Isc V IID Client: "I want your advice as to how I should leave my money." Lswyeri "My dear sir, leave it to me, snd you will have no further worry." Ambleside „'""..", "„...," SI Saturday, Feb. 19 (k 20 CHEESE-Svrvaa, Vl nx ski.. Isc PRUNES--Nabab, large siva 2 nx carton ..-.-..---....... Sic GRAPE FRUIT--Imperial Valley Large aixv . ---«...-. 4 Iav 23c Califavai~ SUNKIST Irlaasx Mvg. aixa ............... doses 234 ORANGES--Suakixi Mvlk aixv .............., 2 dax. 654 OXO CUBFJI- Small tins, .......-........each Iec Large tins ...................cack Ssic Rvg a Wkiia TohIATO SOUI'tins 25« STRA WBERIIY JA91--Nabob 40 ox. Iav ....--..............-- Ssc SHAKER SALT--Regal 2 Rx carton ...................... gc 4IUICK OATS--Iixakvv Noa-premium ...--... savkeul Isc FIG BARS--Whole Ivbcai Frexbiy made, per lb........... 184 His Hope Barber: "IVIII you have an- thing on your face, sir, after your shsvev" Customer: "Yes, my nose, I hope." I. O. D. Ek (Continued from Page 1) League of Nations--Mrs W Gourlay Child Welfare -- Mrs. A. E. Young Memorial Arch--Mrs. Jackson Visiting Committee -- Mrs. Fiddes. Votes of thanks were proposed to the retiring officers, particu- larly Mrs. Msstennsn who so ably filled the post of Secretary, also to A. Chilton for his ser- vices in auditing the books, to conveners of sll committees, snd to all who have in any wsy as- sisted the Chapter during the past year. Arrangements are being made for the Home Gas Symphony Or- chestra under the direction of Calvin Winter, to give a per- formance st the Hollyburn Theatre on Sunday, February 28th, at 9 p.m, This will be a real treat for sll music lovers. Tea wss served by the host- esses and after singing the Na- tional Anthem the meeting ad- journed. A short summary of the re- ports of the Duncan Lswson Chapter will be published in s later edition. The next meeting will be held st the home of Mrs. V. F. Johncox. "Actions speak louder than words." "Not when my wife gets into ac- tion." JUIL MEAT IS PINE,AND g I LL BE 25OUND- li THAT YOULL I EE PLEASED WITH EVERY POUND I WHV HEREsTR2FIRESTHINDOF FEID EVERY CJUIICE 15 ( (yuARANT E 9EISalI)II,', Igiilil JIlxlr vlxI I should you shop at RQ+egtS ~ No. 1 Steer Beef 10lb.. PoT 0 s 10clb. BLADE RIB ROAST S 62 I, "'""""'"" 15 17 1?lb.... DEEI SIRLOIN T-BDNE RoAsT 20clb. . .. ...... ltoAsT lb...'" 20C II( 22C 25BEEF ...... „2 lbs. . 252 lbs. FISH FRESH Cod, Salmon 8I Sole SMOKED Haddie, Kippers. l Black Cod Local Spring Lamb RIBs, Breast on g sal ib..................,., 063 2C sHOULDER 1 5lb L Gs 25 fvo I ALBERTA BUTTER, 3 lbs 60c No. I New Zealand 85Butter 31bs AYRSHIRE BACKS 6I5 Sliced, lb.........,...... „. S, DRY SALT PORK 1 5lb.PORK LEGs (Fores) 1 0lb. Ib......................... 12c Side Bacon half Ib pkt. I,' 2 pkts. 19c CAIIIBRIDGE SAUSAGE ...........10c PoRK sAUBAGEs 20lb....... ib......................15c Local Veal BREAST.'.........;.......13c ovEN RoAsT 1 5 II 1 Sc ...,... 19lb. LEGS 22c PURE BEEF DRIPPING 253 lbs I OCRI FOWI 50c and 60c each VEGETABLES 25 lbs. POTATOES 25 lbs. TURNIPS 25 lbs. CARROTS 25c 25c 25c 85c100 lbs. I'OTATOES Roberts'etter Meats Phone West 190 Delivery to all West Vancouver Because there you get BEST MEATS at Lowest Prices and are guaranteed Service and Satisfaction. AII Goverment Inspected-NO. 1 Grade Meat For Cash or C.O.D. Only JEFFERIES'UPERlOR MEATS Government Inspected Only LAMB, BEEF, PORK. VEAL, ETc. COOKED MEATS OI'LI. KINDS, DEI.ICATESSEN SASH DOORS ROOFING BUILDING PAPER l,smstco -- Gyproc -- I'laster lklsrd Beaver Board -- Shingles New %Vhixx Penetrol Top Engine Lubrication This is what you have been looking for. Ask us about it We have it. ~EST +AN MOTORS "THE SHEI.I. STATION" West 268 "THREE I IVE GHOSTS" I i. By The )Vest Vancouver Players Three Live Ghosts as played by the West Vancouver Players at the Hollyburn Theatre this week wss indeed s wonderful performance. The show wss wit- nessed each night by large audi- ences, snd those who ssw it will remember it for s long time to come. And what an excellent show it wss. West Vancouver is to be congratulated on having such 8 clever band of players in their midst. The production left nothing to be desired, snd the whole show ran smoothly from start to finish. Here wss no amateur performance, but s pro- duction given with the finish snd polish of 8 professional company. Mrs. Gary Eastman as "Old Sweetheart" gave 8 per- fect performance, snd it is no exaggeration to ssy that her portrayal of this character wss equal to any ever given on the stage or screen. Mr. Sydney Desmond who needs no introduction to West Vancouver sduiences, as ihe cockney boy, wss excellent, snd hsd the house in roars of laugh- ter from start to finish. Sydney hss displayed his talents on numerous occasions since com- ing to West Vancouver, snd his Jimmie Gubbins topped them sll. Miss Sybil Chapman as Peggy Woofers, played her part ex- ceedingly well. We have always seen Sybil as the beautiful hero- ine but this time she surprised us sll by her delightful charac- ter study of the cockney girl. Miss Ols MscLesn was splendid, snd charmed us all by her sin- cerity snd delightful acting es- pecially in the scenes with the detective. Mr. Gordon Robertson played the very diificult role of Briggs the detective. Here wss 8 wonderful piece of acting snd we look forward to seeing Gor- don again in the near future. Murray Watson, ss Bill the American boy was very ernest in his part snd won all the ladles„ hearts with his charming smde snd boyish manner. Miss Clara Wilson made sn attractive Lady Leicester, and Stanley Letiner as Bolton, needs special mention. Bill Grout Mr. James Holt, in addition to playing Benson, wss stage man- ager, snd it wss due to his stage management that the whole per- formance ran so smoothly. Last but not least, we must not forget Mr. Guy Desmond, who played the part of Spoofy, snd made the part a jewel of 8 character. Great credit must go to Mr. Guy Desmond for his dir- ection snd production of this play. We sre sure he must be gratified to find the people he hss trained responding so won- derfully to his coaching. The West Vsn. Players are fortunate indeed in having one so clever snd talented as Guy to direct them, snd under his direction there sre no limits to which they might attain, dirs Youngwed "Dinner ix ready dear, asd the cook bax made ux a nice big mess of hash." Mr. Youngwedl "Of ail ibisgx." I Why Pay More? 0 BUILD NOW WHEN PRICES ARE LOW Lumber for 12x18 Garage including soar ............ 530.00 60 Fi Clove Board Fence 600 Sbipiap from 000 Sx4 Common, sixad ...... 0,00 2 x 8 to 2x 12 common, visa IO0O 1xs -3 and 4 D. D. Fir, Pvv 100 iin. 11.....60 Cedar Lait ce, per 100 Iis. feet .........,.................... 26 I is. Clear Gutter, any length par iis Ii. 08 No. I XXX Shingles ........ SJid Wall Sbisgies--Perfecaos 8 lx. clear butts par M Ise Si'ECI A LS 24x24--2 Ligbi Windows 2„00 Sxlo--4 Ligki Sash ...... 1.00 iox12--4 Light Sash....... I.id Ix10--6 Li bt Sash ........ 1.2d ioxi2--8 L gbt Sask ........ 1.40 Gyprac Plaster Boank Building I'asvv, Fir Vaavvv aad ail Building Maieriaix AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. 161k aad Mxvisa Drive I'kunv West 199. After 5 P.m. avk Iov Gerry Dent I'boas West 241R. (Two Stores for your service) HOLI.YBURN STORE All B FSIDE STORE lVest 3 lVesi 303 I West Vancouver Lumber Co. ~ 15ih and 5'lsrine l,llil ITED I'hone ivesi 115 lV. J. Turnbull, Manager, Residence I'hone: TVest 3681. SERVICE Everything for the Building. LU BEE