0001 February 19, 1932. . "t Odorless Dry Cleaning and Dyeing SUITS I Clacked dc Z fhfh i RSOFNT SUITS TO ORDER THE WEST VAN NEWS Local and Personal J LAhIBERTca:------.~-- ---- Tooth Paste Higher grado cclic ccc cwa wake saaee cxd up ALTERATiONS ccd REPAIRS Phone West 20 WE CALL AND DELIVER M. WILLIAMS 1568 Marine Drive Res. Phone West 286L %V. L. QGDEN CQ W'est I'46 MEN'S AND BOYS'URNISHINGS EXCLUSIVELY Men's Overall Pants 'I'N'~-- $1" c J. E. MILNE LITERARY SOCIETY ENGINEER FOR NORTH VAN. DISTRICT J. E. Milne, 1415 West Keith Road, was appointed engineer for district of North Vancouver by the hiunicipal Council Friday night. hir. Milne, who was one of twenty-six applicants, will ~ ~issume his position next week ht a salary of $200 per month. A graduate of University of Dublin, he possesses more than twenty years'xperience in eng- ineering, mostly in munidpal work. Prior to the war he serv- ed with the Saskatchewan gov- ernment as an engineer and later spent several years overseas with Canadian forces. After the war he was Burna- by municipal engineer for two years and then accepted a simi- lar position at Saanich, Vancou- ver Island, where he designed and surveyed installation of sewer and water systems, cost- ing 81,400,000. Richmond municipality was the next scene of his activities and while engineer there he de- signed a new road and sewer system. The past nine years Mr. Milne spent with the Provincial Government with the bridge and road section of the engineering department. He was connected with construction of the new bridge over Capilano River at Marine Drive. Engineering work in the mun- icipality has previously been under the charge of E. C. Sher- wood, superintendent of works. "Your essay ix excellent, Jones, bxc ii is cxxcny the same as Philip'x. What shall I conclude from that'I" "That hic ix cxccacai, icc, teach- er." The next meeting of this so- ciety will be held on Thursday evening, February 25th, when an address will be given by Mrs. Selwood on "The Romance of the Scottish Border," the country which made Sir Walter Scott. The speaker is a native of the Border Country, and has been a keenly appreciative student of the aspects of nature as display- ed between the Tweed and the Cheviots. That the subject will be interesting goes without say- ing and it will lose nothing of its interest in Mrs. Selwood's hands. L. O. L. L.O.L. No. 2990 held its regu- lar meeting last Tuesday in the Orange Hall, when arrangements were made to visit Ebenezer Lodge, Gore Avenue and Hast- ings Street, next Monday at 8:30 p.m. Several members were present at the meeting of the Grand Lodge. A mistake was made in the dodgers issued in connection with the musical comedy "The Walkathoners," which is being put on under the auspices of the lodge at 8:30 Monday, 29th February, in the Orange Hall. In the dodgers it is stated that admission for children is 15 cents. This should have read 25 cents. FINE RECITAL BY MUSICIANS'LUB The Musicians'lub of West Vancouver was heard last Fri- day evening in the Orange Hall in a fine recital, all the numbers being the compositions of Brit- ish composers. The Glyde string trio, who are well known Van- couver artists, gave the opening and closing numbers, receiving hearty applause on each occasion and a member of the tro, Miss Mildred Johnson, played two selected numbers on the cello in a manner which delighted the audience. Mrs. Colin MacLean was in splendid voice, and in her group of three songs displayed all the charm and finish which can only be attained by years of study. Miss Joan Durbin sang a group of four songs which were very well received. A. J. Addy's line baritone was heard to great advantage in the group of four songs he had chosen, and William Sparrow, Vancouver tenor, sang also a group of four songs, his rendi- tion of "My Lovely Celia" being C. 3. OVerington PIONEER BARBER 14th and Idarine Expert IVork I'hone West 135 West SS Service at your door Benny Manners Fresh and Smoked Fish Ncw Laid Eggs Dressed Poultry HOLLYRURN Barber Shop iath ih Hcrixe EX I'EST SERVICE E. IIARSH, Proprietor SPECIAL EASTER PRICES STARTING NOIV THE KING STUDIO West Vancouver Branch 1686 Marine Drive West 40 Open Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons Yesl We make Post Cards. a particularly flne eii'ort. 6,'4 The most Personal QOB& Pi OtOEaster Greeting is- Miss Edina Archer and Ernest Parker won the cup for handi- cap mixed doubles in the recent B. C. Badminton Annual Tour- nament. ~ c ~ A son wss born to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gibbs of Dundar- ave, st St. Paul's Hospital on 11th February. ~ ~ As a protection for Ambleside dock from westerly storms 825 tons of rock have been piled a- long the outer westerly portion, snd 250 tons more will be put there next week ~ ~ ~ A slight change has been made in the hours during which the B. C. Telephone Co.'s oifice here is open to the public. It is now open daily from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. except on Saturdays when the hours are from 9 a.m. to I p.m. ~ ~ c Miss Crewson of the teaching staif of Pauline Johnson School was confined to her home at the beginning 'of the week owing to sickness. c c ~ J. D. McLennsn of the Royal Bank staff here, has been trans- ferred to the Main and Hastings Streets'ranch, his place being taken by R. W. McDonnell c ~ There is a very thick blanket of snow on Hollyburn Ridge, the depth on the level being 20 feet. A number'f the cabins have been buried, and their owners had considerable diificulty last week end in locating them. Recently 5 feet of snow fell in two days. c Mrs. Blanche Holt-Murison and son, who have been spend- ing the winter in Vancouver, have returned here and are stay- ing with Mrs. B. hL Grady, 24th and Bellevue Ave Mr. and Mrs. Norman Leg- gatt and son, 2466 Bellevue Ave. have moved to Vancouver. ~ c c Thomas Dursnd of Victoria, was the guest last week of his brother, William Durand, 25th and Inglewood Ave. He was one of the Victoria curling team at the Bonspiel in Vancouver. The members of the West Vancouver Sketch Club are hold- ing an exhibition of their work consisting of sketches in oil and watercolors and blockprint, In the Legion Memorial Hall on Saturday, 27th February, from 3 to 5p.m. There wil! also be on view oil and watercolor sketches, also blockprints, by Miss B. A. Fry. Any interested are asked to attend c ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Culbard recently had an addition to their family, a daughter being born to them at the Columbia Coast Mission. Mr. and Mrs. Culbard are well known here, where they resided for several years. ~ \ ~ A very enjoyable Valentine surprise party was given by their young friends on Saturday evening to Master Ted and Miss Grace Russell, 1288 22nd Street. The evening was spent in games and dancing, after which dainty Valentine refreshments were served. The guests were as fol- lows: the Misses Bessie and Ada Storkenson and Judy Kirby, all of Vancouver; Marion Finnety, Olive and Doreen Childs, Betty Piper, Peggy Kitchen, Pearl Robertson, hlolly Andrews, Bar- bara Allwork. Morva Batchelor, Grace and Hilda Russell, and Messrs. Roy Hunter, Henry D. Rae of Vancouver, Norman IVil- lington Charlie Enemy Jim IVstson, Charlie Miles, Dick Timbrell, Jack Schuberg, Ian Elgar, Wilfred Thomson, Ronnie Irish, Bill and Ted Russell. J. S. Davidson of Vancouver, has moved into the Leggatt house at 2466 Bellevue Ave. ~ c ~ Bonnie Doon, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hastings, wss the scene of s very enjoyable even- ing on Thursday, February 19th, when members of the West Van. branch of the B. C. Scottish Country Dance Society and their friends, spent the evening in cards and dancing. The prlze- winners were: Mrs. A. Vaugeois, first ladies'; C. F. Powell, first gentleman'; consolation prizes Mrs. Lambert and R. Smith. Re- freshments were served and a successful evening closed with the singing of Auld Lang Syne. The Society greatly appreciated the kindness of Mr. and Mrs. Hastings in lending their home for the occasion. 1 c G. Burrowes of West Bay, had the misfortune to fall last Tues- day and break his arm. He was taken to the North Vancouver General Hospital. The seats in No. 3 municipal bus have been upholstered and four wheel brakes installed. The same improvements will be made shortly in No. 2 bus. ~ c c Rev. A. Harding Priest, who has now entered on his duties as Western Field Secretary of the Board of Religious Education of the Anglican Church, is now in the Oksnagan, and spent last week end with Mr. and Mrs. R. Rhodes at Penticton. ~ ~ c If you want to see Easter lilies growing on pork, see the window of Roberts Better Meats c ~ A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Captain and Mrs. Thomson, 1346 Fulton Ave., Tuesday evening in honor of D. Willington's birthday. A happy t&me was spent m games music and singing and a buifet supper served from a beautiful- ly decorated table centered with a large birthday cake. hire. H. K. MacDonald and Mrs. D. Wfi- lington poured tea snd assisting the hostess were her daughters, Miss Kathleen and Joe Thomson. Those invited were: Nr. and Mrs. Morrow, Mr. and Mrs Gor- don Rae, Mr. and Mrs. J. hiurch, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Dowling, hfr. and Nrs. P. Meuse, Mr. and Mrs. Chatwin, Mr. snd lifrs. Foots, Walter McDonald, Mrs. O. Cul- lin, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Davies, Mrs. IL R. McDonald, hiiss Davie, Chas. Willington, liiiss H. Willington, Mrs. Saulter, Miss Herta Paulson, hiiss Nc- Phadden, Leslie IVillington, Normand, Willington, Wilfred Thomson. ~ ~ The grading and improve- ments at Inglewood School and improvements st the Municipal Hall were approved by the Coun- cil. Shaving Cream Face Creams Hand Lotions Superior Qualky Sdd only ai WEST VAN PMNACY Thc Store cf Scccae. Icex NAHac Dries West gi Rmcrgcxcy Phoae West ZZI IAftcr S p.m.) StrattQn's BAKERY Variety of Breads improve every meal- All Kinds of Tea Breads ASSORTED PASTRIES Almond Varieties Banbury or Berks Cakes Chrhiening, Birthday, VVedding Cakes made at 1468 MARINE DRIVE Phone West 27 or we will call GORDON ROBSON Sccricicc A Scudlc& WEST VANCOUVER Office Nc. 1447 Neman Drive I hcxc Vicci 4Oa, VANCOUVER OFFICE- Saiic SIS; Sio Hcciixgx SL W Phcxc Seymour 41SS. FUEL VERNON FEED STORE A. C Searle, Phone VVest 9 Fuel, Feed, Fert&bzers and Building Supplies The BURRARD LAUNDRY For I'eople IVho Are Particular THIRD ST. cxd ST. DAVIDS North Vaaceuver Phone North 1310. W cat b an. Reprcseniancc F. RIVERS Phone IVesi 410L Theatrical Agent -- "Coed acwxi I vc booked year pcrfcrxuxg PIgcmm for x xix weeks'ocr." "Tcc late, I'vc cctca the cci." SPECIAL Every Day %Ve Dry Clean 2 Garments for the price of l Phone VVest 161 until further notice W'est Van Cleaners SPECIAL OFFER To Ladies who like good Hose--Corticelli Full Fashioned Silk Hose, regular value $.100............... Pair 7gC Every pair guaranteed. Brooks'ry Choods and Men's Wear Iiih cad Excise Drive Phoae West iss Exclusive Accxix Ccciiccui Silk Hccc xxd Universal Sweaters xicc IIcveltice, Tcyc, School Supplies, Hemstitching Vr rw Yc i