0001 I"ebruary 12, 1932. THE WEST VAN NEWS Local and PersonalOdorless Dry Cleaning and Dyeing New Lambert Shaving Cream 35c Procurable only ai WEST VAN PIIARifIACY SUITS I Clssusd ds c cs cs I REGENT SIIITS TO ORDER COATS I Pressed Higher grade suiis uur swu mshs ~ Zb ae sud uy ALTERATIONS sud REPAIRS WE CALL AND DELIVER A number of new books of fiction have just been purchased by the Hoflyburn Public Library and are now on the shelves. The authors of these include Francis BeedinS, Warwick Deeping, J. S. Fletcher, Joseph Lincoln, Rupert Hughes, Talbot Munday, J. B. Priestley, Edgar IVaflace, Aga- tha Christie, P. G. Wodehouse, Peter B. Kyne, Philip Gibbs, John Buchan, Susan Ertz, snd William LeQueux. ~ ~ ~ H. S. Wood, K.C., was elected president of West Vancouver Liberal Assacistion at the an- nual meeting. Other officers I honorary president, W. I Mac- kenzie King; honorary vice-pres- idents, T. D. Psttuflo and A. E. Munn, M.P.; vice president, E. S. Gamsge; secretary-treasurer, P. T. Masterman; executive corn mittee: C. W. Clarke, W. J. Clif- ford, Magnus Ross, David Mor- gan, John Nyland, C. M. 5fcLean, K. A. Ray, R. P. Blower, William McQuaker and Charles Hay. s s ~ Word has just been received here by his parents, that Dr. Pierce Selwood of Princeton Uni- versity has been swarded 8 National Research Fellowship in Chemistry in recognition of his scholarship and ability ss an in- vestigator. He is now giving 8 series of special lectures on 'The Chemistry of the Rarer Ele- ments" to Princeton graduates. The North Vancouver Roller Hockey team was defeated by the Ezzy's at the Moonlight rink last Tuesday evening, the score being 0 to 11. c s A very pleasant afternoon was spent on iMonday when St. Step- hen's Ladies'adminton Club were entertained in tournament play by the Racqueteers'lub, the score being in favor of St. Stephen'8 by 10 to 6. The Canadian Legion, West Vancouver branch, wrote the council regarding s sidewalk on the west side of 18th Street. Referred to the engineer. c s The P.G.E. Railway wrote the council re new culvert outlet down 22nd Street. Referred to the engineer for report at the next council meet- ing. The West Vancouver Roller Hockey team, playing at Hofly- burn Rink, defeated the Athle- tics last Monday evening by 8 score of 7 goals to S. ~ s ~ Fred Finckenhagen of the Hoflyburn-Pacific Ski Club, is with Nordsl Kaldshl represent- ing the club this week at the fourth annual ski tourney of the Winter Sports Club of Leaven- worth, Washington. Mr, Finck- enhagen, who hss just returned from Norway, set a new record for the Leavenworth jump in 1930. Phone IVeei 20 Res. Phone IVest 286LM. WILLIAMS 1568 Marine Drive Ths Sisrs sf Bcccicc. 1482 Msrius Dries West gi Emcrgcucy Pbsuc West $21 (Afisc 9 p.m.) Men'S Chdmbrny WOrk ShirtS 95C Stratton's BAKERY Tuuhss Msks ~ s c J. W. Kelly of the J. W. Kelly Piano Co., was in West Vancou- ver on 8 business trip last Mon- day. c ~ The council instructed that 8 letter be sent Senator A. D. Mc- Rae in regard to the establish- ment of 8 federally owned post office m the mufucipality. The musical comedy "The Walkathoners" wiu be given st 8 p.m. Monday, February 29th, in the Orange Hall. It will be under the auspices of L.O.L. No. 2990, and will be followed by 8 dance. ORCHESTRAL SOCIETY V IN FliVE CONCERT RECEIVER APPOINTED FOR SECOND NARROWS BRIDGE To facilitate financing of re- pairs to Second Narrows Bridge, Mayor E. H. Bridgman of the City of North Vancouver was on Tuesday appointed receiver of Burrard Inlet Tunnel & Bridge Co. This step was taken by Chief Justice Aulay Morrison in Sup- reme Court. The appointment was made on the application of Montreal Trust Co., represented by Mr. Knox Walkem, which last week commenced action against the bridge company for administra- tion and execution by the court of bonds totalling 5700,000. The application was consented to by Mr. Dugsld Donaghy, K.C., appearing for City of North Vancouver; by Mr. Leon J. Lsdner, K.C., counsel for Van- couver Harbor Commissioners, who loaned the bridge company 3110,000, and by Mr. George A. Grant, Icepresenting defendant company. The City snd District of North Vancouver guaranteed the bonds. The next step will be the ob- taining of the government's ap- proval to the proposed replacing of the central 300-foot span and to a permanent solution of the problem by 8 lift or bascule span in the 300-foot opening. Funds for the work will be borrowed on receiver's certificat- es, according to existing ar- rangement8. Variety of Breads improve every meal-- AB Kinds of Tea Breads ASSORTED PASTRIES Almond Varieties Christening, Birthday, Wedding Cakes made at 1468 MARINE DRIVE Phone West 27 or we wfll eall The West Vancouver Orches- tral Society, which is 8 compar- atively young organization, gave a very fine concert on Thursday night, 4th instant, ln the Legion Memorial Hall. Their various numbers were well executed, and received the hearty applause of &he appreciative audience which filled the hsfl, more particularly Dvorsk's "Slavonic Dance" and Sarnefeldt's "Berceuse." Miss Nancy Rudolph, 8 student mem- ber of the orchestra and 8 pupil of Miss Margaret Mclntyre, gave 8 very sympathetic rendering on the violin of "Adoration" by Borowski, snd was presented with 8 bouquet at the conclusion of her solo. The other assisting artist, Mr. Aubrey Clarke, was heard in two groups of songs, and an enthusiastic audience de- manded an encore number in each case. The duet for flute an clarionet by Messrs. Cyril How- arth and Cliff Groom was also very well played snd met with the hearty applause of their hearers. 'fhe proceeds of the concert went to the Building Fund of the Canadian Legion, West Van- couver Branch. Both Reeve Leyland and H. B. Stevens, president of the West Vancouver Branch of the Can- adian Legion, made brief addres- se8. BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL B D, WHITE, bigs. Disusctiss Fuscisi Scccics Lady Assisisut I 229--Zrd St. E. I'hsss Earth 628 C. J. Overingtou PIONEER BARBER 14th and 'Marine Expert Work Phone West 135 \ s Mr. snd Mrs. W. R. Clark, 2360 Bellevue Ave., have taken the Dean house at 25th snd Bel- levue Avenue. s c P. F. Piper, 811 17th Street, wss confined to his home st the beginning of the week through sickness. L.O.L. No. 2990 will hold their next regular meeting st 8 p.m. next Tuesday in the Orange HalL c s s Repairs have been done this week to Ambleside wharf, which was damaged by the heavy storm a short time ago. A rock fill is being put in on the west- erly outer portion and the sec- tion immediately east of the waiting room hss been redecked. Mrs. S. J. Nssmith, who has been seriously ifl at her home at 1252 14th Street, is now mak- ing good progress towards re- covery. GORDON ROILNON Ssiciscsc a Ssudtsr 'IV EST VANCOUVER-- Office Ns. 1442 !darius Drisu Phone Wssi 48$. VANCOUVER OPFICE- Suitc 818: 618 Hustings Si. W Phone Seymour 4199 FUEL VERNON FEED STORE A. C. Searle, Phone West 9 Fuel, Feed, FertBizers and Building Supplies The BURRARD LAUNDRYT. J. Hamilton of Vancouver, has moved into 8 house at 1747 Esquimalt Avenue. J. R. Armstrong wrote the council re cottage No. 38 at East Beach. Referred to the chairman of the parks committee for report on afl dwellings on the Amble- side Beach with particular ref- erence to those in which the rent is in arrears. c ~ A most delightful tea in honor of the Rev. and Mrs. Ramsey was held by the Women's Guild of St. Francis in the Woods, on Thursday, February 4th, for which Mr. snd Miss Chsppefl of Caulfeild very kindly opened their home. Mrs. Msthews snd Miss F. Kilby presided st the tea table which was centered with pale pink blossoms snd flanked with candles in silver holders. It being the fourth an- niversary of the Guild, 8 birth- day cake with candles held a place of honor and was cut by Mrm Ramsey. Miss Chappell graciously received the guests, while Miss Margaret opened the door. Others helping at the tea hour were Mrs. Kettle, Mrff. Wentworth Clarke and hiisa Laura Larnder. Mr. J. D. A. Tripp played several selections on the piano which were much enjoyed by the guests who num- bered thirty-five. 's ~ ~ The council approved the ac- tion of the reeve in forwarding a letter to Premier S. F. Tolmie re sale of P.G.E. Railway. ~ ~ Eric Allan wss present at the council meeting and stated that he proposed to build 8 fully mod- ern house st West Bsy but, as there was no access to the prop- erty, he asked that a road be built for 80 feet snd 8 large rock be removed. After discussion he was in- formed that the matter would be considered in committee, and he would be advised of the re- sult. For People Who Are ParticularCemetery Board The Board of Cemetery Trus- tees for the period January 1932 to January 1933 was elected as follows: Reeve Leyland, Counciflor Fid- des, Councillor Dickinson, A. Chilton, and W. Bleu'. Building Permits The Municipal Hsu in Janu- ary issued six permits of 8 total value of 55,100, 2 permits being for buildings, S for additions snd I for 8 garage. Tulnli ST. sud ST. DA VIDS North Vancouver Phone North IS10. \Vest Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone West IISLYes! The King Studio makes Past Cards. West 28 Sscvlcs st your duse Benny Manners Fresh and Smoked Fish New Lsid Eggs Drcsscd Pcultcy HOLLYBURN PUBLIC LIBRARY Captain--If anything msvcs--shsui Sentry--Yssssh, an'f anything sheets--Ah moves! NE3V BOOKS Just Received by Francis Bccdiug, Warwick Dccpiug, J. S. Fletcher, Jcssph Lincoln. Rupert Hughes, Talbot Muudsy, J. B. Pcicsticy, Edgar Wallace, Agatha Christie, P. G. Wcdchcusc, Peter B. Kyuc, Philip Gibbs, John Bucbsu, Sussu Eris, William Lc qucux. See our big showing of Valen tines '";.""'rooks'ry Goods and Men's Wear HOLLVBURN Barber Shop 16th S Msriuc EXPERT SBRVICB E. MARSH, Pcspcistsr 14th sud bisciss Drive. Phoae West 144 Exclusive Aguets Csrticcni Siih Hoss sud Universal Sweaters siss Novelties, Toys. School Supplies, Hcmsiitcbiugour PbotoEaster Greeting is- SPECIAL EASTER PRICES STARTING NOW THE KING STUDIO West Vancouver Branch 1586 Marine Drive West 40 Open bionday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons Musicians'lub of West Vancouver oRANGE Tp njght Recital of Music by British Composers Sllcsc Cunscuuu. Yesl We make Post Cards. Ls OGDEN COc West 146 ~ I MEN'8 AND BOYS'URNISHliVGS EXCI.USIVELY ~ wr rr.rrrrr -nw. r. V r. i I 1