0001 February 12, 1982. THE WEST VAN NEWS THE BURNING BUSH By Subadar As matters concerning the U. B.C. are not exactly 6 local is- sue, the editor hss handed to me literature sent him by the U,B.C. students. asking him to back them in their flght against the reduction to 8260,000 of their government grant. I must sincerely congratulate the stud- ents on their loyalty to their University. It augurs well that they have this quality so fully developed, because 6 similar loy- alty carried out Into life will stand them well in 8 selfish world, where loyalty to one' fnm or friends is not as common as it might be, and is therefore the more appreciated. At the same time they must learn that under present conditions many good things have to be given up We Canadians are paying now for the extravagances of the past in many directions snd the time has came when all the bud- gets have simply got to be bal- anced,snd kept balanced until we have caught up with that future which we have so recklessly dis- counted. I note by reference to the city press that fancy eyelashes have arrived for ladies. They are stuck on, whether by glue or not is not stated, to those provided by nature, and doubtless many who have singed their lashes lighting cigarettes or are not satisfied with what they have raised will take advantage of this opportunity. At this time I rise on behalf of the not-too- baldheaded. Why should not they have the advantage of 6 little longer crop before all is lost? I am sure it would be a better paying proposition than the adhesive eyelash, for many more would be required per head. I leave this idea with my profound salaams to the beauty parlors. Royalty on the same will only be a quarter a head, and I will round up 6 number of my scantily haired friends free of charge. Stations logged include'TAM - - Cleveland, Ohio KMOX - - St. Louis KER - XED - Mexico CFCN - - Calgary KPO - - San Francisco KSL - - Salt Lake City KFI ~ - Los Angeles KOH - - Reno The manufacturers cannot continue lo make a quality radio at this price and we have only a few left. GET YOUR SET TODAY $6 Down $5 per Month J.W. Kelly Piano Co. lVEST VANCOUVER BRANCH West 37 CORRESPONDENCE 14th tk Marine Drive I'ROVINCIAL POLICE DUMP ARMS Thirty-three revolvers and six rifles, confiscated in criminal trials heard at the courthouse during the past ten years, were dumped from provincial motor launch No. 3 in ninety fathoms of water oif Point Atkinson by Game Warden William Clark on Saturday afternoon. The guns were ordered des- troyed by the attorney-general after provincial police oificers pronounced them to be obsolete and useless. Included in the armament was 0 toy pistol which had been used by a holdup man. The point selected for dump- ing the weapons is 8 graveyard for obsolete guns and motor lic- ense plates. ATTENDANCE AT TRUSTEES'ONVENTIONS Editor West Van News: Such criticisms as we heard on the 300 dollar item for Con- vention expenses dealt entirely with the question whether the trustees had been too generous to themselves or not. But no one seemed to grapple with the much more important question if the majority of trustees should attend at all. A convention, if it is to be of any use, must be something more than 8 bunch of holiday- makers addressed by depart- mental olficials and politicians. All the conventions which justi- fy themselves are gatherings of specialists. The ides that school trustees should attend conven- tions for the purpose of profiting by the experience of others is prominent in publicity literature but it is fallacious for all that. A trustee gains from a conven- tion just about as much as he brings to it. If he has made no intensive study of any question of educational policy, it is pretty certain that he will gain next to nothing by listening in on a convention. The boards with which I was connected did not lack courage; but none of us would have pro- posed to attend 6 convention at the public expense. I was desir- ous at one time of raising the question of the unduly frequent changes in the school text-books but I could not all'ord to attend the convention that year, which was in 8 distant place, so I said nothing about the matter. The idea of going at the rstepayers'xpense was too much for me. It would be well if sll trustees who propose to attend conven- tions would provide themselves with reasons for going which will be sufficiently definite and practical to bear stating and de- fending in public. Yours truly, J. PORTER. HORTICULTURAL ASS'N ELECT OFFICERS The Directors of the Horti- cultural Association met in the Municipal Hall on Tuesday and elected their oificers for, the year. Honorary Presidents -- Hon. W. Atkinson, Minister of Agri- culture; J. Loutet, M.L.A. Hon. Vice President -- Reeve J. B. Leyland. Ogicersc President--Mr K A Ray Vice Pres.--Mr. D. McTavish. Secretary--Mrs. E. A. Ford. Treasurer--Mr. Wm. Mc(tusk- er. Plans were made for the com- ing season snd committees ap- pointed for the various sections. The following dates have been chosen for the two shows: June 18th, September 10th. A SCOTTISH NIGHT IN THE KOOTENAYS Rev. E. Leslie Best, who was formerly stationed in West Van- couver, snd who is now the min- ister of the United Church at Kaslo, arranged a very success- ful Scottish night recently. The firs part of the program at Ksslo consisted of Scottish songs and readings outside of Burns. The second part was taken up exclusively with Burns items. A set of over 60 lanternslides chosen from a West Van- couver collection was lent to him and used to illustrate scenes con- nected with the poet's life and a group of his west-known songs, which the illustrations covered, verse by verse. The Ksslo talent which Mr. Best succeeded in enlisting seems to have made the evening 0 striking success, judging by the glowing report in our con- temporary "The Kootenaian." FOOTBALL lVeet Van. United The following players are re- quested to turn out for the game with Hastings Athletic at Ren- frew Park (West) at 2:30. Take No. 4 car to Broadway and take Grandview bus. Larney, Downey, Downey, Grieve, Stratton, Gray, Kend- rick, Grisedale, Normsnd, Grise- dale, Cullen, Bean, Bell, Hamil- ton. Knocked Out Old Gentleman (bewildered ai the elaborate wedding): "Are~ you the bridegroom?"Young Man: "Oh, no. I was eliminated in the semi-final." WEST VANCOUVER One Tongue Husband and wife watching a team pulling 8 load up a hilL Wife: "I wish we could pull together as nicely." Husband: "There is only one tongue between them." New Year's Day in Scotland "Ay," he said with a sigh, SI had a fin day of it. I spent New Year with my wife's father. He's 8 man after ma ain he'rt. As soon as I amved he opened 8 new bottle of whisky and flung the cork in the fire " SCOTTISH SOCIETY Q Progressive Whist Drive & Dance at the CLACHAN HOTEI. at 8 p.m. SATURDAY, February 13th Refreshments Admission 36 cents Dancing Good Prizes LAST CHANCE To buy the New Mantel-Model RogerS Et $4600 CLASSIFIED ADS mesa Is 2 coals pct wowL misimsm hstag tcgolm'ccossis OU clsoolTbt rale tot Clxxcibcd Adttccisc 26 ccsio. Except ls ibc case ot Clwsc beds otc payable siticily la sdtsoca Bsstmsbct Clsoslbodo is ibc Wcsl Vos News gci lmmcdicio tcoslio. POR SALB -- Mcdcta Bosgohwt os Wcicrttoct stet terry. Phoae Bytncll. West 118. WANTED -- SccoodHcsd Rowhai~. Must be ia good cosdiiios. W. Cctlcy, Wert 'IIV, LOST--lrtxh Setter osswctkog ls astss st "Molly." Finder plcocc phcss West 261X. FOR SALE--Impctlsl 6-hole Rssgs is splendid condition. Ssctibcs. 20 tor quick Sole Apply 2166 Jot- ctcoo Avc. YOUNG WOSIAN Would idks Bostd- isg piste in West Voscosvot. Ncst- neaa io ferry 4 taCtor. Ssiie 2, 2818 Wast 6th Avenue. Vsocosvct. ~ICON SSA II7CCN '8 xoS dlddv -- lmscsssH olscdi IBID DSI BOA FOR RENT -- 4 RSSSI b4444 ssd pivmblsg, good ground for gstdcn- isg. Chicken hosocx. At 11th ssd Moihctx, $16 4 month. M. Goomslo, 614 8th Si. West; phone North 208L Nctih Vancouver. FOR RENT -- Aiitcciltc bssgslsw, modern, partly tutoichcd, garage. Phone West 820L C. J. BRODERICK--Phoio Fisiohct, Dcvclspiog, Printing, Esistgbig, Colstixg snd Copying IScgst' Store) 1622 Slotiss DAve. WEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST--Daadstsvc. HOUSE AND RANGE WIRING Fixtstcx, repairs, csc. Spctics Radios, North Shore EICOCrk. Phone North lb. Politician: "And you ask me to take out life insurance?" Insurance Agent: "Yes, cer- tainly." Politician: "Young man, you must be woefully Igkiorant of my reputation. Now in view of what my opponents ssy of my future, I might seriously consid- er taking out a fire insurance policy. But life insurance? Oh, no I" Fred: "Words are inadequate to express my love." Fredai "You are sensible to realise it. Try diamonds." Shel "We seem to have been waiting for a long time for my mother." Hei "Hours, I should say." She: "Oh, Jim, this is so sud- den!" Take Cstocgit' Odrtce ood Bwy Actcsgo la 4 plsco wilh ~ tslsto Acrcsgc in good lccotiooo ttsm $60 sp. Apply Jobs Lowxon, West 66. PAINTING. KALSOMINING AND PAPERING -- Toko odvsais 4 ot chcopot winter prices. Phcso West 204 IL SIARCELLE SHOP -- MstccBS, Ss tents; tccct, 864; bsgct wave, 764. Pboas Mta Kiag WOSC 604. CARLBV Bays ssd 8404 Fstsltsto- Rcpoitisg aod polixbisg. Pomio, oils, stains, glass. Phoae West 71Y. ALL THE BEST Btcsdo ot Clgowa. Clgstcilcc ssd Tobaccos. dios Ex- chssgc poker Hands ssd Consol 44tdo Ptco. Awlbl44id4 Tss RSSSIC. BOABD AND RESIDENCE -- ISih ~sd Bellevue, near ferry. Rsico SC- Ctxrtita Phoae WOSC 4S8L FOR PLUMBLVG REPAIRS Bcs- idcscc Phone West 241R. WE HAVE TEN OF THE CHEAP- EST LOTS in Weat Vsscoxtst- Some close in. Sure moocy-mckcrx in near toimc. John Lswxss, Wcxl 66. FOR SALE st EXCHANGE for West Voocssttt Property -- 180 Setto dykcd land wiib good bsndiag at Pill Mcsdowa. Apply John Lswoca Wcxt 66. TO RILNT--5 room msdcts bssoc. Good garden. Nsmbct of goad trail ttac Csotcsicsi lccstiss, $20 00 Apply John Lswxoa. West 65. Geo. Hay ixIOTARY PUBLIC Esisbbohcd 1012 REAL ESTATE AND PlSURANCE Choice Actcsgc sml Homcoiico at Acttociitc Prtca MONEY TO LOAN ON MORTGAGES 1405 Slstms Date Phoae West 21 ot Scymost 1260 Etcmsgs WOCC 204X CAN@I,E5 va LAMP5 nxv a wonderful chaage electricW.light bas brought into our lives t Think of trying co gec along now with candles. Itwould take a hundred ofthem to give as much light as you gec from a ~ingle Iaa-wale hf azds lamp... And ic costs you no more co operate ~ Ioo-wxct lamp than it docs co burn a single csndlm xvV hy not have plenty oflighct Why over- tax your eyes by using them in low gear t The dilfctcnce between the cost of good hghc and poor light is only a few cents a month. Goad light is an imporanc safe- guard against poor vision. Lec us send you a copy of our inccrescinl booklet SHow to Light Yaur Home. ~:I .'II $ 11 'S(01Kglfll:I FL EER KOB 6:I(en:PCT I Ri Il'VKOL03 wr ~r rr.rr VV -I