0001 B. C. SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCE SOCIETY )VEST VANCOUVER are holding a WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE THE WFST VAN NEWS GARDENS and GARDENING By MINA G. HUTI', IJtndscape Architect awaw» la twcowatoc u. I 4 L» loaa Coho«i c toacowy A»meow«Co aa Owawlac. m hoo Nal»wl Lwa»a w Sor too. February 19 1932 Hollybaarn THEATRE h. i»i»» r V~ ravv V"O» L l'O p Of O'O «la O I'O~ «'os O» o lr Oorl~ l' '~ 'v» '* ol :rr O ~ Sar' O O ~ ~ ll r '\ VO'. 'VVV r ' vra ' ~ vvvr«r'~ rrrr v rvv v AL HALL, at 8 p.m. th February Refreshments In the LEGION hlEhlORI %Wednesday, X4 25 Cents COUNCIL NOTES The engineer reported on: 1. hlay hIcDonald's applica- tion re 26th Street. Some maintenance work was ordered done st once at a cost not to exceed $25. 2. Jss. Sutherland's applies tion re creek culvert Lot 11, D.L. 1056. That there was no immediate need to do this work and that it would come up later on for fur. ther examination. Filed. 3. A. E. Morris'pplication re condition of Bellevue east from 25th Street and north of the P. G. E. Railway. That 350 feet of top gravel has been washed oif and requires replacing. The work was ordered done at a cost not to exceed $60. 4. Gertrude McFsrlane re water encroaching D. L. 775, Block 13, Lot 3. That sfl that was necessary to avoid this trouble was to obtain Mr. Shdlard's permission to clear the alder bush out of the ditch on his property (2177 Bel- levue Ave.) which could be done at a cost of $1.60. The work was ordered done on receipt of permission from Mr. Sheoard. 5. Mrs. S. L. Davey re water encroaching at 2758 Msthers Avenue. That this condition could be remedied by an outlay of approx- imately $50.00. The work of ditching was ap- proved under the relief program at a cost not to exceed $50. 6. Eric J. Fore re repair work opposite 2584 Haywood Avenue. That the conditions mentioned could be remedied at an estimate of $10. The work was ordered done at a cost not to exceed $10, and the matter of a ditch was referred to the engineer with power to act. 7. Board of Works and Water- works unemployment costs. Laid over for consideration at the next regular meeting. The engineer reported to the council re: 1. Application of D. Dewar and four others for extension of Haywood Ave. Cast to 22nd St. That this would cost $561. No action at present (June file). 2. H. H. Planche's application re Oxley Street. That the rock could be blasted for $10 and the balance of the work for $10. The work was ordered done at a cost not to exceed $20. 3. J. Taylorsqn's qpplication re resubdivision D.L. 811, Block 4, Lot 25. 4 F. E. Kilby et al petition: six foot lane highway to Pilot House Lane. That the work requested would cost $100. No action at present (June IBe). 6. F. Vernon's appHcation re Ponding of water; 22nd and Waterfront. That the estimated cost of remedying that condition was $135. Work approved at s cost not to exceed $135 6. Steps West Bay adjoining Marine Drive and st 28th Street over the P G.E. Railway. The upper steps at West Bay ordered repaired st s cost not to exceed $35, and that the work of repairing the steps at 28th Street over the P.G.E. Railway be done st s cost not to exceed $33. COCOS ISLAND TREASURE HUNT The expedition organized by Colonel Leckie to hunt for the three treasure hoards buried on Cocos Island will be leaving Vancouver shortly for the scene of operations. The ship "Silver Wave,» which hss been charter- ed, has arrived in the harbor, snd, weather permitting, will safl with the expedition tomor- row at 3 p.m. according to pres- ent arrangements. Any share- holders in the company Ananc- ing the expedition or their friends can obtain cards of ad- mission to visit the ship from R. H. Gale & Company, 620 Howe Street. Tba caatamac waited a faw mis- atac Lsd fiaaiiy caiiad ast ta Om pra- prictar wha aat aiaapiiy Is the rear af the stare: "Say, cas't yas cams aad wait on mat I'm is a bsny." The pvapriatca ahiftcd bia paaitias aiigbtiy aad drawINL "Caaids't yas cams is aamatima when I'm ataodisg apt" Round and Square Dances I Admission UNEhll'LOYhIENT REI.IEF CAhll'S Complaints have been receiv- ed by the Government at vari- ous times that there is delay in issuing cheques for the payment of goods supplied to the Unem- ployment Relief Camps. Through unprecedented vol- ume of work occasioned by the Unemployment Relief Program, Government Departments, par- ticularly the Public )Vorks and Department of Finance, have found themselves overwhelmed with a vast amount of routine work. This has resulted in many creditors suiTering delay in set- tlement of their accounts. In order to relieve this hardship, particularly to many small cred- itors in the way of farmers who have been given s preference in the matter of supplying camps, instructions have been issued to Departmental Heads that sped- al efforts must be made forth- with to effect pavment of ac- counts. The Accounting Departments have been putting in long and arduous hours in recent months endeavoring to cope with the situation and fuoy 80% of the accounts have been paid, but steps have recently been insti- tuted whereby a night staiT has been put on in the Accounting Branch of the Department of Public )Vorks to expedite settle- ment of the balance. Some idea of the problems that Government officials have hsd to contend with may be ap- preciated when it is pointed out that an accounting organization set up to deal with between fifty and sixty thousand vouchers in a normal year, has hsd to deal with twenty-one t h o u s a n d vouchers in two months. These vouchers include the grocery bole for fifteen thousand men, entailing an abnormal amount of detailed checking. Further, owing to the requirements of the Federal Government in con- nection with their contributions, the vouchers have to be prsent- ed in a form which involved twice the amount of work. In addition, the detailed accounts of pay-rofls and materials sub- mitted by some 70 municipali- ties in connection with the three miflion doosr program of muni- cipal relief work are being handled by the Accounting Branch of the Department of Public Works. In other words, the duties of the Branch have increased some 500%. Delphinium One of the most satisfactory and showy Aowers ls the Del- phinium or Perennial Larkspur. They are suited to prscticafly so sections of the coast. The main varieties come chiefly in shade of blue with a few white ones. The scarlet and yellow varieties are rather scarce. They do best in a well drained deep soll, pre- ferably of a sandy nature, which should be well manured, For those whose soil is inclined to be heavy, good results msy be ob- tained by working in an extra supply of manure. For such soil drainage is highly desirable. These lovely perennials bloom from early summer until frost if proper attention is given. As soon as the fret flowers have be- gun to fade the flower stalks should be cut off so that new ones will appear and bloom. Continuous bloom may be had by cutting oif some of the flow- er stalks as soon as they sre about half grown. New flower stems will then appear and will bloom about the time those which have been left have start- ed to fade. Delphiniums are very useful for cutting purposes and in bor- der plantings. Some of the vari- eties naturalize quite readily and others are suitable for rock- ery plantings. They may be propogated by SKINNING SOCKEYE FOR CANNING NEW VENTURE Trying a new venture last year, with apparently satisfac- tory results, one of the salmon canneries on the Fraser River in British Columbia skinned part of the sockeye catch before put- ting the fish through the can- nmg process and reported ob- taining a price premium for the product. Salmon are ordinarily canned without removal of the skins snd the advantage obtained by the cannery which hss ben experi- menting with the use of skinned fish is said to lie in an added attractiveness in the appearance of the finished product. The skinning process, as out- lined to ofFicers of the Dominion Department of Fisheries by the manager of the cannery, is not difficult or complicated, and is estimated to cost about three cents per fish. It is carried out by hand workers with the use of s knife and a wooden clamp tool, which consists of two piec- es about three-quarters of an inch square fastened together at one end by a light metal bolt and rounded at the other end to fit the hand. After s cut has been made in the skin of the fish, near the tail, the clamp is attached and rolled toward the head. As it is moved along, it peels oif a strip of the skin in each operation. After the fish hss been cut into pieces of suit- able size snd packed in cans, the containers are sealed and the cooking process is carried out in the usual wsy Simply s point of incidental interest, it may be noted that sockeye skins weigh several ounces each. For example, ten skins weighed this summer av- eraged s little more han a hird of a pound each, Hifalatis--Tbia Jaccia had gona away ta school asd after awhile har Iaffcra home were aigscd»Jaacica" -- instead of jact everyday Jess or Jcaaic. Hac smart young brother Tommy, answered one m thta faabias. "Dear Jcccffat Mamica asd papica have gaaa over ta viait Aunt biaiiica Lad Uncle Haacica. They aca gaisg ta bay a cartes. I don't know wha- thar 8 wiii ba L Favdica av ~ Chav ica. Oac old cawbm had a cafica. I waa going ta call It Naiiica, bat Papica says it's a Baillcch division of the roots by cuttings and by seeds. Cuttings should be taken from the new shoots which comes up ln the spring or from the shoots which appear after the old stalks have been cut. Because of the Aeshy nature of the roots, dividing of them ls best accompflshed in the spring. Delphinium grandiflorum is one of the best for border plantings, it grows from two to three and four feet in height, and has good foliage. The flowers are chiefl blue, with some tendency st times to white or yellow coloring. D. exaltatum is also a desir- able border plant attaining a height of four to five feet. It also ls blue with some indica- tions of yellow on the upper pet- als. It naturalizes welL D. formosum is most satisfac- tory for permanent plantings and naturalizing because of its hardness. It grows from two to three feet in height with flowers of blue and violet with long spurs. The dwarf varieties of which there sre several are afl suitable for rockery purposes. NOTE--The a «Si oowator N ~ ahw Co wo ol Cwoao wwl Illa Ih Wta ~ I~ lh» oaa» Vh Owoao ohwll t«aam lola Oa lh l N»» oala OC Oho Saaoo Tho wo o m aaowo ta aa tv loam ~ u ~ V roaoal l Vm» Cwl oa ~ o»»WL ~on~WC«t oao toao h 1C ~ oaohws FvidLy asd Satacday AONAID COLIIAN is 'The Devil to Pay' ~ K.W. Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleslde Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 0- Real Estate Finance and Insurance ORIENTAI. TROUBLES HURT HERRING MEN British Columbia producers of dry-salted herring put up a big- ger pack in the October-Decem- ber portion of the current sea- son than they had processed in the like period of 1930, but they were faced by s very dii?icult market situation as a result of trouble in the Orient, where vir- tuafly aa of the output is ordin- arily sold. The export of drysalted her- ring is to China, but much of the business is in Japanese hands. One of the results of the recent Chinese-Japanese clashes hss been a Chinese unwilling- ness to purchase, and the British Columbia industry has suffered seriously in consequence. Pros- pects for the immediate future are still confused. The pack at the end of last December amounted to about 34,000 tons. That was s sub- stantial increase over the out- put at the end of December, 1930, but less than the produc- tion at the end of 1929. The dry- salting season begins each year in October and continues until early in the following February. FURNACE and SHEET METAL REPAIRS Ambleside Sheet Metal%Forks tAURIE SPECX. Prapvlotar 1446 Marine Drive Phone West 78 Game "How you like zee game-pie?» asked the head waiter, "A little too game for me,» said the diner, "it is still figh- tin hard although I have down- ed it." The abacst-misdad professor called hia biaiagy ciam ta ardac shortly aft- er tba lunch hour. «Oar special sark this afternoon," ha caid, "wiii be cutting ap asd is- apactiag tha inward warkisga af L frag. I have L frog here is my pack- ot ta be used as a apiacimas." Ha reached Into hia pacitat asd pulled aat ~ paper sack, ahaak itc caa- tents on tha tabia, asd aat rolled ~ stca Iaakiag bam msdwtch. The pro- faacar looked at it, povplcsad, 0- accatchad hia haLd Lsd lsatiavod "That' fasay; I diatisctiy camma- bac aatisg my lssclha Try Another »But dear we can't RITord a taxi today. The bank's over- drawn." »Yee, so you'e always telling me. But why don't you find an- other bank--they'e not afl over- drawn, are they?" Sharing the Spoil Doctor: OI will examine you csrefufly for two guineas.» Patient: "Righto, and if you find 'em I'l give you one." A Place of Losses During the hearing of s case, a considerable row wss made in the court. "What is the meaning of that noise?» demanded the judge."I'e lost my cost," explained a man. "Well," said the judge, "many people lose suits here and don' utter a word l Embacraaaisg "Maihac, why did yau marvy fattv av tv "Sa you'e bogus ta waadar, ma, have yaa t" "Mathac. "Mary, What ava yas da. isg aat ca tata'Io Daagbtac. OLaaklsg at the bass- \ital moos, mathar.a Ifatbact "Wail, It' twaiva a'ctadh Yaa had battac send the maes hams" BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL S. D. WHITE, Mgc. Dial&sativa Faaarai goo«lao I Lady Aaalatast Sze--Jrd St. IL Pbaaa Nartb Sze A Near Relation "Well, we have s feminine at- torney among us now,» said one lawyer to the other. »Yes,» wss the reply. "What relation is she to us--a sister- in- law r'wo spiders met. Said one: »How are you faring?» "Nowhere to live," grumbled the other»what with these vacuum cleaners everywhere. Iv How are you? »Oh, fin,» said the first. »Where're you living?» asked the second. "In a coaection-box in Aber- deen.» far i Iles this chs Cwc ssd atl pli os ch Ch Ci( fa ss tt tl ls li