0001 THE WFST VAN NEWS February 6 1932 'r'r r r~' r hl~ rr: + wrerr 4A iws" ~w sr .am rr 'I c\ /re' cwr c wis ~ c ~ am * .r. sWa r p 'vr ~verr6'rr ww"r rresww.- rrr)rrr&c ~ rr rc rf .wr r~v rt\rr HORTICI'I,TURAI, SOCIETY HOLDS ANNUAI. Sll:ETING The adjourned annual meet- ing of the West Vancouver Hort- icultural Association took place in the Dundarave Hall on Tues- day with a good attendance. The following directors were el- ected: Messrs. K. A. Rsy, Wm. Me@usher, D. McColl Stitt, W, Blair, D. McTavish, P. Master- man, Mesdames R. P. Allan, W. K. Woodcock, P, Mason, E. A. Ford. Mr. W. F. Nlmmo gave a very interesting talk on Herbaceous Borders. several good hints be- ing given which will help in pre- paring the catalogue for the forthcoming shows. President K. A. Ray presided. After the meeting a social hour was enjoyed. Miss Frame and klrs. Alexander delighted the audience with piano duets, Mrs. Barnden in her usual good voice sang "Beloved It is Morn" and "Carnival," and Mrs. L. C. Reid, gave a violin solo and en- core which were well received. The meeting closed with the serving of refreshments. The directors will meet in the Municipal Hall on Tuesday next February 9th, at eight o'lock, to elect their officers and to make plans for the coming sea- son. Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES JEFFERIES'UPERlOR MEATS Government Inspected Only LAMB, BEEF, PORK, VEAL, ETc. COOKEI) l)IEATS OF ALL KINDS, DEI.ICATESSEN Dundarave,"," '„',"'"„'„',.". Ambleside,.„"'"" "„".„'„," SATURDAY Feb. 5th and 6th Visit our Stores today and tomorrow snd get your Free Tickets for the (Two Stores for your service) HOI.LYBURN STORE AillBLESII)E STORE West 3 West 303 Free Drawing TO-MORROW, (Saturday) Feb. 6th, 8 p.m. West Vancouver Lumber Co. I filh and Marine Lli)IITED I'hone West 116 )V. J. Turnbull. Manager, Residence Phone: West 3681. SERVICE Everything for the Building. NOT Feb. 13th as stated on the dodgers mailed to you. It is not necessary to make a purchase to get these tickets. See our Windows for Prizes «,NA"„,'A'R'g „, Also Free Samples to Purchasers. LU SER SASH DOORS ROOF lmmatco -- Gyproc Beaver Board IVH AT OF IT? ING BUILDING PAPER -- I'laster Board -- Shingles I'ARENT - TEACHER ASSOCIATION The Parent-Teacher Associa- tion has decided that their Feb- ruary meeting which will be held in Pauline Johnson School on Tuesday st 8 p.m., shall take the form of 8 social for the purpose of 'getting together'rustees, parents and teachers will be present so that there will be an, opportunity for discussing in- formally matters of interest to all three. A program has been arranged ss follows: 8 to 8:SO business; 8:30 to 9:SO short ad- dresses on 'The Value of Co- operation'y trustees, parents and teachers, interspersed by community singing which will be led by Mr. Mitchell; at 9:30 the meeting will adjourn to the tea- room where there will be ample opportunity for conversation and discussion. A very hearty wel- come is extended to all. So come and help us 'get together.'houghtless Mother (reprovingly). "When I was young, girls never thought of doing the things they do to- day." Daughter: "Ohl That'8 why they didn't do them, is itr'isThoughtfulnessMother: "IVhat! You haveeaten all that cake withoutthinking of your sister?"Jackie: "I thought of her all the time--I was afraid she' come before I finished." The King Studio is here to serve you. Over Twenty Million Dollars a Year Paid by Canadians to U. S. Companies for Fire Insurance IWHAT CHoP UTRrC HBLPd To Bu SHovL YOUR In these days when we are straining every nerve to build up our own industries and insti- tutions it will come as a shock to learn that we are paying over Twenty iuillion Dollars a year to United States Fire Insurance Companies. Year by year this draining process goes on, and accounts at least in part for the fact that our Canadian dollar is being discounted from 15 to 20 per cent in U.S. centres. At the present time Canadian municipal and provincial auth- orities are faced with the pay- ment of millions of dollars in interest and redemption of bonds. The discounting of the Canadian dollar in New York, will increase the burden by one fifth or at least one sixth. The joke is of course on us, because insurance companies are the heaviest investors in these bonds. The Moral is plain: Buy your fire and auto insurance from 0 Canadian Company. For thirty flve years the Wawaness has rendered insurance service to Western Canada. It is now rend- ering it to nearly all the Domin- ion. Our British Columbia of- fice, opened for the sole purpose of giving prompt service, is lo- cated at 312 Metropolitan Build- ing. Our Agent in West Van- couver is Mr. Warren L. Clegg, 1474 Marine Drive, or 1591 Hey- wood Avenue. Phones Trinity 6343 and West 84, VriA)4 COM DON'T MISS A LINE OF THIS AI1 Goverment Inspected-NO. 1 Grade Meat For Cash or C.O.D. Only SCHOOL BOARD A letter was read from the Minister of Education, advising that elfective April 1st, 1932, the grants in respect of teach- ers'alaries would be 42/c in- stead of 50% ss at present. It was resolved that this let- ter be laid on the table for con- sideration when the estimates for the current year are taken Up. No. 1 Steer Beef PORK LEGS (Fores) ib".--...............= .......... 11c i'b".-"--------.............14c LOCAL LAMB I.GIN 23C 25c oP 2pc OIN CHOP 3p VEGETABLES 5 lbs. POTATOES X5C 5 lbs. TURNIPS +5C 5 lbs CARROTS X5C HAMROCK LARD 1 Il lb. package .........„... 6 V --....„........... 2 lbs. for 25C ADDIE rs.«.. ii ...,...,...20C i SATURDAY ONLY No. I ALBERTA BUTTER........ 6PCBOILING BEEF 1 plb. sTE1YING BEEF 25... 2 lbs. hHNCED sTEAK 25....... 2 lbs. POT ROAST 1 Pclb. 12 Ib- .................. ........"""'."'"" 15lb. RU1lP ROAST lb 1I6C lb. T-BONE ROAST 1 8lb. "'""-'"'8II,2p ROUND STEAK RIB sTEAK 25C sIRLOIN STEAK 23ib .................... T-BONE STEAK )Vrsh mass onlscs No. I Alberta Sutter ts f, 31bs uuJC No. I New Zealand 95Butter 31bs Why Pay More? ~ BUILD NOW WREN PRICES ARE LOW Lumbar fsr 12x18 Garage including scar .........,. 620.00 60 Ft. Close Board Fence d.oo Shiplap from ........... 0.00 2x4 Common, ~ ised.......... 0.00 2x8 ia gx12 commas, xixcd......................... 10.00 ix2 -2 aud 4 D. D. Flc, pcr 100 hu. ft...60 Cedar Lattice, psc 100 liu. feet ...............,.............25 4 iu. Clssr Gutter, any length, psr Bu. fi.....08 Ns. 1 XXX Shluglss ........ 2.25 Wall Shluglss--Perfection 8 iu. clear butts psr M 1.40 SPECIALS 24x24--2 Light Windows 2„00 Sxlo--4 Light Sash ...... 1.00 lox12--4 Light Sash .. I.ld Ixlo--8 Ll hi Sash ... 1.25 lexis--8 Light Sash .. ide Gypcac Plaster Board, Building I'apse Flc Vcacsc alai an Bundles Materials AYRSHIRE BACKs 25C R I Sliced, lb.................... lb Back Bacon half Ib pkt. Iec 2 pkts. 19c SIDE BACON '/1 lb. pkts.....lOc 2 pkts. for 19c 2 BEEF DRIPPING 3 lbs. for ... 2 PORK SAUSAGES 2Plb. .... .. ...... ....... .. C 2 lbs. for 35c CAMBRIDGE SAUSAGES4) g I 3 lbs . ........-... ... N 2 K '25c Local Fowl scc, 60c and „65c each F WEST VANCOUVER UNITED FOOTBALL In event of a game being scheduled in city papers for com- ing Saturday the last week' list will be used. All players are asked to turn out. CHILDREN'S PHOTO COMPETITION C. J. Broderick, photo finisher, 1522 Marine Drive, is starting a photo competition for school children of 14 years and under, for.which he is giving a number of cash prides. Particulars of same can be obtained by refer- ence to the advertisement in this issue. AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO LTD W. C. T. U. The monthly meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held in the United Church Hall next Thurs- day, 11th February, at 2:16 p.m. An interesting paper will be given on 'The Life of Francis Wi liard." Roberts'etter Meats idih sad Manas DriesI'hsac )Vcsi 100.After d p m ash fac Gsny Dsul I'hase West 241R. Phone %Vest 190 Deltvery to all%Vest Vancouver ROBERTS'IVES SPECIALS IN PRICE, QUALITT AND SERVICE