0001 '..'.&e 9f:S'..'Ã!L.b) ..b) -:?fl(S A Weekly Newspaper Ct'rculatingin the District of West Vancoufycr-AmblcsiCk, Hollyburn, Wcston, Dundarafyc SI.OO per year, Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecitff, &c. Newsstands 6c per copy tm s LE i,ia i,s rsgdhf dsa i 'R Fab .'bcU ol an ra tbc atcch ba an, I m. et io ben i I:Ig iri ad- if Up aiebl by rill ba IP the e ics. ample ili nisi I vd. icoma I m the Iviaing IMI,'oacb. )$ h. nt. iia lcl. imnial take OII BIN I.e nfe 9.na ) IaN iTO. dic T VANCOUVER, B.C., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 19321'oi VI SIX PAGES HOLLYBURN P.O., WES I'LAN TO MAKE BOI LYBURN PI.ATEAU A PARK ARE~A Reeve Leyland last week announced on his return from Victoria that a movement to set aside the HoUyburn Plateau as a park area was under way, and that plans of the project provided for its ultimate administration by the Vancouver Parks Board. The Provincial Government have pledged their support, and a map of the area from the 2500 foot level as far back as Mount Strachan will be immediately prepared. Our Council are also starting negotiations at once with owners of property and timber leases, the latter of whom with the co- operation of the authorities in Victoria will be given the op- portunity to exchange their leases for others of similar size and value in another locality. The scheme is an excellent one, and would be of great benefit not only to this municipality but to the whole of Greater Vancouver, and It is only right snd fitting that it should be preserved for them as well as for the generations to come. As stated in a previous editorial on the subject, such a scheme would of necessity provide for adequate protection against forest fires. Doubtless also arrangements will be made for an auto road being built to the plateau, thus enabling those who by reason of age or infirmity cannot hike up the slope, to ride thither and enjoy the clearer air of the high altitude. There is not as fine s park site contiguous to a great city to be found anywhere on this continent, and it is a matter for congratulation that steps are being taken to ensure its being preserved for that for which it is so eminently fitted. TENT PROBIBITIOiV AND REGULATIOV BY-I.AW R CEIVES THREE READINGS A bylaw for the prohibition and regulation of tents, received three readings by the council last Monday evening, and will be approved snd finally adopted st their next meeting. It is con- sidered that the presenceof tents within those portions of the dis- trict referred to in the by-law injuriously affect the assessable value of the lands within the said areas and are detrimental to the health and well-being of those living in those areas. The various clauses of the by- law are ss foliows: 1. 'Tent" shsfi mean and in- clude a pavilion or lodge for use as a dwelling consisting wholly or partially of canvas or other cloth or similar material stretch- ed snd sustained by poles. 2. The erection, construction, and location of tents within those areas of the Corporation of the District of West Vancou- ver known and described in par- agraph numbered 3 of West Vancouver Zoning By-law No. 478, 1931 as "One-family Dis- tricts; 'Two family Districts;" "Multipk Dwelling Districts," "Local Business Districts;" "Commercial Districts;" and "Light Industrial Districts;" is prohibited, and it shaU be un- lawful to alter, sdd to, or re-con- struct siOr such tents. K Should there be tents now in existence within the aforesaid areas, it shall be unlawful to re- pair, renew or replace tbe frame- work of any such tents and should the canvas or other cov- ering be removed from the framework it shall be unlawful to replace such canvas or other covering or to cover the said framework wih other canvas or other material. 4. Nothing in this by-law shsU be deemed to affect a tent law- fully constructed under a limited time permit as provided for in West Vancouver Building By- law No. 479, 1931, or amend- ments thereto. The by-law provides for s fine not exceeding $100 plus costs, upon conviction for each infrac- tion thereof snd in default of payment a levy may be made on defendant's goods or chattels, or if that does not meet the fine and costs, the defendant may be committed to the gaol or lock- up in West Vancouver for a period not exceeding two months. It is understood that the by- law will be rigidly enforced. HON. J. W. JONiES ADDRESSES CONSERVA- TIVE MEETING Hon. J. W. Jones, Minister of Finance, was present at the meeting of the West Vancouver Conservative Association last Wednesday evening in the Or- ange Hall, which following the transaction of business was thrown open to the public in order that they might hear the minister's address. After a few brief introductory remarks by Chairman J. T. Watt and J. Loutet, M.L.A., Hon. J. W. Jones gave a very forceful and at times a witty speech. "I am going to speak," he said, "right from the shoulder, and not as a politician." "I want you to know the situation just as it was and just as it is." In the 61 years of B.C.'s ex- istence as a separate province, the annual budget had only been balanced ten times. When Dr. Tolmie assumed the reins In 1928, he found a deficit of $8,- 000,000 plus another $4,000,000 on top of that, s bonded indebt- edness of $116,000,000, over $6,000,000 sunk in land schemes, $S,500,000 in irrigation projects of doubtful value and another $1,000,000 gone in support of in- dustries, on which all the inter- est and most of the principal was a dead loss. On the P.G.E. Railway $35,000,000 had been spent in capital expenditure, snd a total of altogether $60,000,000. Also the deficits up to 1928 had amounted to $24,000,000. That was the condition when we came into power in 1928. And how would you like my job? he humorously added. The people of B.C demanded and were continuing to demand, public services of sU kinds, but forgot they had to pay for them. That was why the provincial debt was so heavy. Social services'osts had doubled the last 8 years, and $4,760,000 had to be provided for schools. They had arranged for $6,000,000 for unemploy- ment relief, for 10 per cent of the population was out of work, but Britain's going oil'he gold standard had closed the New York market to Canada, and had seriously complicated matters." He had determined when he tocik over that in future the budget must be balanced, and to that end had cut expenditures in every possible way. He had fully expected to balance his budget this year, but owing to the unexpected continuance of the slump would not be able to do so. He emphasized the fact, however, that, while confident of the future and that the slump was about over, he would only pay out what he received snd no more. At the conclusion of his ad- dress s vote of thanks was pm- posed by Reeve Leyland and sec- onded by W. Blair. TO OUR READERS We would remind our readers again that in common with afi other newspapers, we only pub- lish letters bearing the actual signature of the writer. We are wiUing to publish letters which are not libellous under any nom de plume desired by the writer, but the original must bear his actual signature. Letters sigrml with a nom de plume or bearing a typed signature are refused publication by every paper for obvious reasons, for one thing due to the fact that they are in fact anonymous letters. Again, properly signed letters which are published may not in any way express the ideas or policy of the paper. That is found only in the editorials. Similarly caiumnists express their own ideas, which may be diametrically opposed to those of the editor. For instance, only recently a Vancouver columnist criticised an editorial in the city newspaper in which his column regularly appears. Consequent- ly letters in reference to any comments made by a columnist are not published in the cor- respondence section of the paper. instead, they are handed to the columnist, who replies or does not reply to them in his column as he sees fit. AU the above is ordinary newspaper practice, which is sometimes misunder- stood by the reading public. SCOTTISH SOCIETY WHIST AND DANCE The West Vancouver Scottish Society is putting on a progres- sive whist drive and dance st the Clachan hotel tomorrow (Saturday) evening at 8 o'lock. There will be good prizes and re- freshments and following the cards a dance. Admission S6c. The regular monthly meeting af thc society will be held in the Clachan on Friday, February 19th, at 7:45 p.m. After the business meeting a program has been arranged. Mr. John Ward- law, of North Vancouver, will give an address with motion pic. tures of British Columbia. Sev- eral local artists will purnish music and songs. An enjoyable evening is in store for afi mem- bers and friends, Legion Notes The Canadian Legion, West Vancouver branch, are holding a general meeting next Thurs- yad, 18th February, instead of Wednesday, in the Legion Mem- orial Hall. The change in the day was rendered necessary ow- ing to the performance of 'The Three Live Ghosts," next Mon- day, Tuesday, and Wednesday. THREE LIVE GHOSTS The West Vancouver Community Players under the aus- pices of the Canadian Legion, West Vancouver Branch, are presenting the comedy "Three Live Ghosts," next Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday at 8 p.m., in the HoUyburn Theatre. Tickets can be obtained from sny of the Legion members. Particulars are as follows: WEST VAiVCOUVER'S SCBOOL ESTlhIATES $50,532 FOR 1932 School Board estimates total- ling $60632 will be pruned if possible by trustees, it was de- cided, following s conference with the Municipal Council Wed. nesdsy night. The total represents a miUsge of 16.5, which is an increase over the 1931 rate, but a fraction low- er than the average of the last four years. In the figures is a sum of $ 1SOO, representing unpaid bills of the 19SI board, according to Trustee W. N. hicDonald, flnsnce chairman. The Conservative Association is giving s whist drive on Friday 4th hiarch, in the Legion Mem- orial Hall, when those present will be addressed by Wm. Dick, M.L,A. THE PLAYERS (is the order of ahois oppcovsscc) MRS. GUBBINS, know as "Old Sweetheart"..... Joan Eastman PEGGY WOOFERS ......................................Sybil Chapman BOLTON, of the Amor)coo Detective Agency....Stanley Loiinor Jfh)MIE GUBBINS................„„,.„............ Sidney Dosmosd WILLIAM FOSTER, alias "Win)am Josos"........)Sovvsy Watson SPOOFY ....,..............,....„...„......................Guy Desmond ROSE GORDON...................................Ois niscLsso BRIGGS, of Scotland Yard..........Gordon RobertsonBENSON...............................Jsmos Holt LADY LEICESTER ...., .„....Clara Wilson . P. C. SCOTT .............................--.........,...--......A. Prost)co hiUSICIANS'LUB RECITAI. TONIGHT Tonight the hluslclans'lub of West Vancouver is giving a recital in the Orange Hall, start- ing at 8:SO p.m. AU the num- bers wiU consist of music by British Composers, and should therefore carry a particular ap. peal to the residents of West Vancouver. There will be a sil- ver coUectlon. THF. SCENES ACT I --Home of "Old Swoothosva" ACT Il --The same the fonowiog morning, ACT III--The ssmo s fow minutes Isior. No 38 COUNCIL NOTES Reeve Bryan of North Van- couver District, and Councifior Anderson of North Vancouver City, came before the council to aak that the contribution from West Vancouver to North Van- couver Hospital be increased from $2,500 to $3,000, also that a iepresentaUve be appointed by the West Vancouver Council to sit on the Hospital BosnL They were informed that the matters would receive serious consideration, and they would be advised of the result. In connection with statements made that 20% of patients are West Vancouver residents, the clerk was directed to ssk for the fofiowing particulars I I- Names of West Vancouver residents admitted from Janu- ary 1st, 1931, to end of year. 2. Total number of days in hospitaL 3. Total outstanding amounts of West Vancouver residents. The council instructed the clerk to forwanl a letter of thanks and appreciation to Rev. F. A. Ramsey for the beautiful Church Service on 29th Janu- ary. J. T. Watt wrote the councB re sale of D.L 237-28-13. He was informed that the council could not consider pur- chase at the present time, but might be able ta much later ia the year if the offer was mnewed PARENT-TEACHER ASSOCIATION ~ A very enjoyable evening was spent by the Parent-Teacher As sociation on Tuesday evening, February 9. The following of- ficers were elected: President--Mrs. Selwoad. First Vice Prea--hfra Blair. Second Vice Prea -- hire. H. Davison. Treasurer--Mrs. Patterson. Secretary--Miss Hampson. Program--hIr. D. Davidson Membership--Mr. T. RusselL Social Hostess--Mrs. Baldwin Publicity--Miss A. Hale. Interesting short speeches on "The Value of Cooperation" were given by Principals Brea- ley, Davidson, and Patterson, Vice-principal hiitcheB, and Trustee Russell. Trustees Ken- drick and Batchelor also addres- sed the audience. hiiss Peggy Cornmh made an appeal for the University, explaining the value of the University to British Col- umbia and to Canada as a whole, and shovr~ how the proposed reduction in the grant mill undo aU that time, elfort and money has accomplished for the Uni- versity. At the close of the meetmg a motion of Mr. H. Davison was adopted to the egect that the West Vancouver PrT. A. are op- posed to any reduction in grant to the University below that of 193081. A copy will be sent to the hiinister of Education, the local member of the Legislature and the P.-T. A. convention. In the tea-room after the meeting several parents took the opportunity of getting in touch with the teachers of their chil- dren snd discussing their prob- lems. It is hoped that in future more parents will take advant- age of this, for only in this way can the teacher give tbe best passable help to the pupd.