0001 'r r «rrr"rr Xr re r r .mr. ~v's err Ver Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Purtdarave ""-'""44ll xss Mxtlsc Ambleside „"""" "„".,',„." Saturday, Feb. 12 & 13These prices good Friday at TOSIATOES--IL C. PacE Large iisc .................. 2 for Ssc Rcd & White BREAD FLOUR 24-Ik xxck .................. 65c ORMOND'S 1'REAM CRACKERS Family cise, pcr packet..... 10c PASTRY FLOUR--Asclrxlixs 10-lb. cotton sack....... Stc 51ARMALADE--Nabob 4 lb. iis.......................... 58c PANCAKE FLOUR-- Aunt Jemima .... „, packet 15c OVALTlNE, mcs. cise 764 VI-TONE, 16 cx. iis, 49c STONBD WHEAT THINS-- pcr pcckcl .................. 14c UROOKFlELD CHEESE 17 tbr pacEct ................. 144 REID'S SANDWtCH SPONGS CAKB ...... 15c CARROTS or TURNIPS 1 0 Ibm .................................... 15c GRAPE FRUlT--imperial Valley Large cise...,....., 4 lor Szc Ccnfursix SUNKIST twmorm hlcg. cise .................doses Ssc ORANG --Sxskici, Sweet asd Juicy--mcd xixc.........z dcx. 65c COFFEE--Nabob 1 lb, iis ................,. ---.. S74 BUTTER- Mexdowvxlc .............. 2 lbs. 68c Golden btccdow.......... 2 ttxx 7Sc CORNED BEEF--AuctrxUxs .................. .. ...... 2 tins 25c S Tins Rcd S White Tomato Joice xxd S Glass Temblors............ an fcc 55c 1 ttxTEA--Rcd Ik White or Nabob as8 5 Ibx. ILK SUGAR........xa for Ssc EDINBURGH ROLLS--Flcichrr'4 About 4rtr lb+, ....... pcr th 16c BACON--SwilCc Diamond A VI lb. pxclicix..... each isc An Exact Description A sales-manager wxx asked by x Judge: "Can you describe the xo-caned salesman, whom bc bxd man yOu SaW COmmit the aa- Bred, for x recommendation. Hc sault?" thought it over xod lbcs wrote as fol- Irish Constable: "Sure, your lcwx: honor, he was a small, silly- "The bcxrcr of this letter is leaving looking creature about your own mc after one month'x work. I am pcr- eize. your honor." fccily xxiixBcd." THE WEST VAN NEWS FETE OF MAGIC DRAtVS FULL HOUSE Hollyburn Theatre was Sited with a capacity audience last Tuesday evening on the occasion of the fete of magic by Profes- sor R. D. Peck and a special vaf- iety program, which was given under the auspices of the Dun- can Lawson Chapter, LO.D.E. Professor R. D. Peck gave a wonderful and in many cases quite a mystifying exhibition of magic. Among other tricks he produced handkerchiefs in a- bundance f r o m apparently empty containers, emptied ves- sels of grain and filled them from the air, and did a number of apparently impossible card tricks. "The Pasha," a gorgeous figure in oriental costume, ans- wered questions written and signed on pieces of paper by members of the audience, giving the name of the writer snd the question and answer, all without seeing the paper slips which he destroyed by burning. Mrs. Robson snd her son snd the Devi twins put on some clev- er turns, the twins giving 8 flu exhibition of fancy dancing. The Sewell-Delaire Rhythm Boys Orchestra played a number of selections and provided the music for the dancing. "I'e come to the conclusion that women are puzzles." "So have I; in fact I'e had to give several of them up." February 12, 1932 (Two Stores for your service) HOI.LYBURN STOIIE ASIBI.ESIDE STOIIE tVcst 3 West 303 West Vancouver Lumber Co. ISth and blarine Ll bi I TED I'hone West 115 W. J. Turnbull, Manager, Residence Phone: tVest 3681. SERVICE Everything for lhe Building LU BEE SASH DOORS ROOFING BUII.DING PAPFR Lamatco -- Gyproc -- I'laster ltoard Beaver Board -- Shingles ~EST VAN MOTORS 1461 Marine Drive W 268 BILL GROUT JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only LAMB, BEEF, PORK. VEAL. ETc. COOKED MEATS OF AI.L KINDS, DEI.ICATESSEN o. r r~r ~ .' ~ C W r-' ls .Hr 'll ~,i'r rmrw rydr r~ ~ ' rir"r' r' r' r" r 3~ r:.rr,r 'r"c r'/ rrrww -r 'rrrr .O. ~ ~rr r't rirrrr r T 'v AVE GOT I 'RTHLYw R'io HT- TOtttotft THEIR APPETi?f. A LES'SO'N Foft Al 1 POL745 oF SENSE, (1 8 HIGrH GUALiTV CUTS T EXPE U52 g'„e Ring 190 Roberts'eat Speciais AII GovernMnt Inspected-NO. 1 Grade Meat For Cash or C.O.D. Only PORK 'o. 1 I SATURDAy ONLy ;;.'."'".."...'........... 1pc Steer Beef .. LB A CREASIERY BUTTS 1 1, BOILING BEEF 1 II BUTTER,,... 3 lbs 55C ~ 1Ci Wtdr meat orders FRESH HASIS g g I POT ROAST Ib ..., I eC I » ........... 1 pC No 1 Alberta Butter 6pcLOIN '6 A BLADE RIB ROAST 8 ebI'.....-.-...------ S~C lb.. IZ I2C No. I New Zealand 6 ROUND BONE ROAST 15C! Butter 31bsNo. 1 Local LamP ib... C SHOULDER s r RUMP ROAST ~ xe AYRSHIRE BACKS 25 RIBS 8'REAST 2 g tvING RIB ROAST 4 n Back Bacon half Ib pkt. I'c 2 pkfs. 19c LOIN DEEP SIRI.OIN $ Qn SIDE RACON lti lb. pkt .. 10clb...... 23C lb..................,................... ~ SC23C I..... ~ 9C 2 pkts. for 19c 25C, " '9 BEEF DRIPPING SIRLOIN TIP VEGETABLES RDAsT lb....... 18C IIf 20C """""'"'" 2PC 25 lb'OTATOES 2,5C 2 lbs. for 35c 25 lbs. TURNIPS pring simon CAMBRIDGE SAUSAGF. 85 C+5c Soles, Haddie Fillets 3 lbs pele 25 lbs. CARROTS +5C Loggle Haddies, Kippers 100 lbs. pOTATOES 85C Smoked Black Cml LOCal FOWl ach 50c and 60c Roberts'etter Meats Phone West 190 Delivery to all West Vancouver Vzkfftf?JF, DtJy Sajt if ftti tt FIOftter~ THE FLOWER SHOP SHELL GAS & OH.S WILLARD BATTERIES -- FIRFSTONF. TIRES fk TUBES RAYBESTOS BRAKE LINING -- AUTOiblOTIVE SERVICE ANY TIME We Specialize in I'leasing the Customer. Grave Complaints Little Willie was walking home dejectedly when an old lady asked him what the trouble was. "Dyspepsia and rheuma- tism," he answered solemnly. "Nonsense," said the old lady. "How can that be at your age?" "Teacher kept me in and can- ed me because I couldn't spell 'em." First Co-Ed. 1 "What would you do if a swell-looking sales- man waited on you while you were buying underwear?" Second Ditto: "I think I'd have a fit." HOLLYBURN SCHOOL Leading Pupils in January-- First Term Promotion Examin- ation: Division 1, Grade 8--I, Anne Clegg; 2. Ruth William; S, John Harper. Division 2, Grade 7a -- I, Agnes Gray; 2, Jack McLeod; 3, Peggy Whipple. Division 2, Grade ?b -- 1, Freds Rush; 2, Elaine Kissick; 3, Alan Fraser. Division 3, Grade 6a--1, Lila Reynolds; 2, Jim Love; 3, Win- nie Gibson. Division 3, Grade 6b--1, Ali- stair Grigor; 2, Charlotte Mc- Dougall; 3, April Fraser. Division 4, Grade 6s--1, Sus- an McLintock; 2, Donald Howie- son; 3, Billy Dickinson. Division 4, Grade 6b--I, Alice Nelson; 2, Helens Clegg; 3, Hiroshi Katooka. Division 6, Grade 4a--1, Ruth McLeod; 2, Richard Wilson; 3, Doreen Kerley. Division 6, Grade 4b--Doro- thy Messinger; 2, Douglas Mc- Cartney; 8, Jack Lynn. Division 6, Grade 3a--I, Pat- rick Jefferies; 2, George Wil- loughby; 3, Jack Slosn. Division 7, Grade 3b--1, Nor- ma Minions; 2, Phyllis Ney; 3, Muriel Illington. Division 7, Grade 2a--I, Tak- sski Katooka; 2, Mary Wilson; 3, Gordon Lynn. Division 8, Grade 2b -- I, Louise Messinger 34 Devin Bill; 3, Dorothy Nelson. Divisions 8 A 9, Grade 16-- 1, Peter Crawford; 2, Jacqueline Vance; 3, Hourie Nakoshims. Division 9 -- 1, Eula Paterson, 2, William Hartley; 3, Jack Ill- ington. Teacher (to new scholar): "tVhat is your name?" B--B--B--Benfamln Jones, sir." Teacher: "Why all the 'B's'n front?" Boy: "Well, you see, sir, the parson who baptised me stutter- ed." Why Pay More? ~ BUILD NOW WHEN PRICES ARE LOW Lumber for 12xls Garage including Boor .......... 520.00 50 Ft. Close Bcexrl Fence 6.00 Shiplap from ......... 9,00 2x4 Common, xixcd ..„... 9.002x8 lo Sxlz common, ~ized ................................ 10.00 lx2 -2 xxd 4 D. D. Fir, pcr 100 lis. fl. .. .60 Cedar Lau:cc, pcr 100 lix. fi.ct ....,...,..., ...,........25 4 is. Clear Gutter, any lcxg\h, pcr lix. fi........,08 Nc. 1 XXX Shingles .... 2.25 WaU Shingles--Pcrfccuce 0 In. dear baits pcr M 140 SPECIALS 24x24--2 Light Windows 2„00 Sxls--4 Light Sash ........ 1.00lexis--4 Light Serb .... 1.16Sxle-0 Llttht Sash ..... 1.25iexlz--0 LIght Sash ...... 1.40 Gyprcc Plaster Board, BciMlsg Paper, Fir Vcsccr cad xU Beading blxlcrlxls Sup,rvisor Hellol Hello! Do you wish to call s number?" Colored Man'0 Voice: "No, sah Miss, sh don'ant no numbah." Supervisor: "Then don't play with the telephone." Man: "Ah ain't playing wif no fone. The recelvah fell in de sugah bowl an"se been lickln'he sugsh of?en de recivah.s With Violet In hic arms, hc drove hlx cxl pccc xU)y Where once he beld ~ violet--bc'4 ccw holding x lily. AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. lsih cxd Mcrisc Drive Phone West 199. Alter 5 p.m. xxlr for Gerry Dost Phono West 2411k