0001 THF. 'tVEST VAN NEWS February 6, 1932, r va A «a r' c "~ crc o o own s 'os a trs p . na c crop tra c 'r . a ~c 'c ~ t rp-t ~ ct'r rc ~ ir w ~ a. t s ~ 't n s:rr c'rt tt t"r rA'P ~twr '"a"rr ..'.r C a r« ro rcI ««9 r ~' ~ ' ".r««k ~P« r««os«rireonrr«r.ccrcV. Under the Auspices of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I. O. D. E FETE OF MAGIC AND GARDENS and GARDENING By hHNA G. BUTT, Landscape Architect o+4 tt ta taA«etac u, ol C.. ~c scsool ol taaco eo ascsitoot«c «4 C «t ~ las. St«tn«watt««t L a4oc eo Sctstco. Hollyburn THEATRE NECROMANCY Hollyhock the bees get a full supply from By I'rofessor IL D. Peck several flowers It is only neces- (also Special Variety Program) The Hollyhock is one of the sry to seParate the varieties oldest of our cultivated peren a few feet to prevent cross pol- at the HOI.LYBURN THEATRE at 8315 p.m. nials and is one found in rac- lenization almost enurely. tically every garden be it large The chief causes of failure to or small. grow hollyhocks successfully lslack of care in planting and rust. Admission 36 cents In the distant past lt wae Heaving of the plant by frost known for its place in folklore exposes the main root stem be- Special Matinee for Children and Students st 4 p.m. and in poetry but today it ls xposes e mam roo stem I f 'ts ow the side buds and causes thecultivated almost so e y I» its plant to die after flowerlng. The Admission 10 centtL Adults 26c. beauty. removal of the soil from the The hollyhock is a native of roots by rains or cultivation a(- erson of the Vancouver Fire De- China and, while botanically fects it in a similar manner. Partment Mr, Jam~~ H. Watson speaking it is classed as a bi- Plants should be moved in the pf the New Westminster Fire ennial, it is in this sectioni at spring after the hard frosts are Department, and provincial Con- least, 8 short lived perenniaL Its over. Care should be taken in The va ue e o d jane FYed Hatherhill of prince- showy flowers in late summer replanting to see that all rootsthe prmcipes p ' t" tpn havetakenthesame course. after many of the other plants point downward in a naturalof the use of m ern appara t CapDdn Anderspn and Mr. Wat- have ceased their bloom make position with the crown of the d adl if ts of poisonous son received their training st for its popularity. plant a little below the surface btx oping mpre genera the Provincial Mine Rescue Sta- Originally there were only the oi'he soiL This last is imPort- tion, Nanaimo, and Constabk double flowered species have ant. Plants properly planted f 'hfin Hatherhill wss trained at double flowered sepcies have will seldom be bothered by rust, The DePartmen«f '" 'rinceton, Both Vancouver snd been developed since it, came However, if it develops, a three under the Honorabk W' . New Westminster Fire Depart- under cultivation. per cent solution of copper sul- f if~i~ Reshcue Sta~gpns ments are obtaining the latest Its supply of pollen is 80 Phate suPPlied to the roots will f the cgief aPParatus and the All Servic plentiful that it is a great fav- helP eradicate the disease. Gas Mask trijj be carried in orite of the bees. As a result 8 mining centres of the P 'esponses to fires in these cities ' f h ii h k I t Nova--Tno sit«+~cia tt ~ et. Each of these is in charge of 8 miXe grOup O O y OC pan S «,, «c «,t N,s ta a 4." c o e h; hereafter. will quite frequently be adverse.competent pffjcjs's and ea In this connection it is inter- I ff Tn aa«tloas choral t W cocoa to i ~~ with an adequate sup- y 8 ecte y cross poleniza- 4 '.n«n ~. cl u«salt«. eating to note that while the (ion. Due to the fact, however, aac .s w cet ia aa o«ts tc aa « Ply o ap tus always P dangers of fire-fighters through th t th jl ' t'f I d d f r in the event of a e pO en iS pen i u an «N. 44'~.a.n«.naaica m«W ready or use in, gases in outbreaks in large cities emergencies, the Prma y P~ always have been present, the P e being to extend practl h~ ha8m i rially gro~ of THE BURNING BUSH f~ her sex fr m the ty anny aid should accidents occur m the late years. One reason for this By Subadar of the brutal male. It'e all old mines. is that there now are matey large stuff, the oldest of the old stuj?, It has been made clear " refrigeration plants .which, of Ever since the real situation for it has just come to light that many instances, that the opera course, carry substantial quanti- in Manchuria has been appreci- princess Hatasu, the lady who tion of mines, and the hazards ties of ammonia which when re- ated, Japan has had the sym- rescued Moses, was a regular with which the mmer leased is dangerous. Less than pathy of the other great powers sergeant of marines and bossed contend, by no means sre .e- I/o of some gases in the at- in her efforts there to Protect EgyPt for thirteen years during sponsible for ajj the emerge 'osphere is sufficient to cause her nationale snd her invest- the reign of the second Thotmes. in connection with which the ap- almost immediate death. ments from destruction at the Now, what do you know about paratus of these stations, and hands of bandits, whom the that? It's great news snd "quite the train«men «tached to REEVE BRYAN HOSPITAI. present Chinese Government, inspirational, as the parsons BOARD CHAIRihlAN either can not or will not control. say, for the National Council of The equipment referred to is Her action in bombing and Women and other organizations Reeve J. M. Bryan was elected otherwise destroying the (",hin- of similar ilk. It might go ln the chairman of the Hospital Board ese and their property in Shang- British Empire, although Queen at the inaugural meeting last hai was also quite justified on Victoria tried 'it once on the Akl. IL C. E. Anderson is account of the Clfinese boycott Menthe~ of Parliaments and came vice-chairman, and the house which is only another form of an awful cropper. However, committee consists of the two war; and we must perforce re- there's nothing like trying, but officers with Aid. Charles Cart- main silent at the wholesale I would suggest Italy be ruled he 18 worlong, suPPly g h™ wright, Councillor Robert Logan slaughter of women and children out, because Mussolini might get with the hfe.g Ting oxygen m and J. B. paine, government r p- remembering the work of jealous, and then 8omeone would resentative. Meetings will be our own Royal Air Force in be sure to be severely spanked. heled on the second Thursday pf the late Wsr J~p~~ hpwever He'8 some boy when i type is known ss the Burrell All committed a faux pas of the ruling'. Service Gas Mask. This can be first magnitude in sending her uso only in an atmosphere HEALTH UNIT ESTIMATE Marines into the International According to 8 recent A.P. which contains the oxygen n c- Setuement. In so doing she hss despatch 8 British (c) subject essary for the maintenance Pf tk pf the N~~th Van- risked fi~di~g herself at war with 8 Russbm name human life. It has the effectt by Pe mt for the year with most of the great European can draw your own conclusions filtering the air through chemi- "" I 1931 t Au t 31 powers, when she is not strong --was recently refused natural- cals before it reaches the wear- I', ' '0 d'nough to hold her own against ization by a U.S. judge on se- er, of removing the Pojmm the City Council one of them. In point of fact, count of refusing to at any imeti which wouldincap it t him. Po o' '" sheneedstheir8ympathyinher t ke up arms on behalf of the Both these machines are of " 'fanchurian adventure if she is States. Another case of a con-Monda night. the utmost value in the rescue to hold her present position scientious objector. Nowadays of life as a result of an explosion METROPOLITAN POLICE there. Further than that, every we rejoice in long names. Our individual member of her forces forefathers were rude fellows but they also may be used, and BY NORTH SHORE who entered the International who called 8 spade a spade, and Settlement became an outlaw anyone who refused to fight for to 8 great extent, in connection under international law, and his side was called a coward, 'th m mergencies such as North Vancouver City R te- could have been 8hot or h'anged which he is mostly. The 'odd those which firemen frequently Payers snd Residents Associa- like 8 dog without any hope of man whose conscience o j s I i b'ect to ~ calk to face in rescuing life tion has gone on record in favor regress by the Shanghai forces bloodshed on principle has no nd subduing large confiagra- of proposed me ropolitan police of the other powers. The main right to enjoy the benefits of questibn is, what heavy backing citizenship when he refuses to The oxygen Inhalators at the Pitt River. Advice to this effect is causing Japan to be so arro. accept sfl the responsibilities. different Provincial Stations also was referred by the City Coun- His position is logically unsound are being called upon more and cil hIonday afternoon and refer- ', ~ as the judge rightly ruled. more frequently by medical men red to the Iirojected intermunici- Mr peter Veregrin has admit- in the treatment of emergencies pal conference on the subject. ted in court that he has accumu- The King Studio open hionday arising through the defective lated 3750,000 since coming to Wednesday, and Friday after- breathing of new born children, WEATHER REPORT Canada. There are very few noons shock following operations and FOR JANUARY Canadian immigrants of any accidents and sometimes to re- nationality who have been so lieve the sufferings of patients With 65 hours snd 24 minutes successful, and, had the fact aSir, 1'our daughter has Prom- in extremity. These services of sunshine, the month of Janu- been generally known earlier, ised to be my wife. have been extended promptly ary was somewhat brighter than the competition for the job snd without question as 8 result usual, according to the report would certainly have resulted in sympst y. new some g o . r... eaof instructions to the officials in I hi F. B. Shearman of the the Douks obtaining 8 kader st would haPPen to you hanging charge from the hiinister of meteorological service of Can- 8 much cheaper rate, I personal-onal round the house every evening." Mines. ada. The twenty-year average .Iy would have taken it on for Recognking the importance for the month is 47 hours. half that sum in spite of having that firemen acquire 8 thorough Highest temperature of the to face the world at odd times knowledge of the handling of the month was 48.1 on January 11 arrayed like September Morn. Basketball apparatus described, those in and the lowest 14.9 on January Moat of us C.E.F. men have got charge of the Prie Brigade of 81. There were 7.38 inches of used to such parades anyhow, the town of Princeton, B.C., have rain and 18 inches of snow for a and what do we get for them? hsd its members take 8 full total precipitation of 9.18 inch- Not 3750000. course of training at the Prince- es. The average is 8.20, The ton hfine Rescue Station. As 8 greatest velocity of wind was 31 There is nothing new under result seven of the members of miles west on January 21. the eun. For years now we have this organization now are quali- fied to use this equipment. In Your photo Isa personal Val- woman, and how she has come addition Captain James E, And- entine. Into her own and hasn and has at last Friday nnd Satulday "Shipmates" TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9th with ERNEST TOkkkN('k ~nd IJOR(rrkr JOkDAiV ILW. Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleslde I'hone West 340 htentnksh West 143 Real Estate Finance and Insurance FURNACE and SHEET METAL REPAIRS Amblesi(le Sheet Metal lVorks LAURIE SPECK, Proprietor 1446 Msrtne Drtve I'hone hvest 78 C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER 14th and Marine Expert Work Phone West 135 BURRARD FUNERAL CHAI'EL k D WHlTR Hsr Disttactioa Funeral Seroice Lady Assistant 328--3rd St. tL Phone North 828 His Part Prospective Mother- in- law: aMy daughter can play the piano, sing, act, paint, skate, dance, pilot an aeroplane, drive ~ 8 car. And what can you do?" ~ Prospective Bridegroom: "Well I can darn, cook, and possibly do a little spring-cleaning. I shall have to!" The Doctor'8 Car «Dad jr said httle Eric, "what does Dr stand fore« "Doctor, of course," said his father. "Then," said little Eric "the man next door has called hfs new car 'Doctor One 0 One ' Just Judgment Mrs. Jones: «I'm afraid, dear, our new servant is dishonest! Husband: My dear, you should ~» never judge by appearances. Mrs. Jones: I never dol I judge by disappearsnces. Tournament at INGLEWOOD SCIIOOL AUDITORIUM Friday, February 5th 1932 Admission: First Game Adults 26c 7:15 P.m. Children 10c Prompt 11 L I f 1 ~a P h d