0001 i H llv: tbl tate, l itive Idoff Wd) I whR doiI February 6, 1982. WEST VANCOUVER COXLYIUNITY I'LAYERS (Under the auspices of Canadian Legion, West Vancouver) present "Three Live Ghosts" By Max Marcin A Comedy in 3 Acts Hollyburn Theatre at 8 p.m. hiONDAY, TUESDAY, IVEDNESDAY, (February 15, 16, 17,) TICKETS, 50c. Children up to 14--25c. Oc ~ ~ ~ I 1 ' Miss Aliens Clampitt, Fair- mont operator of the B. C. Tele- phone Co., successfully defended her British Columbia breast stroke championship at the swimming gala staged under the direction of the Canadian Ama- teur Swimming Association in Victoria this winter. Miss Clam. pitt retained her British Colum- bia title by finishing the 100- yard race a foot ahead of Miss Eleanor Peden of Victoria. She was formerly a resident here, and a member of the West Vancouver Swimming Club. THE hIUSICIANS CLUB OF WEST VANCOUVER Announce 5 Recital of Music of British Composers on Friday, February 12th, at 8:80 p.m. in Orange HalL Following is the program: I.STRING TRIO- A Short Suite--Conxonetta ............................Alee. Rowley Menuet Serenade Rigadoon THE GLYDE TRIO Beatrice Glyde (Piano), Mildred Johnson (Cello), Edgar Glyde (Violin) 2--BARITONE SONGS-- (a) Trade Winds ......................................'....Frederick Peel (b) Piggiesnie (words 16th Century)........Peter Warlock (c) The Carpet ............,...............,..........Wilfred Sanderson (d) When Children Play ......................A. Walford Davies MR. A. J. ADDY 8.--SOPRANO SONGS-- (a) The Summer Heats Bestowing (1763-1796)......Stephen Storace (b) Life Must Be Full of Care (Aunt Jane's Song) Harold Child and R. Vaughn Williams (From the opera Hugh the Drover) (c) A Piper..................................................Michael Head MRS. COLIN MACLEAN 4.--VIOLIN SOLOS-- (a) Elegy ........................................................D. M. Stewart (b) Romance ............'.................................Edward Elgar MR. EDGAR GLYDE 6.--CONTRALTO SONGS-- (a) A Shieling Song ..............................Granville Bantock (b) Twilight Fancies ..............................Frederick Deliers (c) Cloths of Heaven................................Thomas Dunhill (d) Hei?le Cuckoo Fair....................................Martin Shaw MISS JOAN DURBIN~ 6.--TENOR SONGS-- (a) My Lovely Celia ........................................Geo. Munro (b) Walking the Wood ...............,.............Peter Warlock (c) Linden Lea ....................................R. Vaughn Williams (d) Sea Rapture.........................................Eric Coates MR. FRANK SPARROW 7.--STRING TRIO-- I (a) hly Robin Is to the Green Wood Gone..Percy Grainger (A music-room ramble on the first four bars of the old tune of that name) (b) Miniatures (Set No. 1) ...........................Frank Bridge Minuet Gavotte Allegretto THE GLYDE TRIO Seaside Landlady: "Oh, Mr. Modern hlethods Mason, come out here and look Old-fashioned head of flrm .0' this marvelous sunset." (sternly): "Did I see you comeCautious Boarder: "How much to the office in a taxi, Smith?" extra is it?" Modern Oifice Boy I "Yes, sir; it gives the jolly old credit- A ttcrcllct wkc kciicrcd himself ors confidence ln us o lo be lkc sole corrival ct c ckipwtcck upon ~ ccncikcl itic kid fct three Acyl in lcttct of kic lite, Drtrco oal by An old tctmcr went lc the dentist kucgrt. be ditcovctcd c thin wisp cf Ic have an ethics moist removed. Tkc ~moke riling from ~ «lump cf bockcc cpctctkkl wcc compiclcd; ccd the icicod, ccs cl cmice cctcfciiy Ic clodr patient thee ioclrccice thc dentist 'Io Ow type of ccrcgcc ckoat R. Jucl mmcvc the ccxl occ. as hc tccchwI the clump hc heard c "It ico'l occccccty,c oxpicince the roice ccyl drclicl. "That one only aches Ic cym- CWky ic lkxcdcr did yco play lhcl Pclky." cctdir Hc dropped on bic knees ccd, "Yank It col, then," growled lkc cficdl "Thank the Lord, they ctc fctwct. "Darn cack sympathy cc Ckticticncl" that." THE WEST VAN NEWS TELEPHONE POI.ES GO "OVER THE TOP" Mountainwlimbing telephone poles comprise 4 major portion of the British Columbia link in Canada's iirst transcontinental voice highway, nearing comple- tion. Three-quarters of the en- tire line across B. C. ls through mountainous country, and in most cases, instead of following the winding roads, the line takes the shortest possible route and goes right over the mountains. The distance by road from Vancouver to Crows Nest Pass, the eastern terminal of the B.C. section of the line, is 905 miles; by the new telephone route it Is 625 miles. The frequent jaunts over the mountains, therefore, save 280 miles. In view of the vast expanse of rugged country over which the line has to be built, the B. C. Telephone Company'6 share of the task is regarded as one of the most dii?icult construction jobs ever undertaken on the North American continent. Some of the mountain heights which the line scales are: Cas- cade, 6,600 feet; Anarchist, 4,000 feet; Coquilha )la, 8,658 feet; Phoenix, 4,500 feet; and Richter, 4,400 feet. These fig- ures represent the elevation, not the climb, which, of course, is considerably more. While not the highest, Rich- ter is probably the steepest. On one side of it the pole line climbs almost vertically. In the course of a mffe it goes up in the air 2,900 feet. The poles were hauled up the opposite side, which is less steep, and then lowered by rapes down the big grade. As the poles slid down the mountain, horses acted as anchors to check the descent. In one instance 5 pole got beyond control and sped down the mountain, dragging the horse after it; but the horse, in some miraculous fashion, succeeded in bracing itself and stopped the speedy descent, thereby saving itself from disaster. On Phoenix Mountain, mate- rial was carried to the top by truck via the ol dabandoned rail- way line. The rails have been removed, but the ties are still there. One can picture a big truck going bumpity-bump over railroad ties to the top of a mountain, with steep grades at both sides of the "road." A bump too much would have been fatal. Stone boats, small wooden sleighs upon which the coils of wire are mounted, are often used to string wire in the moun- tainous regions. The sleighs are hauled by horseiL In other cases the wire is packed on horses. Deep gorges and rivers on the route of the line make necessary the use of a type of construction known as a catenary crossing. Poles are erected on both sides of the gap, which is spanned by "messenger" lines to which ad- ditional crossarms are attached. There are 22 of these crossings on the trans-Canada line in B C. They are used to span the Kettle River five times in 14 miles, be- tween Grand Forks and Cascade. At some of these crossings, where the rivers were shallow enough, horses were used ss ferry boats, the horse wading across with a lineman on his back. At the crossing two miles east of Grand Forks it was too deep for a horse, so Jimmy hfar- tin, lineman, donned a bathing suit--and belt with wrench and pl ers attached--and, carrying a rope line, swam to the other side. The "messenger" was then tied to the rope and he pulled it across, making the necessary connections FERRY STATISTICS In January, the North Van- couver city ferries carried 282,- 628 passengers and 40,168 ve- hicles, as compared with 267,282 passengers and 44,778 vehicles in the corresponding month of 1931, report ferry oificials. LOST--Wcdwcect, kclocco tuel ccd Sl. Slcpkco' Hall on Mctioc, 51st ~od lco leather purer ccnlcioiog ~om of mone . Piodct pieces pkcoc West 166X. «Otd. LOST'rctktt Gccolick Phoae West Ss. LOST--Small Bcy'c chaw, ~ foocg brown dcg part Ckcccpcckc Conic cod Scllct. Any iofotmclkm wci- ccwcd at West 2101 WANTED TO BUY--Cheep Vier LW Bcx 6. West Vco News. FOUND--Roll of Licoiccm an 1215 Sltccl. Owner please pbcoc Cello Turner. West 070R. FOR SALE--Twelve gcwi dcctc, 2'" x 0'", $2.00 each. Cctlcy'c Foto- ilatc 4 Paint Store. 147ST--Spcclccicc cod case. Reward cl this citicc. FOR RF'IT -- 4 Room acute ccd icmbiog, goad ground fot garden- ag. Chltkco kcoccc. At 11th cod Mclhctc, $ 16 c month. M. Goumcic, 614 Slk Sl. West; phone North 268L North Vancouver. FOR REN'r -- hllrcclirc kcogcioo, modern, pertly futokkcd, garage. Phone West 620L. C I BRODERICK--Pkoio Fmwkct Dcrciopmg, Pnottog Ecicrgic Coloring cnd Copying (Scg ~ Store) 1622 kictiac Drive. WEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST--Doodcrcvc. REWARD--For Sleigh lckco, If re- turned lc 1076 Dockccc. Phone West 261R. HOUSE AND RANGE WIRING Fmlatcc, tcpcttc, ccc. S rtco Rcdicc. North Shore E cclric. Pbonc North 70. Schoolboy Howlers Question: IVhat is a mountain range? Answer: It's 6 cook-stove used at a high altitude. Question: What do you know about a volcano? Answer: It is a mountain where you will find the creator smoking. Angelic "Phyllis is an angel." "Bah l She's painted all over." "Did you ever see sn angel that wasn't painted?" Take Cctocgic'c cdrkc cod Boy Acreage io ~ place with c folotc. Actccgc Io ocd Icccliooc from $50 sp. Apply oko Lowcoa, West 55. PAINTING. KALSOMINING AND PAPERING -- Take csrcaic c of ckccpct winter ptkcc. Pkcoc ccl 604 R, MARCELLE SHOP -- Mctccno, 50 tcolc; reset, ssc; Anger wave, 1st. Parce Mtc. King, Wert SOL CARLBY Says cws Scfk Fctoilotc- Rcpciricg cod polishing. Pciolc, oils, stains, glass. Pkcoc Wccl 71Y. ALL THE BEST Btcoec of Cigctc. Cigctclltc coe Tckccccc. AIco Ex- ckcogc Poker Hcodc cod Ccocol ccnk Pter. Amkiccidc Tco Rooms BOARD AND RESIDENCE -- 1515 coc Bellevue, near terry. Rates at- tmrtiro Phone Wert 456L FOR PLUMBICIG REPAIRS Rco idcocc pkcoc Well 2411k IVE HAVE TEN OP THE CHEAP- EST LOTS in West Vcoccorct- Some close m. Sore meaty-wckctc Io cwt fclutc. John Lowcoo, West 66. FOR SALB or EXCHANGE for Wtcl Vcoccorct Property -- 160 cctcc dykcd land will goad kcRAiog at Pill Mccdowc, Apply John Lcwwo Well 66. TO RENT--5 toom mcdcto kcccc. Good garden. Nomkct ct good ftoll ltccc Cootcoico1 Iccolloo, $20 OR Apply John Lcwcoa. Weel 6L Geo. Hay NOTARY PUBLIC Eclckiickcd 1612 REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Ctwicc hctccgc coe Rooeccicc at hlltcclirc Prices MONEY TO LOAN ON MORTGAGES 1405 Mctioc Dtirc Pkcoc West 21 cr Sctmcct 1260 Ercoiogc Wccl 204K w 0lj'"I 1 ll ll ~ca ma as tc ls ~ t t~ till ~ I ~t tc w tt ct "Nix! Too much light over there for our business" jpLENTY of 86bt mcy aol bc ca cblolwe gccmome c6wasc boolcblkiog, bal il is one of the bell lands ofPmlcldos you canby. Balglca clc more cfmid of ' dwa oflcw. By Iigbdog up?ma home lxuli e, as wdl as ialidc, yoa ma bc plcuy talc lbcl booccbtcckwx wdl coolidcl il ~ Pout piece fot that botmma Iigbl coca you lo lildc lbcl il is c gare miclcke aot lo herc plcoly of it....DO koow lbcl balulog c Ao.well Mcxdc Ical lbtcc boool cosa you kw dwa tbc price ~ Potage camp I Mcy we send you c &cc copy of oul Iwctcoaog boulder "How m Light Your Homc7$ ~;}IIII L1 c Ke(0] Rgfirl.l y.% E I CCS 4 1(% FCX I KI tycrfR&C+g CLASSIFIED ADS Tkc tclc for ClcccIScd Adrcrliccmcclc k 2 tcolc pct rct4 wioimcm 25 ccoio Fatcpt Io the ccrc cf skcoc bcriog tcgoict cccooolc, cs ciccci- 4csc are psychic clticliy Io csrcoco Rcwcwkcf Ciwoiswk lo Ikc Wwl Vwl Ncoc gcl Immwnclo twcita