0001 or t tvvt t.m te@ x" tw 'ctyc twtsuvt 't'r~ x t trvr t'ott t'" tit :rv 'r~'t ~ 1 rt m r r.'rr ~"~'~ r r» ~ * rw'r r rrr~rvrrrrr.rr Do You Know Tho( Yoo Cco Hove Yoor Pcrwoocol Ro - Wovcdf You no longer hove to wait until your pcnooacot ware Ic at the untidy stage. Wnh Ih(c new method oad special coluuoac yoa cco rw-wovc an old pcrmoa- cot or only touch up Iho straight part, without injuring Iho hair. GIJJendolyPJ pgfyfdfy Sh0ppg 1640 bier(oo Dr(ro Phone West 117 NORTH VANCOUVER GENERAL HOSPITAL REPORT SUB)IITTED Accounts owed to North Van- couver General Hospital total 340,777, according to an audi- tor's report to North Vancouver Gty Council hionday night. As- sets mentioned in the report which reviewed the past year were 3205,762 for the hospital building, 322,100 for equipment. Revenue deficit was quoted at 324,776. Debts totalling 32540 were written off during the year, and reserve for bad debts was in- creased by 315,000, making a total reserve of 320,000. In 1931, patients'ees paid totalled 337,082 and grants a- mounted to 329,749. Salaries and wages totalled 325,544, depreci- ation amounted to 39339, and debenture interest 39000. Pro- visions cost 38,140 and supplies 34,142. Adfnjnishmtion expen- ses totalled 321,214. Just Right for Her "No," she replied, more in sor- row than in anger, "I can never be your wife. The man I marry must be strong and silent, a man I can look up to!o "Well," said the rejected lover scornfully, "I advise you to pop round to Trafalgar Square and have a look at Nelson." Don't delay! The King Studio for Valentines. DRY FIR Full Load 35.00 Get our prices on Green Alder, Cord Wood Coal Phone West 48 COOKE A LeNEAL Established on North Shore 20 Years. (Lady Aegir(ost) HARRON BROS. 3( WILLIAMSON fIIneral Qirertnrs North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 THB West Van Nems PobRcaod Every FrMoy PobRohcc F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Btlsiocoo olid Ednlm(oi Oglco: 17th osd Moriao Drive (Next Io HoRyboca P. O.) Phone West 363 MoR Addrooo: P.O. Box SI, Honyboca, B.C, 672M c ycov by canter: 6200 ~ year by mo(L THE WEST VAN NEWS United Church hfinister, E. A. Henry, DJ). WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH EDIFICE 20th ood Roeolmon, Honybocs Th(c Soc(cty I ~ o Branch of Tho Mother Church Tho First Church of Chr(ct, Scientist, In Boston, Mcccochocottc Suadoy Scrv(ccc IISM o.m. and 7:20 p.m. Sunday, February 7th Subject I " Sl'IRI'P'unday Scbool at 10:00 o.m. Tocc(mooy Moouog Wednesday at 6:Is p.m. Baptist Church Pastor: Rev. H. P. Humphreys. Residence: 1343 Haywood Ave. Phone W. 252R. Sunday, February 7th 10 a.m.--Sunday School snd Adult Class. 11 a.m.--hIorning worship. Pastor will preach at both ser- vices: topic, "The Redemptive Work of the Cross." followed by the Ordinance of the Lord' Supper. 7:30 -- Evening worship. Topic, "The Church at Smyr- na.o Pastor is preaching a series of sermons from the Book of Rev- elation. Our Invitation To all who are weary and need rest; To all who are lonely and need friendship, To all who mourn and need com- fort, To all who pray snd to all who do not but ought, To all who sin and need a Sav- iour. And to all whosoever will, this Church opens wide its doors and says in the name of the Lord Jesus, weicoma t Monday, 7:45 p.m.--B.Y.P.U. All young people over 16, heart(ly welcome. Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Mission- ary Prayer meeting. Pastor will give an account of the Union Board meetmg. Friday--C G I. T On Wednesday, February 3rd, at the Baptist Church the an- nual election of officers was held Deacons: hiessrs. Teare, Tabor, Clifford, Colpitts, Draper. S.S. Supt. Rev. H. P. Humphrey. Clerk: Miss Helen Stevenson. Treasurer, hfr. Blandford. Ushers: Messrs. Hamilton, Blandford and Clifford. Organists: Mrs. Ritz, Mr. El- more Humphreys, Miss Alice Humphreys. Auditors: Messrs. Draper and Hamilton. Encouraging reports were re- ceived from all departments. All bills have been met and there is a balance in hand in every de- partment. Presbyterian Mission Orange Hall Mm)ster Rev J W Cuddeford Services: 2:00 p.m.--All departments of the Sabbath School. Also the Adult Bible Class. 3 )15 p.m.--Church worship. Thursday--Prayer meeting, fol- lowed by the Choir Practice. St. Stephen's Church Rector: Rev, F. A ltamsey, LS.T. Quinquagesima Sunday Feb 7th, 1932. 8 and 11:16 a.m.--Holy Com- munion. 10 and 11:15--Sunday School 7:15--Evensong and sermon Sunday. February 7th, 1932 10 a.m.--Sunday School. Intermediate, Senior and Jun- ior meet together for opening in the Church room. 11:15 a.m.--Public worship, Dr. Henry will preach, topic, "Life's First and Chief Factor." 7:15 p.m--Dr. Margaret h'ic- Kellar of Central India hiiss McKeljar is one of our most distinguished Foreign Mls. sionaries. She has spent nearly 40 years in India and holds the highest honors for her work, in- cluding the Kaiser-l-Hind hiedal oldy given to distinguished ser- vants of India. It is a rare opportunity for )Vest Vancouver to hear one so efficient and talented, and who knows this great land so much in the public eye. Next Monday evening at the Y. P. Society, hir. Aubrey Rob- erts of the Vancouver Province editorial staff, who is intimately associated with the new Airport will give a talk on "The Progress of Aviation." The public is cor- dially invited. At the opening meeting of the Board of Stewards on Tuesday, hIr. Jas. Duncan wss re-elected chairman, hir. E. Irish was chosen Secretary, and hir. J. N. Gillies, treasurer for this year. A good congregation met last Sunday evening for a Father and Son and Mother and Daughter service. It was attended by the Brownies and the Girl Guides. An interesting program was followed with sons and daugh- ters taking a part. Solos were rendered by Miss Gertrude Thompson and Mr. J. Addy snd an anthem by the choir. tMR Walter Owen, the first Premier of the first Boys'arli- ament of B.C., gave a thoughtful address on seeking the perfect stature of the fulness of Christ. The week's meetings are: hfonday at 4 p.m "Explorers." Tuesday at 7 p.m.--Trail Rang- ers. Wednesday at 8 p.m. -- Prayer meeting. Friday at 7 p.m--C.G.I.T. On Thursday, February 11th, an interdenominational Sunday School Institute is being con- ducted in North Vancouver at St. Andrew's United Church from 7:45 to 9:45 p.m. All departments and their methods will be studied under competent leaders including Miss Anne Fountain and Rev. E. R. McLean, Field Secretary of the United Church. Under the auspices of the women mission workers the World Day of Prayer will be ob- served here with a prayer ser- vice in the Baptist Church, 16th and Duchess, on February 12th, at 2:30 pm. ttMONDAY -- A.Y.PA. Social, 8 p.m. in Parish Hall. TUESDAY--W. A. 2:30, in Parish HalL ASH WEDNESDAY -- Holy Communion, 10 s.m„Lenten Service and Sermon, 8 p.m. FRIDAY, 3:46 p.m. -- Child- ren's service, During Lent there will be special services on Friday after- noons at 3:45 for children and parents. An interesting course of Instruction has been prepared and all children are invited to attend. On the Thursday evenings, commencing February 18th, there will be Lenten services with special preachers. Attention of the men who work in the city is called to the special noon-dsy services held in Christ Church Cathedral every week-day except Saturday, from 12:16 to 12:40. An Institute for all those int crested in Sunday School and Mid-week activities is to be held on February 11th in St. And- rew's United Church, North Vancouver, commencing at 7:45 p.m. Expert leaders in the vari- ous departments will be present, and much valuable help will be secured by those who attend. Phone the Rector for informa- tion re transportation. The first of a series of after- noon gatherings for the ladies of the parish and their friends will be held in the Parish Hall on Thursday, February 11th, st 2:30 o'lock when Mrs. dePenci- er, wife of the Archbishop of New Westminster, will give an address on her recent tnp through England. Every lady of the congregation is cordially in- vited to attend. Caulfeild:--Service at 3 p.m. every Sunday until Easter Day. STURGEON TIPS SCALE AT OVER 850 POUNDS Seventy-five pounds of caviar were obtained from a huge stur- geon which was caught in the Fraser River, British olumbia, a few weeks ago, when it be- came entangled in an Indian's salmon gill net. The fish weigh- ed 853 pounds but, curiously, made little resistance when it found itself in the net. Sturgeon are taken commercially in the waters of several of Canada's provinces but ordinarily the largest production, by far, is in the freshwater areas of Quebec and Ontario. The fish are mark- eted in the fresh form, Fish canning is one of Can- ada's big industries. In 1930 there were 434 canneries putting up fish (including shellfish) and they represented an investment of nearly 320,800,000. Fish foods are valuable in the d(et of persons who suffer from a tendencey to snaemis. Why not give your Photo for a Valentlnef St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev. Father Carey Res. 2558 Marine Dr. Friday-- 7:30 p.m.--Special Devotions. 8:00 p.m.--Confessions (Chil- dren) . Saturday-- 7:30 p.m.--C o n f e s s i o n s (Adults). Sunday-- 8:45 a.m Holy Mass. Ser- mon. I;30 p.m.--Sunday School. 2:30 p.m.--Afternoon D e v o- tions. Week Days-- 7:30 a.m--Holy Mass. A party of friends surprised Mr. Snd Mrs. W. H. hiason at the(r home on Fulton Ave. on Tuesday even(ng In honor of Mrs Mason's birthday A happy time was spent in harmony after which the following sst down to tea: Mr. Snd Mrs. A. E. Brown, Mr. and Mrs, P. S. Hopkins, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Hamdton, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mason, Mrs. D, E. Bell, Mrs J. F. Bell, hiiss H. E. Stevenson, Miss E. M. Hib- bard, John Bell, Billie Mason, hiaster Jim. Mason. A chance that comes but once every four years for the girls is conung February 26th. On that date the Vancouver Ski Club is holding a Leap Year Dance at the Alexsndra Ballroom. Danc- ing will be from 9 to 12 with Mart Kenney and his orchestra supplying the music. Tickets may be obtained from Gord Bil- llngsley, Len Williams, Wally Baker or sny of the executive. Mrs. A. U. dePencier, presi- dent of the Woman's Canadian Club, will be the guest of the ladies of St. Stephen's Parish at their social afternoon on Thurs- day, February 11th, when she has kindly consented to give her popular address on "My Trip to England." I February 5, 1932, Df.hiarjory McCubbln I ~ DENTIST Bours' o m Io 0 p. m. Evvo(ogc ood Saturday Afcor. noooo by cppo(otmooc only, Royal Boob BoBd(og I'hoar Wccl 446 Dk. G. D. H. SEHLE DENTIST Hoy Bloch, Iltb ood Mccloo Dr. Ogkc Hoots 0 Io 0 p,m. Evenings by oppolouooot. Phoae Wool 72 I NURSING HOME] (Mro. M. E I.oChoacc. R.N.) 264 - 24(h S(rcc( Boo( North Vancouver Rco(dower I'hoor: North Issen Trustee Mr. Russell reported that Mr. Cunningham had made application for use of kitchen in the Hollyburn School on Fnday evening, February 6th, in con- nection with Boy Scout activ- ities. It was resolved that per- mission be granted, snd that Mr. Cunningham be asked to make his own arrangements with the janitor. I NOW PLAYING I TOUCHDOWN A Oood Story of Chc Human Iotctvct B(dc of goo(bc)1 NH'('VS CO)(nltr CARTOON FRANKESTEIN IIOFL - TVHS. - WHD. Next Adult Tickets ONLY I Early Bird - 25C (Beforv 7 pm.) After - - - - 40c NOTE For orrrcoc I rvmccvwcrr Pc(rove oot wlchlog (o cco "FRANKLXSTHIN" wc wui give coo I)RHBBHR'(TARS on THUR(uh(T ccrc wvch, ! TUEIL oos THUR. ORESSERWARE oleh(c, ocx( wcch co(y EDDIE CAtVTOR Io "Palmy Days" Thor I vi Bc( hrxc n rvs Lr0rnSiiat E Yea! The King Studio makes ltost CBI'ds. Yes! The King Studio makes I'(wt Cards. Cheese Fingers Cut puff paste mto str(ps length and size of forefinger, I sprinkle with a layer of grated cheese, press upon this another/ j strip of pastry. Sprinkle againnP I with cheese and bake in quick oven. Mushroom Sandwiches ~ Cut mushrooms into small pieces, cook in butter until ten- der, season with salt and pap- rika and cream to make of right consistency to spread. Let it just boil once. Add lemon juice and grated nutmeg. Spread on thin slices of whole wheat bread. Good at His Job "How do you hke your new publicity agent 7" asked the American film star's friend. "Oh, he's wonderful," she cried, beaming with enthusiasm. "We'e been robbed twice, our house has been burned, our car has been wrecked, snd I have hsd my life threatened by an anonymous enemy since we em- ployed him." SU ps 0 (hI I j ~ ~8A Sk Ri th up