0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS February 12. 1932 'tv'M .vv"vt rt ttv I I v' rv't trt r t ' t't w ts ttt O tl'tt tvt rttttt'rt t out tx tt t :;r,-"t'. e.pt'%t * r trl ' vr, .r vrvrrr.rvvtr'v r'frrtvv vrr rr v A VVVr 'v St. Stephen s ChurchUnited Church Dr Marjory McCubb)II I DENTIST WEST VANCOUVER Christian ScienceDo You Know Rector:Rev. F. A Ramsey, L.S.T. February 14th, 1932 (1st Sun- day in Lent). 8 a.m.--Holy communion. 10 and 11:16--Sunday School 11:16 s.m.--Matins and ser- mon. 7:15 p.m--Evensong snd ser- mon. Minister, E. A. Henry, D.D. Sunday, February 14th, 1932 10 a.m.--Sunday School. Senior Intermediate snd Junior meet together for opening in church auditorium. 11:16 a.m.--Public Worship. Dr. Henry will preach, topic: "The )York of the Church-- What It Is." 7:16 p.m.--Public Worship. Dr. Henry will begin a series of 6 studies in "Great Hymns" Sunday night "Just as I sm." Four of these hymns will be unillustrated. The last two will be illustrated by Mr. Porter. The list is as follows: "Just as I am," "The King of love my Shep- herd is," "When I survey the wondrous cross, "My faith looks up to Thee," "Nearer my God to Thee," "Sun of my Soul" Next Monday evening under the Y.P.S. program Rev. R. J. Mcintyre, Field Secretary of the Temperance Education Move- ment, will give the address. The public is invited. The Young People of the churches in West Vancouver are holding s '%'orld Peace" Vesper Service, Sunday afternoon, Feb- ruary 21st, in the United Church auditorium at 3 0'clock. Rev. Geo. O. Fsnis, O.B.E., will be the speaker and the church will be decorated with the Bags of sn nations. This is s new venture snd is a service prepared by the Young People for the Young People, but an who are interested are invited. The Junior Girls'hoir led by Mrsk Colin MscLean and Mrs. Shefi'ield on Saturday a.m. at 10 o'lock. The regular meeting of the WM.S. is on Tuesday at 2:15 p.m. It is expected the Text Book on "Japan" will be conclud- ed. Thos Yoo Coe Hoto Yotlt Pttlooaolxi I4l Wxttd1 YoU 'oo ioogot Imto io won lloiii rout permanent wave io ot the ootidp stage. (Viih (his new method and tpocioi soioiiono pou can to-wove an old potmoo- tai ot oair touch up the straight part, without in)sting the hair. t ffjeyfdolyn Beauty Shoppe 1560 bitt(so Dr(to Phone West 117 DEATH OF hIRS. RUTH E. ESTABRO&k Funeral services for hfrL Ruth Elizabeth Estabrook, 92, mother of Mrs. Russell Williams, 1063 Duchess avenue, who died Sat- urday in North Vancouver Gen- eral Hospital, was held Sunday in the city, Rev. Dr. H. I Mc- Neil, pastor of Fairview Baptist Church, wss in charge. The re- mains were forwarded to Sum- merlsnd, where interment was made Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Estsbrook wss born in New Brunswick and hsd resided in this province twenty-five years. Until 1927 she lived in Summerlsnd snd before taking up residence here with her daughter two years ago, spent a brief period in Burnsby. A few days before Christmas she suffered injuries from a fall and had been confined to bed since that time. It wss this in- activity that contributed to s change in her health. Those surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Russell Winiams; two sons, Rev. H. G. Estsbrook, Vancouver, snd F. hf. Estabrook of Alameda, CsL; four grand- children, Alan snd hfsrgsret Es- tabrook of Vancouver, hfrs. Geo. Kinrid of New York, snd Ruth Williams who resides here, snd one great grandson, Estabrook Kindrid, son of hire. George Kindrid of New York. Rev. H. G. Estsbrook left for Summerlsnd on hfonday to complete burial arrangements and attend services there. On Wednesday evening the prayer meeting snd study of the Psalter from 8 to 9. The Session will meet at hIrs. Geo. Baldwin's, 22nd snd Lsw- son, on Tuesday evening at 8 o'lock.DRY FIR Trail Rangers Tuesday st 7 snd C.G.I.T. Friday at 7 p.m. For the sake of those who would like to preserve it, this column offers this evening pray- er by Verns Lovedsy Harden: Full Load 85.00 Get our prices on Green Alder, Cord Wood Coal Phone %Vest 48 COOKE & LeNEAL "Before I sleep, 0 Lord, rid Thou my mind Of sn the debris of s careless dsy; Before I sleep, pluck Thou with fingers kind, The day'5 uncleanness from my soul away. Before I sleep, 0 Lord, IBI Thou the dark With music of Thy presence: let my soul Be quieted snd humbled: 1st it hark AB night to cleansing cadences that roll. Eoixbiixbod oa North Shoto 26 Ytxta (Ladr Axtioioai) HARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSOiV I'uueral Qireftar)I North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parture 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 Before I sleep, 0 Lord, bring Thou the peace That passeth understanding; let there be Within my soul, when other voices cease, The song of close companion- ship with Thee. THE West Van Nems Pxbiixaod Etotr Fr(dot i'obiiobtt F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Boxioxot ood Editorial Oifixoi 11th ood Ifotiso Dtito (Next io HoVybuta P. G.) Phone West 363 The council received s letter from the Department of Public Works re sundry bridges on hfarine Driv(L The matter was referred to the engineer. CARD OF THANKS W. S. Doxie oxd fxmiir with io ihxoil their moot fnonds for the kind expressions of stmpo- ihp ood boouiifoi flotoi itiboits toto(rod during their recent be- toovomoxi in tho loss of Ps(hot Oxd Gtxodfxihtt. Hall Addtoool I'.(L B si, HoVtb ttb ILC. 51.00 o root Itt txttiotl 52.00 ~ ytot Itf moiL Society Hoots 0 ~ m io 6 y. m SoiUtdllts: 10 ~. Io, io I Sl, lo. Evtoiogt osd Soiotdor Afitt nooox bt opyoisimooi only. Royal Bank Boiidiog I'boat Wool iis Rooidtoto pbooo Wtoi sya CHURCH EDIFICE 20th ood Eooubooib HoRtboto This Sot(tip is ~ Branch of The Idothxt Church The First Church of Chtlott Scientist, ia Boston, Haosocbototio Sunday Sotviooo Iitze ~ .m. oad 1lso p.m. Sunday, February 14th, Subject: ~t SOUL tt Sunday School oi Io 00 o m Testimony biooting Wednesday ~I 0:16 y.m. DR G D lt SfiAL&. DENTIST Thursday, 8 p.m.--Lenten ser- vice. Preacher, the Rev. J. Thompson of St. Martin', North Lonsdale. At the A.Y.P.A. meeting on Monday moving pictures of scenes in Canada snd the West Indies will be shown by the courtesy of the Canadian Na- tional Rsdways. Arrangements are being made by a group of Young People for 0 "Peace Service" to be held in the United Church on Sunday, February 21st, at 4 p.m. The W. A. will meet for sew- ing at the Rectory on Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. Friday, 3:45 p.m.--The ser- vice for children. The Annual hfeetings of the Diocesan )V. A. will be held next Wednesday, snd continuing un- til Saturday in the Moose Hsn, Burrard Street, Vancouver. Service at Si Francis, Csul- feild, 3 p.m., Sunday. BASKETBALL J TOURNAMENT The Baskeibsn tournament held on the evening of Friday, February 5 by the High School Students'ssociation, wss very successfuL A substantial 0- mount wss raised for the "In- jured Players'und." Each game wss started promptly and wss well worth the applause snd appreciation shown by the spectators. The players themselves showed great sbfiity and s variety of style Much excitement wss caused by the latter half of the fourth game which wss 0 struggle be- tween the boys of North snd West Vancouver. The second half began with s rush snd de- veloped into s test of speed and endurance. A finishing touch wss given to the evening by the "club" snd "wand" drill put on by the stud- ents. Credit is due to the commit- tees and officials for the ar- rangements and success of the evening MR. DEATON, MASSEUR AND PHYSIOTHERAPIST OPENS HERE Mr. Charles Deston, masseur snd Physiotherapist, late of the Vancouver Block, begs to an- nounce that he hss taken up residence at 2110 Argyle Ave., where he will be glad to receive patients. Mr. Dston specislises in the treatment of constipation, lumbago, rheumatism, etc. iioy Block, lith ood Itlotioo Dt. Ogho Bours 0 io 6 p.m. Evooiogo br opyoioimoni. Phoae Woti 12 NURSING HOME ISt. Anthony's Church (Hto, H. R LoCbxoto, R.N.I zsi - zilh Sitoti East North Vootootot (4oidooto Pboooi North (256R Pastor: Rev. Father Carey iles. 2558 Marine Dr. Friday-- 7:30 p.m.--Special Devotions. 8:00 p.m.--Confessions (Chil- dren). Saturday-- 7:30 p.m.--C o n f e s 5 I o n 0 (Adults). Sunday-- 8:46 s.m Holy Mass. Ser mon. 1:30 p.m.--Sunday School, 2:30 p.m.--Afternoon D e v o. tions. Week Days-- 7:30 s.m--Holy Mass. White or Colored Icing lith cups confectioner'6 sugar 2 tablespoons hot milk Q teaspoon butter It(s teaspoon vanifis extract Add butter to hot milk; add sugar slowly to make right con- sistency to spread; add vanilla Spread on cake. For pink icing add one table- spoon Strawberry or other fruit juice. For yefiow icing add one teaspoon egg yolk and flsvor with orange rind and one tea- spoon lemon juice.Baptist Church Pastor: Rev. H. P. Humphreys. Residence: 1343 Heywood Ave. Phone W. 252R. Sunday, February 14. 10 s.m--Sunday School snd Adult Class. 11 s.m.--Morning worship. Pastor will preach, topic: "Father snd Son." Brief address to children. 7:30 p.m.--Evening worship. The service will be in charge of the Young People's Society. The pastor will preach. A special invitation to young people. Poor Pa Daughter (having received a new mink coat as s Christmas gift from father): '%'hst I don't see is how this wonderful fur can come from such a low, sneaking beast." Father: "I don't ask for thanks, dear, but I really insist on respect" "What were your father's last words 2" "Father had no last words. Mother wss with him to the end " + NOW SHOWING )-- Monday, 7:45--B.Y.P U. Tuesday--Father & Son Sup- per. Wednesday, 8 p.m. -- Prayer and praise. Friday, 7 p.m.--C.G.I.T. Cordial invitation to sn. Eddie Cantor "PALMY DAYS" ! Hxst it ibt pkiotx io chase the Blues swot--lots tf fax NOTE Presbyterian Mission Orange Hall Minister: Rev. J. W. Cuddeford. Services 2 p.m. -- AB departments of the S.S. Also adult Bible Class. 3:15 p.m. -- Regular Church worship. Sermon subject: "One of God's Pilgrims." Thursday, 8 p.m. -- Prayer meeting followed by the Choir practice. AB welcome to the services. Thought for the week:-- Place God between yourself snd your troubles. He never fsileth the man who puts his trust in EIim. MAY DAY CELEBRATION AB organizations interesting themselves in the Msy Dsy cele- bration this year sre asked to appoint representatives to the committee which will meet st the municipal hall during the first week in March st s date to be announced later. Last year's celebration was 5 great success, snd it ls intended to make it this year the finest on the North Shore. The celebra- tion next Msy will also be com- bined with that of the 20th an- niversary of the incorporation of West Vancouver ss a municipal- ity. txttw ttx ftotl tx wt otxxtr wa xo a reels Itx ~xxt Ij)B5'OO txt~ txt "tol. Next WOtkl "THE PAGAN ~ LADY" -- Host Tot&t Wttl- UNION DEPOT" Doosim Foitbooko dt. -- Thur., Fti„goi.-- DOME EARLY i.ass'96LE The secretary of the Police Commission wrote the council re dog hcense fees. Referred to the chairman of finance for next issue of the by- law. l's It Nothing To YOU? ~ THAT OVER TWENTY MILLIONS IN PREMIUMS ANNUALLY IS PAID BY CANADIANS TO FOR- EIGN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Buy your Fire and Car Insurance from a Conadlsn Company The Wswaness Is 100'~t Canadian B. C. Office: West Vancouver Agent: 812 Metropontan Building, WARREN L CLEGG, Phone Trinity 6343 West 84 „'l Gpg of le cl ~