0001 VM Aavea e ~ I a~ V rm ~ V'A e eea rt 'Ve V a A": w 'per I" ~ ' 'e '-' V t eat I ~' t Vtr' "e va ~ rl .Ir xttv I av I I a 4t :Vr . t. t' a I 'VV 'V VvV V v V rVv VV VVVVrrp V VV ~ t'VV VVVVVVVrvvv eV THF WEST VAN NEWS February 12, 1982. GARDENS and GARDENINGDOWN SOUTHBy Buster ButtonSCHOOL BOARD NOTES A letter was read from Dr. J. W. McIntosh in regard to pro- posed Metropolitan Health Board advising that in the event of the Board being formed, it was pro- posed to invite representatives to sit on this Board from all the districts of Greater Vancouver, even though such districts might not have become members of the Board, The Secretary was directed to provide copies of est- imated expense to the IVest Vancouver Board in the event of its linking up with the Health Board, for each Trustee. Hollyburn THEATRE Hell' Angels with JEAN BAftLOW ~odi Application was received from the West Vancouver High School Students'ssociation for the use of the Auditorium on Fri- day, February 5th, together with lunch room and kitchen for the purpose of holding exhibi- tion basketball games, to which a small admission fee would be charged. It was resolved that permission be granted. A letter was read from the Secretary, West Van. Parent- Teachers'ssociation, inviting the Board to its next meeting, to be held on Tuesday, February 9th, at the Pauline Johnson School. BEN Lvl)N 1443 Marine Drive Ambleslde Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Real Estate Finance and Insurance An invitation was read from the High School Teachers's- sociation for members of the Board to attend a dinner to be held in the Hotel Georgia on Fri. day, February 6th, at 6:30 PJn. The Secretary was directed to advise that all members of the Board would be present, unless otherwise advised. FURNACE and SHEET METAL REPAIRS Ambleside Sheet Metal 1Vorks A letter was read from the Deputy Minister of Education advising that no grants would be available during the present school year in respect of school libraries, equipment for manual training and domestic science centers, chemistry and physics laboratories, etc. Received and Sled. Trustee Mr. Russell reported that the Canadian Club had pre- pared a series of moving picture scenes in Canadian National Parks and pictures of wild life, which would be given over a per- iod of four months. The only expense in connection with these exhibitions would be an amount of 620-00, and the Municipal Council had agreed to defray half of this amount if the Board would provide the remainder. It was resolved that this offer be accepted, and the Secretary was instructed to advise the Reeve to this effect. WEST VANCOUVER COMi&IUNITY PLAYERS (Under the auspices of Canadian Legion, West Vancouver) present "Three Live Ghosts" By Max Marcin A Comedy in 3 Acts Hollyburn Theatre at 8 p.m. MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, (February 15, 16, 17,) TICKETS, 50c. Children up to 14--26c. It was resolved that H. B. Garland be re-appointed Secre- tary for the year 1932. It was resolved that the Board continue to hold its regu- lar meetings during the year 1932 on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month, ex- cept when these days fall on public holidays. Yon Can Save One ~ Dollar It was decided that a special meeting be held on Thursday, February 4th, to take up the matter of estimates for the cur- rent year. The Chairman thanked the members of the 1931 Board for tbe support given him during hfs term of office, and then vac- ated the chair, and Trustees C. T. Kendrick, W. N. McDonald and T. E. Batchelor took their seats on the Board. ~.. ~ CHAS. DEATON MASSEUR and PHYSIOTHERAPIST 2110 Argyle Specialist fn treatment of Constipation, Lumbago, Rheumatism, etc. Phone West 270L for appointments By MINA G. HIITr, San Francisco ls a city with Landscape Architect many interesting attractions for arete la ladteaar ~ U. el C Awk SchQ er Late ~ Arehlte dwe «J the visitor. Not only is it at- C Ootlae. Mwhv ldat4wr Laded ae Srr leo tractive from an architectural viewpoint, but the way things I'hlox (of course) like most other flow- are done hers are a little dif- There are several distinct ers will do much better if prop- ferent from Vancouver. The tfqres of the PMo„es some of erly fertilized. A sunny locationtraffic regulations which were whi h i i Is necessary.strictly adhe~ to on my last c a.e not cult vated to any Digging and dividing thegreat extent in this country.visit, appear to again run them- Oth v i on umps is desirable at leastselves and Pedestrians Set across these being the tall g owin~+ every three Fears.thestreetsasquicklyasPossible ones, which bloom late in the,„p Pogation is carried oni gardless of the stop and go summer. The de s rin flow chiefly by division of the rootssigns. summer. e w sPAng ow- or by stem cuttings. In visiting a strange cit it is Pe "~ d Growing of plants from seedalways a difficult problem to 'ay be successfully carried on know just where to get tbe best rummond phlox isalsopopular. if the seeds are planted as soon meals at a reasonable Pace, but The g Alen phioxes as thM as ripe in the fall. If held over on this occasion my difficulty m "F Srown in gardens are until spring the germination is was soon overcome by reading a called, P. Paruculata and P. Mac- likely to be poor, Another o& big sign which now appears out- uata and hybrids of these two jection to the growing of phlox- side several of the wep known R . " o to three feet in es from seed is that many of the„,I„, t; I „ I „„ I tlirt dll I ld ~;tl d t, I I $ Ilt SSVpfythe words attracting my atten- ummei'ovrever, if type and it is necessary to diz- en read: "All Fou can eat for pl~~t~d where thee is little card many ifa deslrabM forty-five cents." In view of the moisture during the growing and tion of colors is to be maintain- hard times these words were ", mg season they should be ed An advantage to producing very appealing, so much so, t}lat R've" a supply of water Particu- plants from seed is the fact that it was not long before I found ly during the flowering period. the seedlings usually produce myself pushing a tray along the cared for ~lumP will Pro. stronger plants but whether this counter, collecting all that I duce many flowering stems with advantage outweighs the dissd- thought my stomach would or Plenty rif green foliaSe to go vantages if, is hard fo ssy. should hold for 45c and needless with the flower spike. to say before I had reached the The phloxes are sometimes end of the counter, the tray was seriously affected by miMew, ~~ ~™~~~ comfortably loaded. that requires a fairly strong 4 dh4 «Me~». There is always a certain a- RPmy solution to keep it in check Ihe rll l etre e( th zott» mount of pleasure in beating out Phloxes will thrive in any aae - «rs rs 4 aa «.rr 41 ~ «~ a etaatr alr 4 O IM ~ el oaM,the restaurant man, and this reasonably Rood garden soil but was my opportunity, and as I carried the tray laden with the most wonderful collection of JO NSON SCHOOL Honey Drop Cakes food, I chuckled to myself that 1/3 Cup Shortening I at I~t had got the better of e fo fomng PUPils were the yo cup suleaders in their respective (p Cup honey But little did I realize the task grades at the half yearly ex- I egg that I had set myself, for as I aminations held in January. ti tablespoon lemon juice sat down at the table, a small mR to Prevalence of sickness Iys cups flour notice attracted my attention, . Iig teaspoons baking powder which read "That any food S PUP ~ Cream shortening and add wasted or left would have to be Division 1 Grade 8--Ir Jack sugar slowly; add honey, beaten paid for extra," this you will Mc Kf and Eunfce Turveyt 3r egg yolk and lemon juice; mix note was another challenge from well and add flour and baking the restaurant man, but I had Division 2, Grade 8--1, Oliver powder which have been sifted fully made up my mind that I Burbridge; 2, Joan Sheffield; 3, together; fold in beaten egg- was neither going to leave any Phyllis Howard white. or Pay any extra, as 45c wqs my Division 3, Grade 7a--1, Thos Put into greased individual LAURIE SPECK, Proprietor limit. Robson; 2, Hugh Farmer; 8 tins or drop far apart on greased 1446 Manne Dmve Needless to say I left that Stanley Patterson. baking sheet and bake in hot Phone West 78 restaurant after having eaten Division3 Grade 7b I Ken oven 10 to 16 minutes. the whole works and walked neth Davison; 2, Kathleen Jag- dovrn the road with the air of a ger; 3, Joan Mathews. victor. But friends the real bat- tle had not begun nor was I con- Division 4, Grade 6a --1, Bren- tired at night. It was then that Division 5, Grade 6b--1, Doris I realized as I lay tossing about Bernard; 2, Paul Jagger; 3, Dor- on my bed, and dreaming tbe othy Sharman. most unlikely things about tVest Division 5, Grade 6a--1, Lor- Vancouver--such as not getting raine Holden; 2„Martha Von a First Narrows Bridge, and the Zuben; 3, Dale Eriksen. restaurant man had at least se- Division 6, Grade 5b--1, Dun- cured one victim through fzfs can McTavish; 2, Elsie Robbins; alluring advertisement, and I 3, Ronald Cooper. at least have the satisfaction of Division 7, Grade 4O--1, Mar- knowing that it does not always ian McNeff; 2, Lillian Ridnell; pay to eat all you can for 45c. 8, Margaret Curry. Before retiring from the res- Division 7, Grade 4b--1, Jim fepow who undoubtedly had a 3, Jack Gfasham.capacity fsr greater than my own and who would consider the Division 8 Grade 3a -- Lor meal that I hsd taken, just a raine Vann; 2, Pauline Greer; snack, but when he came along 3, Maureen Martin. with his tray a little nearer, it Division 8, Grade 3b--Marg- was noticed that he had no less aret Hilborn; 2, Elizabeth How- than 12 plates all containing ard; 3, Donald Moore. various vegetables, meats, pica, Division 9, Grade 2a--I, Dor- etc. After watching the pro- een Thompson; 2, Alan Ritz; 3, If you pay your gress of this gentleman and how Dorothy Harvey-Smith. quickly he packed away the con- 'ivision 9, Grade 2b--1, Ruth telephone bill tents of those plates, when he Parnum; 2, Isobel Edwards; 8, had arrived at the tenth plate I Bill Reid. by the 18th ofdecided to retire before his belt Division 10, Grade la--1, Pat snapped and an unpleasant situ- Fry; 2, Walter Findlay; 8, Gloria the m ntht emonstion was created in the restaur Holden. ant. Division 10, Grade Ib -- 1, Annie Grieve; 2, Lois Minkley; THE CANADIAN 8, Edith Teece. RED CROSS SOCIETY In regard to E. Allan's appli- At the monthly meeting of cation the council ordered that the North Vancouver Red Cross an expenditure of 825 be made Society held on Wednesday, for blasting the rock on the und- February 8rd, it was reported erstanding that taxes are paid, that during the past month 59 the rock wss removed by the ap- families had been assisted;1,516 plicant, building permit issued quarts of milk had been given and house erected. away;groceries, meat, fish, fruit and vegetables, clothing and bed- The council confirmed and ap- ding purchased for urgent cases Proved the letter written by the g C TELEPH QN E QpM ppNyclothing donated has also been Municipal Clerk on previous in- given away; 620.60 for shoe re- structions from the council in pairs. committee to the B. I. T. A B. Boys'nd men's shoes are still Company re Second Narrows urgently needed. bridge.